SCOTUS: states cannot ban same sex marriage

This will be interesting the next few years when the Social Conservatives discover their close minded way of thinking is no longer accepted in this country.

You will have red meat states like Tejas and Bama ( Texas and Alabama ) that will try to defy the court ruling, but in the end Same sex couples will be able to be treated equal as they should be.

Now it make me wonder what will be the Social Conservatives next victim they will focus on seeing they can no longer discriminate against someone because of their religion, sex, race or sexual preference?

It also make wonder how many of those Social Conservatives will finally come out of the closet and admit they had a gay thought and liked it?
give it about a decade and the Con-servatives will claim it was all their idea in the first place.
Nothing has changed. There is nothing in this law that requires individual recognition or association.
Umm....retard argument debunked: a goat cant consent to a legal contract.

Derp derp derp

You fail
Can't give consent? It's only a matter of a liberal court to judge it's okay. They said a State cannot prevent anyone from getting married to whatever they want.

they can take it the supreme court now. I bet Obama would be all for that too. He's strutting around like a peacock.
Hmmm. Odd...but I just dont have a strong give a shit on this ruling one way or the other.

Gays can marry. Ok. Whatever. Im more worried about the SEC football season starting September 3rd honestly. Doesnt affect me.
This will be interesting the next few years when the Social Conservatives discover their close minded way of thinking is no longer accepted in this country.

You will have red meat states like Tejas and Bama ( Texas and Alabama ) that will try to defy the court ruling, but in the end Same sex couples will be able to be treated equal as they should be.

Now it make me wonder what will be the Social Conservatives next victim they will focus on seeing they can no longer discriminate against someone because of their religion, sex, race or sexual preference?

It also make wonder how many of those Social Conservatives will finally come out of the closet and admit they had a gay thought and liked it?
give it about a decade and the Con-servatives will claim it was all their idea in the first place.
Yeah. Just like integration and abortion.
Hmmm. Odd...but I just dont have a strong give a shit on this ruling one way or the other.

Gays can marry. Ok. Whatever. Im more worried about the SEC football season starting September 3rd honestly. Doesnt affect me.

I agree. Nothing trumps football.
No surprise, I fully expected this decision, and that it would be pretty split.
Doesn't change anything in my life, I still define a marriage as the joining of two persons of the opposite sex, and I will not personally recognize anything else as a marriage.
I am sure gay people all over the nation are aghast that they will not receive your approval. Many will simply give up the fight if you will not support them.
I guess 5 unelected officials out of 300 million people making this decision is the way to go. haha. I'm actually for Gay Marriage but feel like this should be a law voted on or an amendment should be passed. Supreme Court has waaaaaay too much power for who they are.

How do you feel about Heller v. District of Columbia - also a 5-4 decision - and the two 5-4 decisions repealing campaign finance reform?

or the 5-4 decision that elected Bush?

Not good. Too much power for a small group of unaccountable, unelected officials who's decisions are based on politics and who are just as partisan as you or I on any given issue.
You can't cry about the system when it doesn't go your way. That's ant-American. Just take it up the ass and enjoy it

Isn't that why this was a SCOTUS case to begin with. Because someone cried about the system? Hmmm weird they didn't just have to take it up the ass.
Umm...and SCOTUS has the final say as defined in the Constitution. I don't like it, but it doesn't really affect me. Let them marry....the union may be sanctioned by government, but not God. It has no effect on my faith
God I wish members would look the board over before they post new threads !
There was a thread already started on this topic a good nine minutes before this thread was started !!!
Guess what now a state has to recognize your union.... Congrats... Fucking shame you had to piss on MY FREEDOMS to get it.

What freedom have you lost with this court ruling?

My bet you can not name one but I will give you the chance to point out the suppose freedom you lost in this ruling...
My individual freedom of choice and religion. Also my states right to make its own decisions.... Fucking shame you are too ignorant to understand.
Oh've lost your freedom of religion? What religion will you be forced to practice now?
should be a hell of show

Your wedding picture?
People are not going to marry their pets for marital bliss. People are going to marry their pets so they can add them to their medical insurance, Social Security benefits and other free shit. And now people who marry their pets can take them any place that forbid animals. Hotels, restaurants and any other places that discriminate against animals are going to be hit with a gigantic shitload of lawsuits for discrimination. Bring it on!!

Easy answer to that is to just marry the hotel or restaurant.

Bet you think people will be marrying their piano so they can add it to their insurance.

You dumb RWs are really desperate.
Guess what now a state has to recognize your union.... Congrats... Fucking shame you had to piss on MY FREEDOMS to get it.
What freedoms of yours got "pissed on"? The freedom to be a jack wagon? You've still got that.
The freedom the shape my own state government... But dont worry at least you get the illusion that people will see you are truly;y married.... Fucking gullible idiot.
GLORY DAYS... now the pedophiles can start pushing their agenda in earnest.

Shouldn't be too long and nothing will be taboo or out of bounds. Hell women are flocking to the zoo in Japan to see a "HUNKY APE," so the beastiality crowd is going to want marry animals here pretty quick too.

Morals? pfft... c'moooooon... morals are so... YESTERDAY. ANYTHING GOES NOW... YIPEEEE... :dance:
What does this Supreme Court decision have to do with pedophiles?
Guess what now a state has to recognize your union.... Congrats... Fucking shame you had to piss on MY FREEDOMS to get it.

What freedom have you lost with this court ruling?

My bet you can not name one but I will give you the chance to point out the suppose freedom you lost in this ruling...
My individual freedom of choice and religion. Also my states right to make its own decisions.... Fucking shame you are too ignorant to understand.

You are free to choose to attend the Westboro Baptist Church or others like it.

Your state can elect to ignore the SC decision and not recognize SSM. The consequences will be severe, but that is the price of principles.

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