Scott Walker recall effort on track


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
MADISON, Wis. -- The chairman of the Wisconsin Democratic Party said efforts to recall Republican Gov. Scott Walker and Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch remain on track, but he refused to update how many signatures have been collected.

Democratic Party Chairman Mike Tate said during a Tuesday conference call that the petitions will be turned in to state election officials on Jan. 17.

They need 540,208 signatures for both Walker and Kleefisch to trigger recall elections.

Recall organizers said on Dec. 15 that they had 507,000 signatures for Walker but would not give a number for Kleefisch. Tate is still refusing to say how many signatures they have for her, but he said enough will be turned in to force a recall.

Tate said they are on track to get 720,000 signatures for Walker.

Democratic Leader Says Walker Recall On Track - Politics News Story - WISC Madison
I'm not making any predictions about the outcome but Walker could have prevented all of this had he simply not gone beyond what he said he was going to do. But as it was he fucked with the rights of the working men and women and has only himself to blame for this mess.
I'm not making any predictions about the outcome but Walker could have prevented all of this had he simply not gone beyond what he said he was going to do. But as it was he fucked with the rights of the working men and women and has only himself to blame for this mess.

Have you heard the the latest from that twat waffle, Wanker? He says "he’s made mistakes in how he’s gone about achieving his agenda". No sit, Sherlock.

Too late, fucker.
Judge to Scott Walker recall groups: ‘No intervention’ | The State Column
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s campaign team scored a small victory in a Wisconsin court room Thursday, as Waukesha County Circuit Judge J. Mac Davis ruled against Walker recall groups seeking an intervention in his campaign team’s lawsuit against the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board, The Milwaukee Wisconsin Journal-Sentinnel reports.

“Friends of Scott Walker,” Mr. Walker’s Wisconsin state campaign committee and Wisconsin Republican Party Director Stephan Thompson filed a lawsuit against the Wisconsin GAB two weeks ago, requesting that the board be more thorough in its review of petition signatures.

They claim that the Wisconsin GAB violated the Wisconsin state constitution by publicly announcing that it will not be reviewing the petitions for duplicate signatures, bogus names or illegible street addresses.

“The need for speed in the case, with the signatures coming in by Jan. 17; the possibility for ‘chaos’ or a ‘free-for-all’ if the new parties were allowed into the case; and that the recall groups’ position will be adequately represented by the accountability board and its lawyers,” according to The MWJS.
Six Questions On Walker Recall
6. Can Walker survive?
A: As of today, the answer is yes. First, anti-Walker forces have not succeeded in forcing an election. Second, no strong Democratic challenger has emerged. Walker is on the air defending his record and defining the terms of the debate and with unlimited resources, he will likely stay on the air until the election, if there is one. Walker is better able to deliver a consistent message. His opponents are more fractured. A backlash against outsiders taking over the Wisconsin political debate could help the Walker team. Walker is the sitting governor and in the history of this country very few governors have ever been recalled.
you guys still crying over walker?

grow up, he did what no one else has had the balls to do;

what needed to be done.

And now he's paying for it. Whether or not he gets recalled, he should now know his place. Though, that smug asshole will probably not learn a thing from this.
Man Claims He Signed 80 Walker Recall Petitions - Milwaukee News Story - WISN Milwaukee
MILWAUKEE, Wis. -- A man told 12 News that he has signed as many as 80 petitions to recall Gov. Scott Walker.

The man had the following exchange with 12 News' Kent Wainscott on Thursday:

Man: "I think I signed about 80 times."

Wainscott: "You've signed 80 petitions, you think?"

Man: "I signed a lot of them for the past two weeks. I've been seeing them at the Grand Avenue Mall. Out here by Pick 'n Save and stuff like that."

Wainscott: "Well, you know they're only going to count one of your signatures?"

Man: "Oh well. Whatever it takes to get Scott Walker out of here, I'm happy."

typical libtard.
you guys still crying over walker?

grow up, he did what no one else has had the balls to do;

what needed to be done.

And now he's paying for it. Whether or not he gets recalled, he should now know his place. Though, that smug asshole will probably not learn a thing from this.

"His place"?

That's as about as racist as you can get.

fyi; His place is at work, making the hard choices the dems refused to make, decade after decade, b/c they were to busy taking bribes, uhm I mean getting campaign donations from unions to do the right thing.
you guys still crying over walker?

grow up, he did what no one else has had the balls to do;

what needed to be done.

And now he's paying for it. Whether or not he gets recalled, he should now know his place. Though, that smug asshole will probably not learn a thing from this.

Know his place? Yeah, God forbid someone should actually DO something about the runaway wages and benefits that public sector employees are pulling in! Let's put EVERY Governor in their "place" and see how many other States we can make insolvent like California! You know why Walker infuriates so many on the far left? He cares more about doing the job as Governor than he does about getting reelected to the job of Governor. Gee, too bad we don't have a President or some folks in Congress that felt the same way...
you guys still crying over walker?

grow up, he did what no one else has had the balls to do;

what needed to be done.

And now he's paying for it. Whether or not he gets recalled, he should now know his place. Though, that smug asshole will probably not learn a thing from this.

Know his place?? WOW talk about smug assholes.

If anyone in WI should be recalled its those chickenshit Dems who left the State because they knew they were gonna lose. Chickenshits.

If the Reps had done that you would be singing a different tune.

If the voters in WI recall Walker then I hope they elect another Dem so he can keep on hosing the taxpayers to get his Union campaign funds. The idiots will deserve to get hosed.
I guess they got enough Mickey mouse and Hitler sigs on there. Wait till Walkers review it and see how many are fraudulent
I guess they got enough Mickey mouse and Hitler sigs on there. Wait till Walkers review it and see how many are fraudulent

That is why the goal is to collect 200,000 more signatures than is necessary to trigger a recall...and they are well on their way to getting them. There WILL be a recall election, of that you can be assured.
Anyone know or hazard a guess as to why the Democrats refuse to update the number of signatures gathered since they last put out a number on December 15th?

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