SCOTUS rejects Trump's Texas lawsuit

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You voted for the worst president in American history.
You are only a canadian so this topic is none of your business
Still light years better than the blob.
Biden will be a terrible president

You voted for the worst president in American history. Twice. Even after he crashed the economy and killed a quarter of a million people, you voted for him again.

You have no room to say that anyone will be a terrible president after voting for Trump.

He didn’t crash the economy genious. COVID crashed the entire world’s economy and, in case you haven’t noticed, the US has one of fastest recovery rates from that crash. Trump was by far the best president the US has had since Reagan. In case you haven’t figured it out yet, Obama was by far the worst, but Biden/Harris will likely take the throne. Biden is demented and crooked and Harris just plain left-wing nuts.

Yes, he did crash the economy. No other country in the world has seen the level of economic collapse the USA is currently being subjected to. That level of collapse is entirely due to the virus raging throughout the country, and the virus is raging because Donald Trump has mismanaged the nation's response to the pandemic.

The biggest problem in my town today is that the local Tim Hortons is closed. Everyone is planning for a "shutdown" Christmas. No big parties, small family celebrations. Parts of the province went into lockdown last week. Nobody is our town has died of covid19, despite a couple of "outbreaks". Our "outbreaks" were 3 cases at a local nursing home, and 2 cases at our local hospital.

This is what good governance looks like. Our economy hasn't crashed, our hospitals aren't overwhelmed, we have never run out of PPE, and we had our first case of covid19 on the same day that you did. We have approved the Pfizer vaccine based on our review of the data, and we have purchased enough vaccine from various sources to give everyone in Canada who wants the vaccine, immunization.

#87 in the world in infections per million, strong economic numbers, no economic collapse. With a Liberal federal government and 7 Conservative provincial premiers.

Why do you Americans tolerant this level of incompetence and mismanagement of public and private resources?
No one with the intelligence above a child could possibly look at the massive body of evidence in this election fraud and conclude that it was totally aboveboard much less the most straight up election of all time. T

From that massive body of evidence Why not devote your posts to defining the actual extent and specifics of fraud that you say took place this last cycle.

Surely since Sidney unleashed the KRAKEN a couple of weeks ago, all the evidence must be known and written up somewhere.

Why don’t you post the evidence that only TRUMP voters are allowed to see?

they have hundreds of signed under oath affidavits from americans who witnessed vote fraud. Not one of those has been reviewed by any court. But an unnamed whistleblower who signed nothing can touch off an impeachment??????????????????

this ain;t over dude, not even close.

And the minute these "sworn affidavits" have one snowball's chance of landing in front of a'll see them disappear quicker than Trump after the election.
It's over. And Trump knows it is too. He's just wringing every last penny he can out of the millions of willing lemmings who will open their wallets for him gladly.
The same people have testified set oath before why is it impossible for them to appear before any judge?

Nice typical rant, it I agree it's has been before the election.

Says who? From what I'm reading, these people have given these "sworn affidavits" in front of Rudy Guliani, Sidney Powell, and Joe DiGenova. Not in front of a judge, in a court of law, under oath.
So, as stated...they mean nothing. It's over. Trump lost. Biden won. Move on.
No one with the intelligence above a child could possibly look at the massive body of evidence in this election fraud and conclude that it was totally aboveboard much less the most straight up election of all time. T

From that massive body of evidence Why not devote your posts to defining the actual extent and specifics of fraud that you say took place this last cycle.

Surely since Sidney unleashed the KRAKEN a couple of weeks ago, all the evidence must be known and written up somewhere.

Why don’t you post the evidence that only TRUMP voters are allowed to see?

they have hundreds of signed under oath affidavits from americans who witnessed vote fraud. Not one of those has been reviewed by any court. But an unnamed whistleblower who signed nothing can touch off an impeachment??????????????????

this ain;t over dude, not even close.

And the minute these "sworn affidavits" have one snowball's chance of landing in front of a'll see them disappear quicker than Trump after the election.
It's over. And Trump knows it is too. He's just wringing every last penny he can out of the millions of willing lemmings who will open their wallets for him gladly.
The same people have testified set oath before why is it impossible for them to appear before any judge?

Nice typical rant, it I agree it's has been before the election.

Says who? From what I'm reading, these people have given these "sworn affidavits" in front of Rudy Guliani, Sidney Powell, and Joe DiGenova. Not in front of a judge, in a court of law, under oath.
So, as stated...they mean nothing. It's over. Trump lost. Biden won. Move on.
some have been filed with the courts. they were considered and discarded. lol
Then why did the Texas lawsuit say that the fraud which was committed was “undetectable”?

you assured us that it would be.

the “evidence” didn’t show what you told us was going on. They said there was no voter fraud.

You told us Benghazi was a crime over and over again

Quit your bullshit lying. None of these are true. I assured you of nothing. Everything you said is false. You're either a pathological liar or an idiot.

I just took this from an article I read about Georgia:

",,,rejected by the Fulton County Superior Court because the paperwork was improperly completed and it lacked the appropriate filing fees.

The case was subsequently appealed directly to the state Supreme Court, asking justices to consider the case before Monday’s meeting of the Electoral College. In a brief order, justices wrote that “petitioners have not shown that this is one of those extremely rare cases that would invoke our original jurisdiction.”

So typical. I don't know what they mean by "improper paperwork" or lacking a filing fee, but it sounds like the usual BS: a technical excuse to dismiss the case--- how do you file a case with someone without the appropriate fee? Someone took the paperwork, didn't check it for mistakes and didn't tell them the fee was unpaid or something, then the Superior Court says: AHHA, we got you on a technicality? What kind of way is that to protect our elections? I find it hard to believe that lawyers doing this wouldn't know how to fill out papers or would know or be told what the fee was, they all know there is a fee, what were they told, the wrong number so they were 12 cents short?

Nor do I know what a court means by rejecting a case, how do you show something to "invoke original jurisdiction?"

Even if mistakes were made, these are the kind of lame ass bullshit technical legalize games you play when your trying NOT to get at the truth. So the statements that these cases are "baseless" just doesn't fly muster with t he American people, we are being gamed by the courts to BLOCK these cases from being heard, not because they lack proof of the fraud.
There is no evidence of fraud here or anywhere. Every court room judge in every state has rejected or had not been shown evidence that election fraud changed the win from Trump to Biden.

WRONG on all counts, Fool. No one look at all the facts and conclude that. Your lying is fooling no one but a fool like yourself. I just read that the case is Georgia was blocked in Georgia claiming technical errors in how the paperwork was filled out! And that the wrong application fee was paid to file it!

We are being gamed by the democrat legal system to BLOCK these cases from proceeding because they are protecting Biden.
No one with the intelligence above a child could possibly look at the massive body of evidence in this election fraud and conclude that it was totally aboveboard much less the most straight up election of all time. T

From that massive body of evidence Why not devote your posts to defining the actual extent and specifics of fraud that you say took place this last cycle.

Surely since Sidney unleashed the KRAKEN a couple of weeks ago, all the evidence must be known and written up somewhere.

Why don’t you post the evidence that only TRUMP voters are allowed to see?

they have hundreds of signed under oath affidavits from americans who witnessed vote fraud. Not one of those has been reviewed by any court. But an unnamed whistleblower who signed nothing can touch off an impeachment??????????????????

this ain;t over dude, not even close.

Really???? Then why haven't Trump's lawyers presented a single one of these "Affidavits" to the presiding judges in any of the 52 cases in which they have filed suit?

Because each and every one of the states have filed genuine Affidavits from their every one of the poll, county and state election leaders, poll watchers from both the Republican and Democratic Parties at every polling station and counting room in the country, and Secretaries of State in every state of the Union whose job it has been to run, oversee, count and certify these results. That's what it takes to certify an election, and this election has been certified.

In every state where Donald Trump has filed his court cases, the state officials - both Republicans and Democrats, have vociferously disputed the allegations raised without evidence by the Trump lawyers, providing the courts with their Affidavits certifying that everything Donald Trump was contending, was a lie.

The election is over. What isn't over, is Donald Trump's very successful con of his voters which he has told you will continue into his retirement. Grifters gotta grift, and now that the Trump brand, which was never well thought of in construction or resort management, is now trashed utterly.

The reason why Donald Trump's magnificent golf courses in Scotland are losing money is that Donald Trump ran roughshod over the town where they are located, and bullied the locals, burying them in lawsuits, to get what he wanted. Then he sued to have his property tax assessment lowered on account of his resorts were losing money. The Scottish people refuse to patronize his resorts because of his treatment of them.

His investors and subtrades, declare bankruptcy realized how badly they were "Donned" - Trump overpromised what he could deliver, didn't do anything close to what he promised, and took years longer to deliver than it should have. Ultimately, Trump then sold them out to investors with more money than them that he could also fleece in the process.

Everyone who ever does business with Donald Trump ends up in court trying to get rid of him, and ends up paying him vast sums of money to leave and go away. Residents of buildings he constructed stand outside and cheer when his name is taken off the building, and then they return to their homes to deal with the shoddy construction, and myriad problems his incompetence, chaos and shoddy workmanship has caused for them.

He did say he would run the country the way he runs his business - as an elaborate con to get as much money for Donald as possible, before the whole project collapses in debt and chaos.
No one with the intelligence above a child could possibly look at the massive body of evidence in this election fraud and conclude that it was totally aboveboard much less the most straight up election of all time. T

From that massive body of evidence Why not devote your posts to defining the actual extent and specifics of fraud that you say took place this last cycle.

Surely since Sidney unleashed the KRAKEN a couple of weeks ago, all the evidence must be known and written up somewhere.

Why don’t you post the evidence that only TRUMP voters are allowed to see?

they have hundreds of signed under oath affidavits from americans who witnessed vote fraud. Not one of those has been reviewed by any court. But an unnamed whistleblower who signed nothing can touch off an impeachment??????????????????

this ain;t over dude, not even close.

And the minute these "sworn affidavits" have one snowball's chance of landing in front of a'll see them disappear quicker than Trump after the election.
It's over. And Trump knows it is too. He's just wringing every last penny he can out of the millions of willing lemmings who will open their wallets for him gladly.

That's odd, Jack, I've not seen one example of anyone being asked or providing pennies, and certainly, no one has asked me. No one is profiting from this you bonehead, this is about fighting to fix our crooked election system, unfortunately, we forgot that we have a crooked LEGAL system to fix first standing in the way. But being the BLOCKHEAD you are, you'll use any excuse to avoid admitting that.
No one with the intelligence above a child could possibly look at the massive body of evidence in this election fraud and conclude that it was totally aboveboard much less the most straight up election of all time. T

From that massive body of evidence Why not devote your posts to defining the actual extent and specifics of fraud that you say took place this last cycle.

Surely since Sidney unleashed the KRAKEN a couple of weeks ago, all the evidence must be known and written up somewhere.

Why don’t you post the evidence that only TRUMP voters are allowed to see?

they have hundreds of signed under oath affidavits from americans who witnessed vote fraud. Not one of those has been reviewed by any court. But an unnamed whistleblower who signed nothing can touch off an impeachment??????????????????

this ain;t over dude, not even close.

And the minute these "sworn affidavits" have one snowball's chance of landing in front of a'll see them disappear quicker than Trump after the election.
It's over. And Trump knows it is too. He's just wringing every last penny he can out of the millions of willing lemmings who will open their wallets for him gladly.
The same people have testified set oath before why is it impossible for them to appear before any judge?

Nice typical rant, it I agree it's has been before the election.

Says who? From what I'm reading, these people have given these "sworn affidavits" in front of Rudy Guliani, Sidney Powell, and Joe DiGenova. Not in front of a judge, in a court of law, under oath.
So, as stated...they mean nothing. It's over. Trump lost. Biden won. Move on.

Jack, when you were a boy, didn't they have an outhouse? So did they just shove all the turds in your ear? How are affidavits worthless because they were sworn out? How do you present them as evidence to a superior court if they have not even been sworn yet? And how are they sworn before a judge when the judge refuses to even hear the case in the first place, often on hair-thin technicalities?
No one with the intelligence above a child could possibly look at the massive body of evidence in this election fraud and conclude that it was totally aboveboard much less the most straight up election of all time. T

From that massive body of evidence Why not devote your posts to defining the actual extent and specifics of fraud that you say took place this last cycle.

Surely since Sidney unleashed the KRAKEN a couple of weeks ago, all the evidence must be known and written up somewhere.

Why don’t you post the evidence that only TRUMP voters are allowed to see?

they have hundreds of signed under oath affidavits from americans who witnessed vote fraud. Not one of those has been reviewed by any court. But an unnamed whistleblower who signed nothing can touch off an impeachment??????????????????

this ain;t over dude, not even close.

And the minute these "sworn affidavits" have one snowball's chance of landing in front of a'll see them disappear quicker than Trump after the election.
It's over. And Trump knows it is too. He's just wringing every last penny he can out of the millions of willing lemmings who will open their wallets for him gladly.

That's odd, Jack, I've not seen one example of anyone being asked or providing pennies, and certainly, no one has asked me. No one is profiting from this you bonehead, this is about fighting to fix our crooked election system, unfortunately, we forgot that we have a crooked LEGAL system to fix first standing in the way. But being the BLOCKHEAD you are, you'll use any excuse to avoid admitting that.

Seriously? Well, then you are either a true believer or just haven't been paying attention. Because since November 5th (roughly), Trump and his campaign have been doing nothing but fundraising. 200 million and counting as last I saw. And he can do anything he wants with that money. He lost. Trump knows he lost. His close supporters know he lost. This is just continuing the con job until January 20th. Get those willing fish and lemmings to continue to open their wallets and stop the steal. :auiqs.jpg:
Except nothing was stolen...well, unless you count all the money that the lemmings are giving...but they're doing it no sympathy when they finally wake up.
No one with the intelligence above a child could possibly look at the massive body of evidence in this election fraud and conclude that it was totally aboveboard much less the most straight up election of all time. T

From that massive body of evidence Why not devote your posts to defining the actual extent and specifics of fraud that you say took place this last cycle.

Surely since Sidney unleashed the KRAKEN a couple of weeks ago, all the evidence must be known and written up somewhere.

Why don’t you post the evidence that only TRUMP voters are allowed to see?

they have hundreds of signed under oath affidavits from americans who witnessed vote fraud. Not one of those has been reviewed by any court. But an unnamed whistleblower who signed nothing can touch off an impeachment??????????????????

this ain;t over dude, not even close.

And the minute these "sworn affidavits" have one snowball's chance of landing in front of a'll see them disappear quicker than Trump after the election.
It's over. And Trump knows it is too. He's just wringing every last penny he can out of the millions of willing lemmings who will open their wallets for him gladly.
The same people have testified set oath before why is it impossible for them to appear before any judge?

Nice typical rant, it I agree it's has been before the election.

Says who? From what I'm reading, these people have given these "sworn affidavits" in front of Rudy Guliani, Sidney Powell, and Joe DiGenova. Not in front of a judge, in a court of law, under oath.
So, as stated...they mean nothing. It's over. Trump lost. Biden won. Move on.
some have been filed with the courts. they were considered and discarded. lol

What does discarding sworn testimony prove? It certainly doesn't show that the statements therein were false. It only proves nothing but that the legal system is deliberately blocking these cases from proceeding to protect poor little Joe Biden. The only way they could sneak this useless fuck into the White House was to break every rule in the books then use the courts to run interference.

What will Joe use to make his decisions in the Oval Office, one of those 8 Balls we had as kids where you shake it up to get the answer?

Will Joe be able to even do the job of president?

No one with the intelligence above a child could possibly look at the massive body of evidence in this election fraud and conclude that it was totally aboveboard much less the most straight up election of all time. T

From that massive body of evidence Why not devote your posts to defining the actual extent and specifics of fraud that you say took place this last cycle.

Surely since Sidney unleashed the KRAKEN a couple of weeks ago, all the evidence must be known and written up somewhere.

Why don’t you post the evidence that only TRUMP voters are allowed to see?

they have hundreds of signed under oath affidavits from americans who witnessed vote fraud. Not one of those has been reviewed by any court. But an unnamed whistleblower who signed nothing can touch off an impeachment??????????????????

this ain;t over dude, not even close.

And the minute these "sworn affidavits" have one snowball's chance of landing in front of a'll see them disappear quicker than Trump after the election.
It's over. And Trump knows it is too. He's just wringing every last penny he can out of the millions of willing lemmings who will open their wallets for him gladly.
The same people have testified set oath before why is it impossible for them to appear before any judge?

Nice typical rant, it I agree it's has been before the election.

Says who? From what I'm reading, these people have given these "sworn affidavits" in front of Rudy Guliani, Sidney Powell, and Joe DiGenova. Not in front of a judge, in a court of law, under oath.
So, as stated...they mean nothing. It's over. Trump lost. Biden won. Move on.

Jack, when you were a boy, didn't they have an outhouse? So did they just shove all the turds in your ear? How are affidavits worthless because they were sworn out? How do you present them as evidence to a superior court if they have not even been sworn yet? And how are they sworn before a judge when the judge refuses to even hear the case in the first place, often on hair-thin technicalities?

Freaky, all I know is every lawsuit presented to both the lower courts and the two to the Supreme Court have all been dismissed for lack of evidence. There's nothing to present. If there was ever a chance of any of those "affidavits" getting in front of a'll see them go away..quickly. What is occurring right just a waste of time, money, and media bandwidth.
this ain;t over dude, not even close.
Everyone who ever does business with Donald Trump ends up in court trying to get rid of him, and ends up paying him vast sums of money to leave and go away.

Why don't you STFU and go back home to your own country? Because you know JACK SHIT about ours. Are you claiming now that you've reviewed every business dealing in Trump's life? My Uncle did business with Trump in the late 70s - early 80s and a better businessman he never met.

You know less than nothing and only make a fool out of yourself here.
Then why did the Texas lawsuit say that the fraud which was committed was “undetectable”?

you assured us that it would be.

the “evidence” didn’t show what you told us was going on. They said there was no voter fraud.

You told us Benghazi was a crime over and over again

Quit your bullshit lying. None of these are true. I assured you of nothing. Everything you said is false. You're either a pathological liar or an idiot.

I just took this from an article I read about Georgia:

",,,rejected by the Fulton County Superior Court because the paperwork was improperly completed and it lacked the appropriate filing fees.

The case was subsequently appealed directly to the state Supreme Court, asking justices to consider the case before Monday’s meeting of the Electoral College. In a brief order, justices wrote that “petitioners have not shown that this is one of those extremely rare cases that would invoke our original jurisdiction.”

So typical. I don't know what they mean by "improper paperwork" or lacking a filing fee, but it sounds like the usual BS: a technical excuse to dismiss the case--- how do you file a case with someone without the appropriate fee? Someone took the paperwork, didn't check it for mistakes and didn't tell them the fee was unpaid or something, then the Superior Court says: AHHA, we got you on a technicality? What kind of way is that to protect our elections? I find it hard to believe that lawyers doing this wouldn't know how to fill out papers or would know or be told what the fee was, they all know there is a fee, what were they told, the wrong number so they were 12 cents short?

Nor do I know what a court means by rejecting a case, how do you show something to "invoke original jurisdiction?"

Even if mistakes were made, these are the kind of lame ass bullshit technical legalize games you play when your trying NOT to get at the truth. So the statements that these cases are "baseless" just doesn't fly muster with t he American people, we are being gamed by the courts to BLOCK these cases from being heard, not because they lack proof of the fraud.

What article? Read the Court Filings. Everything that Trump and his lawyers have presented the courts has been published online.

I don't care what your lying Billionaire Media is telling you. I'm talking about the actual evidence Trump and his lawyers have presented in the 52 cases which the courts have tossed aside, in many cases, scornfully. Both Republican and Democratic judges have been scathing in their criticism of these cases saying that they have no foundation in fact or in law.

All of the court documents are available as PDF's online. Please note that all will have Case Numbers, and filing dates certified by the courts. That's how you know they're the real deal.
all I know is every lawsuit presented to both the lower courts and the two to the Supreme Court have all been dismissed for lack of evidence

Then you don't know JACK SHIT, Jack. I don't know one case that was dismissed for lack of evidence, the cases were not even looked at. The attorneys have ARMS full of evidence and are not even being allowed to present it.
Everything that Trump and his lawyers have presented the courts has been published online.

No it hasn't you dingleberry. All they publish are the court filings, not the mountains of evidence that goes with them. If they could do that, we wouldn't need courtrooms anymore, we could adjudicate trials all on the web entirely with robot computer judges. Go back home to the slums of Wales or whatever god forsaken hellhole you are from.
No one with the intelligence above a child could possibly look at the massive body of evidence in this election fraud and conclude that it was totally aboveboard much less the most straight up election of all time. T

From that massive body of evidence Why not devote your posts to defining the actual extent and specifics of fraud that you say took place this last cycle.

Surely since Sidney unleashed the KRAKEN a couple of weeks ago, all the evidence must be known and written up somewhere.

Why don’t you post the evidence that only TRUMP voters are allowed to see?

No need to. If you weren't such a blind idiot, there has already been something like 50 threads here over the past month already detailing as much of it as we can cover. Were you on another planet?
Lie. You have not a shred of evidence to present. That is why you are presenting none. You have none. It doesn't get any simpler than this.
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