Scott Walker's judges free him from state investigation

no facts exist to back your claim
Are you saying that it is NOT incredibly easy to commit vote fraud? Because that's what I said. Please present court documents that prove it is not, or admit failure.
go get facts to back your claim

all the studies show no threat from such things to our democracy
So some lefty dopes will have shit fits because Walker broke no laws. That's to be expected from the low information idiots and they'll get over it, hopefully later rather than sooner.

Walker kicks the dems in the teeth....again :)

lI guess the right approves of cheating voters out of their rights so he republican party can steal the power from the people

It was a witch hunt, the courts recognize that

So we see that 4 judges PAID by this "mystery" donor group that ALSO paid for Walkers election have patted Walker on the back and said you did nothing wrong....yeah that's real transparent and neutral. If he did nothing wrong he has nothing to hide nor does the state justices elected by this mystery donors group eh? Walker is as shady as Clinton is. He hides shit and makes sure Judges are paid off Clinton just has them killed.

Sorry, but it was a witch hunt. The dems have went after Walker at every angle and he's b
and the Rs just keep being the racist party

How on earth did you arrive at racism? Knee jerk?
Could have been we shall never know since the 4 judges were paid off by the very same secret group that paid for Walkers election...that SHOULD BE against the law there is no impartiality there...
You have evidence of this crime?
When the left's attacks on Walker fail, it's never because they were wrong.

You would think they would figure out he keeps beating them. Leftists are slow learners

That can't figure out that socialism in all it's disguises are wrong even after 100 million people were murdered trying to get it why would they learn this time around...?
lI guess the right approves of cheating voters out of their rights so he republican party can steal the power from the people
It was a witch hunt, moron. Democrats obviously believe in allowing government officials to persecute people without respecting their Constitutional rights
So some lefty dopes will have shit fits because Walker broke no laws. That's to be expected from the low information idiots and they'll get over it, hopefully later rather than sooner.

Walker kicks the dems in the teeth....again :)

lI guess the right approves of cheating voters out of their rights so he republican party can steal the power from the people

It was a witch hunt, the courts recognize that

So we see that 4 judges PAID by this "mystery" donor group that ALSO paid for Walkers election have patted Walker on the back and said you did nothing wrong....yeah that's real transparent and neutral. If he did nothing wrong he has nothing to hide nor does the state justices elected by this mystery donors group eh? Walker is as shady as Clinton is. He hides shit and makes sure Judges are paid off Clinton just has them killed.

I'll bet you see nothing wrong with the Clinton Foundations taking donations from people who had issues promoted by Hillary while she was SOS.
Yet another leftwing witch hunt against Walker crashes and burns......:clap:
So some lefty dopes will have shit fits because Walker broke no laws. That's to be expected from the low information idiots and they'll get over it, hopefully later rather than sooner.

Walker kicks the dems in the teeth....again :)

lI guess the right approves of cheating voters out of their rights so he republican party can steal the power from the people

It was a witch hunt, the courts recognize that

So we see that 4 judges PAID by this "mystery" donor group that ALSO paid for Walkers election have patted Walker on the back and said you did nothing wrong....yeah that's real transparent and neutral. If he did nothing wrong he has nothing to hide nor does the state justices elected by this mystery donors group eh? Walker is as shady as Clinton is. He hides shit and makes sure Judges are paid off Clinton just has them killed.

I'll bet you see nothing wrong with the Clinton Foundations taking donations from people who had issues promoted by Hillary while she was SOS.
Yes I do. You don't seem to understand I am not left or right wing. I am just RIGHT! :)
go Walker go !

Trump - Walker 2016AD :up:
Eww please stop with the whole trump thing. The guy is left of jeb bush, and is publicly FOR amnesty. I Havnt heard a policy of his that has anything but have the government take over and fix our problems for us. I can cite examples if you need. I like Walker, and I get that everyone likes that trump is paying lip service to a hard stand on immigration. But amnesty, wealth tax, tariffs, and his use of eminent domain for his business should be a huge red flag for everyone. Definitely not someone who is going to shrink government
Do we all know how they went about this investigation. Issuing a mass general search warrant on pretty much anyone on walkers campaign staff on whatever they thought could give them evidence, nothing specific. Then slapping everyone with a gag order who they searched on some John Doe clause. That sounds very much like a witch hunt to me, and a violation of a few of the bill of rights... 4th and 1st most notably

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