SCOTUS: states cannot ban same sex marriage

She just stated she loves homosexuals but doesn't agree with their lifestyle choice. How is that 'bigoted'?
The "lifestyle choice" part. It's not only bigoted but just plain stupid!
We all make choices in life. Getting up out of bed in the morning is a choice. Living with and having sex with someone of the same sex is a choice.
Only in your opinion, which is not factual.

How is that not a fact? Explain?

I don't think you choose who you feel a sexual attraction to. Do you?

You don't get to choose whatever "turns you on" (no matter what it is .... ) but, you can control yourself. Or deny yourself. People do it all the time. Life isn't just about your sexual attraction and the act of sex!
Great. Now who is forcing you into a sinful homosexual act, you know, the part that is a sin?

No one. But I am going to make a stand and say that they were wrong to do what they did.

How are they wrong? You mean to say, in your opinion, they are wrong. To them, it is not wrong. It is fair and just. What is wrong is trying to force your way of life and your beliefs on other people.

They are wrong because it's against God.
If you don't believe in God, then, it's not wrong TO YOU because you don't believe in God.

Why don't you leave that up to God? Why do you think it is okay for you to make judgments on God's behalf? You are a mere mortal, also flawed. :D
Nope, that is an individual personal choice, just like the way you choose to live your life is your own personal choice. You can't force God on people.

I actually agree with you ChrisL ... all I am saying is that they would be so much better off in the long run if they did - and much more at peace as well ... it's unfortunate there are so many people running around calling themselves Christians that are not, and, it makes God and Christianity look terrible.... so I don't blame people for their pessimism....

Well, again, that is your own personal opinion regarding religion and God. Others find man-made religion to be as silly as believing in the Easter Bunny.

Yep. They have a right to believe that, and rely on Man. I'm just saying, Man will let you down, every time.
No one has yet been able to prove there is no God. Everyone should keep an open mind and heart.

That is one of the great things about our country, people get to choose their own path in life. We are not a theocracy, thankfully. Being against gay marriage is old fashioned antiquated belief system, not based in reality, IMO.

Even in God's eyes, you have the right to choose. Free will. No one will deny that.
Great. Now who is forcing you into a sinful homosexual act, you know, the part that is a sin?

No one. But I am going to make a stand and say that they were wrong to do what they did.

How are they wrong? You mean to say, in your opinion, they are wrong. To them, it is not wrong. It is fair and just. What is wrong is trying to force your way of life and your beliefs on other people.

They are wrong because it's against God.
If you don't believe in God, then, it's not wrong TO YOU because you don't believe in God.

Why don't you leave that up to God? Why do you think it is okay for you to make judgments on God's behalf? You are a mere mortal, also flawed. :D

I feel I am doing God a disservice to not stand up for Him. Obviously, He is more than capable of standing up for Himself, but he has called Christians to proclaim Him to the World and be a light to the lost. It is my duty as a Christian to speak of God's word and truth in love and gentleness (and I do try to be loving and gentle...)
"having sex with someone of the same sex is a choice (FACT)"

That does not mean that homosexuality is a choice. Your logic fails, again.
I mean a private life is exactly that, a private life. Who are you to judge someone else's love? What great calamity happens when you meet a homosexual?

In point of fact, you personally know homosexuals as neighbors, business associates, friends and family. Are you safe? Did they deign to mention your sexual behavior? Does it matter to them? Then why does it matter to you?

And there is plenty of heterosexual anal acts. Are heterosexuals just too straight laced to be kinky? Are you sure you have an Internet connection?

Opinions, they say, are similar to anuses. We all have one and yours stinks.

I don't want to run out a string about your attitude. It's not a good color on you dear. Keep it to yourself. Feel what it's like to get 'closeted'.
Fuck you too, heathen faggot.
Amazing what conservatives sink to when their hatreds are challenged
And ditto to you, heathen.
Gays are are miserable

Seems like a fair trade
Gays are bi-sexual and that means that homosexuality is a matter of CHOICE. "Gays" are not happy unless engaged in sexual activity. Most old people are just content to be alive.

You seem to be terribly confused and ignorant about matters of human sexuality. It is doubtful that you are able or even have any desire to understand how ridiculous you are so I am not going to even try to explain
"You don't get to choose whatever "turns you on" (no matter what it is .... )"

You just contradicted yourself, Bonzi. You just said it was a choice.
The "lifestyle choice" part. It's not only bigoted but just plain stupid!
We all make choices in life. Getting up out of bed in the morning is a choice. Living with and having sex with someone of the same sex is a choice.
Only in your opinion, which is not factual.

How is that not a fact? Explain?

I don't think you choose who you feel a sexual attraction to. Do you?

You don't get to choose whatever "turns you on" (no matter what it is .... ) but, you can control yourself. Or deny yourself. People do it all the time. Life isn't just about your sexual attraction and the act of sex!

Who says it is? By reading some of the right wing posts on the subject, you would think so though! :lol: You are all so fixated on the sex lives of others. Live and let live is what I think you all need to do. Worry about yourselves and following your belief system. Leave other people, who choose not to follow your belief system, alone.
"It is my duty as a Christian to speak of God's word and truth in love and gentleness (and I do try to be loving and gentle...)" Well, that is your opinion, but I do agree that you are loving and gentle.
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Great. Now who is forcing you into a sinful homosexual act, you know, the part that is a sin?

No one. But I am going to make a stand and say that they were wrong to do what they did.

How are they wrong? You mean to say, in your opinion, they are wrong. To them, it is not wrong. It is fair and just. What is wrong is trying to force your way of life and your beliefs on other people.

They are wrong because it's against God.
If you don't believe in God, then, it's not wrong TO YOU because you don't believe in God.

Why don't you leave that up to God? Why do you think it is okay for you to make judgments on God's behalf? You are a mere mortal, also flawed. :D

I feel I am doing God a disservice to not stand up for Him. Obviously, He is more than capable of standing up for Himself, but he has called Christians to proclaim Him to the World and be a light to the lost. It is my duty as a Christian to speak of God's word and truth in love and gentleness (and I do try to be loving and gentle...)

That's wonderful, but when you infringe upon another person's happiness, then you are involving yourself in their lives.
She just stated she loves homosexuals but doesn't agree with their lifestyle choice. How is that 'bigoted'?
The "lifestyle choice" part. It's not only bigoted but just plain stupid!

BTW, I think I know you from somewhere! :wink_2:
Humm, where? Are you also on Political Forum or Political Hot Wire?

I'm a member at PF. You and I have talked there before. :D In fact, IIRC, you are on my friends list there. I haven't been there in a few weeks though. I've been a little busy lately.
Your God is a bigoted asshole like you. You created a God in your image and it is an ugly image.

God loves you even though you don't love him. God IS love, he will never let you down or leave you... but if you don't want that unconditional love and promise of eternal life, that is your choice.

EVERYONE can have that! Everyone SHOULD have it, not because I say so, but because it's the ONLY think n life worth living for (God) -
Your version of God is not about love; it is about hate and bigotry and exclusion.
submit, that according to your bible, God doesn't agree with your position on LGBT issues.

If between God's law and Man's we must always follow God's law.
We do have the choice to live under the law of the land, or to leave that land. Granted.
But just because 9 people agree to make Homosexuality legal, doesn't mean God approves.
God may have put them there, but we all still have free will, and often do wrong with it.
So now you want gay people locked up. You want homosexuality to be illegal. Stop lying about how you don't hate. You clearly do hate.
No one. But I am going to make a stand and say that they were wrong to do what they did.

How are they wrong? You mean to say, in your opinion, they are wrong. To them, it is not wrong. It is fair and just. What is wrong is trying to force your way of life and your beliefs on other people.

They are wrong because it's against God.
If you don't believe in God, then, it's not wrong TO YOU because you don't believe in God.

Why don't you leave that up to God? Why do you think it is okay for you to make judgments on God's behalf? You are a mere mortal, also flawed. :D

I feel I am doing God a disservice to not stand up for Him. Obviously, He is more than capable of standing up for Himself, but he has called Christians to proclaim Him to the World and be a light to the lost. It is my duty as a Christian to speak of God's word and truth in love and gentleness (and I do try to be loving and gentle...)

That's wonderful, but when you infringe upon another person's happiness, then you are involving yourself in their lives.

Well like to told De above... I am not infringing... I don't have the power or ability to do so!
As long as you are a human being, living here in America, you should be entitled to all the same rights and benefits as anyone else. As far as marriage, if you are two human beings, both of consenting age and aware of the stipulations of the contract you are signing, then all should be fine. There is absolutely no logical reason to deny two consenting adults (regardless of their sex) the benefits of marriage.
The downfall of many a great civilization involved the rampant immoral sexuality and perversion in that culture.

Such as?

According to Unwin, after a nation becomes prosperous it becomes increasingly liberal with regard to sexual morality and as a result loses it cohesion, its impetus and its purpose. The process, says the author, is irreversible
why is sexual morality correlated to cohesion instead of poor leadership?
Okay well people I need to go get ready for my son's wedding so, will answer or respond later.

Have a wonderful Sunday!
You're still arguing a strawman. Straight folks are not contending gay sex is natural. Get past your strawman.

By legalizing it, you effectively are.
She just stated she loves homosexuals but doesn't agree with their lifestyle choice. How is that 'bigoted'?
Because she is lying about the love part. She wants being gay to once again be a crime. How is that being loving. She is a hateful, bigoted POS.

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