SCOTUS: states cannot ban same sex marriage

I don't know about all that, but I do think that they feel it goes against their religious beliefs, which is fine. They are also entitled to live their lives according to their own beliefs, but the problem arises when they try to use the rule of law to force their belief system on others who do not share their beliefs.
Read her posts. She posted that homosexuality should be illegal.

Whatever. I'm not here to personally attack others about their personal beliefs. I am here to make my opinions known and to maybe change even just ONE person's mind. You aren't going to do that by insulting them though. Some of the people here cannot be spoken to in a logical manner and, yes, you end up playing the insult game, but I don't think Bonzi is that person. She has been respectful and has not tried to insult others.

He's hate filled. It's obvious from his comments. Most likely he's mad at the world, upset the man kept him down his entire life but the reality is he doesn't have what it takes to be a success. Can you imagine that attitude in any work environment? Nope, not happening

I just try to remind myself that these kinds of forums are going to be a magnet for extremists of all shapes and sizes.
This forum is a magnet for hate filed bigots who think they have the God given right to tell others how to live or who to love. Bonzi and Irish lassie are two of the worst. Calling supported of marriage equality faggots.

Well let's be fair though, paddy. It's also a magnet for hate filled bigoted atheists who think they have the right to tell theists what they should think and ho they should live. Read: Guno and Hollie. It goes both ways
I don't know about all that, but I do think that they feel it goes against their religious beliefs, which is fine. They are also entitled to live their lives according to their own beliefs, but the problem arises when they try to use the rule of law to force their belief system on others who do not share their beliefs.
Read her posts. She posted that homosexuality should be illegal.

Whatever. I'm not here to personally attack others about their personal beliefs. I am here to make my opinions known and to maybe change even just ONE person's mind. You aren't going to do that by insulting them though. Some of the people here cannot be spoken to in a logical manner and, yes, you end up playing the insult game, but I don't think Bonzi is that person. She has been respectful and has not tried to insult others.
She has been hugely disrespectful repeatedly. You cannot be respectful and call for prison for gay people.

Well, I must have missed that post. Care to quote it?
Perhsps you need to pay better attention to the posts. By the way, the extremist position is not favoring marriage equality or wanting homosexuality made illegal. The extremists here are these two hateful ladies.

Yes because they are on the losing side. Had the decision gone the other way, the people screaming bloody murder and pounding their shoes on the table would be those representing marriage equality, who, in that case, would look equally as extreme.
Pedophilia is a sticky wicket (pardon the pun) for Homophobes. They freely associate pedophilia with homosexuality. Despite peer reviewed studies proving there is no ancillary behavior among homosexuals that tends toward children. Point of fact, most pedophiles identify as heterosexual.

The connect/comparison is that both are perversions.

People knew and recognized it as such, but over time, morals decay and people accept things they once never would..... then call it progress.

I'm sure as much as you think pedophilia is offensive etc., others felt that way about homosexuals, and, both are perversions.
You, no doubt, personally know homosexuals as neighbors, business associates, friends and family. Do you regard them as perverts in you interactions with them? Is that the behavior Christ taught? Is that the reaction and model for civic behavior and comportment? If so, to what purpose?

What do we. As a society gain by treating our fellow citizens as 'less than' because a few folks still see others who are committing no crime as perverts? Is this the moralitythatholds a better society?
You're still arguing a strawman. Straight folks are not contending gay sex is natural. Get past your strawman.

By legalizing it, you effectively are.
She just stated she loves homosexuals but doesn't agree with their lifestyle choice. How is that 'bigoted'?
Because she is lying about the love part. She wants being gay to once again be a crime. How is that being loving. She is a hateful, bigoted POS.
I let my girlfriends keep their girlfriends.
There is a thread somewhere on what Texas is up to. Go look for it. Chop chop

We've seen it....

...and you're an idiot if you believe it.
Here in Texas we don't let no goddamed Yankee faggots tell us how to run things.
Anthony Kennedy and the other four justices are straighter than you, ya old queen.
I got yer queen hangin', you limey bastard.
Limey? You that fucking stupid as to not know that a Limey is English; not Irish?
I'm Irish, Chauncy. Go sweep the London dock where you were born and raised.

There is a thread somewhere on what Texas is up to. Go look for it. Chop chop

We've seen it....

...and you're an idiot if you believe it.
Here in Texas we don't let no goddamed Yankee faggots tell us how to run things.
Anthony Kennedy and the other four justices are straighter than you, ya old queen.
I got yer queen hangin', you limey bastard.

Hangin' from a tree?
There is a thread somewhere on what Texas is up to. Go look for it. Chop chop

We've seen it....

...and you're an idiot if you believe it.
Here in Texas we don't let no goddamed Yankee faggots tell us how to run things.
Anthony Kennedy and the other four justices are straighter than you, ya old queen.
I got yer queen hangin', you limey bastard.

Hangin' from a tree?
Meet me in the men's shithouse at the Grayhound station and I'll show ya.
She just stated she loves homosexuals but doesn't agree with their lifestyle choice. How is that 'bigoted'?
The "lifestyle choice" part. It's not only bigoted but just plain stupid!
We all make choices in life. Getting up out of bed in the morning is a choice. Living with and having sex with someone of the same sex is a choice.

Explain to us how you choose to be hetero.
Who you find attractive is not a choice. Go suck a cock and show us how easy it is to make that choice.
We've seen it....

...and you're an idiot if you believe it.
Here in Texas we don't let no goddamed Yankee faggots tell us how to run things.
Anthony Kennedy and the other four justices are straighter than you, ya old queen.
I got yer queen hangin', you limey bastard.

Hangin' from a tree?
Meet me in the men's shithouse at the Grayhound station and I'll show ya.

Interesting and perhaps telling that you know where to go for such shenanigans?
Nope, that is an individual personal choice, just like the way you choose to live your life is your own personal choice. You can't force God on people.

I actually agree with you ChrisL ... all I am saying is that they would be so much better off in the long run if they did - and much more at peace as well ... it's unfortunate there are so many people running around calling themselves Christians that are not, and, it makes God and Christianity look terrible.... so I don't blame people for their pessimism....

Well, again, that is your own personal opinion regarding religion and God. Others find man-made religion to be as silly as believing in the Easter Bunny.

Yep. They have a right to believe that, and rely on Man. I'm just saying, Man will let you down, every time.
No one has yet been able to prove there is no God. Everyone should keep an open mind and heart.
No one has ever proved there is a God, although I certainly state I believe in God.
How is that not a fact? Explain?
You believe that God does X and Y. Your belief is a fact. However, your belief does not make "that God does X and Y" a fact.

noun: fact; plural noun: facts
  1. a thing that is indisputably the case.
    "she lacks political experience—a fact that becomes clear when she appears in public"
    synonyms: reality, actuality, certainty; More

    antonyms: lie, fiction
    • used in discussing the significance of something that is the case.
      noun: the fact that
      "the real problem facing them is the fact that their funds are being cut"
    • a piece of information used as evidence or as part of a report or news article.
      synonyms: detail, piece of information, particular, item, specific, element, point,factor, feature, characteristic, ingredient, circumstance, aspect, facet;
      "every fact was double-checked"
    • LAW
      the truth about events as opposed to interpretation.
      "there was a question of fact as to whether they had received the letter"

late 15th century: from Latin factum, neuter past participle of facere ‘do.’ The original sense was ‘an act or feat,’ later ‘bad deed, a crime,’ surviving in the phrase before (or after) the fact . The earliest of the current senses (‘truth, reality’) dates from the late 16th century.

fact definition - Google Search
The downfall of many a great civilization involved the rampant immoral sexuality and perversion in that culture.

Such as?

According to Unwin, after a nation becomes prosperous it becomes increasingly liberal with regard to sexual morality and as a result loses it cohesion, its impetus and its purpose. The process, says the author, is irreversible
So a nation should avoid prosperity because it becomes increasingly liberal with regard to sexual morality and as a result loses it cohesion, its impetus and its purpose?
It should try to avoid crass materialism that comes with wealth, which breeds decadence, creating atomization and nihilism. I don't think there is a way for civilization to avoid this, short of putting less value on perpetual economic growth as the ultimate goal for a society. It seems to be the cycle of civilization, where unbridled prosperity eventually sinks into decadence and to the decline of civilization.

Acceptance of same sex marriage isn't a result of materialism or wealth though. It is a result of marriage becoming removed from procreation, and relationships becoming more transactional(about individual convenience and personal happiness). It is no surprise that a society that embraces single motherhood(40% of children are born out of wedlock) and rampant divorce(50% of marriages end in divorce) is indifferent to sam sex marriage.
Good points. I think major social changes in society such as gay marriage are the result of many other changes that preceded it. The civil rights movement and the feminist movement of the mid 20th century certainly encouraged minority groups such as gays to seek equal protection under the law. Likewise those movements were encouraged by women's suffrage, the labor movement, and freeing of the slaves.
She just stated she loves homosexuals but doesn't agree with their lifestyle choice. How is that 'bigoted'?

Human Sexuality for the dumbest of Dummies 101

  1. Sexual orientation refers to a person who is either Heterosexual. Homosexual or Bi Sexual. That does not change

  2. Among bi sexual people there exists a continuum of sexual/romantic attraction ranging from those who are primarily attracted to the opposite sex and those who are primarily attracted to the opposite sex.

  3. Bi sexual people may be involved romantically with someone of the opposite sex at points in their life and their own sex at other times. Hence the perception that they have changed their sexual orientation.

  4. Some people who are strictly homosexual in terms of their attraction have chosen to live as heterosexuals and even marry someone of the opposite sex because of the real or perceived dangers and disadvantages of being out. When this happens, there is often disastrous emotional consequences for them and their families.

  5. If they do come out, they may be perceived as “choosing homosexuality” but that is just a load of ignorant equine excrement

  6. Anyone who claims to not understand this is either really, really stupid, or shamelessly dishonest by using changes in a person’s sexual lifestyle to “prove” that homosexuality is a choice. It is doubly stupid because nobody really gives a fuck about this choice stuff and especially not the courts which have been regarding homosexuality as an immutable characteristic-and that is that.

Now Read this:

Yes, Homosexuality Absolutely Is a Choice

Before the anti-gay rights crowd starts jumping for joy after reading the title, thinking that you now have justification for discrimination, I suggest that you read the whole piece. It begins with:

To all of my Christian brothers and sisters who insist that homosexuality is a choice, I need to break down and finally admit something: I agree with you.

I believe that it absolutely is a choice too, only not in the way that you may have meant.

It continues:

Far too often Christians, when you make the statement that being gay is a sin, what you're really doing without realizing it is reducing all LGBT people down to a sex act -- as if that alone defines sexuality.

You're denying any emotional component in their lives, any capacity to feel real love or show genuine affection toward someone else.

Now before we go on, I want to make two things clear. Although this article is admonishing those Christians who condemn gays, all of those who try to marginalize gays by claiming that being gay is a choice are doing the same thing. The second point is, that this is not a conflict between Christians and gays as many try to make it out to be. It is a conflict between those of any religious persuasion who want to discriminate and those of us-straight and gay- who believe in equality and the value of all human beings.

In another passage that is true of anyone who advocates discrimination, regardless of motive, religious or otherwise, it states:

In a gross oversimplification, you're labeling a complex, fully formed human being as merely a performer of intercourse.

That's something you would never do with heterosexuality, and especially not with your own sexuality, because you understand implicitly that your sexual orientation is about much more than a physical act. It's a much deeper part of who you are than that.

And ………

Christians, you probably recall this in your own story of sexual identity and self discovery don't you? You simply felt naturally and quite involuntarily, the impulses you felt.

By following those impulses you were making a choice, too. You were choosing to be authentic and true to your heart and mind's leading. You were choosing to agree with the truth about how you loved. The alternative would never have been an option.

Why is it so hard for you to believe that LGBT people are operating any differently?

I will finish with this passage:

When we use these words in this very limited and narrow way, we're also assuming that our own inclination, toward not just sex, but affection, intimacy, companionship, romance, and love, are all within our control and alterable -- that they involve decision on any level.

There is more but you get the idea. Those who seek enlightenment will read it and those who want to cling to ignorance and bigotry will ignore it. Your CHOICE
Last edited:
Just one other point I would like to toss out as a "fuck you" to both sides. ;) For gun control opponents who base their opposition on their constitutional rights under the 2nd Amendment, yet also oppose SSM, you just lost your justification to use the Second Amendment to support your position. For advocates of SSM who are championing the 14th Amendment, I am assuming you will also support the free right of all citizens to bear arms from now on
We all make choices in life. Getting up out of bed in the morning is a choice. Living with and having sex with someone of the same sex is a choice.
Only in your opinion, which is not factual.

How is that not a fact? Explain?

I don't think you choose who you feel a sexual attraction to. Do you?

You don't get to choose whatever "turns you on" (no matter what it is .... ) but, you can control yourself. Or deny yourself. People do it all the time. Life isn't just about your sexual attraction and the act of sex!

EXACTLY!!!! And just as life is not just about sexual attraction, a person is not just about sexual attraction as well. So, because a person engages in a sexual lifestyle that you disagree with that does not mean that they are a bad person. It just means they have a lifestyle you would not choose for yourself. It does not mean they lack positive attributes or possess other negative attributes based upon that single criterion. I urge you to do some reading on the "Halo Effect" and the 'Pitchfork Effect'
Fuck you too, heathen faggot.
Amazing what conservatives sink to when their hatreds are challenged
And ditto to you, heathen.
Gays are are miserable

Seems like a fair trade
But when do we take the next step and let libs marry their pet goat?????

After all, you are supposed to be anything you want in this country, according to the Libs, and the poor goats probably just think they're a human trapped in an animal body.....:badgrin:

Goats do not have constitutional rights
Homosexuals do
One thing at a time..... The nutty liberals are working on getting rights for chimps first!!!!
New York Lawsuit Argues Chimpanzees Have Human Rights

Do Chimps Have Human Rights? This Lawsuit Says Yes
Using arguments taken from antislavery efforts, a new lawsuit seeks to give chimpanzees the basic right to freedom

As scientists have studied the chimpanzee, they’ve found more and more similarities between humans and their closest living relatives. But when it comes to the courts, chimps and humans couldn’t be more different. Chimpanzees, like other animals, are not considered persons before the law. Instead, they are considered closer to property, a thing that can be bought and sold, albeit with some oversight by the government — too rarely exercised — in the form of animal-welfare regulations.

Now a lawsuit filed on Dec. 2 in New York State seeks to fundamentally overthrow that distinction. The Nonhuman Rights Group, led by the animal-rights lawyer Steven Wise, filed papers with the state supreme court in Fulton County in New York State on Monday, asking that the courts recognize a captive chimpanzee called Tommy as a legal person with a limited right to liberty. The lawsuit seeks to remove Tommy from his owners in Gloversville, Fla., and place him in a sanctuary. The group says it plans to file additional lawsuits later this week on behalf of a chimp kept in a private home in Niagara Falls, and two other chimps owned by a research center and currently being used in experiments at Stony Brook University in New York State.
Here in Texas we don't let no goddamed Yankee faggots tell us how to run things.
Anthony Kennedy and the other four justices are straighter than you, ya old queen.
I got yer queen hangin', you limey bastard.

Hangin' from a tree?
Meet me in the men's shithouse at the Grayhound station and I'll show ya.

Interesting and perhaps telling that you know where to go for such shenanigans?
Simple. The last time I was in the mens room at Greyhound I had to paralize a pansy for sticking his finger in my piss stream.
Can anyone in their right mind take this horseshit seriously??
'Satan Dancing With Delight':

The Religious Right Reacts To The Legalization Of Gay Marriage Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Friday, 6/26/2015 11:36 am This morning, the Supreme Court ruled that state bans on same-sex marriage were unconstitutional, effectively legalizing gay marriage in all 50 states. Needless to say, anti-gay Religious Right activists and Republican politicians who have repeatedly warned that such a ruling would literally destroy America have not reacted well, as exemplified by Bryan Fischer, who fired off a series of tweets declaring that Satan is now dancing in the streets of America: - See more at: Satan Dancing With Delight The Religious Right Reacts To The Legalization Of Gay Marriage Right Wing Watch

Todd Starnes Warns Pastors Who Refuse To Perform Gay Marriages To 'Prepare For Hate Crime Charges' Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Friday, 6/26/2015 1:33 pm Following his interview with Franklin Graham this morning in which Graham warned that the Supreme Court decision legalizing gay marriage will lead to persecution of Christians and, ultimately, God unleashing His judgment upon America, Fox News commentator Todd Starnes shared his own dire predictions about what is to come. - See more at: Todd Starnes Warns Pastors Who Refuse To Perform Gay Marriages To Prepare For Hate Crime Charges Right Wing Watch

Conservatives React To Gay Marriage Ruling:

End Times! God's Wrath! Civil War! Submitted by Brian Tashman on Friday, 6/26/2015 1:30 pm The right-wing outrage machine has moved into high-gear following the Supreme Court’s ruling to uphold marriage equality, with anti-gay activists vowing to defy the decision. - See more at: Conservatives React To Gay Marriage Ruling End Times God s Wrath Civil War Right Wing Watch
Lol at this nerdy faggot.
Steinie, you are a drama queen we like to tease. Never go away.
I bet you could suck a golf ball out of a garden hose.
Wouldn't you like to find out?
I bet you don't even have the courtesy to give a reach around you potato eating faggot.
I bet you do.
God created Great Britain, and on the seventh day he rested. He took a shit and out came Ireland.

“The nutty liberals are working on getting rights for chimps first!!!!”

This fails as a composition fallacy, in addition to being a ridiculous lie.

Where in the lawsuit is anyone identified as being 'liberal,' where is it stated anywhere that those who filed the lawsuit are 'representative' of all liberals.

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