Sea-level rise claims five islands in Solomons: study

The reason people build cities at sea level or river level or in swamps is because they don't respect God, and don't believe in his power to sweep away their precious homes if they build them in flood plains or along coasts or on small islands where he can easily get to them just by causing a hurricane or an iceberg melting.

The exact opposite is true. The reason people build at sea or river levels is that they love all the beauty and gifts God has bestowed on us and wish to enjoy and benefit from it as much as possible during their brief stay here on earth. If sometimes that causes some inconvenience, well, that's the price we are willing to pay.
I understand the data so I go directly to the source. Not links or media outlets. You should give it a shot sometime. You can still call me names and avoid fact based discussion, that doesn't have to change. Not interested in a linkoff. Primary research journal articles and a knowledge of who funded what.

Well to be honest you got waxed on the other thread so I have little faith you can carry water in any debate, you make broad statements and can't back them up. Better get better than that or you'll get eaten alive on this forum. So far your future looks bleak

Not here to "win" Shoog, and actually you must bnot have gone back over there, but do your littel victory dance anyway. And you clearly aren't going near the science yourself.

You're no scientist...let's get that malarkey out of the way right now. All one has to do is Google to find out the data is being fudged. Try it and get back to me

See how you know things? You know from a chat board that I don't have degrees and have worked in both academic and pharmaceutical industry labs. You just fucking know that. Amazing piece a work Shoog.

Yeah I had another noob try and tell me was a genius stock trader...then doesn't understand the basics of trading such as swing trading. I'm skeptical

Swing trading, that's parties where you swing and trade partners right? ;D
i lived in New Orleans for about 10 years. I discovered that people were divided into two different mindsets, when the whole city was destroyed by Katrina.

First, there were the deniers. My X-wife was one of those. She had to leave her house in a rowboat as a child in 1965 when Betsey hit. Then, in 2005, we were flooded out when the levies failed. Our damage came to $145,000. After that, I made the strong suggestion that we least to Hattiesburg, which was only two hours away, and never flooded. She preferred to remain in the rebuilt house, which was 8 feet below lake Pontchartrain, and about 3 feet below sea level. The levees that were built in the 1920's and 1930's were no longer high enough, because of rising sea levels, and had to be rebuilt higher. The city only exists due to dug out canals constantly being pumped to send the water to the lake and the river.

Then there was people like me. I moved to Southern AZ.

During hurricane season, she never turns the weather channel off.

I never even turn it on.

But none of this proves climate change. it only reflects the results of denial. Climate change is established science all over the world, with, or without disasters in my lifetime. You don't have to have a doctorate in meteorology to understand that pumping millions of tons of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere for hundreds of years is going to change your world. Most, if not all, civilized nations have acknowledged that, and are actively looking for solutions. On the other side of that equation resides the Right, who have found common ground with conspiracy theorists and AM radio talk show hosts. You don't see many of these folks at scientific climate conferences held every year around the world. In fact, few even bother to take the deniers seriously enough to discuss the subject.

Total fucking bullshit and on many different levels.
i lived in New Orleans for about 10 years. I discovered that people were divided into two different mindsets, when the whole city was destroyed by Katrina.

First, there were the deniers. My X-wife was one of those. She had to leave her house in a rowboat as a child in 1965 when Betsey hit. Then, in 2005, we were flooded out when the levies failed. Our damage came to $145,000. After that, I made the strong suggestion that we least to Hattiesburg, which was only two hours away, and never flooded. She preferred to remain in the rebuilt house, which was 8 feet below lake Pontchartrain, and about 3 feet below sea level. The levees that were built in the 1920's and 1930's were no longer high enough, because of rising sea levels, and had to be rebuilt higher. The city only exists due to dug out canals constantly being pumped to send the water to the lake and the river.

Then there was people like me. I moved to Southern AZ.

During hurricane season, she never turns the weather channel off.

I never even turn it on.

But none of this proves climate change. it only reflects the results of denial. Climate change is established science all over the world, with, or without disasters in my lifetime. You don't have to have a doctorate in meteorology to understand that pumping millions of tons of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere for hundreds of years is going to change your world. Most, if not all, civilized nations have acknowledged that, and are actively looking for solutions. On the other side of that equation resides the Right, who have found common ground with conspiracy theorists and AM radio talk show hosts. You don't see many of these folks at scientific climate conferences held every year around the world. In fact, few even bother to take the deniers seriously enough to discuss the subject.

Total fucking bullshit and on many different levels.

Is that what passes for rebuttal?
Liberals demand all sorts of social changes, from same-sex marriage to men in the women's room, but they act like minor changes in the climate will bring about catastrophe and the end of the world. It's ironic what cowards they are.

That's why we're all conservatives, we're not down with that demanding things of others.
i lived in New Orleans for about 10 years. I discovered that people were divided into two different mindsets, when the whole city was destroyed by Katrina.

First, there were the deniers. My X-wife was one of those. She had to leave her house in a rowboat as a child in 1965 when Betsey hit. Then, in 2005, we were flooded out when the levies failed. Our damage came to $145,000. After that, I made the strong suggestion that we least to Hattiesburg, which was only two hours away, and never flooded. She preferred to remain in the rebuilt house, which was 8 feet below lake Pontchartrain, and about 3 feet below sea level. The levees that were built in the 1920's and 1930's were no longer high enough, because of rising sea levels, and had to be rebuilt higher. The city only exists due to dug out canals constantly being pumped to send the water to the lake and the river.

Then there was people like me. I moved to Southern AZ.

During hurricane season, she never turns the weather channel off.

I never even turn it on.

But none of this proves climate change. it only reflects the results of denial. Climate change is established science all over the world, with, or without disasters in my lifetime. You don't have to have a doctorate in meteorology to understand that pumping millions of tons of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere for hundreds of years is going to change your world. Most, if not all, civilized nations have acknowledged that, and are actively looking for solutions. On the other side of that equation resides the Right, who have found common ground with conspiracy theorists and AM radio talk show hosts. You don't see many of these folks at scientific climate conferences held every year around the world. In fact, few even bother to take the deniers seriously enough to discuss the subject.

Total fucking bullshit and on many different levels.

Is that what passes for rebuttal?

Geo-engineering was my rebuttal and that is all I need. There cannot be a benchmark on the temp of the earth when the atmosphere has been manipulated for two decades. It is a variable that makes any study 100 percent bogus and if you knew what you were talking about, you wouldn't even have to fuck off, Chicken Little.
Fenton, you're dealing with a pack of fanatical conspiracy cultists. You can't reason people out of a position they weren't reasoned into. Appealing to their reason is pointless, as they run entirely on emotion. Appealing to their better nature is pointless, because they no longer have one. They've replaced all of their positive attributes with hate and hysteria.

Think of them like fanatical Islamicists screaming "Allahu Ahkbar!" (gipper tried to steal that bit from me, but failed pretty badly.). Would you try to reason with them? Of course not. The kook-right-fringe political cultists here (global warming denialism is a required belief of the cult, not the cult itself) have the same mindset. They're not chanting with the purpose of converting any of the infidels. They chant their versions of "Allahu Ahkbar!" for the same reasons fanatical Islamicists do.

1. As a way to get their hate-fix, which gives them a rush and cements their loyalty to the cult.

2. As an attempt to intimidate opponents with displays of near-violence by a mob.

3. To demonstrate to their cult leaders, and to the other cultists, how loyal to the cult they are themselves. That's important, because the other denier cultists are often dangerous and violent people, who would turn on other cultists for showing insufficient loyalty.

That's why I stick to mockery when dealing with them. Negative reinforcement is all they understand. You have to make them afraid to lie.
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Fenton, you're dealing with a pack of fanatical conspiracy cultists. You can't reason people out of a position they weren't reasoned into. Appealing to their reason is pointless, as they run entirely on emotion. Appealing to their better nature is pointless, because they no longer have one. They've replaced all of their positive attributes with hate and hysteria.

Think of them like fanatical Islamicists screaming "Allahu Ahkbar!" (gipper tried to steal that bit from me, but failed pretty badly.). Would you try to reason with them? Of course not. The kook-right-fringe political cultists here (global warming denialism is a required belief of the cult, not the cult itself) have the same mindset. They're not chanting with the purpose of converting any of the infidels. They chant their versions of "Allahu Ahkbar!" for the same reasons fanatical Islamicists do.

1. As a way to get their hate-fix, which gives them a rush and cements their loyalty to the cult.

2. As an attempt to intimidate opponents with displays of near-violence by a mob.

3. To demonstrate to their cult leaders, and to the other cultists, how loyal to the cult they are themselves. That's important, because the other denier cultists are often dangerous and violent people, who would turn on other cultists for showing insufficient loyalty.
Fenton, you're dealing with a pack of fanatical conspiracy cultists. You can't reason people out of a position they weren't reasoned into. Appealing to their reason is pointless, as they run entirely on emotion. Appealing to their better nature is pointless, because they no longer have one. They've replaced their positive emotions with hate.

Think of them like fanatical Islamicists screaming "Allahu Ahkbar!". Would you try to reason with them? Of course not. The kook-right-fringe political cultists here (global warming denialism is a required belief of the cult, not the cult itself) have the same mindset. They're not chanting with the purpose of converting any of the infidels. They chant their versions of "Allahu Ahkbar!" for the same reasons fanatical Islamicists do.

1. As a way to get their hate-fix, which gives them a rush and cements their loyalty to the cult.

2. As an attempt to intimidate opponents with displays of near-violence by a mob.

3. To demonstrate to their cult leaders, and to the other cultists, how loyal to the cult they are themselves. That's important, because the other denier cultists are often dangerous and violent people, who would turn on other cultists for showing insufficient loyalty.

Hey, stupid's a couple of questions for you.

#1 How would giving carbon taxes to the same bankers that own the big oil companies "cure" Gorebal Warming'?

#2 Free energy has been around since the 1920's and those patents have been suppressed along with another 5,000 patents that have been kept from us under the guise of "National Security....why aren't you petitioning your corporate "gubermint" to release them? We know that they do not use electrical grids to power the 139 deep underground military bases so why shouldn't we get that technology?

#3 Why would I or anyone else trust the U.N or this corporate "gubermint" when they have been complicit in manipulating the climate we do have thus preventing the ability to get a real benchmark on the temperature?

It seems to piss you off that you are having trouble attracting people that have the ability to think for themselves and don't follow the herd for you.
I can't help but wonder just what scientists have to gain by creating a so called "climate change myth". I suppose that Gore is probably in league with SPECTR, and wants to end civilization as we know it, just for the sake of evil..... thank god Rush is on to their evil plot!
#1 How would giving carbon taxes to the same bankers that own the big oil companies "cure" Gorebal Warming'?

Sounds awful. God thing nobody is planning that, eh?

#2 Free energy has been around since the 1920's and those patents have been suppressed along with another 5,000 patents that have been kept from us under the guise of "National Security....why aren't you petitioning your corporate "gubermint" to release them? We know that they do not use electrical grids to power the 139 deep underground military bases so why shouldn't we get that technology?

Conspiracy kookery.

#3 Why would I or anyone else trust the U.N or this corporate "gubermint" when they have been complicit in manipulating the climate we do have thus preventing the ability to get a real benchmark on the temperature?

More conspiracy kookery.

It seems to piss you off that you are having trouble attracting people that have the ability to think for themselves and don't follow the herd for you.

The Jonestown cult also talked like that, claiming how the rest of the planet was being deceived, and that the handful of TrueBelievers were actually the select few who possessed TheWisdom to understand the RealTruth.

How'd that turn out for them?

Your cult is currently crashing and burning under the weight of the evidence, and is heading for the same ultimate fate. For Glub's sake, cultists, slip off into the jungle now, before they roll out the koolaid vat.
I can't help but wonder just what scientists have to gain by creating a so called "climate change myth". I suppose that Gore is probably in league with SPECTR, and wants to end civilization as we know it, just for the sake of evil..... thank god Rush is on to their evil plot!

#1 How would giving carbon taxes to the same bankers that own the big oil companies "cure" Gorebal Warming'?

Sounds awful. God thing nobody is planning that, eh?

#2 Free energy has been around since the 1920's and those patents have been suppressed along with another 5,000 patents that have been kept from us under the guise of "National Security....why aren't you petitioning your corporate "gubermint" to release them? We know that they do not use electrical grids to power the 139 deep underground military bases so why shouldn't we get that technology?

Conspiracy kookery.

#3 Why would I or anyone else trust the U.N or this corporate "gubermint" when they have been complicit in manipulating the climate we do have thus preventing the ability to get a real benchmark on the temperature?

More conspiracy kookery.

It seems to piss you off that you are having trouble attracting people that have the ability to think for themselves and don't follow the herd for you.

The Jonestown cult also talked like that, claiming how the rest of the planet was being deceived, and that the handful of TrueBelievers were actually the select few who possessed TheWisdom to understand the RealTruth.

How'd that turn out for them?

Your cult is currently crashing and burning under the weight of the evidence, and is heading for the same ultimate fate. For Glub's sake, cultists, slip off into the jungle now, before they roll out the koolaid vat.

Bear, please stop picture-spamming.

That is, unless you're trying to demonstrate that brainless picture-spamming, being a staple tactic of brainless cultists, is therefore your staple tactic. That is, it's your way of screaming "Allahu Ahkbar!".

In any case, you've shown everyone how devoted you are to the cult, so you can stop now.

And back on to the topic deniers are trying so mightily to deflect from ... the recently launched JASON-3 satellite is doing well, and will enable us to keep monitoring sea levels closely, which will allow deniers to keep claiming all the data is faked.

Jason-3 Satellite
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#1 How would giving carbon taxes to the same bankers that own the big oil companies "cure" Gorebal Warming'?

Sounds awful. God thing nobody is planning that, eh?

#2 Free energy has been around since the 1920's and those patents have been suppressed along with another 5,000 patents that have been kept from us under the guise of "National Security....why aren't you petitioning your corporate "gubermint" to release them? We know that they do not use electrical grids to power the 139 deep underground military bases so why shouldn't we get that technology?

Conspiracy kookery.

#3 Why would I or anyone else trust the U.N or this corporate "gubermint" when they have been complicit in manipulating the climate we do have thus preventing the ability to get a real benchmark on the temperature?

More conspiracy kookery.

It seems to piss you off that you are having trouble attracting people that have the ability to think for themselves and don't follow the herd for you.

The Jonestown cult also talked like that, claiming how the rest of the planet was being deceived, and that the handful of TrueBelievers were actually the select few who possessed TheWisdom to understand the RealTruth.

How'd that turn out for them?

Your cult is currently crashing and burning under the weight of the evidence, and is heading for the same ultimate fate. For Glub's sake, cultists, slip off into the jungle now, before they roll out the koolaid vat.

The IMF is owned by the same banking oligarchs that owns big oil.......Strike one.

There hasn't been a suppression of free energy technology? Perhaps you should do a google search of inventors like Wilhelm Reich, Nikola Tesla, Raymond Rife and Linus Pauling along many other inventors that have patented or attempted to patent functional energy devices that were kept from seeing the light of day.
They either get their companies raided under false pretenses or has it acquired and then shelved thus never seeing the light of day. They have been intimidated and threatened and or had patents denied or outright suppression of the technology using the illegal application of Section 181 of the U.S patent law.....strike two.

Your beloved "gubermint" is actually a corporate entity and I have proved that many times. The U.N assigns the S.S numbers and the IMF is the one that writes the social security checks because USA.INC was taken into receivership with the bankruptcy of 1950....all of which they do not tell me again how we should blindly trust these thieving bastards? I know more than you....I do this 7 days a week, 10 to 12 hours a day 365 days a year......Strike 3.

I don't belong to any cult unless you call the truth a "cult like" entity. The movement to expose the aerosol spraying of the upper atmosphere is gaining steam and is going to court and it will be exposed. Soil and water samples do not lie and they tell the story of the geo-engineering program that has been going on since 1997. I will await your apology when this all comes out.

Consider yourself "schooled" and dismissed.

Bear, please stop picture-spamming.

That is, unless you're trying to demonstrate that brainless picture-spamming, being a staple tactic of brainless cultists, is therefore your staple tactic. That is, it's your way of screaming "Allahu Ahkbar!".

In any case, you've shown everyone how devoted you are to the cult, so you can stop now.

What's the matter high nun of the royal order of the AGW cult, want to censor me and throw me in jail?

Bear, please stop picture-spamming.

That is, unless you're trying to demonstrate that brainless picture-spamming, being a staple tactic of brainless cultists, is therefore your staple tactic. That is, it's your way of screaming "Allahu Ahkbar!".

In any case, you've shown everyone how devoted you are to the cult, so you can stop now.

And back on to the topic deniers are trying so mightily to deflect from ... the recently launched JASON-3 satellite is doing well, and will enable us to keep monitoring sea levels closely, which will allow deniers to keep claiming all the data is faked.

Jason-3 Satellite

Stop your whining, pussy...I, for one, enjoy Bear's have proven that you don't know shit about anything.
The IMF is owned by the same banking oligarchs that owns big oil

There hasn't been a suppression of free energy technology?

Your beloved "gubermint" is actually a corporate entity

I wouldn't argue against any of that. Imagine how many people might listen if your tone were different.
Bear, please stop picture-spamming.

That is, unless you're trying to demonstrate that brainless picture-spamming, being a staple tactic of brainless cultists, is therefore your staple tactic. That is, it's your way of screaming "Allahu Ahkbar!".

In any case, you've shown everyone how devoted you are to the cult, so you can stop now.

And back on to the topic deniers are trying so mightily to deflect from ... the recently launched JASON-3 satellite is doing well, and will enable us to keep monitoring sea levels closely, which will allow deniers to keep claiming all the data is faked.

Jason-3 Satellite

Stop your whining, pussy...I, for one, enjoy Bear's have proven that you don't know shit about anything.

Birds of a feather I reckon.
Bear, please stop picture-spamming.

That is, unless you're trying to demonstrate that brainless picture-spamming, being a staple tactic of brainless cultists, is therefore your staple tactic. That is, it's your way of screaming "Allahu Ahkbar!".

In any case, you've shown everyone how devoted you are to the cult, so you can stop now.

And back on to the topic deniers are trying so mightily to deflect from ... the recently launched JASON-3 satellite is doing well, and will enable us to keep monitoring sea levels closely, which will allow deniers to keep claiming all the data is faked.

Jason-3 Satellite

Stop your whining, pussy...I, for one, enjoy Bear's have proven that you don't know shit about anything.

Birds of a feather I reckon.

I know more than you....infinitely with it and learn from it.

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