SCOTUS: states cannot ban same sex marriage

Your God is a bigoted asshole like you. You created a God in your image and it is an ugly image.

God loves you even though you don't love him. God IS love, he will never let you down or leave you... but if you don't want that unconditional love and promise of eternal life, that is your choice.

EVERYONE can have that! Everyone SHOULD have it, not because I say so, but because it's the ONLY think n life worth living for (God) -

Nope, that is an individual personal choice, just like the way you choose to live your life is your own personal choice. You can't force God on people.
You're still arguing a strawman. Straight folks are not contending gay sex is natural. Get past your strawman.

By legalizing it, you effectively are.

I disagree. It's not the responsibility of government to be the morality police. Why, if two people love one another, would you want to deny them the same happiness that is afforded to you?
submit, that according to your bible, God doesn't agree with your position on LGBT issues.

If between God's law and Man's we must always follow God's law.
We do have the choice to live under the law of the land, or to leave that land. Granted.
But just because 9 people agree to make Homosexuality legal, doesn't mean God approves.
God may have put them there, but we all still have free will, and often do wrong with it.

Great. Now who is forcing you into a sinful homosexual act, you know, the part that is a sin?
Nope, that is an individual personal choice, just like the way you choose to live your life is your own personal choice. You can't force God on people.

I actually agree with you ChrisL ... all I am saying is that they would be so much better off in the long run if they did - and much more at peace as well ... it's unfortunate there are so many people running around calling themselves Christians that are not, and, it makes God and Christianity look terrible.... so I don't blame people for their pessimism....
Nope, that is an individual personal choice, just like the way you choose to live your life is your own personal choice. You can't force God on people.

I actually agree with you ChrisL ... all I am saying is that they would be so much better off in the long run if they did - and much more at peace as well ... it's unfortunate there are so many people running around calling themselves Christians that are not, and, it makes God and Christianity look terrible.... so I don't blame people for their pessimism....

Well, again, that is your own personal opinion regarding religion and God. Others find man-made religion to be as silly as believing in the Easter Bunny.
RE: passage of the Gay Marriage law...

I said above, we have a motto of "One Nation Under God" - we are not "under God" if we keep ignoring what He says, and making our own rules of what is right and wrong. If we are willing to submit and surrender to His will, we are guaranteed an abundant life. But remember, our life is NOT just our years on this Earth. Our lives are ETERNAL.

God WILL punish those that do not listen to him. He did it to the Israelites. Why would he not do it to US?
Again, this is subjective religious dogma, completely irrelevant – having no legal merit whatsoever.

You're right, but Bonzi obviously doesn't give two shits, so you're kinda wasting your keystrokes explaining that.

I get it.

But what you 2 don't understand is God is eternal, we are not.
God matters more than the law of the land.

Anyway that thinks lawmakers are perfect and what passes as law is always correct is just a moron.
There are many who do not believe in G-d. While you and I would disagree with them, they are fortunate to live in a non-theocratic nation which does not force religious doctrine upon them. At the same time, this great nation does believe everyone is entitled to their rights, regardless of where each individual believes those rights come from. Friday's decision exemplified that as the government stood up and protected the fundamental right of marriage for a group of people for whom it was previously denied.

Whether one is anti-gay or not, we should all be applauding the government protecting our rights. In this case, it benefited gays ... next time, it could benefit you.

What amazes me (not really) is the hypocrisy of the right. They usually champion reduced regulations and government staying out of privacy issues and increased individual liberty ... but apparently they don't extend those beliefs for people they feel are violating the Bible.

I still contend that by treating homosexuality as if it were natural - is doing a disservice.
We have allowed society to convince us that it's just as natural and normal as heterosexual relationships.
Since it occurs in nature normally, then it is natural.
She just stated she loves homosexuals but doesn't agree with their lifestyle choice. How is that 'bigoted'?
The "lifestyle choice" part. It's not only bigoted but just plain stupid!

It is a choice. Your sexual preferences or desires lead to a lifestyle choice. I know everyone gets all bent out of shape on this, but, there are many types of sexual perversions, and, we make choices to act upon them or not. It's unfortunate, that, in this fallen world, we have to live with cravings and desires that are unhealthy to ourselves and others, but, for the good of all, we must deny them.
Nope, that is an individual personal choice, just like the way you choose to live your life is your own personal choice. You can't force God on people.

I actually agree with you ChrisL ... all I am saying is that they would be so much better off in the long run if they did - and much more at peace as well ... it's unfortunate there are so many people running around calling themselves Christians that are not, and, it makes God and Christianity look terrible.... so I don't blame people for their pessimism....

Well, again, that is your own personal opinion regarding religion and God. Others find man-made religion to be as silly as believing in the Easter Bunny.

Yep. They have a right to believe that, and rely on Man. I'm just saying, Man will let you down, every time.
No one has yet been able to prove there is no God. Everyone should keep an open mind and heart.
Great. Now who is forcing you into a sinful homosexual act, you know, the part that is a sin?

No one. But I am going to make a stand and say that they were wrong to do what they did.

How are they wrong? You mean to say, in your opinion, they are wrong. To them, it is not wrong. It is fair and just. What is wrong is trying to force your way of life and your beliefs on other people.
She just stated she loves homosexuals but doesn't agree with their lifestyle choice. How is that 'bigoted'?
The "lifestyle choice" part. It's not only bigoted but just plain stupid!
We all make choices in life. Getting up out of bed in the morning is a choice. Living with and having sex with someone of the same sex is a choice.
Only in your opinion, which is not factual.

How is that not a fact? Explain?
All those who are mistaken about God and His love have every right to their mistaken opinions. God is not worried about LGBT (they are made is His image).
She just stated she loves homosexuals but doesn't agree with their lifestyle choice. How is that 'bigoted'?
The "lifestyle choice" part. It's not only bigoted but just plain stupid!
We all make choices in life. Getting up out of bed in the morning is a choice. Living with and having sex with someone of the same sex is a choice.
Only in your opinion, which is not factual.
How is that not a fact? Explain?
Since you can't prove it, then it is not fact.
She just stated she loves homosexuals but doesn't agree with their lifestyle choice. How is that 'bigoted'?
The "lifestyle choice" part. It's not only bigoted but just plain stupid!
We all make choices in life. Getting up out of bed in the morning is a choice. Living with and having sex with someone of the same sex is a choice.
Only in your opinion, which is not factual.

How is that not a fact? Explain?

I don't think you choose who you feel a sexual attraction to. Do you?
Great. Now who is forcing you into a sinful homosexual act, you know, the part that is a sin?

No one. But I am going to make a stand and say that they were wrong to do what they did.

How are they wrong? You mean to say, in your opinion, they are wrong. To them, it is not wrong. It is fair and just. What is wrong is trying to force your way of life and your beliefs on other people.

They are wrong because it's against God.
If you don't believe in God, then, it's not wrong TO YOU because you don't believe in God.
She just stated she loves homosexuals but doesn't agree with their lifestyle choice. How is that 'bigoted'?
The "lifestyle choice" part. It's not only bigoted but just plain stupid!
We all make choices in life. Getting up out of bed in the morning is a choice. Living with and having sex with someone of the same sex is a choice.
Only in your opinion, which is not factual.
How is that not a fact? Explain?
Since you can't prove it, then it is not fact.

Okay well you said this is not factual - not even my post, but, see below:

We all make choices in life (FACT). Getting up out of bed in the morning is a choice (FACT). Living with and having sex with someone of the same sex is a choice (FACT)
Nope, that is an individual personal choice, just like the way you choose to live your life is your own personal choice. You can't force God on people.

I actually agree with you ChrisL ... all I am saying is that they would be so much better off in the long run if they did - and much more at peace as well ... it's unfortunate there are so many people running around calling themselves Christians that are not, and, it makes God and Christianity look terrible.... so I don't blame people for their pessimism....

Well, again, that is your own personal opinion regarding religion and God. Others find man-made religion to be as silly as believing in the Easter Bunny.

Yep. They have a right to believe that, and rely on Man. I'm just saying, Man will let you down, every time.
No one has yet been able to prove there is no God. Everyone should keep an open mind and heart.

That is one of the great things about our country, people get to choose their own path in life. We are not a theocracy, thankfully. Being against gay marriage is old fashioned antiquated belief system, not based in reality, IMO.
First Texas and now this...and it's the weekend
Texas? Where hundreds of gay couples have already married?

Get up to date and the comment to me. Until then eat more fiber, you seem like maybe you're constipatted
Seems you are the one full of shit.

There is a thread somewhere on what Texas is up to. Go look for it. Chop chop

We've seen it....

...and you're an idiot if you believe it.

Are you Paddy's boyfriend?

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