SCOTUS orders feds to allow illegal immigrants into country?

After 4 years of racist closing of the southern border,

How is securing the border against illegal aliens "racist"?

there was a backlog of asylum seekers

Oh no, a backlog of fake asylum claims.

This is also a great reminder of the suffering of latin America from Trump sanctions

Biden hasn't fixed Latin America in 3 years? What's he waiting for?

and GOP global warming

You still breathing? Still emitting CO2? GOP dupe!
Ooooohhhh Latin America! That explains all the invaders from India, China and the Congo.
I am all for that. But that means you promptly review and adjudicate asylum cases. My wife came here 8 years ago on an asylum claim. (The CCP didn't approve of the church she belonged to.) She has YET to get an Asylum hearing. Her lawyer said, "Well, you have an American Husband now, you should just do a spousal sponsorship." That required us to submit 200 pages of documentation (including pictures) to prove we were really married.
My half brother married a woman from China. No problem at all. No asylum claim. She's a citizen now.
was she already here or did she come here for asylum??
She was in China, she came here on a tourist Visa, and applied for asylum. She was granted a work visa while the system adjudicated her case.

My half brother married a woman from China. No problem at all. No asylum claim. She's a citizen now.
Because she was married to a citizen. Sponsorship is a much faster way to get this done, but even that's a problem now, because the government scrutinizes each claim with massive documentation requirements.
She was in China, she came here on a tourist Visa, and applied for asylum. She was granted a work visa while the system adjudicated her case.

Because she was married to a citizen. Sponsorship is a much faster way to get this done, but even that's a problem now, because the government scrutinizes each claim with massive documentation requirements.
I say shes not eligible,,,

she had other safe harbors before she got here,,
I am all for that. But that means you promptly review and adjudicate asylum cases. My wife came here 8 years ago on an asylum claim. (The CCP didn't approve of the church she belonged to.) She has YET to get an Asylum hearing. Her lawyer said, "Well, you have an American Husband now, you should just do a spousal sponsorship." That required us to submit 200 pages of documentation (including pictures) to prove we were really married.
These aren't asylum cases. They were invited here by Joe Biden. guys are the ones who prove your inferiority. shockedcanadian thinks a song sung before a game in a few weeks threatens our liberty. Ask him...he will confirm. You guys say the jab was poison--the one developed at the order of your lord and master no-less. I’ve had it crossing through my veins for 3 years. Zero side effects. I think YOU are the one who said you had friends--assumingly conservatives--who were sickened by it. First off...the idea of you having friends is specious at the outset...but since me (and 5 billion others) didn’t get sick and your fellow neanderthals did...what does that tell you? It tells me you’re inferior.

These are factual conclusions based on testimony from conservatives.
When are you going to move to your Ethno-state of “superior” Jews?
Sorry, Chumly, but Texas IS Texas' state. And the land along the border of each state is still part of that state, the states merely consent to allow the fed to guard it.


They have abdicated their responsibility.
The border and all land surrounding the border belongs to the federal government.
wheres the racism??

you said she got a tourist visa and then applied for asylum when she got here,,

sounds like she knew she didnt qualify for asylum and lied,,

nope. You clearly don't understand how the asylum system works. You don't have to claim it inside the dictatorship you are trying to get out of, and frankly, that would be impractical, anyway.

The fact is, they gave her a green card to work here while they considered her case. It shouldn't take 8 years to do that, though. We should have enough lawyers and judges working on this so these cases can be resolved in a year.

These aren't asylum cases. They were invited here by Joe Biden.

But they still qualify.

Let's not forget, a German family has been here for 17 years claiming "asylum" because the German Government doesn't allow Home Schooling. (A policy I kind of wish we had in this country!) Nobody was going to murder these people or imprison them or make them give up their faith, they just had to follow a law they didn't like. And the religious right was all in their corner because they were white.... I mean they were Christian.

nope. You clearly don't understand how the asylum system works. You don't have to claim it inside the dictatorship you are trying to get out of, and frankly, that would be impractical, anyway.

The fact is, they gave her a green card to work here while they considered her case. It shouldn't take 8 years to do that, though. We should have enough lawyers and judges working on this so these cases can be resolved in a year.

But they still qualify.

Let's not forget, a German family has been here for 17 years claiming "asylum" because the German Government doesn't allow Home Schooling. (A policy I kind of wish we had in this country!) Nobody was going to murder these people or imprison them or make them give up their faith, they just had to follow a law they didn't like. And the religious right was all in their corner because they were white.... I mean they were Christian.

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There are other countries they can go to.
No, she didn't. They never asked her on her Tourist visa, "Do you plan to defect to the US."

The rest of your post violates USMB rules, and it was nice knowing you.
its a tourist visa and as you said her intentions were asylum,, she lied!!!

and the last thing this country needs is another religous fundalmentalist let alone a chicom one,,
its a tourist visa and as you said her intentions were asylum,, she lied!!!

and the last thing this country needs is another religous fundalmentalist let alone a chicom one,,
I would take her kind of Christian over the Christian Right.

In any event, it doesn't matter, she'll get permanent residency through sponsorship.

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