Scourge/Cyclonus: Invasion of Socialism [Media Machines]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The modern world is almost machine-like with its efficient Wall Street trade-labyrinths and email-driven high-speed communications.

In this culture of networking, we become sensitized to pirates and sharks who entreat our sensibilities about power and opportunism. We might even watch relevant modernism films like The Wolf of Wall Street.

The question becomes, "Does modern civilization (capitalism, globalization, networks, etc.) create a need for exorcism or democratic ideology?"

This is a capitalism-paranoia parable inspired by the films The Beach (Leo DiCaprio) and Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (Michael Douglas) and references the two fictional A.I. robots Scourge and Cyclonus (from Hasbro's successful Transformers A.I. fantasy-adventure franchise).




"Ajay Satan was a Wall Street stockbroker who drew silly stick-figure doodles of cute little elves, sometimes mischievous elves, who represented the 'mysticism' associated with Christmas-shopping and hence consumerism in general. Ajay became obsessed with his elfin stick-figure doodles and wondered if he'd become a 'boring bureaucrat.' Ajay kept his doodles in a secret notebook which he hid from his girlfriend Bridget."


"Bridget was a beautiful fashion-model working in NYC and living with Ajay in his lavish Manhattan apartment. Ajay was a very successful/wealthy and young stockbroker, fresh out of Yale University, and Bridget was his 'trophy.' Bridget was an amateur photographer, and Ajay considered showing her his elf doodles but decided to keep them a secret. However, Bridget wondered why Ajay was becoming steadily and eerily more and and more reclusive."


"Ajay decided to dress up as a vigilante one day and take a photo of himself for an Internet-blog about modernism bureaucracy, media machines, network labyrinths, and free-speech/pornography contouring in America's 'magazine-society.' Ajay started calling himself the 'Bedouin Radical' and wanted to find the right 'avatar' for a meaningful critique of American society and Wall Street consciousness. Ajay decided to leave his girlfriend Bridget for a while to write his blogs, so he took time off work and began collecting images of ancient world avatars such as Medusa and Apollo for his 'special research'."


"Finally, Ajay found two avatars of note. One was a fictional A.I. robot named Scourge, a sinister minister of evil and fascism who represented the maliciousness associated with non-democratic forms of martial law. Scourge was ugly and wicked, and Ajay realized he could reference the A.I. robot in discussions about the corporate 'will' to exploit others for profit. Scourge represented all the 'ugly machinations' of corrupt capitalism."


"The other avatar Ajay found was the fictional A.I. robot Cyclonus. Cyclonus was handsome, eerie, evil, cunning, and in many ways the opposite of Scourge, though he was Scourge's associate in an evil army of darkness. Cyclonus was a wolfish 'first-knight' who represented mischief and anarchy and the will to humiliate others in the name of Machiavellian extermination of confidence --- so that his own evil army of robots could dominate the imagination of those they colonized. Ajay realized he could reference Cyclonus in evaluations of why/how Wall Street consciousness fueled all kinds of 'yuppie arrogance' which in turn could create a sort of 'capitalism perversion'."


"Ajay began watching films of Leo DiCaprio and Tom Cruise, since their films represented a good cross-section of the American ethos --- films like The Aviator, Edge of Tomorrow, Gangs of New York, and Minority Report. Ajay reasoned that Internet-blogging about Scourge/Cyclonus capturing the 'essence' of capitalism crookedness would help him construct a 'theory' about how bureaucracy-frustration would yield a strange social yearning for socialism-oriented propaganda. Ajay was starting to become obsessed with his 'special project'."


"Ajay concluded that contrasting Scourge/Cyclonus with video-game and cartoon-characters that American youngsters loved --- such as Mighty Mouse and Link and Mega-Man --- would help him create an 'inspiration-mosaic' in which he could delineate the contours between capitalism-angst and socialism-curiosity. Why, for example, would Americans embrace a lovable friendship-themed avatar like Mickey Mouse of Disney while considering why Scourge/Cyclonus represented modernism fears about the corruption of the human imagination (regarding piracy and profiteerism)? Ajay realized that Wall Street had its perks and pitfalls."


"Ajay decided that science-fiction and fantasy-adventure avatars/characters such as RoboCop, Link, Mega-Man, and Raiden could help him compose a 'storytelling-oriented' approach to American sociology (and psychology). Ajay especially liked the elfin-warrior Link (from Legend of Zelda video-games) since Link reminded Ajay of his elfin doodles and why Scourge/Cyclonus were, in the end, merely 'demons' who served to remind humanity of the pitfalls of capitalism-gauged avarice. Ajay wanted to argue that Link, on the other hand, reminded Americans that capitalism vices did not create a 'natural need' (or demand) for socialism-rhetoric. Was Ajay right?"


"Ajay decided to complete his research and return to life on Wall Street. He reunited with his girlfriend Bridget and explained he simply needed some personal time/space to do research and monastical study about the frailties of capitalism and civilization --- almost as if he was on a 'sabbatical.' Bridget was very understanding and recommended that she and Ajay go see an imaginative science-fiction film to unwind and feel more 'relaxed' about 'modernism-paranoia.' That's why Ajay decided to take Bridget to the provocative new dystopian paranoia sci-fi horror-film Alien: Covenant, which presented an eerie story about daring human space-explorers engaging with an intelligent predatory creature known as the 'Xenomorph.' Ajay concluded that such a film/story --- about isolation and extinction --- would remind everyone of the basic yearning to socialize and not be socialized. Ajay felt comfortable that capitalism was more or less...psychologically safe."




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