Scott Walker left a great legacy in Wisconsin, drove liberals crazy, so we should elect him POTUS in 2024


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
the unions are on the ropes! thanks Gov Walker!

Where and what has he been doing since his days of political fame?

How long ago was that?

I think there would be some contention with Mike Pence for the presidency. What are you thinking?
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Walker was the 1st GOP Governor of WI in 12 years. it's hard for a Republican to get elected statewide there, the home of Robert LaFollette and Russ Feingold

Walker would sweep the Midwest on his way to The White House!
Walker will deliver Wisconsin for the Democrats
Where and what has he been doing since his days of political fame?

How long ago was that?

I think there would be some contention with Mike Pence for the presidency. What are you thinking?
I'm thinking that President Harris will beat either of them...LOL!

If the D's win next month, no one will beat them for a hundred generations. They will be admitting DC and Puerto Rico as states, and if necessary Haiti and Surinam.

Tens of millions of illegals will be given citizenship and the vote, and the Supreme Court will be packed.

The USA will become NV, "North Venezuela", and Harris, Hunter Biden, Jill Biden, or whoever else the D's decide to succeed Sleepy Joe shouldn't have a problem.
Yes he did stick it to firemen and those dreaded kindergarten teachers. He also gave foxcon a nice big chunk of money. Were still waiting on the results but the return is.....meh
Where and what has he been doing since his days of political fame?

How long ago was that?

I think there would be some contention with Mike Pence for the presidency. What are you thinking?
I'm thinking that President Harris will beat either of them...LOL!

If the D's win next month, no one will beat them for a hundred generations. They will be admitting DC and Puerto Rico as states, and if necessary Haiti and Surinam.

Tens of millions of illegals will be given citizenship and the vote, and the Supreme Court will be packed.

The USA will become NV, "North Venezuela", and Harris, Hunter Biden, Jill Biden, or whoever else the D's decide to succeed Sleepy Joe shouldn't have a problem. you see a Constitutional Amendment to give DC statehood..pretty optimistic..LOL!

The Right is going to have to reinvent itself after this election...purge itself of Trumpism and get back to fiscal conservatism and good governance.
Where and what has he been doing since his days of political fame?

How long ago was that?

I think there would be some contention with Mike Pence for the presidency. What are you thinking?
I'm thinking that President Harris will beat either of them...LOL!

If the D's win next month, no one will beat them for a hundred generations. They will be admitting DC and Puerto Rico as states, and if necessary Haiti and Surinam.

Tens of millions of illegals will be given citizenship and the vote, and the Supreme Court will be packed.

The USA will become NV, "North Venezuela", and Harris, Hunter Biden, Jill Biden, or whoever else the D's decide to succeed Sleepy Joe shouldn't have a problem. you see a Constitutional Amendment to give DC statehood..pretty optimistic..LOL!

The Right is going to have to reinvent itself after this election...purge itself of Trumpism and get back to fiscal conservatism and good governance.

The D's won't do a constitutional amendment, they will just admit the District of Columbia.

Conservatism will reinvent itself as a Resistance. As far as winning elections, that wouldn't be possible for 100 generations. The masses of 3rd world refugees coming in aren't interested in "fiscal conservatism" at all.
the Packers won the Super Bowl during Walker's reign...that counts for something, right?
before Trump, no Republican presidential candidate had won Wisconsin since 1984, though Bush came close in 2000 and 2004.

Walker would sweep the Midwest, like i said
UW Madison has the most peace corps volunteers, other than UC Berkeley

these poor liberal kids need a big dose of REALITY!
there was a thread comparing Pence to Reagan the other day

i would compare Walker's union busting to Reagan with the Air Traffic Controllers
right now, organized labor doesn’t have very much clout.

thanks, Gov Walker

Biden is being critiqued for his stance on unions:

"From a labor perspective, Biden’s long record is not spotless. He voted in favor of the North American Free Trade Agreement as a senator, a move some union members still hold against him. More recently, as a member of the Obama administration, he’s faced criticism for failing to push through the Employee Free Choice Act, which would have made it easier for workers to form unions."
Walker froze his own salary, not to mention putting a freeze on property tax hikes

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