Sea-level rise claims five islands in Solomons: study

Bear, please stop picture-spamming.

That is, unless you're trying to demonstrate that brainless picture-spamming, being a staple tactic of brainless cultists, is therefore your staple tactic. That is, it's your way of screaming "Allahu Ahkbar!".

In any case, you've shown everyone how devoted you are to the cult, so you can stop now.

And back on to the topic deniers are trying so mightily to deflect from ... the recently launched JASON-3 satellite is doing well, and will enable us to keep monitoring sea levels closely, which will allow deniers to keep claiming all the data is faked.

Jason-3 Satellite

Stop your whining, pussy...I, for one, enjoy Bear's have proven that you don't know shit about anything.

Birds of a feather I reckon.

I know more than you....infinitely with it and learn from it.

Don't you know more than everyone?
Bear, please stop picture-spamming.

That is, unless you're trying to demonstrate that brainless picture-spamming, being a staple tactic of brainless cultists, is therefore your staple tactic. That is, it's your way of screaming "Allahu Ahkbar!".

In any case, you've shown everyone how devoted you are to the cult, so you can stop now.

And back on to the topic deniers are trying so mightily to deflect from ... the recently launched JASON-3 satellite is doing well, and will enable us to keep monitoring sea levels closely, which will allow deniers to keep claiming all the data is faked.

Jason-3 Satellite

Stop your whining, pussy...I, for one, enjoy Bear's have proven that you don't know shit about anything.

Birds of a feather I reckon.

I know more than you....infinitely with it and learn from it.

Don't you know more than everyone?

I know a great number of things. I know of no ranking system or where I would stand but I know more than you and that is not even disputable.
Bear, please stop picture-spamming.

That is, unless you're trying to demonstrate that brainless picture-spamming, being a staple tactic of brainless cultists, is therefore your staple tactic. That is, it's your way of screaming "Allahu Ahkbar!".

In any case, you've shown everyone how devoted you are to the cult, so you can stop now.

And back on to the topic deniers are trying so mightily to deflect from ... the recently launched JASON-3 satellite is doing well, and will enable us to keep monitoring sea levels closely, which will allow deniers to keep claiming all the data is faked.

Jason-3 Satellite

Stop your whining, pussy...I, for one, enjoy Bear's have proven that you don't know shit about anything.

Birds of a feather I reckon.

I know more than you....infinitely with it and learn from it.

Don't you know more than everyone?

I know a great number of things. I know of no ranking system or where I would stand but I know more than you and that is not even disputable.

Sure pard, sure, cuz you say so on an anonymous chat board.
Stop your whining, pussy...I, for one, enjoy Bear's have proven that you don't know shit about anything.

Birds of a feather I reckon.

I know more than you....infinitely with it and learn from it.

Don't you know more than everyone?

I know a great number of things. I know of no ranking system or where I would stand but I know more than you and that is not even disputable.

Sure pard, sure, cuz you say so on an anonymous chat board.

Then debate me....debate me about climate change and the proof that geo-engineering has been going on. I can show the 100 plus patents for aerosol spraying and live testimony of whistle blowers. I can produce documentation of water and soil samples. This is happening and it is killing the eco-system and it is poisoning all of us...this should concern you greatly.
Bear, please stop picture-spamming.

That is, unless you're trying to demonstrate that brainless picture-spamming, being a staple tactic of brainless cultists, is therefore your staple tactic. That is, it's your way of screaming "Allahu Ahkbar!".

In any case, you've shown everyone how devoted you are to the cult, so you can stop now.

And back on to the topic deniers are trying so mightily to deflect from ... the recently launched JASON-3 satellite is doing well, and will enable us to keep monitoring sea levels closely, which will allow deniers to keep claiming all the data is faked.

Jason-3 Satellite

These scientists have incredible abilities to think and figure things out. I wonder how does a scientist really know that a sheltered island made of sand won't wash away from waves and that un-sheltered islands do. I wonder if they use satellites and tape measures?
those islands..... were found to have a greatly accelerated loss compared with the more sheltered islands.
Ours will be a time looked upon some day as another Dark Ages. No rush.
Because of abortion, yes, that is true. People hundreds of years from now will condemn us as barbarians for allowing 3000 babies to be murdered in the womb every day, and doing absolutely nothing to stop it.

I'm a scientist, I don't get my information from a television or radio.
Then link

Anyone can find a link to support anything they want to support. Nope, you can chase your own. No google off for me thanks. Never changed anyone's mind on anything at all, not once. Reach your own conclusions anyway you like.
Ours will be a time looked upon some day as another Dark Ages. No rush.
Because of abortion, yes, that is true. People hundreds of years from now will condemn us as barbarians for allowing 3000 babies to be murdered in the womb every day, and doing absolutely nothing to stop it.

I'm a scientist, I don't get my information from a television or radio.
Then link

Anyone can find a link to support anything they want to support. Nope, you can chase your own. No google off for me thanks. Never changed anyone's mind on anything at all, not once. Reach your own conclusions anyway you like.
sure, but you are a scientists so your links will be better than the simple people,
Birds of a feather I reckon.

I know more than you....infinitely with it and learn from it.

Don't you know more than everyone?

I know a great number of things. I know of no ranking system or where I would stand but I know more than you and that is not even disputable.

Sure pard, sure, cuz you say so on an anonymous chat board.

Then debate me....debate me about climate change and the proof that geo-engineering has been going on. I can show the 100 plus patents for aerosol spraying and live testimony of whistle blowers. I can produce documentation of water and soil samples. This is happening and it is killing the eco-system and it is poisoning all of us...this should concern you greatly.

I don't wan't to debate you shoog, why don't you calm down and try to articulate your concept cogently. All ears. Lay it out. Write a book and get it out there, you won't do it here.
Ours will be a time looked upon some day as another Dark Ages. No rush.
Because of abortion, yes, that is true. People hundreds of years from now will condemn us as barbarians for allowing 3000 babies to be murdered in the womb every day, and doing absolutely nothing to stop it.

I'm a scientist, I don't get my information from a television or radio.
Then link

Anyone can find a link to support anything they want to support. Nope, you can chase your own. No google off for me thanks. Never changed anyone's mind on anything at all, not once. Reach your own conclusions anyway you like.
sure, but you are a scientists so your links will be better than the simple people,

No, that's your anti-science programming shining through. You want to know what you know and nothing further; total waste of time. If you wanted to see any thing from the other side for consideration, you would have done that for yourself.
Sea-level rise claims five islands in Solomons: study
May 7, 2016

At least 11 islands across the northern Solomon Islands have either totally disappeared over recent decades or are currently experiencing severe erosion, an Australian study shows
Five islands have disappeared in the Pacific's Solomon Islands due to rising sea levels and coastal erosion, according to an Australian study that could provide valuable insights for future research.

A further six reef islands have been severely eroded in the remote area of the Solomons, the study said, with one experiencing some 10 houses being swept into the sea between 2011 and 2014.

"At least 11 islands across the northern Solomon Islands have either totally disappeared over recent decades or are currently experiencing severe erosion," the study published in Environmental Research Letters said.

"Shoreline recession at two sites has destroyed villages that have existed since at least 1935, leading to community relocations."

Read more at:

Read more at the link....

Anyways, this is strong evidence that our oceans are in fact raising...Another piece of evidence is that a tidal gauge near New york has seen sea level raise of nearly 1 foot in the past 100 years and LA has lost a shit tone of land...So is it all a hoax? I don't think so.

Oh the horror we are going to lose our 50th state due to Climate change!!!!!!!!!!

Hawaiian Islands Are Dissolving And Will Disappear, Study Finds

New research has revealed that in addition to the well known forces of soil erosion, the Hawaiian Islands are experiencing significant erosion due to the groundwater under the islands working to dissolve the island from within. Specifically, the mountains on Oahu will eventually be completely leveled and end up as flat as Midway Island.

The effect that groundwater is having, dissolving the rock that makes up the Hawaiian Islands, is actually more significant than the forces of soil erosion.

“We tried to figure out how fast the island is going away and what the influence of climate is on that rate,” said Brigham Young University geologist Steve Nelson. “More material is dissolving from those islands than what is being carried off through erosion.”

“The research pitted groundwater against stream water to see which removed more mineral material. Nelson and his BYU colleagues spent two months sampling both types of sources. In addition, ground and surface water estimates from the U.S. Geological Survey helped them calculate the total quantity of mass that disappeared from the island each year.”

“All of the Hawaiian Islands are made of just one kind of rock,” Nelson said. “The weathering rates are variable, too, because rainfall is so variable, so it’s a great natural laboratory.”

The future of the islands is also going to be influenced significantly by plate tectonics. Oahu is currently being slowly pushed north.

Bear, please stop picture-spamming.

That is, unless you're trying to demonstrate that brainless picture-spamming, being a staple tactic of brainless cultists, is therefore your staple tactic. That is, it's your way of screaming "Allahu Ahkbar!".

In any case, you've shown everyone how devoted you are to the cult, so you can stop now.

And back on to the topic deniers are trying so mightily to deflect from ... the recently launched JASON-3 satellite is doing well, and will enable us to keep monitoring sea levels closely, which will allow deniers to keep claiming all the data is faked.

Jason-3 Satellite
versus, just "denier" spamming?

We do not dispute the data, we dispute the qualifications and motivations of the "scientists" who obviously are manipulating the data to sell $trillions in Renewable energy schemes.

After all, if your solution to Global Warming is to destroy the World, your AGW hypothesis is just that, and not a fact.

Jason-3? The extremely narrow view, over an extremely short span of time, of one satellite (or of 3 satellites) is hardly evidence nor does it establish fact, based on satellite data, we know less not more. Ask any scientists, they will all tell you we need to study more.

Typically things are explained as, "advantages and disadvantages", but in the politically correct world of government science, there is no, "disadvantage", only a "limitation".

Global Reservoir Lake Monitor - Validation


  • Day/night and all weather operation.
  • Generally unhindered by vegetation or canopy cover.
  • All determined surface heights are with respect to one common reference frame.
  • Satellites are placed in repeat orbits (up to 1km either side of a nominal ground track) enabling systematic monitoring of rivers, lakes, wetlands, inland seas and floodplains.
  • Has the potential to contribute height information for any target beneath the satellite overpass, thus contributing information where traditional gauge (stage) data may be absent.
  • Satellite altimetric instruments have been in continuous operation since 1991 and new missions are scheduled for the next decade. There is therefore the ability to monitor seasonal to interannual variations during the lifetime of these satellites.
  • Techniques have been validated and results published in peer-reviewed journals.


  • These instruments are primarily designed to operate over uniform surfaces such as oceans and ice-sheets. Highly undulating or complex topography may cause data loss or non-interpretation of data.
  • Retrieved heights are an "average" of all topography within the instrument footprint. Such values are further averaged in the direction of the satellite motion, giving, for example, one final height value every 580m (TOPEX/POSEIDON) or 350m (ERS) along the ground track. Altimetric values therefore differ from traditional gauge measurements which offer "spot" heights at specific locations.
  • The height accuracy is dominated by knowledge of the satellite orbit, the altimetric range (distance between antenna and target), the geophysical range corrections and the size and type of the target.
  • Unlike imaging instruments, altimeters only retrieve heights along a narrow swath determined by the instrument's footprint size. The effective footprint diameter can vary depending on the nature of the target, and can potentially range from several hundred meters to many kilometers.
  • Minimum target size is controlled by the instrument footprint size and the telemetry/data rates, and also on the surrounding topography and the target-tracking method used.
  • The satellite orbit scenario and target size also determine the spatial and temporal coverage. Improved temporal coverage is gained at the expense of spatial coverage for a single satellite mission.
  • Major wind events, heavy precipitation, tidal effects and the presence of ice will effect data quality and accuracy.
Because of abortion, yes, that is true. People hundreds of years from now will condemn us as barbarians for allowing 3000 babies to be murdered in the womb every day, and doing absolutely nothing to stop it.

I'm a scientist, I don't get my information from a television or radio.
Then link

Anyone can find a link to support anything they want to support. Nope, you can chase your own. No google off for me thanks. Never changed anyone's mind on anything at all, not once. Reach your own conclusions anyway you like.
sure, but you are a scientists so your links will be better than the simple people,

No, that's your anti-science programming shining through. You want to know what you know and nothing further; total waste of time. If you wanted to see any thing from the other side for consideration, you would have done that for yourself.
technically speaking, I am just flaming your comment, "I'm a scientist, I don't get my information from a television or radio". Beings a scientist I thought you might figure me for trolling, and not responding to anything of a "scientific" nature.

On an anonymous message board, people can proclaim all kinds of stuff, and people of all persuasions can display differing levels of intelligence.

I went through all 146 of your posts, you present yourself as a troll, not as a scientist. But that is just my qualified analysis of your posts.

You are a Scientist? If so my guess based on your posts is you were at the bottom of your class. Should I not be so harsh on someone here, who is new? Had any of your posts been anything other than non-relevant I would be responding differently.
We do not dispute the data, we dispute the qualifications and motivations of the "scientists" who obviously are manipulating the data to sell $trillions in Renewable energy schemes.

Yet there could be no disputing the qualitifications and motivations of the "scientists" who are also obviously manipulating the data to sell $trillions in Fossil Fule energy schemes in the same manner that scientists working for the tobacco industry outright lied about data on tobacco smoking.

"Dark Money" Funds Climate Change Denial Effort

As I've said repeatedly, a link off resolves nothing. Most people just go find what supports their emotional belief system and then dash off to a site like this so they can can cry "disprove that then, I win!".

Fucking stupid. If you give a shit, go through everything and reach your own conclusion. The entire thing has become politics and the american political system is corrupt and very unhealthy at this point.
I'm a scientist, I don't get my information from a television or radio.
Then link

Anyone can find a link to support anything they want to support. Nope, you can chase your own. No google off for me thanks. Never changed anyone's mind on anything at all, not once. Reach your own conclusions anyway you like.
sure, but you are a scientists so your links will be better than the simple people,

No, that's your anti-science programming shining through. You want to know what you know and nothing further; total waste of time. If you wanted to see any thing from the other side for consideration, you would have done that for yourself.
technically speaking, I am just flaming your comment, "I'm a scientist, I don't get my information from a television or radio". Beings a scientist I thought you might figure me for trolling, and not responding to anything of a "scientific" nature.

On an anonymous message board, people can proclaim all kinds of stuff, and people of all persuasions can display differing levels of intelligence.

I went through all 146 of your posts, you present yourself as a troll, not as a scientist. But that is just my qualified analysis of your posts.

You are a Scientist? If so my guess based on your posts is you were at the bottom of your class. Should I not be so harsh on someone here, who is new? Had any of your posts been anything other than non-relevant I would be responding differently.

Your qualifications are self proclaimed as well, and no, you'd still be what you are and responding how you do. There's no real discussion to be had here. It's nothing but flaming, carry on.
Then link

Anyone can find a link to support anything they want to support. Nope, you can chase your own. No google off for me thanks. Never changed anyone's mind on anything at all, not once. Reach your own conclusions anyway you like.
sure, but you are a scientists so your links will be better than the simple people,

No, that's your anti-science programming shining through. You want to know what you know and nothing further; total waste of time. If you wanted to see any thing from the other side for consideration, you would have done that for yourself.
technically speaking, I am just flaming your comment, "I'm a scientist, I don't get my information from a television or radio". Beings a scientist I thought you might figure me for trolling, and not responding to anything of a "scientific" nature.

On an anonymous message board, people can proclaim all kinds of stuff, and people of all persuasions can display differing levels of intelligence.

I went through all 146 of your posts, you present yourself as a troll, not as a scientist. But that is just my qualified analysis of your posts.

You are a Scientist? If so my guess based on your posts is you were at the bottom of your class. Should I not be so harsh on someone here, who is new? Had any of your posts been anything other than non-relevant I would be responding differently.

Your qualifications are self proclaimed as well, and no, you'd still be what you are and responding how you do. There's no real discussion to be had here. It's nothing but flaming, carry on.
Hey, I was just calling you out, beings how you qualified yourself as a Scientist, you are here as a troll, in the other threads, the language you use, is juvenile at best. Even the worst of those that post in environment have offered more than you have posted, with less "qualifications".

Just saying, you are a poser, a troller.

"I'm a scientist, I don't get my information from a television or radio".

Great, show us something, "scientific".

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