Sea-level rise claims five islands in Solomons: study

Your hopes and dreams are being crushed? In what manner?

His hopes and dreams of living in a somalia like wild west are being crushed! The loserterians are getting their asses kicked.
When you use stupid made-up words like "losertarians" it just makes you look stupid. Also, "Somalia" and "Wild West" should be capitalized. Also, "Losertarians," if it's a riff on "Libertarians," should also be capitalized.
Sea-level rise claims five islands in Solomons: study
May 7, 2016

At least 11 islands across the northern Solomon Islands have either totally disappeared over recent decades or are currently experiencing severe erosion, an Australian study shows
Five islands have disappeared in the Pacific's Solomon Islands due to rising sea levels and coastal erosion, according to an Australian study that could provide valuable insights for future research.

A further six reef islands have been severely eroded in the remote area of the Solomons, the study said, with one experiencing some 10 houses being swept into the sea between 2011 and 2014.

"At least 11 islands across the northern Solomon Islands have either totally disappeared over recent decades or are currently experiencing severe erosion," the study published in Environmental Research Letters said.

"Shoreline recession at two sites has destroyed villages that have existed since at least 1935, leading to community relocations."

Read more at:

Read more at the link....

Anyways, this is strong evidence that our oceans are in fact raising...Another piece of evidence is that a tidal gauge near New york has seen sea level raise of nearly 1 foot in the past 100 years and LA has lost a shit tone of land...So is it all a hoax? I don't think so.

Just curious, do you know the definition of EROSION? Yeah, I didn't think so.
Rocks, You don't stand a chance with Black. She has already refuted global warming with her posts about abortion and slavery! How can you argue with that?
I guess you did not read my link to the Google page linking to all the stories about the Global Warming scam.

Re-read the thread, this time carefully, and if you are honest with yourself, you will admit that you and your liberal friends have been lied to.

I don't expect an apology, but an acknowledgement that you need to pay more attention to the world around you would be nice.

I would read it, but i am too busy, right now, trying to unravel the last details of why Elvis killed JFK.....
Granny says when it gets up to 466' above sea level...

... we gonna have beachfront property...

... dat's why she got Uncle Ferd to put...

... pontoons onna side o' the trailer.
Sea-level rise claims five islands in Solomons: study
May 7, 2016

At least 11 islands across the northern Solomon Islands have either totally disappeared over recent decades or are currently experiencing severe erosion, an Australian study shows
Five islands have disappeared in the Pacific's Solomon Islands due to rising sea levels and coastal erosion, according to an Australian study that could provide valuable insights for future research.

A further six reef islands have been severely eroded in the remote area of the Solomons, the study said, with one experiencing some 10 houses being swept into the sea between 2011 and 2014.

"At least 11 islands across the northern Solomon Islands have either totally disappeared over recent decades or are currently experiencing severe erosion," the study published in Environmental Research Letters said.

"Shoreline recession at two sites has destroyed villages that have existed since at least 1935, leading to community relocations."

Read more at:

Read more at the link....

Anyways, this is strong evidence that our oceans are in fact raising...Another piece of evidence is that a tidal gauge near New york has seen sea level raise of nearly 1 foot in the past 100 years and LA has lost a shit tone of land...So is it all a hoax? I don't think so.

So what?
Sea-level rise claims five islands in Solomons: study
May 7, 2016

At least 11 islands across the northern Solomon Islands have either totally disappeared over recent decades or are currently experiencing severe erosion, an Australian study shows
Five islands have disappeared in the Pacific's Solomon Islands due to rising sea levels and coastal erosion, according to an Australian study that could provide valuable insights for future research.

A further six reef islands have been severely eroded in the remote area of the Solomons, the study said, with one experiencing some 10 houses being swept into the sea between 2011 and 2014.

"At least 11 islands across the northern Solomon Islands have either totally disappeared over recent decades or are currently experiencing severe erosion," the study published in Environmental Research Letters said.

"Shoreline recession at two sites has destroyed villages that have existed since at least 1935, leading to community relocations."

Read more at:

Read more at the link....

Anyways, this is strong evidence that our oceans are in fact raising...Another piece of evidence is that a tidal gauge near New york has seen sea level raise of nearly 1 foot in the past 100 years and LA has lost a shit tone of land...So is it all a hoax? I don't think so.

So what?
So, we have to tear down every factory, pull the engine out of every automobile, and revert back to stone age technology to save our precious planet Earth from whatever horrible disaster happens if the temperature goes up 1 degree Fahrenheit in the next 100 years.
Sea-level rise claims five islands in Solomons: study
May 7, 2016

At least 11 islands across the northern Solomon Islands have either totally disappeared over recent decades or are currently experiencing severe erosion, an Australian study shows
Five islands have disappeared in the Pacific's Solomon Islands due to rising sea levels and coastal erosion, according to an Australian study that could provide valuable insights for future research.

A further six reef islands have been severely eroded in the remote area of the Solomons, the study said, with one experiencing some 10 houses being swept into the sea between 2011 and 2014.

"At least 11 islands across the northern Solomon Islands have either totally disappeared over recent decades or are currently experiencing severe erosion," the study published in Environmental Research Letters said.

"Shoreline recession at two sites has destroyed villages that have existed since at least 1935, leading to community relocations."

Read more at:

Read more at the link....

Anyways, this is strong evidence that our oceans are in fact raising...Another piece of evidence is that a tidal gauge near New york has seen sea level raise of nearly 1 foot in the past 100 years and LA has lost a shit tone of land...So is it all a hoax? I don't think so.

So what?
So, we have to tear down every factory, pull the engine out of every automobile, and revert back to stone age technology to save our precious planet Earth from whatever horrible disaster happens if the temperature goes up 1 degree Fahrenheit in the next 100 years.

Just think of all the jobs people will be able to get building dikes and drainage ditches it'll be way better than Obama's shovel ready stimulus jobs
Or we could build cities on higher land. There is plenty of land available. I've crossed this nation numerous times on a plane and in an automobile, and most of the country is a vast wilderness, or millions of acres of farmland. And most of it is well above sea level. If the oceans rise and swallow up the coasts, we will survive. But that's not really going to happen, at least not within the next 10,000 years or so.
15,000 years ago there was a land bridge between Asia and North America. The Native Americans walked on that land bridge to get here. Then the land bridge went under water, and was gone.

Beringia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So the oceans rise, and the oceans fall, and it's not the end of the world. And we can't stop this from happening, because we're not causing it.
We're in between Ice Ages. So gradually, things are going to get colder. Whatever warming trend there may be now will be swallowed up by the cooling trend as we enter the next Ice Age.

According to this article, we are in an intermittent warmer period (interglacial period) within an Ice Age that started 2.6 million years ago:

Ice age - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If liberals think they can stop the cycle of the Earth warming and cooling over millions of years, they are seriously deluded.
Liberals demand all sorts of social changes, from same-sex marriage to men in the women's room, but they act like minor changes in the climate will bring about catastrophe and the end of the world. It's ironic what cowards they are.
Rocks, You don't stand a chance with Black. She has already refuted global warming with her posts about abortion and slavery! How can you argue with that?
I guess you did not read my link to the Google page linking to all the stories about the Global Warming scam.

Re-read the thread, this time carefully, and if you are honest with yourself, you will admit that you and your liberal friends have been lied to.

I don't expect an apology, but an acknowledgement that you need to pay more attention to the world around you would be nice.

Oh joy, another link off with someone unwilling to take the time and energy to drill down into the research themselves.
We're in between Ice Ages. So gradually, things are going to get colder. Whatever warming trend there may be now will be swallowed up by the cooling trend as we enter the next Ice Age.

According to this article, we are in an intermittent warmer period (interglacial period) within an Ice Age that started 2.6 million years ago:

Ice age - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If liberals think they can stop the cycle of the Earth warming and cooling over millions of years, they are seriously deluded.

We can't have a rational discussion based upon the science because you cannot see it as anything but a political issue. If someone questions whether human activity has had some impact in what we're saeeing, they are labeled "liberal" and can be summarily dispatched with. There is no discussion. Were I you, I would question how that notion got into my head. How did I get to the point where I can only react emotionally to a question.
Lassie, you just keep going further and further out on a limb. Evens? LOL

The man has plenty of credentials, but no publications on any aspect of climate in any scientific journal.
David Evans

According to his resume, Evans has not published any peer-reviewed research papers on the subject of climate change.

Evans published one paper in 1987, but it was unrelated to climate change.

Back in the 70's, we were told that we were on the verge of a mini-Ice Age by the "experts"...twenty years later they claim that the planet is overheating and that we need to give up our sovereignty to the United Nations because this is a global problem thus must be handled "global;ly"'s all fucking bullshit and this is the Hegelian Dialectic being played out right in front of us....cause, affect, solution...been there, done that. The fact of the matter is that there can be no benchmark on the temperature of the climate if it is being purposefully manipulated in order to give data that supports a bogus claim....get it now? You can't win this argument.....because this is being done for a bigger agenda....guaran-fucking-tee you on that.
God, are you ever uninformed and stupid. No, the scientists of that time were stating, by 6 to 1 that the most likely direction the climate was moving in was to the warmer. It was journalists for Time and Newsweek that made the statements about an immanent ice age.

Well then there was this...scientist...LOL


The 1970s Ice Age Scare
And it would take about 20,000 years to reach the start of the ice age by the Milankovic Cycles. However, the increase in retained heat that is the result of a 43% increase in CO2 and a 250% increased in CH4 easily overwhelms the effect of the Milankovic Cycles for at least the next thousand years.

BBbuuut you said it was only media publications saying there would be an ice thinks you're deflecting from your obvious error

Well, there's a pile of deflecting going on, yeah. Like I said, a google off will never open your mind. I don't think anything can open your mind to any possibility because all you come across as capable of is searching for that which reinforces your belief system. You appear unable to challenge yourself. Scientists argue, disagree, and self correct hypotheses, concepts and theories all the time, but for you, this is political bordering on religious. You don’t want to examine it. If you chose to someday, you can stop seething and calm down enough to go look into this for yourself. No one ever said no data was ever incorrect or fudged. No one ever said every last climate scientist agreed. So you find your safe harbor there. But the preponderance of the evidence suggests otherwise and a vast majority of the scientific community is in agreement. Unfortunately the entire question got politicized, you’ve gotten trapped in that quagmire, and you cannot free yourself. Yet. And that’s why Clinton should have never deregulated the FCC such that 6 multinational corporations could come to control what 90% of the American population swallows as gospel. But hey, that’s where we are as a society. Doing our own thinking is too much work.
Well, SassyIrishLass, I think our work here is done. If we lived in the same town, I would invite you to an Irish pub and buy you an Irish beer. Being Irish does have an advantage in debates like this, don't you think? We don't run away from a fight, like our friend Fenton Lum did.

Man, no life outside of this place? Yeah, you girls settled it for sure didn't ya. Goldwater was right, about letting the religious fanatics take over the republican party. You know, back when "conservatives" were, well, conservative.
Back in the 70's, we were told that we were on the verge of a mini-Ice Age by the "experts"...twenty years later they claim that the planet is overheating and that we need to give up our sovereignty to the United Nations because this is a global problem thus must be handled "global;ly"'s all fucking bullshit and this is the Hegelian Dialectic being played out right in front of us....cause, affect, solution...been there, done that. The fact of the matter is that there can be no benchmark on the temperature of the climate if it is being purposefully manipulated in order to give data that supports a bogus claim....get it now? You can't win this argument.....because this is being done for a bigger agenda....guaran-fucking-tee you on that.
God, are you ever uninformed and stupid. No, the scientists of that time were stating, by 6 to 1 that the most likely direction the climate was moving in was to the warmer. It was journalists for Time and Newsweek that made the statements about an immanent ice age.

Well then there was this...scientist...LOL


The 1970s Ice Age Scare
And it would take about 20,000 years to reach the start of the ice age by the Milankovic Cycles. However, the increase in retained heat that is the result of a 43% increase in CO2 and a 250% increased in CH4 easily overwhelms the effect of the Milankovic Cycles for at least the next thousand years.

BBbuuut you said it was only media publications saying there would be an ice thinks you're deflecting from your obvious error

Well, there's a pile of deflecting going on, yeah. Like I said, a google off will never open your mind. I don't think anything can open your mind to any possibility because all you come across as capable of is searching for that which reinforces your belief system. You appear unable to challenge yourself. Scientists argue, disagree, and self correct hypotheses, concepts and theories all the time, but for you, this is political bordering on religious. You don’t want to examine it. If you chose to someday, you can stop seething and calm down enough to go look into this for yourself. No one ever said no data was ever incorrect or fudged. No one ever said every last climate scientist agreed. So you find your safe harbor there. But the preponderance of the evidence suggests otherwise and a vast majority of the scientific community is in agreement. Unfortunately the entire question got politicized, you’ve gotten trapped in that quagmire, and you cannot free yourself. Yet. And that’s why Clinton should have never deregulated the FCC such that 6 multinational corporations could come to control what 90% of the American population swallows as gospel. But hey, that’s where we are as a society. Doing our own thinking is too much work.

I knew you wouldn't (or couldn't) refute it, your gibberish is tiresome
God, are you ever uninformed and stupid. No, the scientists of that time were stating, by 6 to 1 that the most likely direction the climate was moving in was to the warmer. It was journalists for Time and Newsweek that made the statements about an immanent ice age.

Well then there was this...scientist...LOL


The 1970s Ice Age Scare
And it would take about 20,000 years to reach the start of the ice age by the Milankovic Cycles. However, the increase in retained heat that is the result of a 43% increase in CO2 and a 250% increased in CH4 easily overwhelms the effect of the Milankovic Cycles for at least the next thousand years.

BBbuuut you said it was only media publications saying there would be an ice thinks you're deflecting from your obvious error

Well, there's a pile of deflecting going on, yeah. Like I said, a google off will never open your mind. I don't think anything can open your mind to any possibility because all you come across as capable of is searching for that which reinforces your belief system. You appear unable to challenge yourself. Scientists argue, disagree, and self correct hypotheses, concepts and theories all the time, but for you, this is political bordering on religious. You don’t want to examine it. If you chose to someday, you can stop seething and calm down enough to go look into this for yourself. No one ever said no data was ever incorrect or fudged. No one ever said every last climate scientist agreed. So you find your safe harbor there. But the preponderance of the evidence suggests otherwise and a vast majority of the scientific community is in agreement. Unfortunately the entire question got politicized, you’ve gotten trapped in that quagmire, and you cannot free yourself. Yet. And that’s why Clinton should have never deregulated the FCC such that 6 multinational corporations could come to control what 90% of the American population swallows as gospel. But hey, that’s where we are as a society. Doing our own thinking is too much work.

I knew you wouldn't (or couldn't) refute it, your gibberish is tiresome

Don't respond, I'm cool with that.
Well then there was this...scientist...LOL


The 1970s Ice Age Scare
And it would take about 20,000 years to reach the start of the ice age by the Milankovic Cycles. However, the increase in retained heat that is the result of a 43% increase in CO2 and a 250% increased in CH4 easily overwhelms the effect of the Milankovic Cycles for at least the next thousand years.

BBbuuut you said it was only media publications saying there would be an ice thinks you're deflecting from your obvious error

Well, there's a pile of deflecting going on, yeah. Like I said, a google off will never open your mind. I don't think anything can open your mind to any possibility because all you come across as capable of is searching for that which reinforces your belief system. You appear unable to challenge yourself. Scientists argue, disagree, and self correct hypotheses, concepts and theories all the time, but for you, this is political bordering on religious. You don’t want to examine it. If you chose to someday, you can stop seething and calm down enough to go look into this for yourself. No one ever said no data was ever incorrect or fudged. No one ever said every last climate scientist agreed. So you find your safe harbor there. But the preponderance of the evidence suggests otherwise and a vast majority of the scientific community is in agreement. Unfortunately the entire question got politicized, you’ve gotten trapped in that quagmire, and you cannot free yourself. Yet. And that’s why Clinton should have never deregulated the FCC such that 6 multinational corporations could come to control what 90% of the American population swallows as gospel. But hey, that’s where we are as a society. Doing our own thinking is too much work.

I knew you wouldn't (or couldn't) refute it, your gibberish is tiresome

Don't respond, I'm cool with that.

Refute it...that is the burden presented to you. Blabbering away is not refuting anything...and it's proving you don't have the first clue. You're struggling and it's noted
And it would take about 20,000 years to reach the start of the ice age by the Milankovic Cycles. However, the increase in retained heat that is the result of a 43% increase in CO2 and a 250% increased in CH4 easily overwhelms the effect of the Milankovic Cycles for at least the next thousand years.

BBbuuut you said it was only media publications saying there would be an ice thinks you're deflecting from your obvious error

Well, there's a pile of deflecting going on, yeah. Like I said, a google off will never open your mind. I don't think anything can open your mind to any possibility because all you come across as capable of is searching for that which reinforces your belief system. You appear unable to challenge yourself. Scientists argue, disagree, and self correct hypotheses, concepts and theories all the time, but for you, this is political bordering on religious. You don’t want to examine it. If you chose to someday, you can stop seething and calm down enough to go look into this for yourself. No one ever said no data was ever incorrect or fudged. No one ever said every last climate scientist agreed. So you find your safe harbor there. But the preponderance of the evidence suggests otherwise and a vast majority of the scientific community is in agreement. Unfortunately the entire question got politicized, you’ve gotten trapped in that quagmire, and you cannot free yourself. Yet. And that’s why Clinton should have never deregulated the FCC such that 6 multinational corporations could come to control what 90% of the American population swallows as gospel. But hey, that’s where we are as a society. Doing our own thinking is too much work.

I knew you wouldn't (or couldn't) refute it, your gibberish is tiresome

Don't respond, I'm cool with that.

Refute it...that is the burden presented to you. Blabbering away is not refuting anything...and it's proving you don't have the first clue. You're struggling and it's noted

Happy Mother's Day, done with ya shoog.
i lived in New Orleans for about 10 years. I discovered that people were divided into two different mindsets, when the whole city was destroyed by Katrina.

First, there were the deniers. My X-wife was one of those. She had to leave her house in a rowboat as a child in 1965 when Betsey hit. Then, in 2005, we were flooded out when the levies failed. Our damage came to $145,000. After that, I made the strong suggestion that we least to Hattiesburg, which was only two hours away, and never flooded. She preferred to remain in the rebuilt house, which was 8 feet below lake Pontchartrain, and about 3 feet below sea level. The levees that were built in the 1920's and 1930's were no longer high enough, because of rising sea levels, and had to be rebuilt higher. The city only exists due to dug out canals constantly being pumped to send the water to the lake and the river.

Then there was people like me. I moved to Southern AZ.

During hurricane season, she never turns the weather channel off.

I never even turn it on.

But none of this proves climate change. it only reflects the results of denial. Climate change is established science all over the world, with, or without disasters in my lifetime. You don't have to have a doctorate in meteorology to understand that pumping millions of tons of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere for hundreds of years is going to change your world. Most, if not all, civilized nations have acknowledged that, and are actively looking for solutions. On the other side of that equation resides the Right, who have found common ground with conspiracy theorists and AM radio talk show hosts. You don't see many of these folks at scientific climate conferences held every year around the world. In fact, few even bother to take the deniers seriously enough to discuss the subject.

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