SCOTUS: states cannot ban same sex marriage

She not only wants to ban gay marriage; she thinks being gay, or acting on those desires, should be illegal. Since she bases her views in the bible, it is not hard to guess what punishment she would favor: the biblical one.

I don't know about all that, but I do think that they feel it goes against their religious beliefs, which is fine. They are also entitled to live their lives according to their own beliefs, but the problem arises when they try to use the rule of law to force their belief system on others who do not share their beliefs.
Read her posts. She posted that homosexuality should be illegal.

Whatever. I'm not here to personally attack others about their personal beliefs. I am here to make my opinions known and to maybe change even just ONE person's mind. You aren't going to do that by insulting them though. Some of the people here cannot be spoken to in a logical manner and, yes, you end up playing the insult game, but I don't think Bonzi is that person. She has been respectful and has not tried to insult others.

He's hate filled. It's obvious from his comments. Most likely he's mad at the world, upset the man kept him down his entire life but the reality is he doesn't have what it takes to be a success. Can you imagine that attitude in any work environment? Nope, not happening

I just try to remind myself that these kinds of forums are going to be a magnet for extremists of all shapes and sizes.
This forum is a magnet for hate filed bigots who think they have the God given right to tell others how to live or who to love. Bonzi and Irish lassie are two of the worst. Calling supported of marriage equality faggots.
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I don't know about all that, but I do think that they feel it goes against their religious beliefs, which is fine. They are also entitled to live their lives according to their own beliefs, but the problem arises when they try to use the rule of law to force their belief system on others who do not share their beliefs.
Read her posts. She posted that homosexuality should be illegal.

Whatever. I'm not here to personally attack others about their personal beliefs. I am here to make my opinions known and to maybe change even just ONE person's mind. You aren't going to do that by insulting them though. Some of the people here cannot be spoken to in a logical manner and, yes, you end up playing the insult game, but I don't think Bonzi is that person. She has been respectful and has not tried to insult others.

He's hate filled. It's obvious from his comments. Most likely he's mad at the world, upset the man kept him down his entire life but the reality is he doesn't have what it takes to be a success. Can you imagine that attitude in any work environment? Nope, not happening

I just try to remind myself that these kinds of forums are going to be a magnet for extremists of all shapes and sizes.
This forum is a magnet for hate filed bigots who think they have the Hod given right to tell others how to live or who to love. Bonzi and Irish lassie are two of the worst. Calling supported of marriage equality faggots.

You really need to learn some of that tolerance you left loons demand. Now settle down, you're going to stroke
She not only wants to ban gay marriage; she thinks being gay, or acting on those desires, should be illegal. Since she bases her views in the bible, it is not hard to guess what punishment she would favor: the biblical one.

I don't know about all that, but I do think that they feel it goes against their religious beliefs, which is fine. They are also entitled to live their lives according to their own beliefs, but the problem arises when they try to use the rule of law to force their belief system on others who do not share their beliefs.
Read her posts. She posted that homosexuality should be illegal.

Whatever. I'm not here to personally attack others about their personal beliefs. I am here to make my opinions known and to maybe change even just ONE person's mind. You aren't going to do that by insulting them though. Some of the people here cannot be spoken to in a logical manner and, yes, you end up playing the insult game, but I don't think Bonzi is that person. She has been respectful and has not tried to insult others.
She has been hugely disrespectful repeatedly. You cannot be respectful and call for prison for gay people.

Well, I must have missed that post. Care to quote it?
Perhsps you need to pay better attention to the posts. By the way, the extremist position is not favoring marriage equality or wanting homosexuality made illegal. The extremists here are these two hateful ladies.
I don't know about all that, but I do think that they feel it goes against their religious beliefs, which is fine. They are also entitled to live their lives according to their own beliefs, but the problem arises when they try to use the rule of law to force their belief system on others who do not share their beliefs.
Read her posts. She posted that homosexuality should be illegal.

Whatever. I'm not here to personally attack others about their personal beliefs. I am here to make my opinions known and to maybe change even just ONE person's mind. You aren't going to do that by insulting them though. Some of the people here cannot be spoken to in a logical manner and, yes, you end up playing the insult game, but I don't think Bonzi is that person. She has been respectful and has not tried to insult others.
She has been hugely disrespectful repeatedly. You cannot be respectful and call for prison for gay people.

Well, I must have missed that post. Care to quote it?
Perhsps you need to pay better attention to the posts. By the way, the extremist position is not favoring marriage equality or wanting homosexuality made illegal. The extremists here are these two hateful ladies.

I was reading the posts and didn't see Bonzi say that gay people should be imprisoned. Where did she say that?
I have no t
Read her posts. She posted that homosexuality should be illegal.

Whatever. I'm not here to personally attack others about their personal beliefs. I am here to make my opinions known and to maybe change even just ONE person's mind. You aren't going to do that by insulting them though. Some of the people here cannot be spoken to in a logical manner and, yes, you end up playing the insult game, but I don't think Bonzi is that person. She has been respectful and has not tried to insult others.

He's hate filled. It's obvious from his comments. Most likely he's mad at the world, upset the man kept him down his entire life but the reality is he doesn't have what it takes to be a success. Can you imagine that attitude in any work environment? Nope, not happening

I just try to remind myself that these kinds of forums are going to be a magnet for extremists of all shapes and sizes.
This forum is a magnet for hate filed bigots who think they have the Hod given right to tell others how to live or who to love. Bonzi and Irish lassie are two of the worst. Calling supported of marriage equality faggots.

You really need to learn some of that tolerance you left loons demand. Now settle down, you're going to stroke
I have no tolerance for people like you who hate others simply because they are different. Bigotry like your cannot be tolerated; it has to be opposed. It was only by opposing people like you that this nation won the great victory for freedom in the Supreme Court.
I have no t
Whatever. I'm not here to personally attack others about their personal beliefs. I am here to make my opinions known and to maybe change even just ONE person's mind. You aren't going to do that by insulting them though. Some of the people here cannot be spoken to in a logical manner and, yes, you end up playing the insult game, but I don't think Bonzi is that person. She has been respectful and has not tried to insult others.

He's hate filled. It's obvious from his comments. Most likely he's mad at the world, upset the man kept him down his entire life but the reality is he doesn't have what it takes to be a success. Can you imagine that attitude in any work environment? Nope, not happening

I just try to remind myself that these kinds of forums are going to be a magnet for extremists of all shapes and sizes.
This forum is a magnet for hate filed bigots who think they have the Hod given right to tell others how to live or who to love. Bonzi and Irish lassie are two of the worst. Calling supported of marriage equality faggots.

You really need to learn some of that tolerance you left loons demand. Now settle down, you're going to stroke
I have no tolerance for people like you who hate others simply because they are different. Bigotry like your cannot be tolerated; it has to be opposed. It was only by opposing people like you that this nation won the great victory for freedom in the Supreme Court.

Well your problem is I don't hate gay people. I disagree with SSM. Now learn the other's position before you make a further fool of yourself.
Read her posts. She posted that homosexuality should be illegal.

Whatever. I'm not here to personally attack others about their personal beliefs. I am here to make my opinions known and to maybe change even just ONE person's mind. You aren't going to do that by insulting them though. Some of the people here cannot be spoken to in a logical manner and, yes, you end up playing the insult game, but I don't think Bonzi is that person. She has been respectful and has not tried to insult others.
She has been hugely disrespectful repeatedly. You cannot be respectful and call for prison for gay people.

Well, I must have missed that post. Care to quote it?
Perhsps you need to pay better attention to the posts. By the way, the extremist position is not favoring marriage equality or wanting homosexuality made illegal. The extremists here are these two hateful ladies.

I was reading the posts and didn't see Bonzi say that gay people should be imprisoned. Where did she say that?

You're still arguing a strawman. Straight folks are not contending gay sex is natural. Get past your strawman.

"By legalizing it, you effectively are."

Legalizing it. Before the Supreme Court tossed laws making gay sex a crime, it was punishable by jail.
I have no t
He's hate filled. It's obvious from his comments. Most likely he's mad at the world, upset the man kept him down his entire life but the reality is he doesn't have what it takes to be a success. Can you imagine that attitude in any work environment? Nope, not happening

I just try to remind myself that these kinds of forums are going to be a magnet for extremists of all shapes and sizes.
This forum is a magnet for hate filed bigots who think they have the Hod given right to tell others how to live or who to love. Bonzi and Irish lassie are two of the worst. Calling supported of marriage equality faggots.

You really need to learn some of that tolerance you left loons demand. Now settle down, you're going to stroke
I have no tolerance for people like you who hate others simply because they are different. Bigotry like your cannot be tolerated; it has to be opposed. It was only by opposing people like you that this nation won the great victory for freedom in the Supreme Court.

Well your problem is I don't hate gay people. I disagree with SSM. Now learn the other's position before you make a further fool of yourself.
So, you don't think the government should ban gay marriage? You don't think that homosexuality should be illegal, as Bonzi does? You don't think that discrimination against gay people should be illegal? Disagreeing with a person marrying another of the same gender is one thing. Demanding that the law be used to advance your personal beliefs is another. I don't believe in same sex marriage for me. Despite your idiotic suggestion that if one supports marriage equality, one must be gay, I am a straight male. But I have no right to demand that the law conform to my orientation. Do you?
I'll have to share that one with my single LGBT buddies. It might be bullshit, but it's worth trying.

Thanks :)

Update; Awww

Why didn't they include BearCode and SmurfCode links? They offered TwinkCode 1.12.

I can't even look those ones up because the sites keep trying to give me a virus...

It's actually a bit of a shame it's bullshit. The hanky thing could actually be useful.
Look. Nobody care how you swing. Just be honest about the meaning behind the gay flag colors. Displaying them on our White House is disgraceful. If Christians want crosses displayed on our White House, that would be denied.

There are all sorts of color things to do with sexuality. Straights have plenty of them too.

But that does not mean the rainbow flag is about sexual acts. It is about the diversity of humanity.
Find me someone who is purple.
I have no t
I just try to remind myself that these kinds of forums are going to be a magnet for extremists of all shapes and sizes.
This forum is a magnet for hate filed bigots who think they have the Hod given right to tell others how to live or who to love. Bonzi and Irish lassie are two of the worst. Calling supported of marriage equality faggots.

You really need to learn some of that tolerance you left loons demand. Now settle down, you're going to stroke
I have no tolerance for people like you who hate others simply because they are different. Bigotry like your cannot be tolerated; it has to be opposed. It was only by opposing people like you that this nation won the great victory for freedom in the Supreme Court.

Well your problem is I don't hate gay people. I disagree with SSM. Now learn the other's position before you make a further fool of yourself.
So, you don't think the government should ban gay marriage? You don't think that homosexuality should be illegal, as Bonzi does? You don't think that discrimination against gay people should be illegal? Disagreeing with a person marrying another of the same gender is one thing. Demanding that the law be used to advance your personal beliefs is another. I don't believe in same sex marriage for me. Despite your idiotic suggestion that if one supports marriage equality, one must be gay, I am a straight male. But I have no right to demand that the law conform to my orientation. Do you?

I've said all along if two men or two women want to pretend they are married go ahead. I won't recognize it and in fact I'd have a hard time not laughing if they introduced themselves as a married couple. There is far too much noise being made about a very small minority of the population, VERY small and I recognize it for what it is, a distraction from the real issues. If you want to support them go right ahead but stop being abusive to ones' who don't support it. YOU need to learn some of that tolerance the gays demand

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Will the Catholic Church be told they must marry gays?

No, stupid.
Can you guarantee the Church will be exempt? Because you fucking libs and gay atheists will demand it in the courts."
Just like we demanded that the Catholic Church marry non-Catholics and divorced Catholics.

Non-Catholics and divorced Catholics don't have mean-spirted organizations like LGBT and ACT-UP behind then trying to override normalcy.
Will the Catholic Church be told they must marry gays?

No, stupid.
Can you guarantee the Church will be exempt? Because you fucking libs and gay atheists will demand it in the courts."
Just like we demanded that the Catholic Church marry non-Catholics and divorced Catholics.

Non-Catholics and divorced Catholics don't have mean-spiriyed organizations like LGBT and ACT-UP behind then trying to override normalcy.

Do you really think they are trying to "override normalcy?" Or are they trying to gain acceptance as legitimate members of their communities? Honestly, I don't think homosexuality will ever be the "norm." Most people just don't swing that way! :wink_2:
Will the Catholic Church be told they must marry gays?

No, stupid.
Can you guarantee the Church will be exempt? Because you fucking libs and gay atheists will demand it in the courts."
Just like we demanded that the Catholic Church marry non-Catholics and divorced Catholics.

Non-Catholics and divorced Catholics don't have mean-spiriyed organizations like LGBT and ACT-UP behind then trying to override normalcy.

Do you really think they are trying to "override normalcy?" Or are they trying to gain acceptance as legitimate members of their communities? Honestly, I don't think homosexuality will ever be the "norm." Most people just don't swing that way! :wink_2:
Homos are normal part of the diversity of humanity.. I don't disagree with that. Gays marrying isn't.
No, stupid.
Can you guarantee the Church will be exempt? Because you fucking libs and gay atheists will demand it in the courts."
Just like we demanded that the Catholic Church marry non-Catholics and divorced Catholics.

Non-Catholics and divorced Catholics don't have mean-spiriyed organizations like LGBT and ACT-UP behind then trying to override normalcy.

Do you really think they are trying to "override normalcy?" Or are they trying to gain acceptance as legitimate members of their communities? Honestly, I don't think homosexuality will ever be the "norm." Most people just don't swing that way! :wink_2:
Homos are normal part of the diversity of humanity.. I don't disagree with that. Gays marrying isn't.
It is now in the USA and about 20 other countries. Get used to it
You're still arguing a strawman. Straight folks are not contending gay sex is natural. Get past your strawman.

By legalizing it, you effectively are.
Nope, not true. Smoking is neither natural nor healthy; yet it's legal. If I may borrow your strawman for a moment, being legal means smoking is "effectively" natural and healthy.
submit, that according to your bible, God doesn't agree with your position on LGBT issues.

If between God's law and Man's we must always follow God's law.
We do have the choice to live under the law of the land, or to leave that land. Granted.
But just because 9 people agree to make Homosexuality legal, doesn't mean God approves.
God may have put them there, but we all still have free will, and often do wrong with it.
Nine people did not make homosexuality legal. WTF are you smoking?
The downfall of many a great civilization involved the rampant immoral sexuality and perversion in that culture.

Such as?

In Sex and Culture, JD Unwin studied 80 primitive tribes and 6 known civilizations through 5,000 years of history and found a positive correlation between the cultural achievement of a people and the sexual restraint they observe.

Well I am unfamiliar with Mr. Unwins work, but "primitive tribes" are hardly "great civilizations". What I can gather from the few sources that are online about this book is that it was written in 1934 in Great Britain during a time when British women were gaining more rights and freedoms. Mr. Unwin apparently believed that women should remain subservient and thus published his work in an effort to provide an argument that women should should revert back to their status of Victorian England. The book doesn't seem to be one that is widely referenced by scholarship and, from the little I have been able to find, those that do consider it a study in the manipulation of data in order to establish a pre-conceived, political agenda.

"In order to attain this absolute correlation, he has had to manipulate his definitions of both sexual restrictions and of cultural achievement. His restrictions, in fact, only concern the limitation of pre-nuptual freedom in women and the nature of religious defining cultural achievement the standard is surprising. The lowest level recognized is that characterized by religion without post-funeral honor of the individual dead or without worship in temples, these two being the criteria of the middle and highest levels of primitive cultural achievement. For a culture to rise from the lowest plane to the next highest level it is only necessary to restrict pre-nuptual freedom of women; to rise to the highest level, where they will be capable of building temples, it is only necessary to demand tokens of virginity. It is not necessary for all restrictions to be enforced on all females of a society....

It is impossible within the limits of a brief review to criticize the long list of absurdities that are involved in the correlations of this volume.....This volume is an extreme example of the manipulation of anthropological material to support private programs of social reform, in this case, a program of return to the immediate Victorian past. It makes clear, as has already been abundantly demonstrated in anthropological literature, that any thesis, no matter how unlikely, can be upheld by a suitable rearrangement of cultural facts from primitive peoples. Only insistence upon a greater scrupulousness and a greater intelligence can prevent the recurrence of such volumes of special pleading

-Dr. Ruth Benedict, Ph.D.
Columbia University, Department of Anthropology

GENERAL Sex and Culture. J. D. Unwin. - Benedict - 2009 - American Anthropologist - Wiley Online Library

.Dr. Benedict also mentions in her review, that Unwin completely ignored several tribes that were in the immediate area and time frame of other tribes he did consider that would have totally destroyed his hypothesis such as the Cheyenne and Menomini. So, it appears that you are supporting your thesis by quoting a source that was designed to subjugate women and appears to be the 1930's British equivalent of AGW; i.e. 'we will only consider data that supports our political aims and we will ignore the rest'.
And you just proved that you know more about Unwin than Bonzi, who never read his book or anything other than some blurb on a right wing nut job site.

Didn't that happen to other great empires in the past, such as those of Britain, Spain, Rome, Persia, Babylon and Egypt? Is America' s future more secure than theirs was?
Sir John Bagot Glubb (1897-1987), a highly honored British general and historian better known as Glubb Pasha, wrote about the collapsed empires of the past. In his 1978 book The Fate of Empires and the Search for Survival, he described a common pattern fitting the history of some fallen empires. They went through a cycle of stages as they started, expanded, matured, declined and collapsed.

1. The age of outburst (or pioneers).
2. The age of conquests.
3. The age of commerce.
4. The age of affluence.
5. The age of intellect.
6. The age of decadence.
7. The age of decline and collapse.

Once a culture reaches the age of decadence they are naturally going to decline because there is nowhere else to go. Decadence exists because you have achieved a place within society wherein you have an abundance of wealth and materials. As a society evolves in strength and stability the focus turns from the effort merely to exist and to the enjoyment of life. Consider John Adams' quote:

"I must study politics and war, that our sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. Our sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history and naval architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry and porcelain"
-John Adams

This is a natural evolution. When you no longer have to worry about securing your borders, you mind turns to other things; the nature of the world, the accumulation of wealth, etc. Then when those things are accomplished one begins to study the arts and enjoy the fruits of their struggle. Sometimes sexuality becomes more liberal as a society evolves and sometimes (Cheyenne and Rome to name just a couple) it does not. Yet, they ultimately suffer the same fate because once you reach the top of the mountain, there is nowhere else to go but down. That is not predicated upon sexual culture, but upon the focus of the government to maintain commerce, industry, and defence. Unless you wish to argue that the British empire fell because women were gaining more cultural freedoms. Is that the argument that you wish to make?
submit, that according to your bible, God doesn't agree with your position on LGBT issues.

If between God's law and Man's we must always follow God's law.
We do have the choice to live under the law of the land, or to leave that land. Granted.
But just because 9 people agree to make Homosexuality legal, doesn't mean God approves.
God may have put them there, but we all still have free will, and often do wrong with it.
Nine people did not make homosexuality legal. WTF are you smoking?

That's a good catch.
The downfall of many a great civilization involved the rampant immoral sexuality and perversion in that culture.

Such as?

According to Unwin, after a nation becomes prosperous it becomes increasingly liberal with regard to sexual morality and as a result loses it cohesion, its impetus and its purpose. The process, says the author, is irreversible
So a nation should avoid prosperity because it becomes increasingly liberal with regard to sexual morality and as a result loses it cohesion, its impetus and its purpose?

It's a tendency for Nations to do this. If people cared to learn from History, they would not becoming increasingly liberal. But, with wealth, comes arrogance and with arrogance, comes thinking you know better than God so you start changing the rules.


A) Isn't that what you are doing yourself? I say this out love Bonzi, because, as we are both Christian, you know I love you and have respect for you. But are you not doing the same? You are speaking on behalf of God. God knows what He will accept and what He will not. What right do we have, as Christians, to make that judgement for Him? Did Paul not write, "12 What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? 13 God will judge those outside..." (1 Cor 5:12-13)

B) Didn't Christianity change the rules? According to Jesus the way to be 'right with God' (righteous) was 1) follow the Law (Matt. 5:17-20), 2) love God with all your heart (Matt. 22:37), and 3) love your neighbor as yourself (Matt. 22:39). But, according to Paul, the way to be 'right with God' was by accepting Grace. Through Grace, the acceptance of the free gift of salvation through the sacrifice of Jesus, the Law becomes secondary if it applies at all. This is why Paul freaked the fuck out in his letter to the Galatians regarding circumcision. Through circumcision, people were adhering to the Law which, for Paul, is not only inapplicable, but makes the sacrifice of Jesus irrelevant. So for Jesus, the Law is the path to God, but for Paul the Law doesn't matter and Grace is the way to God. Didn't Paul change the rules?
The "lifestyle choice" part. It's not only bigoted but just plain stupid!
We all make choices in life. Getting up out of bed in the morning is a choice. Living with and having sex with someone of the same sex is a choice.
Only in your opinion, which is not factual.

How is that not a fact? Explain?

I don't think you choose who you feel a sexual attraction to. Do you?

You don't get to choose whatever "turns you on" (no matter what it is .... ) but, you can control yourself. Or deny yourself. People do it all the time. Life isn't just about your sexual attraction and the act of sex!

EXACTLY!!!! And just as life is not just about sexual attraction, a person is not just about sexual attraction as well. So, because a person engages in a sexual lifestyle that you disagree with that does not mean that they are a bad person. It just means they have a lifestyle you would not choose for yourself. It does not mean they lack positive attributes or possess other negative attributes based upon that single criterion. I urge you to do some reading on the "Halo Effect" and the 'Pitchfork Effect'

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