Scott Walker will be our nominee

he dropped out because he cant win.

Seems silly to conclude that before a single vote is cast.

I've never understood why anyone would drop out before the race actually begins
The money dries up, your campaign dries up.

One can be very creative and thrifty when necessary. All he needed to do is put together a decent website and showcase his skills. He didn't do that (I know because I was looking for information on various candidates the other day. Walkers was disappointing)
I'm not sure his heart was in it in the first place. He was a favorite because of his record but he didn't seem to have the fire in the belly.
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he dropped out because he cant win.

Seems silly to conclude that before a single vote is cast.

I've never understood why anyone would drop out before the race actually begins
The money dries up, your campaign dries up.

One can be very creative and thrifty when necessary. All he needed to do is put together a decent website and showcase his skills. He didn't do that (I know because I was looking for information on various candidates the other day. Walkers was disappointing)
Could it be because HE'S disappointing?

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That having been said, it was hard to see how a non college grad would ever gain traction. I think that sometimes people pontificate based on how much the other side hates a particular candidate; not if that candidate is ready for prime time.
Walker's departure clearly helps Bush, by the time sane, ordinary, everyday rank and file republicans start going to the polls next year, Bush might be on a very short list of viable candidates to vote for.

Which is bad for republicans in the long run given Bush is a dreadful campaigner, worse than Romney.
Walker's departure clearly helps Bush, by the time sane, ordinary, everyday rank and file republicans start going to the polls next year, Bush might be on a very short list of viable candidates to vote for.

Which is bad for republicans in the long run given Bush is a dreadful campaigner, worse than Romney.

I'm shocked at how sad Bush has been on the trail. He hasn't given anyone a reason to vote for him. I figured he would have at least crystalized his vision for the nation OR, if disaster struck (and it did) he would switch to plan B (aka the "low road") and point out that he is probably one of two or three that could take on Clinton all other things being equal; the old "electability" play.
Walker's departure clearly helps Bush, by the time sane, ordinary, everyday rank and file republicans start going to the polls next year, Bush might be on a very short list of viable candidates to vote for.

Which is bad for republicans in the long run given Bush is a dreadful campaigner, worse than Romney.

I'm shocked at how sad Bush has been on the trail. He hasn't given anyone a reason to vote for him. I figured he would have at least crystalized his vision for the nation OR, if disaster struck (and it did) he would switch to plan B (aka the "low road") and point out that he is probably one of two or three that could take on Clinton all other things being equal; the old "electability" play.
Those of us who know Jeb! aren't surprised by his poor performance.

For at least the last 25 years Florida democrats have been the most inept, feckless, and incompetent of the other state democratic parties in the battleground states; consequently, it doesn't take much for a republican to get elected to anything in Florida – including governor. To be a 'successful' republican politician in Florida, all one needs is a pulse and an 'R' after his name.

Bush became governor as a result of that inept, feckless, and incompetent Florida democratic party, not because of any 'political talent' possessed by Bush.

Now in a National presidential campaign, with more formidable competition, Bush is clearly not ready for prime-time, his lack of political talent and acumen is exposed, and his incompetence as a campaigner is clearly evident.

Should Bush end up the GOP nominee, he won't be able to win over the weak democrats and democratic leaning moderates and independents needed for a republican to become president, particularly if the democratic presidential nominee uses Obama's brilliant 2012 reelection strategy as a campaign template, which will most likely be the case.
Most make the mistake of believing that if one is the governor of Florida – a large, politically influential state – that he has political 'talent' and 'ability.'


Florida state politics are backward, third-rate, and provincial – in no way a 'launching pad' for successful National politicians and campaigns; Jeb! is proof of that.
I was sorry to hear he's dropping out. but he does have a STATE to run so more power to him. not like all these other politicians who runs on their job time and our dime. what a gig they have going

Unions Celebrate As The Koch Brothers Fail To Buy The White House For Scott Walker
Unions are celebrating the rapid demise of union busting national disgrace, Scott Walker.

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It's possible but not likely, I think. Perhaps a VP choice.

I agree. Walker is having money problems right now. It takes millions to run for POTUS. I like Walker but doubt he will be running for POTUS. The VP slot sounds good for him.
Eventually Walker would have had to come clean about his being "asked to leave" Marquette University,

Sure he will. I'm also sure that Barry will have to release his college transcripts so folks can see exactly how he got into college and who paid for it.

Which do you think will happen first??

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