SCOTUS: states cannot ban same sex marriage

Sure I am

Only I'm not, and if I were, it's not a problem now

I think you are, your posts reek of gayness, I bet you're sitting in your chiffon gown typing away. LMAO
There is no way your laughing right now.

You're furious, and hurt

Go bother someone else you decrepit old thing. You're looking for a fight and I'm not interested. Scram, asshole
I'm having way too much fun watching you twist

Meet ignore. You lose :)

Haha, Toxicmedia wins!
You're becoming annoying, I don't care if two mentally ill people want to be pretend married. It makes no difference to me. so feel free to marry your boyfriend. It's obvious you're gay
Sure I am

Only I'm not, and if I were, it's not a problem now

I think you are, your posts reek of gayness, I bet you're sitting in your chiffon gown typing away. LMAO
There is no way your laughing right now.

You're furious, and hurt, and you're just grieving

Tell her to go clean her pigsty trailer! :p

I live in a gated community, trash like you is stopped at the gate. :)

Is that what they call Mental Hospitals now?
have no hate for you. I pity folks like you who turn the beauty of religious faith as a justification to hate. And, despite your hollow denials, you do hate gay people. You compare them to pedophiles. Don't you hate pedophiles? You claim that allowing people you never met and never will meet to marry will destroy the country. You don't hate those who work to destroy the nation? I pity you and am proud that the nation has turned away from your particular kind of hate. Pretty soon, folks like you will be looked upon as we look upon racists today. The nation moves ahead and leaves sick, twisted folks like you to wallow in your hatred. The nation will be stronger because of this, in part, because it will weaken the influence of folks like you who hold your decidedly un-Christian views. Oh, and, you are a hateful person. Perhaps if you had some love in your life you wouldn't be.

I'm not full of hate. I love people and this country and don't like what is happening to it.

Furthermore, I did NOT draw a comparison. I merely said it gave NAMBLA hope. You see what you want to see or read into it what you want to read into it -- which is unfortunate -- because you don't see the floodgates that are being opened......

Try to keep an open mind....
You did draw that comparison. I have read similar posts by you in the past. You want to back off now, fine. I am sure the floodgates argument was made 50 years ago when Loving was decided. It was ignorant then and remains an ignorant argument. What I see is you claiming that because gay people are now allowed to enter into committed relationships, the country will suffer. That is hate in its most basic form.
That's anger, the second of the five stages of grief

You're becoming annoying, I don't care if two mentally ill people want to be pretend married. It makes no difference to me. so feel free to marry your boyfriend. It's obvious you're gay
Sure I am

Only I'm not, and if I were, it's not a problem now

I think you are, your posts reek of gayness, I bet you're sitting in your chiffon gown typing away. LMAO
There is no way your laughing right now.

You're furious, and hurt

Go bother someone else you decrepit old thing. You're looking for a fight and I'm not interested. Scram, asshole

Such butt hurt
The first stage is anger, dickweed. The response the majority had over yesterdays SCOTUS decision.
Settle down.


Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! You lose!

Cool, you now get the traditional American losers' response...........

That's anger, the second "emotion" within the five stages of grief

Carry on Lieutenant............

Guess what now a state has to recognize your union.... Congrats... Fucking shame you had to piss on MY FREEDOMS to get it.

What freedom have you lost with this court ruling?

My bet you can not name one but I will give you the chance to point out the suppose freedom you lost in this ruling...
My individual freedom of choice and religion. Also my states right to make its own decisions.... Fucking shame you are too ignorant to understand.
GLORY DAYS... now the pedophiles can start pushing their agenda in earnest.

Shouldn't be too long and nothing will be taboo or out of bounds. Hell women are flocking to the zoo in Japan to see a "HUNKY APE," so the beastiality crowd is going to want marry animals here pretty quick too.

Morals? pfft... c'moooooon... morals are so... YESTERDAY. ANYTHING GOES NOW... YIPEEEE... :dance:
Right wing crap that has been harassing the country for far to long are finally being knocked down like sand castles in the path of a Tsunami. Racist flags, attacks on health care, anti integration in housing and now same sex marriage. Whats next?
You're becoming annoying, I don't care if two mentally ill people want to be pretend married. It makes no difference to me. so feel free to marry your boyfriend. It's obvious you're gay
Sure I am

Only I'm not, and if I were, it's not a problem now

I think you are, your posts reek of gayness, I bet you're sitting in your chiffon gown typing away. LMAO
There is no way your laughing right now.

You're furious, and hurt

Go bother someone else you decrepit old thing. You're looking for a fight and I'm not interested. Scram, asshole

Such butt hurt

HAHA! BUTT HURT! pardon the pun right?
So who is surprised this court who consistently pisses on the constitution pisses on it once more? Not me. Now all you homosexuals can now start doing what your progressives masters want of you and start suing churches and kill more freedoms..... Fucking retards.
Care for a Con-federate flag crying towel?
I am not democrat stupid so why the fuck would I cry into their flag?
Guess what now a state has to reckonize your union.... Congrats... Fucking shame you had to piss on MY FREEDOMS to get it.
The state has to recognize that union, you don't. There is nothing in this decision that requires individual recognition or association.

True, and the amendments and rulings on segregation can't make you not hate people who you don't know and just happen to be a darker color than you like.

The ruling has no impact on your freedom to hate, so keep on keeping on.
should be a hell of show

Your wedding picture?
People are not going to marry their pets for marital bliss. People are going to marry their pets so they can add them to their medical insurance, Social Security benefits and other free shit. And now people who marry their pets can take them any place that forbid animals. Hotels, restaurants and any other places that discriminate against animals are going to be hit with a gigantic shitload of lawsuits for discrimination. Bring it on!!
So how many of you homosexuals actually think this piece of paper changes what we all know marriage to be???? LMAO You all surrendered your 10th amendments for a illusion .
It was the Constitutionally proper thing to do...This silly hodgepodge of laws was in direct violation of the "full faith and credit" clause.
For example, full faith and credit makes it possible for us to not have to obtain a driver's license in every state in which we plan on traveling.
The same applies to government sanction ( licensing) of marriage. A marriage in one state is recognized in all states.
Moving on now.

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