Scott Walker will be our nominee


This is why you don't make grand pronouncements months and months beforehand.

ANYTHING can and will happen.

Of course this will look like small potatoes if and when hiLIARy drops out.....DOH!!!
When that happens you can start a thread on it

Like we will ever see that thread
The world of academia has arrived. It has taken over two hundred years, however it seems the all embracing Socialist European dreams have prevailed. And the best we can do is Trump? He was fun and all that, jerking American chains this way and that. Even I, myself, chuckled at his obnoxious arrogance. Now I find it troublesome that this high school bully may stand a chance, (may I say), stand a chance at what was the most powerful position on planet earth. And he will represent each and every one of us, as Mr. Obama has for seven years now. In toto, Obama eight and (perhaps) Trump for at least four. If there is a God, and I am certain there is, please intervene! On the other hand, perhaps this is God rebuking us, as a nation. Perhaps we as a people, should pay more attention to our past heritage and what it stood for.
Any word on why he is dropping out? I was at work when it happened and haven't heard much.

This is why you don't make grand pronouncements months and months beforehand.

ANYTHING can and will happen.

Of course this will look like small potatoes if and when hiLIARy drops out.....DOH!!!
When that happens you can start a thread on it

Like we will ever see that thread

Anything can happen. She is looking increasingly "evitable".

Some people never learn....:cuckoo:
I find it too bad that he dropped out. I have far greater respect for him than the loud mouth in the race who has received far more attention than he deserves.
he dropped out because he cant win.

Seems silly to conclude that before a single vote is cast.

I've never understood why anyone would drop out before the race actually begins
The money dries up, your campaign dries up.

One can be very creative and thrifty when necessary. All he needed to do is put together a decent website and showcase his skills. He didn't do that (I know because I was looking for information on various candidates the other day. Walkers was disappointing)

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