Screwing over the military...

Trump administration says children of US troops born overseas do not have automatic citizenship


I was wrong and falsely stated how the change worked. My apologies to all.

Some children born overseas to certain US troops may not automatically have American citizenship, Trump administration says

"This only affects children who were born outside the United States and were not US citizens. This does NOT impact birthright citizenship. This policy update does not deny citizenship to the children of US government employees or members of the military born abroad,

GG, thank you for the correction!



Thanks, it is a little embarrassing, I will blame it on not having finished my first cup of coffee yet! :113:
Trump administration says children of US troops born overseas do not have automatic citizenship


I was wrong and falsely stated how the change worked. My apologies to all.

Some children born overseas to certain US troops may not automatically have American citizenship, Trump administration says

"This only affects children who were born outside the United States and were not US citizens. This does NOT impact birthright citizenship. This policy update does not deny citizenship to the children of US government employees or members of the military born abroad,
You admitted a mistake and corrected it.


We need more of this.


Nearly every one of his posts are a “mistake” as he cautiously, discreetly, cleverly takes a Leftist position on all matters.
He should spend his days apologizing for his “mistakes”.
Trump administration says children of US troops born overseas do not have automatic citizenship

Children born to US government employees and military service members overseas will no longer automatically be considered US citizens, according to a policy alert from the US Citizenship and Immigration Services.

This is fucked up, what possible reason could there be to do this to those defending our nation?

Since they now have to "complete the citizenship process" will they even be considered "natural born citizens" and be eligible to run for POTUS?

Pro-military my ass, what possible reason could there be for such a policy change?
Fear, bigotry, hate, and racism.

It’s consistent with Trump’s unwarranted hostility toward immigrants and his desire to discourage immigration.

ETA: after seeing post number 5, the OP is not alone in assuming the worst of Trump.

Trump is not against legal migration to the country and that is well documented but what he is against is illegal migration and using the anchor baby status to gain an easier pathway to this country...

Learn the difference!
Thanks, it is a little embarrassing, I will blame it on not having finished my first cup of coffee yet! :113:

No worries - upon hearing the initial news I began researching the story...because, among other things, the military is 'close to home' for me. I had to go through 3 links to finally get to the actual legislation and then, as you know, read 'Lawyer-Speak'. I am glad the truth is not as bad as it was initially relayed to me.
Thanks, it is a little embarrassing, I will blame it on not having finished my first cup of coffee yet! :113:

No worries - upon hearing the initial news I began researching the story...because, among other things, the military is 'close to home' for me. I had to go through 3 links to finally get to the actual legislation and then, as you know, read 'Lawyer-Speak'. I am glad the truth is not as bad as it was initially relayed to me.

I feel the same way about the military. Trump’s view of McCain and that people questioned his eligibility of being POTUS led me to not dig further
Thanks, it is a little embarrassing, I will blame it on not having finished my first cup of coffee yet! :113:

No worries - upon hearing the initial news I began researching the story...because, among other things, the military is 'close to home' for me. I had to go through 3 links to finally get to the actual legislation and then, as you know, read 'Lawyer-Speak'. I am glad the truth is not as bad as it was initially relayed to me.

I feel the same way about the military. Trump’s view of McCain and that people questioned his eligibility of being POTUS led me to not dig further
I understand how you feel...but I still research EVERYTHING. 'Back in the day' I actually got a degree in journalism - when asked how that helped me in the military I would always joke about how, "Thanks to journalism, I still have no clue what's going on, but at least now I can DECRIBE IT really well." :p

What is called 'journalism' and 'the news' now in no way resembles what true journalism is or was taught. 'Old School' was to research, source, verify, re-verify, confirm, then and only then report. O'Donnell just demonstrated that today many so-called 'journalists' write lies / hit pieces, use 'anonymous sources' when they have none, don't even try to find out the facts, but instead try to be the 1st one to report it, no matter if it is true or not.

You can't believe anyone these days. It's sad. Just yesterday I had to 'Google' something my mom told me. Turns out that wasn't HER home-made, passed-down-from-generation-to-generation cookie recipe after all....she got it off the internet.

Shrug. My citizenship has never been questioned, and I've been through enough background checks for firearms and otherwise to have left an easily-accessed trail.

you probably look "American". Those with darker skin tend to be confronted about it a lot more often.

So dark skinned people don't "look American"? How interesting.

That is what a great many of your fellow Trump worshipers on here have to say. In fact more than a couple of them think only white people should be allowed to be citizens.

Really? I've not heard such myself. Can you name the ones that have said only white people should be citizens?

Check out post 53 and 57 for one of them.

I’m thinking all this “RACISM” stuff would completely go away if someone could show us how the good people of this nation are the beneficiaries of illegal us that we are getting better because of it. Seems like a reasonable
I’ve asked for the data many times over and yet nobody can produce such proof. It’s fucking weird...fuck it, why don’t they just own it and say; “we want this whole nation to be a brown super shithole”...fuck it.
Thanks, it is a little embarrassing, I will blame it on not having finished my first cup of coffee yet! :113:

No worries - upon hearing the initial news I began researching the story...because, among other things, the military is 'close to home' for me. I had to go through 3 links to finally get to the actual legislation and then, as you know, read 'Lawyer-Speak'. I am glad the truth is not as bad as it was initially relayed to me.

I feel the same way about the military. Trump’s view of McCain and that people questioned his eligibility of being POTUS led me to not dig further
McCain did not qualify...
Thanks, it is a little embarrassing, I will blame it on not having finished my first cup of coffee yet! :113:

No worries - upon hearing the initial news I began researching the story...because, among other things, the military is 'close to home' for me. I had to go through 3 links to finally get to the actual legislation and then, as you know, read 'Lawyer-Speak'. I am glad the truth is not as bad as it was initially relayed to me.

I feel the same way about the military. Trump’s view of McCain and that people questioned his eligibility of being POTUS led me to not dig further
McCain did not qualify...

you are pathetic, there is no other word that qualifies.
Trump administration says children of US troops born overseas do not have automatic citizenship


I was wrong and falsely stated how the change worked. My apologies to all.

Some children born overseas to certain US troops may not automatically have American citizenship, Trump administration says

"This only affects children who were born outside the United States and were not US citizens. This does NOT impact birthright citizenship. This policy update does not deny citizenship to the children of US government employees or members of the military born abroad,

Bravo, for owning up to your error!
Thanks, it is a little embarrassing, I will blame it on not having finished my first cup of coffee yet! :113:

No worries - upon hearing the initial news I began researching the story...because, among other things, the military is 'close to home' for me. I had to go through 3 links to finally get to the actual legislation and then, as you know, read 'Lawyer-Speak'. I am glad the truth is not as bad as it was initially relayed to me.

I feel the same way about the military. Trump’s view of McCain and that people questioned his eligibility of being POTUS led me to not dig further
McCain did not qualify...

you are pathetic, there is no other word that qualifies.
John McCain called himself a maverick, although he was never a maverick because the piece of shit was the very definition of GOP establishment... A progressive in other words
Thanks, it is a little embarrassing, I will blame it on not having finished my first cup of coffee yet! :113:

No worries - upon hearing the initial news I began researching the story...because, among other things, the military is 'close to home' for me. I had to go through 3 links to finally get to the actual legislation and then, as you know, read 'Lawyer-Speak'. I am glad the truth is not as bad as it was initially relayed to me.

I feel the same way about the military. Trump’s view of McCain and that people questioned his eligibility of being POTUS led me to not dig further
McCain did not qualify...

you are pathetic, there is no other word that qualifies.
John McCain called himself a maverick, although he was never a maverick because the piece of shit was the very definition of GOP establishment... A progressive in other words

That does not change the fact he was qualified according to the Constitution
Trump administration says children of US troops born overseas do not have automatic citizenship

Children born to US government employees and military service members overseas will no longer automatically be considered US citizens, according to a policy alert from the US Citizenship and Immigration Services.

This is fucked up, what possible reason could there be to do this to those defending our nation?

Since they now have to "complete the citizenship process" will they even be considered "natural born citizens" and be eligible to run for POTUS?

Pro-military my ass, what possible reason could there be for such a policy change?

Aren't the vast majority of US troops American citizens? So this will effect like almost no one?

Yes, they are. And now their children born in a military hospital overseas will not be. Why are you ok with that?

Children born to American parents are American no matter where they are born.

Are you confused or playing games?

I think you're confused, did you not read the article? They may be considered an American but never had to apply for citizenship.

The op is claiming that they have to apply for citizenship. Is there any grounds on which a child born to American parents is going to be denied citizenship?
The point is why change policy?
Aren't the vast majority of US troops American citizens? So this will effect like almost no one?

Yes, they are. And now their children born in a military hospital overseas will not be. Why are you ok with that?

Children born to American parents are American no matter where they are born.

Are you confused or playing games?

I think you're confused, did you not read the article? They may be considered an American but never had to apply for citizenship.

The op is claiming that they have to apply for citizenship. Is there any grounds on which a child born to American parents is going to be denied citizenship?
The point is why change policy?

that is a good question. If these same military members had their baby here then it would automatically be a citizen.
No worries - upon hearing the initial news I began researching the story...because, among other things, the military is 'close to home' for me. I had to go through 3 links to finally get to the actual legislation and then, as you know, read 'Lawyer-Speak'. I am glad the truth is not as bad as it was initially relayed to me.

I feel the same way about the military. Trump’s view of McCain and that people questioned his eligibility of being POTUS led me to not dig further
McCain did not qualify...

you are pathetic, there is no other word that qualifies.
John McCain called himself a maverick, although he was never a maverick because the piece of shit was the very definition of GOP establishment... A progressive in other words

That does not change the fact he was qualified according to the Constitution
Na, not really
Conservatives were not comfortable with him being in the highest office in land, That is why they did not come out to vote for him at the polls.
The only people that voted for McCain were people that did not know the difference between GOP establishment and conservative... Same thing with mitt Romney.

Spineless McCain was about as far from a conservative as you can get...
Yes, they are. And now their children born in a military hospital overseas will not be. Why are you ok with that?

Children born to American parents are American no matter where they are born.

Are you confused or playing games?

I think you're confused, did you not read the article? They may be considered an American but never had to apply for citizenship.

The op is claiming that they have to apply for citizenship. Is there any grounds on which a child born to American parents is going to be denied citizenship?
The point is why change policy?

that is a good question. If these same military members had their baby here then it would automatically be a citizen.
there's a reason for the change. I am suspicious, but I don't see a connection to Trump's stated desire to end birthright citizenship. Barr's a turd, but he may be contemplating an argument along the lines of the place of birth (a US hospital overseas) has no effect on citizenship, any only the citizenship of the parents has an effect.

Who knows with this SC. The 14th plainly, and I mean plainly, prevents US business from importing a group of foreign workers who can be indentured for generations. But who knows what the 5 will do.
What's being missed is that this is yet another attack on LEGAL immigrants...this time, those serving in the military
What's being missed is that this is yet another attack on LEGAL immigrants...this time, those serving in the military
Well, they aren't being denied citizenship. Rather they are being forced to go though bureaucratic bullshit. Why. We do have non-citizens serving in the military, usually people who enlisted while residing in the US. When Obama was potus, people who were brought here as infants could enlist and gain citizenship through service. Does Trump want to deny citizenship to the children on these soldiers? dunno.
the ignorance of some people can only be attributed to TDS syndrome ,,,

if they arent born in the USA they dont have a USA birth certificate and to get the proper paper work is all this is about,,'

and its not the trump admin that says this its the fucking law
So dark skinned people don't "look American"? How interesting.

That is what a great many of your fellow Trump worshipers on here have to say. In fact more than a couple of them think only white people should be allowed to be citizens.

Most of our immigrants over the last 50 years, legal and illegal have been darker.

I've heard a lot of liberals celebrate the browning of America.

If it is legitimate for liberals to like it for political reasons, then it is legitimate for conservatives to NOT like it, for political reasons.

ANd it is pretty low to claim otherwise. IMO.

Hey, if that is the excuse people wish to employ for their racism that is fine with me.

I do appreciate though when people like you highlight how much they are just like the "other side" that they claim to hate so much.

If you dismiss anything and anyone that disagrees with you, and slander them terribly, destroying them as often as you can,

what avenue do you leave for political opposition?

If you become your enemy in order to defeat them, what have you gained?

NOt being afraid of discussing the demographics of immigration is not "becoming my enemy" Mrs. Drama Queen.

Will you answer my question now?

If you dismiss anything and anyone that disagrees with you, and slander them terribly, destroying them as often as you can,

what avenue do you leave for political opposition?

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