SCOTUS Oral Arguments in Texas Abortion Law

It would fundamentally change how laws are written and enforced if allowed to stand.

Suing the person who allegedly committed a crime is a great way to completely overwhelm the courts. How does anyone know a woman had an abortion? These medical procedures are private. So first you have to prove the woman was pregnant. Not always easy. Then you have to prove that there was an abortion. Again; not always easy. Usually there are not a lot of witnesses....especially ones that you are also suing.... For example; Nurse Jane doe is assisting Dr. John Doe (no relation) in doing an abortion. Jane and John are the only two in the room except for the pregnant woman. If she testifies that she's going to take the fifth and so is the doctor.

And you can expect this to be duplicated over and over. Blue states will pass laws outlawing behavior and actions they don't like...

If allowed to stand, this changes everything. Probably not at first but...

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