Sea-level rise claims five islands in Solomons: study

Recent contributions of glaciers and ice caps to sea level rise : Nature : Nature Publishing Group

Glaciers and ice caps (GICs) are important contributors to present-day global mean sea level rise1,2, 3, 4. Most previous global mass balance estimates for GICs rely on extrapolation of sparse mass balance measurements1, 2, 4 representing only a small fraction of the GIC area, leaving their overall contribution to sea level rise unclear. Here we show that GICs, excluding the Greenland and Antarctic peripheral GICs, lost mass at a rate of 148±30Gtyr−1 from January 2003 to December 2010, contributing 0.41±0.08mmyr−1 to sea level rise. Our results are based on a global, simultaneous inversion of monthly GRACE-derived satellite gravity fields, from which we calculate the mass change over all ice-covered regions greater in area than 100km2. The GIC rate for 2003–2010 is about 30 per cent smaller than the previous mass balance estimate that most closely matches our study period2. The high mountains of Asia, in particular, show a mass loss of only 4±20Gtyr−1 for 2003–2010, compared with 47–55Gtyr−1 in previously published estimates2, 5. For completeness, we also estimate that the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, including their peripheral GICs, contributed 1.06±0.19mmyr−1 to sea level rise over the same time period. The total contribution to sea level rise from all ice-covered regions is thus 1.48±0.26mm−1, which agrees well with independent estimates of sea level rise originating from land ice loss and other terrestrial sources6.

More real scientists on sea level rise.

...equivalent to teaching algebra to dolphins......
I don't have much faith in scientists who take money from the government in the form of research grants to find conclusions that are predetermined by the desire of the government to find excuses to clamp down on private enterprise and increase government control on everything.

Scientists are human just like the rest of us, and are prone to human failings like greed, corruption, ambition, and some will manipulate data dishonestly to please their government masters.

And they get caught committing fraud, and yet somehow, they get away with it anyway.
God, what a total dumbass you are. You have no idea of how grants are obtained or what they cover. You just repeat the fucking lies of the right wing nut jubs doing the energy uYlooses all standing in the scientific community, and best accept the first janitors job that he can.

You'll never get through to this bunch man, this shit is a religion to them. No new info can penetrate. Take care. Hope ta bump into you again.

The loserterians are the christian version of the Taliban. No, there is no possible way to make them see the light. They hate civilization and investing in science.
OK, Matthew. Since Fenton Lum has refused to back up the validity of the Global Warming Theory, I will ask you to do it. To catch you up, SassyIrishLass has posted multiple links to stories stating that data was manipulated to achieve fraudulent results. Do you have any stories you can link to to counter these accusations? I hope you will do better than Fenton, because he didn't even attempt to get these links.

If you need help, here's a clue: Go to Google and type in: "Global warming theory is not a fraud."

See what that pulls up. Sassy and I will be waiting patiently.
You can't reason with a fanatic.

AGW believers are like radical Islamists. Akin to a radical Islamist screaming Allah Akbar with a knife to your throat. Trying to reason with them is futile.
Well, SassyIrishLass, I think our work here is done. If we lived in the same town, I would invite you to an Irish pub and buy you an Irish beer. Being Irish does have an advantage in debates like this, don't you think? We don't run away from a fight, like our friend Fenton Lum did.
Well, I am not running, silly ass. I am taking the fight to you. And, as someone with primarily Scot heritage, we don't back down, or just flap yap about a fight.

rising sea level, agu, youtube - Yahoo Search Results Yahoo Search Results

Sea level rise and ice.
I don't have much faith in scientists who take money from the government in the form of research grants to find conclusions that are predetermined by the desire of the government to find excuses to clamp down on private enterprise and increase government control on everything.

Scientists are human just like the rest of us, and are prone to human failings like greed, corruption, ambition, and some will manipulate data dishonestly to please their government masters.

And they get caught committing fraud, and yet somehow, they get away with it anyway.
God, what a total dumbass you are. You have no idea of how grants are obtained or what they cover. You just repeat the fucking lies of the right wing nut jubs doing the energy uYlooses all standing in the scientific community, and best accept the first janitors job that he can.

You'll never get through to this bunch man, this shit is a religion to them. No new info can penetrate. Take care. Hope ta bump into you again.

The loserterians are the christian version of the Taliban. No, there is no possible way to make them see the light. They hate civilization and investing in science.
OK, Matthew. Since Fenton Lum has refused to back up the validity of the Global Warming Theory, I will ask you to do it. To catch you up, SassyIrishLass has posted multiple links to stories stating that data was manipulated to achieve fraudulent results. Do you have any stories you can link to to counter these accusations? I hope you will do better than Fenton, because he didn't even attempt to get these links.

If you need help, here's a clue: Go to Google and type in: "Global warming theory is not a fraud."

See what that pulls up. Sassy and I will be waiting patiently.
You can't reason with a fanatic.

AGW believers are like radical Islamists. Akin to a radical Islamist screaming Allah Akbar with a knife to your throat. Trying to reason with them is futile.
Now Gipper, I have never seen you reason in any venue. Just flap yappin one liners with very little intellect behind them.
Well, SassyIrishLass, I think our work here is done. If we lived in the same town, I would invite you to an Irish pub and buy you an Irish beer. Being Irish does have an advantage in debates like this, don't you think? We don't run away from a fight, like our friend Fenton Lum did.
Well, I am not running, silly ass. I am taking the fight to you. And, as someone with primarily Scot heritage, we don't back down, or just flap yap about a fight.

rising sea level, agu, youtube - Yahoo Search Results Yahoo Search Results

Sea level rise and ice.
As one of Irish ancestry who fought the Limey for centuries, I too will never back down.

Now find your brain and realize you have been duped by the elites, into believing in bull shit (aka climate change).
Rocks, You don't stand a chance with Black. She has already refuted global warming with her posts about abortion and slavery! How can you argue with that?
God, what a total dumbass you are. You have no idea of how grants are obtained or what they cover. You just repeat the fucking lies of the right wing nut jubs doing the energy uYlooses all standing in the scientific community, and best accept the first janitors job that he can.

You'll never get through to this bunch man, this shit is a religion to them. No new info can penetrate. Take care. Hope ta bump into you again.

The loserterians are the christian version of the Taliban. No, there is no possible way to make them see the light. They hate civilization and investing in science.
OK, Matthew. Since Fenton Lum has refused to back up the validity of the Global Warming Theory, I will ask you to do it. To catch you up, SassyIrishLass has posted multiple links to stories stating that data was manipulated to achieve fraudulent results. Do you have any stories you can link to to counter these accusations? I hope you will do better than Fenton, because he didn't even attempt to get these links.

If you need help, here's a clue: Go to Google and type in: "Global warming theory is not a fraud."

See what that pulls up. Sassy and I will be waiting patiently.
You can't reason with a fanatic.

AGW believers are like radical Islamists. Akin to a radical Islamist screaming Allah Akbar with a knife to your throat. Trying to reason with them is futile.
Now Gipper, I have never seen you reason in any venue. Just flap yappin one liners with very little intellect behind them.
I have kicked your stinking ass on this forum for years Old is not a fair fight, but I greatly enjoy it.
Being Irish means standing up to the Man, and not figuring the odds against you. That's why I will never cave to the forces of the left that are trying to end our Constitutional form of government and the Bill of Rights.
I am so tired of the bullshit about this topic...I am tired...had a long day but I am going to leave all of you that know we are being "gamed" with this last thought. You are fucking "dead on" that this is a scam of the highest order. Look up what ionospheric heaters are and how they direct energy into the ionosphere that bounces down onto the surface and heats it. Dead sea life has shown up on shores that were boiled alive. They are intentionally melting the arctic ice to release REAL gas house gases like methane in order to create an artificial crisis. This threat is being done and it has been amp-ed up because people are waking up to the fact that a small group of globalist elitists want to rid this planet of 80 to 90 percent of the population. Read the Georgia Guide Stones and where it is situated's on a ley line and only people that are awake will realize the significance of this.

These shills that are are pushing this "global warming" bullshit don't have a fucking clue.....none, nada, zilch. I live and breath this's all I do. The plan for an environmental crisis was thought out in 1967 by a think tank group that congregated at "Iron Mountain" which was a deep military underground bunker...don't let anyone tell you that this document is a's not...not by a long fucking shot. Disinformation about this document is all over the internet but a lot of truth of it's origin is out here as well. Itv was not satire. Do your own due diligence...I have.
Rocks, You don't stand a chance with Black. She has already refuted global warming with her posts about abortion and slavery! How can you argue with that?
I guess you did not read my link to the Google page linking to all the stories about the Global Warming scam.

Re-read the thread, this time carefully, and if you are honest with yourself, you will admit that you and your liberal friends have been lied to.

I don't expect an apology, but an acknowledgement that you need to pay more attention to the world around you would be nice.
I am so tired of the bullshit about this topic...I am tired...had a long day but I am going to leave all of you that know we are being "gamed" with this last thought. You are fucking "dead on" that this is a scam of the highest order. Look up what ionospheric heaters are and how they direct energy into the ionosphere that bounces down onto the surface and heats it. Dead sea life has shown up on shores that were boiled alive. They are intentionally melting the arctic ice to release REAL gas house gases like methane in order to create an artificial crisis. This threat is being done and it has been amp-ed up because people are waking up to the fact that a small group of globalist elitists want to rid this planet of 80 to 90 percent of the population. Read the Georgia Guide Stones and where it is situated's on a ley line and only people that are awake will realize the significance of this.

These shills that are are pushing this "global warming" bullshit don't have a fucking clue.....none, nada, zilch. I live and breath this's all I do. The plan for an environmental crisis was thought out in 1967 by a think tank group that congregated at "Iron Mountain" which was a deep military underground bunker...don't let anyone tell you that this document is a's not...not by a long fucking shot. Disinformation about this document is all over the internet but a lot of truth of it's origin is out here as well. Itv was not satire. Do your own due diligence...I have.
I am a great believer that the elites of this world conspire against us, and hate us the unwashed common people, so your story rings of truth.

The billionaires and the millionaires think the world would be better off with only them in it, and they have plans in the works for a massive die-off of billions of people, which they will cause with famine, drought, and other man-made disasters caused by political, military, economic and technological manipulation of the environment.

The genocide in Rwanda, and the famine in Ethiopia, are only a taste of what they plan for us, if we don't organize to stop them. They will concentrate all their initial efforts to decreasing the population of the continent of Africa, which they can accomplish by stirring up tribal wars and acts of genocide. The civil wars all over Africa, and the conflicts between Muslims and Christians, are part of this effort.

Global warming is part of the plan, as corporations are pressured to replace energy sources that actually work: oil, natural gas, coal, nuclear, with energy sources that are inefficient and need government subsidies to survive: solar, wind, hydroelectric. Once the world is completely dependent on inefficient power sources, the governments will pull the rug out from under the energy companies and stop the subsidies, and then the world will be without power. This situation has already happened in socialist Venezuela, which exported oil and relied solely on unreliable hydroelectric power that produces no energy during a drought.
Our current economic situation was deliberately caused by the elites, when they pressured the banks into making sub-prime mortgages to people with bad credit, and then bundled these bad mortgages into toxic investment packages, and sold them to Wall Street investors. The resulting crash was inevitable and unavoidable, once investors realized that they had been bilked.

Untold trillions of dollars of wealth was lost in a few weeks, and our economy has still not recovered. 92 million Americans are out of the work force, and one-fourth of families have no one in them that has a job. We have not seen anything like this since the Great Depression, and our President has not even attempted to look interested in solving the problem. He promised during the election that he wanted to lower the American standard of living, and he delivered on that promise.
Our current economic situation was deliberately caused by the elites, when they pressured the banks into making sub-prime mortgages to people with bad credit, and then bundled these bad mortgages into toxic investment packages, and sold them to Wall Street investors.

Untold trillions of dollars of wealth was lost in a few weeks, and our economy has still not recovered. 92 million Americans are out of the work force, and one-fourth of families have no one in them that has a job. We have not seen anything like this since the Great Depression, and our President has not even attempted to look interested in solving the problem. He promised during the election that he wanted to lower the American standard of living, and he delivered on that promise.
Americans don't want to believe that the elites are NOT like them. They want to believe that ALL Americans have common goals. Nothing could be further from the truth IMO.

The elites are extremely dangerous...and unfortunately much of our political class are either part of or controlled by the elites.
And this is why Trump will win, because the American people are deeply, deeply, deeply, angry at the billionaires, the millionaires, the Wall Street banks, the establishment wings in both political parties, and the establishment-run mainstream media, all of whom have conspired to make us broke and out-of-work.
And this is why Trump will win, because the American people are deeply, deeply, deeply, angry at the billionaires, the millionaires, the Wall Street banks, the establishment wings in both political parties, and the establishment-run mainstream media, all of whom have conspired to make us broke and out-of-work.
The thing is will The Donald do anything about this problem.
Bernie Sanders is also riding the same wave as Trump, only from a different direction. Even rank-and-file Democrats now see the leadership of the Democratic party as the enemy who represents the interests of the wealthy, the powerful, and the politically connected.

Hillary Clinton is the cheerleader for all who already have it made in America, and her role as President will be to keep the people on top firmly in power, and crush the rest of us with her iron-toed boot.
And this is why Trump will win, because the American people are deeply, deeply, deeply, angry at the billionaires, the millionaires, the Wall Street banks, the establishment wings in both political parties, and the establishment-run mainstream media, all of whom have conspired to make us broke and out-of-work.
The thing is will The Donald do anything about this problem.
He is a billionaire himself, so we shall see if he really means what he says, or whether he will protect his fellow billionaires and millionaires. What can be said, is they can't buy him. That fact gives me hope.
guno, what is funny? Do you identify with the establishment that is crushing the hopes and dreams of the rest of us? Do you think they care about you? You are only their servant, guno, and they will toss you aside like yesterday's garbage when you are no longer of use to them. You realize this, no?

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