Screaming mom crashes Portland...


Diamond Member
Aug 9, 2021
Antifa/BLM Supporters are a Disgrace to Themselves and All Americans: Read The Truth:

August 26, 2021

"some media were planning to attend a press conference with purported Antifa-aligned groups such as Don't Shoot Portland and the Oregon Justice Resource Center, she decided to show up and make her voice heard.

According to the report, Anatello took over the event, proclaimed that Antifa are a huge problem in Portland and are causing massive violence across the city, and turned her sights on the news outlets, insisting that they are "part of the problem" by refusing to call out Antifa's role in the church service attack.

"Antifa black bloc are the ones who threw bombs, mortars, and pepper spray at me and my children," she revealed. “My baby girl ... was nearly hit in the face with an explosive by white people dressed up in all black attacking me and my family!"

She continued, "My black children were almost hit with bombs and mortars! My nine-year-old son was drenched in pepper gas thrown by Antifa!"

"You, you, you, and you are the problem!" she screamed, pointing to the local media. "Every single local news station denied my story."

[Full Story


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