SCOTUS Rules Against Cuomo's 10 Person Cap at Churches/Synagogues

faulty ruling-----if it is really true that religious gathering SPREAD the virus

Doesn't make a difference. The state isn't supposed to regulate religion.

wrong, prince pierogi-----the STATE STILL DOES NOT REGULATE religion---it
regulates public health

It isn't about public health at all, its about controlling religion.

Otherwise, Strip Clubs wouldn't be open and neither would Abortion Mills.

Strip clubs, bars, and other local businesses sue Governor Cuomo, AG James over Covid-19 handling
At a time COVID is raging and we are looking at 2000 deaths a day, the Trump Court sells out America to pander to the religious right.

There is no pandering, this is a Constitutional issue. The forefathers realized that people not only needed to healthy physically but also mentally and spiritually.

This church has been well ahead of the curve when it has come to Covid-19 and currently had no cases stemming from the church. So no one is “selling out”, they are being reasonable and are using the Constitution to guide them. Religious freedom is a basic right in our country.
Protecting the health and well being of the people is well within the realm of the Constitution.

People are free to exercise their religion without gathering in Spreader Events.
The Trump Court should know the difference

Except the state could not prove that going to the church was exposing others to the virus. At that church the rate was nonexistent, unlike other essential businesses that had a much higher transition rate. If the church follows the guidelines of other essential businesses, if you allow riots and protests attended by thousands who don’t flow the guidelines, then that is clearly discrimination, which is a violation of the Constitution.

Now, if you restrict essential businesses and rioting and protests, then you can limit the church as well. Now it is up to New York to change their laws to align with the Constitution.
faulty ruling-----if it is really true that religious gathering SPREAD the virus

Doesn't make a difference. The state isn't supposed to regulate religion.

wrong, prince pierogi-----the STATE STILL DOES NOT REGULATE religion---it
regulates public health

It isn't about public health at all, its about controlling religion.

Otherwise, Strip Clubs wouldn't be open and neither would Abortion Mills.

Strip clubs, bars, and other local businesses sue Governor Cuomo, AG James over Covid-19 handling

The other Liberal Hell Hole, California, has opened their nudie bars. Apparently not NY yet.

In any event, Abortuaries are still open in both places, as well as liquor stores, tobacconists and lottery ticket retailers. Yet, not churches.

And that's the point.
It's all but impossible to stop the spread of a once-in-a-lifetime, highly contagious, deadly virus when around 30% of your population doesn't even believe it's real.

So, in a free society like ours, many lives are simply going to be sacrificed and destroyed at the altar of pure, raw, arrogant ignorance.

"Altar", pun intended.

I had just gotten up this morning turned on the TV and came into the middle of a conversation with a reporter and either a governor or hospital CEO and the reporter ask, "So what you're saying are the ones not complying with temporary restrictions should be the last to be treated or won't be accepted at the hospital"? He said that is exactly what I said they should be turned away. I don't know how they would prove it unless the person admitted to it. Who knows?

So you want to base healthcare on behavior? Mighty Hitler like of you.
faulty ruling-----if it is really true that religious gathering SPREAD the virus

Doesn't make a difference. The state isn't supposed to regulate religion.

wrong, prince pierogi-----the STATE STILL DOES NOT REGULATE religion---it
regulates public health

It isn't about public health at all, its about controlling religion.

Otherwise, Strip Clubs wouldn't be open and neither would Abortion Mills.

Strip clubs, bars, and other local businesses sue Governor Cuomo, AG James over Covid-19 handling

The other Liberal Hell Hole, California, has opened their nudie bars. Apparently not NY yet.

In any event, Abortuaries are still open in both places, as well as liquor stores, tobacconists and lottery ticket retailers. Yet, not churches.

And that's the point.

In any event you were simply talking out your backside and that is the point.
ACB made the difference. Of course turn coat Roberts sided with the socialists.

Poor statists. They’ll have to “pack” the Supreme Court if they want to get their way now.

Why do they want to murder religious people?

Why does Cuomo want to murder people at other gatherings?
The case proves that the rules were different for religious gatherings versus non-religious gatherings and businesses.

Where does cuomo try to murder people at other gatherings?

He did a bang up job in old folks homes.....
faulty ruling-----if it is really true that religious gathering SPREAD the virus

Very big word, "IF."
Why don't you give us some of that "scientific proof" you Leftists are always crowing about that religious gatherings "SPREAD" the virus.
Then give us some more "scientific proof" that your rioting and looting and arson do NOT "SPREAD" the virus. At least we know your fellow socialists SPREAD the violence, and raping and murders. Take Portland, please. And keep it.
Some voters who supported presumptive President-elect Joseph R. Biden are already experiencing regret, according to a new poll.
Roughly 17% of Biden voters said they wouldn’t have voted for him if they had known about his record as well as that of President Trump, found the survey commissioned by the conservative Media Research Center.
The biggest movement away from Mr. Biden was among his voters who only after the election learned about shady business deals involving Mr. Biden’s son, Hunter. Forty-five percent of Biden voters said they didn’t know about Hunter Biden’s deals, and 9.4% said they would not have voted for the former vice president had they known.
How about you get a brain.
Thats a comeback but not an answer

if guilt by association for Christians is your bag then certainly riots and looting would be stamped out mercilessly by the dems

instead the baby hitlers encourage it
ACB made the difference. Of course turn coat Roberts sided with the socialists.

Poor statists. They’ll have to “pack” the Supreme Court if they want to get their way now.

Why do they want to murder religious people?

Why does Cuomo want to murder people at other gatherings?
The case proves that the rules were different for religious gatherings versus non-religious gatherings and businesses.

Where does cuomo try to murder people at other gatherings?

He did a bang up job in old folks homes.....

He followed federal guidelines on dealing with overflowing hospitals. Too bad there wasn't a pandemic response team to correct things on the fly.

Who's fault was that?
What we have are godless libs in positions of power who hate Christians and practicing religious Jews

Fortunately the Trump SCOTUS just bitch slapped liberals into next week. Also love that chief justice Roberts the CINO finally got his the turncoat.
Roberts is part of the 4 demigod liberal minority that will rule against trump in every case the reaches the court

all libs need it to turn one conservative judge
What we have is a Christian Taliban who put churches above the law.

It seems pretty clear ...

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

Memorize it.
Remember it, when your parish or congregation suffers a number of COVID-19 -related deaths due to your stubborn idiocy.
You are a piece of shit that thinks that anyone who disagrees with you is godless. Protecting people's lives is more important
Lives are not important enough to godless libs or they would end the riots that take place in democrat run cities across America

the fact is that liberals talk out of both sides of their mouth.

gov newsome tells californians to cancel Thanksgiving because it reminds the left of God

but then he attends a mask-less banquet for one of his moneybag fundraisers

Apparently lives are not important to you right wing Nazis. You have no problem with over 250,000 people dying. Cancelling Thansgiving for 1 year will not hurt anyone ande may save lives.

You mean Cuomo who was going to have Thanksgiving with his mother, until he got caught and had to change his plans? Wait, you mean Newsome? What about Pelosi and her big party?

Please spare us your Nazi bullshit, because I tire of your dishonesty and lies. I work in the transportation industry and most of the travel this year are people in big liberal cities traveling to small cities and towns, in years past, it has been the opposite. It seems the “do as I say, not as I do liberals are the ones traveling for thanksgiving this year, so spare me your hate and bigotry.
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