Sea-level rise claims five islands in Solomons: study

Look, halfwit, I don't give a damn about what consenting adults do in private. Does not affect me at all. But the loss of our coastal cities is going to affect all of us.

Now you are really doing the strawman act. No, that was not what was said. What was said is that an accelerating rise will eventually create a situation where many of our coastal cities become uninhabitable.
No, Old Crock, you explicitly stated, "the loss of our coastal cities is going to affect all of us".

You did not state, "an accelerating rise will eventually create a situation where many of our coastal cities become uninhabitable"
Ours will be a time looked upon some day as another Dark Ages. No rush.
Because of abortion, yes, that is true. People hundreds of years from now will condemn us as barbarians for allowing 3000 babies to be murdered in the womb every day, and doing absolutely nothing to stop it.

I'm a scientist, I don't get my information from a television or radio.
Then link

Anyone can find a link to support anything they want to support. Nope, you can chase your own. No google off for me thanks. Never changed anyone's mind on anything at all, not once. Reach your own conclusions anyway you like.
Yes, you can find anything you want on the net. However, there are sources like Google Scholar where you find primarily sources from peer reviewed journals. People who use such links can help inform others as to what the real scientists are saying, and what kind of data and evidence they see. Also, there are videos from the meetings of various Scientific Societies where there are presentations from world renowned scientist in their fields. Again, since we have people of many backgrounds on this board, it is valuable to share real information from those that have spent decades mastering their various disciplines.
Look, halfwit, I don't give a damn about what consenting adults do in private. Does not affect me at all. But the loss of our coastal cities is going to affect all of us.

Now you are really doing the strawman act. No, that was not what was said. What was said is that an accelerating rise will eventually create a situation where many of our coastal cities become uninhabitable.
No, Old Crock, you explicitly stated, "the loss of our coastal cities is going to affect all of us".

You did not state, "an accelerating rise will eventually create a situation where many of our coastal cities become uninhabitable"
Is English your second language?
And it takes a scientist to explain why we can not see it happening where we live, they are like super-brains, it is happening everywhere but it is only seen where they do the super science stuff.

"There's these global trends that are happening but the local responses can be very, very localised."
Read more at:
Well now, just because you are a blind fuck doesn't mean everyone else is. I already posted what the people in Miami are seeing. And here is another prestigious scientific organization stating what it sees.

Sea Level Rise

Sea level rise is an increase in the height of the ocean surface relative to land. Several factors can affect the height of the ocean surface: the amount of water in the ocean basins in the form of liquid water and ice; the temperature, and therefore the density and volume, of ocean water; and tectonic factors that affect the shape of ocean basins.

Other factors affect sea levels locally over short time scales, such as tides, storms, floods, and tsunamis. What is of most concern today is sea level rise driven by climate change, which affects both the amount and density of ocean water.

As air and water temperatures rise around the world, scientists are seeing more ice and meltwater moving from land-based sources on Antarctica and Greenland into the ocean. This adds to or displaces water in the ocean, raising the level of the entire ocean. In addition, as water temperatures rise, seawater expands.

These two factors have combined to produce a rise in sea level of 2 millimeters per year over the past century. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates that sea level may continue to rise as much as two feet over the next century.

- See more at: Sea Level Rise
Yes, you can find anything you want on the net. However, there are sources like Google Scholar where you find primarily sources from peer reviewed journals. People who use such links can help inform others as to what the real scientists are saying, and what kind of data and evidence they see. Also, there are videos from the meetings of various Scientific Societies where there are presentations from world renowned scientist in their fields. Again, since we have people of many backgrounds on this board, it is valuable to share real information from those that have spent decades mastering their various disciplines.
Yet your links are to? Green Energy industry advocates? Government press releases? Old Crock, when is the last time you used google scholar and posted a link to something more than a paragraph of crap.
Look, halfwit, I don't give a damn about what consenting adults do in private. Does not affect me at all. But the loss of our coastal cities is going to affect all of us.

Now you are really doing the strawman act. No, that was not what was said. What was said is that an accelerating rise will eventually create a situation where many of our coastal cities become uninhabitable.
No, Old Crock, you explicitly stated, "the loss of our coastal cities is going to affect all of us".

You did not state, "an accelerating rise will eventually create a situation where many of our coastal cities become uninhabitable"
Is English your second language?
You stated the loss of our coastal cities is going to affect us all, I asked which city specifically, you linked to a study about Miami, Old Crock, we will never lose Miami, get over it, you are consistently wrong.
As air and water temperatures rise around the world, scientists are seeing more ice and meltwater moving from land-based sources on Antarctica and Greenland into the ocean.

The only thing these "scientists" have proved is their HYPOTHESIS is stuck in ice. If a scientist gets stuck in ice while making the claim the ice is gone, is he really a scientist or does he just call himself such?

Global Warming Alarmists Stuck In Antarctic Sea Ice

The alarmists set sail for Antarctica with a plan to show the world how badly alleged man-made “global warming” was wreaking havoc across the region. Instead, their Russian-flagged ship was frozen in place after sea-ice coverage hit record-high levels this year

AGW stuck.jpg
This thread is about sea level rise, and the dangers it poses to people living close to sea level. It is not about ships getting stuck in ice. You wish to discuss that, start a thread on it, do not attempt to derail an existing thread.
Yes, you can find anything you want on the net. However, there are sources like Google Scholar where you find primarily sources from peer reviewed journals. People who use such links can help inform others as to what the real scientists are saying, and what kind of data and evidence they see. Also, there are videos from the meetings of various Scientific Societies where there are presentations from world renowned scientist in their fields. Again, since we have people of many backgrounds on this board, it is valuable to share real information from those that have spent decades mastering their various disciplines.
Yet your links are to? Green Energy industry advocates? Government press releases? Old Crock, when is the last time you used google scholar and posted a link to something more than a paragraph of crap.

Here's one of those people now Old Rocks. Time attempting to share anything wiht this individual is a waste of life.
The Right has a very cavalier attitude about the environment. Witness James Watt, Reagan's Sec. of the interior, who was in favor of logging in National Parks, because the Biblical predicted End Times were upon us, anyway. The more things change, the more they stay the same...
cavalier? Seriously? excuse me while I laugh. Why don't you post up some evidence to support the doom and gloom nature of CO2. I've been waiting three years in here and still nothing. How is that cavalier? please, explain your statement.
The Right has a very cavalier attitude about the environment. Witness James Watt, Reagan's Sec. of the interior, who was in favor of logging in National Parks, because the Biblical predicted End Times were upon us, anyway. The more things change, the more they stay the same...

Perhaps if the left wasn't continually getting caught fudging data we may not be so skeptical but they are getting caught and yet you loons keep right on believing in this bullshit

Horse shit. Turn off your television and radio and go get into the data for yourself. You're political so everything you look at is political. The data is what it is. What you're doing is lazy, you want someone else to tell you, and you want to hear it the way you want to hear it. Stop reacting to everything under the sun emotionally and dig into the science for yourself.
what data? Please, please, post your data up here gene.
This thread is about sea level rise, and the dangers it poses to people living close to sea level. It is not about ships getting stuck in ice. You wish to discuss that, start a thread on it, do not attempt to derail an existing thread.
yep, and so present some data that shows there is actual sea level rise. Please we're all waiting. BTW, the ship getting stuck in ice is relevant to the discussion since the claim is melting sea ice makes the rise from you yo-yo's. Although melting sea ice does absolutely nothing to rise in ocean levels. You all still can't grasp that.

One last time, melting sea ice does nothing to an increase in sea levels. for the love of Gawd can you fking warmests please learn about volumes. Please!!!
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This thread is about sea level rise, and the dangers it poses to people living close to sea level. It is not about ships getting stuck in ice. You wish to discuss that, start a thread on it, do not attempt to derail an existing thread.
Then why did you post this? Old Crock, you really are that big of an idiot, proclaiming what you post in your thread is valid forus to respond to!

Sea-level rise claims five islands in Solomons: study
As air and water temperatures rise around the world, scientists are seeing more ice and meltwater moving from land-based sources on Antarctica and Greenland into the ocean.
Here's one of those people now Old Rocks. Time attempting to share anything wiht this individual is a waste of life.
Poor fenton, you must be so pissed you wasted your life replying to me, now you wasted a bit more of your life doing what, flaming, insulting, you must be a scientist, right! ha ha.

"Time attempting"? "wiht", been drinking much?
The Right has a very cavalier attitude about the environment. Witness James Watt, Reagan's Sec. of the interior, who was in favor of logging in National Parks, because the Biblical predicted End Times were upon us, anyway. The more things change, the more they stay the same...
cavalier? Seriously? excuse me while I laugh. Why don't you post up some evidence to support the doom and gloom nature of CO2. I've been waiting three years in here and still nothing. How is that cavalier? please, explain your statement.

Ok. Here it is:

Surging Seas: Sea level rise analysis by Climate Central

The sea level has increased 8 inches since 1880.

Now, while I go have lunch, you can post that these figures are fake. To save time later, I will just go ahead and tell you now that this is the reason that most of us do not even bother to give you data anymore. You will then post that all rising sea level data is fake, and I will ignore your comments from that point.
Ok. Here it is:

Surging Seas: Sea level rise analysis by Climate Central

The sea level has increased 8 inches since 1880.

Now, while I go have lunch, you can post that these figures are fake. To save time later, I will just go ahead and tell you now that this is the reason that most of us do not even bother to give you data anymore. You will then post that all rising sea level data is fake, and I will ignore your comments from that point.
Climate Central? ha ha ha ha ha.
Ok. Here it is:

Surging Seas: Sea level rise analysis by Climate Central

The sea level has increased 8 inches since 1880.

Now, while I go have lunch, you can post that these figures are fake. To save time later, I will just go ahead and tell you now that this is the reason that most of us do not even bother to give you data anymore. You will then post that all rising sea level data is fake, and I will ignore your comments from that point.
Climate Central? ha ha ha ha ha.

Yep. predictable. Of course if I wanted to, I could link NASA, as well, but would get the same response, so why bother?
Yep. predictable. Of course if I wanted to, I could link NASA, as well, but would get the same response, so why bother?
Then link to NASA, not some hack website which shows that you google-think, you search, find a result on google, and think you have something.
The Right has a very cavalier attitude about the environment. Witness James Watt, Reagan's Sec. of the interior, who was in favor of logging in National Parks, because the Biblical predicted End Times were upon us, anyway. The more things change, the more they stay the same...
cavalier? Seriously? excuse me while I laugh. Why don't you post up some evidence to support the doom and gloom nature of CO2. I've been waiting three years in here and still nothing. How is that cavalier? please, explain your statement.

Ok. Here it is:

Surging Seas: Sea level rise analysis by Climate Central

The sea level has increased 8 inches since 1880.

Now, while I go have lunch, you can post that these figures are fake. To save time later, I will just go ahead and tell you now that this is the reason that most of us do not even bother to give you data anymore. You will then post that all rising sea level data is fake, and I will ignore your comments from that point.
dude, enjoy lunch. have sea levels risen eight inches in 136 years? Probably risen that much somewhere, I won't deny that. Explain the surge. Have you ever witnessed a surge? Look up the word and see if eight inches over 48,960 days is a surge and then you'll see it is just stupid. But hey, have fun with that. BTW, eight inches in a bath tube would be a surge when you get in it. But that's it. LOL, Hope you enjoyed the break.

I'd even bet that the seas rose and dropped more than that over the course of 48,960 days due to weather and tides and many other factors. But it's the term surge that is hilarious. Really, it is.

Ever see those pictures of the tsunami, now that's a fking surge dude. I doubt that was eight inches at all. What say you? Eight inches? BTW, :lmao::lmao::lmao:
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