SCOTUS Stupidity

It's spelled "skiing". But there is no legacy. It's my religion. I made it up. Will my religion be recognized by the state?

If not, what are the requirements for my religion to get government approval?

The Christian faith is not made up. It's a faith that goes back centuries. You can't make up a faith willy nilly and expect it to have constitutional or legal protections because there is no such thing.
Heh, no. I'm trying to get government out of the identity politics game. You're apparently a fan.

Because that's too much power for government.

This is wrong as well.

So is this.


And again.

Nope. It's none of their business.

Well sorry. Let me know when you step out of that made up world in your head and back to reality. Perhaps then we can discuss the issue like adults.
What are the requirements for that? This is all pretty ambiguous. Maybe what we need is a government agency in charge of registering religions.

When you have a church, a congregation, IRS recognition of your church for tax purposes.
No religious exemptions or preferences should be enjoined on the employer/employees work agreement.

I am sure an employer cannot take away an employee's belief in Christ, or Allah, or the Great Green Frog.
When you have a church, a congregation, IRS recognition of your church for tax purposes.
Ok. Just so we're clear. Only religions officially recognized by the state get the special perks.

That sort of sounds like the opposite of the First Amendment.
Look for yet another bad decision from the Supremes:

The idea that an employer should be required to accommodate the religious practices of employees is ridiculous, and as a law is a direct violation of the First Amendment. It's part of the inversion - decimation - of individual rights. We're moving away from equal rights, that apply to everyone, to special rights for special people - identity politics.
Each and every thing need not be political.

Employers are free to accommodate employees requests in these areas.
Employees are free to seek employment with employers who will address these needs.

It doesn't have to be political


Unless the employer is the government the government has no place in the discussion.
I agree. Owners should a run a business as they see fit.
If they don't want to hire Muslims, satanists, Jews, Christians, Hindus, climate changers, etc... they shouldn't have to.
The same goes for not hiring insane trannies or the other LGBFJB+ sexual deviants.

Same goes for landlords or those offering other services, such as bakeries.
In a free country, people are free to be assholes or saints.
The law says otherwise.
Refusing to hire people, rent to people because of their race or religion is against the law.

SCOTUS has already ruled.
Uh huh. Thank you for stating the obvious. We're discussing whether that's valid or not.
Heh, no. I'm trying to get government out of the identity politics game. You're apparently a fan.

Because that's too much power for government.

This is wrong as well.

So is this.


And again.

Nope. It's none of their business.
so you think the govt should be able to discrimate against people for their faith

so you think the govt should be able to discrimate against people for their faith.
I've said the opposite several times in this thread. If all you got is iies, you can go fuck yourself. With a rusty farm implement.

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