SCOTUS rejects Trump's Texas lawsuit

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this ain;t over dude, not even close.
Everyone who ever does business with Donald Trump ends up in court trying to get rid of him, and ends up paying him vast sums of money to leave and go away.

Why don't you STFU and go back home to your own country? Because you know JACK SHIT about ours. Are you claiming now that you've reviewed every business dealing in Trump's life? My Uncle did business with Trump in the late 70s - early 80s and a better businessman he never met.

You know less than nothing and only make a fool out of yourself here.

I know a whole fuck of a lot more about this stuff than you do. Other than slavishly praising Trump, you've never posted anything of value about business, finance or law - the things I made my living working with for 50 years.

I worked in big money construction for 20 years - doing purchases, development deals and sales. My office was next door to Trump Tower Toronto, and I watched it go up, and saw how Trump did business. Trump Tower Toronto is the only 10+ story condominium to have gone bankrupt in Toronto in more than 20 years. In a city where the average development/pre-sale phase is 2 years, it took 8 years for Trump to break ground after his initial opening of the sales office, in 1999. Construction was completed in a fairly timely way, but the hotel was expensive, and quite frankly, there are much nicer places to stay in Toronto, for much less money that Trump was charging. The hotel opened in 2012, and went bankrupt 4 years later. Another triumph for the Trump Corporation.

What the fuck do YOU bring to the discussion? What knowledge of international law and finance do you have to add to the discussion? Do you have any business cred or chops at all? All I see you do is insult people who disagree with you while doing nothing to further the discussion or the information being brought to it.
Just a word to the wise There are ""people"" here that will shut you down if you speak too poorly of the republican scum 130 of the Pos need to be kicked out of congress on their asses
Everything that Trump and his lawyers have presented the courts has been published online.

No it hasn't you dingleberry. All they publish are the court filings, not the mountains of evidence that goes with them. If they could do that, we wouldn't need courtrooms anymore, we could adjudicate trials all on the web entirely with robot computer judges. Go back home to the slums of Wales or whatever god forsaken hellhole you are from.

The affidavits that go with them are attached to the court filings as "exhibits". No "mountains of evidence" has been presented because none of the causes are being fought as "fraud". The Trump lawyers are not alleging "fraud" as a cause of action.

First you argued that you had evidence, which you don't. No evidence of the claims made in the "Statements of Claim" filed by the Trump campaign in any of these cases claimed election fraud. Regardless of what Trump is telling his supporters, his lawyers are telling the courts something entirely differently.

Even Guiliani said they weren''t claiming election fraud:



More bullshit fake news from liberal media. You can't have a fair election when a state is using ONE set of rules for Biden voters and a DIFFERENT set of more stringent rules for Trump voters. EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW.

And a clueless fuckwad like you calls that a "coup." :mm:
this ain;t over dude, not even close.
Everyone who ever does business with Donald Trump ends up in court trying to get rid of him, and ends up paying him vast sums of money to leave and go away.

Why don't you STFU and go back home to your own country? Because you know JACK SHIT about ours. Are you claiming now that you've reviewed every business dealing in Trump's life? My Uncle did business with Trump in the late 70s - early 80s and a better businessman he never met.

You know less than nothing and only make a fool out of yourself here.

I know a whole fuck of a lot more about this stuff than you do. Other than slavishly praising Trump, you've never posted anything of value about business, finance or law - the things I made my living working with for 50 years.

I worked in big money construction for 20 years - doing purchases, development deals and sales. My office was next door to Trump Tower Toronto, and I watched it go up, and saw how Trump did business. Trump Tower Toronto is the only 10+ story condominium to have gone bankrupt in Toronto in more than 20 years. In a city where the average development/pre-sale phase is 2 years, it took 8 years for Trump to break ground after his initial opening of the sales office, in 1999. Construction was completed in a fairly timely way, but the hotel was expensive, and quite frankly, there are much nicer places to stay in Toronto, for much less money that Trump was charging. The hotel opened in 2012, and went bankrupt 4 years later. Another triumph for the Trump Corporation.

What the fuck do YOU bring to the discussion? What knowledge of international law and finance do you have to add to the discussion? Do you have any business cred or chops at all? All I see you do is insult people who disagree with you while doing nothing to further the discussion or the information being brought to it.
I worked in big money construction for 20 years
40 years of working in banking and law has rendered me devoid of all feelings.
Wow looks like you got slapped down again. Such a nasty old woman
Up to 60 years of experience so far. One could easily conclude the odor coming from that smelly old crotch might be diluting your judgment.
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Yet again
Denied on the basis of if Texas and the others states that signed onto the Texas suit have no
compelling legal interest in keeping a fraudulent criminal takeover of the presidency from happening.

The Supreme Court is a sham. It's is illegitimate. It is shameful activism in this supposed nation of laws.

Yet again
Denied on the basis of if Texas and the others states that signed onto the Texas suit have no
compelling legal interest in keeping a fraudulent criminal takeover of the presidency from happening.

The Supreme Court is a sham. It's is illegitimate. It is shameful activism in this supposed nation of laws.
Haha...for months it was "we will see, in the supreme court!"

Now it's, "the supreme court is a sham!"

Pathetic idiots
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