Scott Walker will be our nominee

I dunno about Walker. I thought Walker and Christie would duke it out a couple years ago, but both of them have had very rocky tenures as Governor. Seems that when you cut a lot of stuff and it affects people in the pocketbook, voters turn on you. Job creation in Wisconsin has seriously lagged behind its neighboring states and Christie's approval ratings have taken a serious hit. What made Reagan such an interesting nominee is that at least he was liked by his home state of California. If you can't win at home, it spells trouble.

I'd have to give the edge to Jeb Bush at this point, even though I find him a boring candidate.
boring counts for a lot. Bush gets no comments here, except negative comments. People talk positives of all candidates EXCEPT Bush.

He has a lot of money talking for him. I will say that. But that won't get him very far.
Boting c
I dunno about Walker. I thought Walker and Christie would duke it out a couple years ago, but both of them have had very rocky tenures as Governor. Seems that when you cut a lot of stuff and it affects people in the pocketbook, voters turn on you. Job creation in Wisconsin has seriously lagged behind its neighboring states and Christie's approval ratings have taken a serious hit. What made Reagan such an interesting nominee is that at least he was liked by his home state of California. If you can't win at home, it spells trouble.

I'd have to give the edge to Jeb Bush at this point, even though I find him a boring candidate.
boring counts for a lot. Bush gets no comments here, except negative comments. People talk positives of all candidates EXCEPT Bush.

He has a lot of money talking for him. I will say that. But that won't get him very far.

Unfortunately, Jeb is the prototype of the crappy candidate the Republicans have been putting up election after election since Reagan
Bush is a much better pick than walker. Bush has the money, has the history, and isnt so extreme as to want to hammer away at the middle class. Walker couldnt cut it in college. I live in Wisconsin, have all my life. The state directly west of us is kicking our behinds while we take steps backwards until we resemble mississippi, alabama and the rest of the backwards states. But the corporate powers that run this country really like him and his ability to blindside the working class so he does have a shot to be the nominee.
Bush is a much better pick than walker. Bush has the money, has the history, and isnt so extreme as to want to hammer away at the middle class. Walker couldnt cut it in college. I live in Wisconsin, have all my life. The state directly west of us is kicking our behinds while we take steps backwards until we resemble mississippi, alabama and the rest of the backwards states. But the corporate powers that run this country really like him and his ability to blindside the working class so he does have a shot to be the nominee.
That's funny... so the only reason Walker is the only pro-working class candidate is because he's gonna blind side them. ROFL
I certainly won't vote for Walker. He offers very few of the things I like about Republicans and most of those I don't.
Walker just presented the milwaukee bucks with a bunch of taxpayer money to build a new stadium. If things dont work out I wonder who gets the bill? That move could and should hurt his chances. Even the Donald has him pegged.
I think that Kasich would be a good candidate. Not too extreme and has a great personality. I could vote for him.
People are sick of POLITICIANS... even my DEMOCRAT friend has told me he'd vote for...

... see my sig line...
That is my guess anyhow. What's your best guess?

As to the dems nominee I'm not sure but I have my doubts it will be Hillary
Only if Trump does a crash and burn. So far he isn't.
It would have to be an EPIC crash and burn at that, otherwise people are going to continue to stand behind him because they're sick to tears of politicians, and the repubs have let down ALL those who voted them in last election. People want someone that CAN'T BE BOUGHT or PUSHED AROUND, and so far that's proving to be Trump, and people love it.

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