Sea-level rise claims five islands in Solomons: study

Globull warming aka climate change is just a grand scheme for wealth redistribution. One of the biggest frauds ever perpetuated.

NASA Exposed in ‘Massive’ New Climate Data Fraud - Principia Scientific International

The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever

Tracking Climate Fraud

German Professor: NASA Has Fiddled Climate Data On 'Unbelievable' Scale

More Countries Caught Manipulating Their Climate Data

More Countries Caught Manipulating Their Climate Data

Ah, so it's all a vast conspiracy and you want to engage in a link off rather than go get into the science for yourself. Did you follow up for yourself on this? Stay on point.

Refute it, I am on point, unless you know what staying on point is don't be telling someone else to do it. You're going to struggle on here you keep this garbage up. You sound like your typical left loon, you want to be taken at face value...doesn't work with me

You don't want to know anything, you don't want to discuss, you can't pick apart the data for science yourself coming to your own conclusion, you're not going near the primary research you just hate "liberals". You can't even make your own argument. All yuo can do is throw up Reich wing batshit crazy garbage and go "oh yeah, well prove that ain't true". There's no other way to more firmly state "I have no fucking clue how the scientific method even works".

You "win", have a lovely evening.

Fuck me for ever trying to converse with the likes of you.

If you knew so fucking much, you would know about the geo-engineering program that has been killing life on this planet the last twenty years. Spare us your "woe is me" only have one side of the story and we are headed towards an extinction level event that is being concocted by a group of global elites that believe that there are too many of us.
Fenton Lum, Sassy and I have given you multiple opportunities to provide evidence that the Global Warming theory is NOT a fraud, and should be believed.

Instead of providing that evidence, you have acted like an overgrown child.

You claim to be a scientist, but if you are, you lack the scientific notion that no facts can be taken at face value, but must be supported as evidence. As a lawyer, that is what I believe, and that is why I almost always provide a link whenever I make statements of fact on this forum.

So Fentum Lum, dry your tears, put on your big boy pants, and go fetch us some link to evidence to back up what you say. Sassy has provided multiple links to back up her statements, so the ball is firmly in your court.
Fenton is a waste of time. Not a scientist and can't back up a damn thing....maybe Clayton's lost brother

You want a source for what? That NO ONE ever working on this question EVER fudged ANY data AT ALL, EVER? Really? Dear Lord.

You're an idiot, never said that. Ever. Stupidass. So that means in your little mind that the entire thing is a ruse. Brilliant. Just fucking brilliant. I've given you more time than you deserve. Go back to your television and political propaganda sites.

You're getting tiresome...I'll check later to see if you managed to work up some sort of rebuttal. Simply saying "I'm a scientist" isn't going to work. Now get at it and good luck, I suspect you're going to need it

You have no idea what a scientist is or what a fools errand proving a negative is. There will be nothing here for you. You're a waste, bye.
Still can't refute it I see. Talk is cheap and save it, I stopped reading after your first sentence

Nah, you never intellectually engaged. Looks like you "win" again. It's all a big con job. The scientific community is all split up on this, no agreement at all. From now on I'm getting all my info from Reich wing conspiracy outlets. But holy shit! That means I can’t take any medications again. The scientists are working for drug companies!

Can't refute it can you? Just admit, lick your wounds and try another topic, you suck at this one

I can't evem figure out what the fuck you're going on about hon.

The links dumbass, the links, save the meager attempt at trying to be condescending. you'll get hurt

I've seen nothing bit condescending shit from you in your eery post Hon. It's what you're here for.

Get at the rebuttal and get past thinking I think you're anything but a loudmouth troll. I provided the links, now refute them. No more trying to convince me you're something you're not. I'll check back later, until then have a good time coming up with something besides blather and drivel
Globull warming aka climate change is just a grand scheme for wealth redistribution. One of the biggest frauds ever perpetuated.

Refute it, I am on point, unless you know what staying on point is don't be telling someone else to do it. You're going to struggle on here you keep this garbage up. You sound like your typical left loon, you want to be taken at face value...doesn't work with me

You don't want to know anything, you don't want to discuss, you can't pick apart the data for science yourself coming to your own conclusion, you're not going near the primary research you just hate "liberals". You can't even make your own argument. All yuo can do is throw up Reich wing batshit crazy garbage and go "oh yeah, well prove that ain't true". There's no other way to more firmly state "I have no fucking clue how the scientific method even works".

You "win", have a lovely evening.

Fuck me for ever trying to converse with the likes of you.

If you knew so fucking much, you would know about the geo-engineering program that has been killing life on this planet the last twenty years. Spare us your "woe is me" only have one side of the story and we are headed towards an extinction level event that is being concocted by a group of global elites that believe that there are too many of us.

Uh, like because science is a vary large topic and I'm not a geologist focused upon geo-engineering? Maybe? Another village idiot.
Nah, you never intellectually engaged. Looks like you "win" again. It's all a big con job. The scientific community is all split up on this, no agreement at all. From now on I'm getting all my info from Reich wing conspiracy outlets. But holy shit! That means I can’t take any medications again. The scientists are working for drug companies!

Can't refute it can you? Just admit, lick your wounds and try another topic, you suck at this one

I can't evem figure out what the fuck you're going on about hon.

The links dumbass, the links, save the meager attempt at trying to be condescending. you'll get hurt

I've seen nothing bit condescending shit from you in your eery post Hon. It's what you're here for.

Get at the rebuttal and get past thinking I think you're anything but a loudmouth troll. I provided the links, now refute them. No more trying to convince me you're something you're not. I'll check back later, until then have a good time coming up with something besides blather and drivel

Fuck off ****, peace out.
Perhaps the military industrial complex should cease and desist with the geo-engineering program that has been manipulating weather patterns since it began in earnest in 1997. There is absolutely NO way to gather useful data if the ionosphere and the jest stream are being purposely manipulated using aerosol spraying of nano-particulates in conjuncture with ionospheric heaters.
The day is coming soon when those behind this genocide will be put on trial for their crimes against humanity and I look forward to it. Keep spreading the word about this man-made climate change being done by the global elites.....people need to know.
Maybe you should get a new tinfoil hat.

Maybe you should do a little research about geo-engineering before you shoot off your big mouth that is full of nothing, ass wipe. This is one debate you can never hope to win. I am an expert on this subject and give seminars about it as well as the banking system and the real history of this corporate entity...try me, punkinpuss. I always enjoy embarrassing the troll factions.
Dale, the only thing that you are expert in is bullshit. Yes, I have read quite a bit on geo-engineering. From real scientists, not conspiracy theorists.

Do tell, then explain the high levels of barium, strontium and aluminum in water and soil samples in areas that are being heavily sprayed? This isn't a theory...this is a fucking with it.
Fenton is a waste of time. Not a scientist and can't back up a damn thing....maybe Clayton's lost brother

You want a source for what? That NO ONE ever working on this question EVER fudged ANY data AT ALL, EVER? Really? Dear Lord.

You're an idiot, never said that. Ever. Stupidass. So that means in your little mind that the entire thing is a ruse. Brilliant. Just fucking brilliant. I've given you more time than you deserve. Go back to your television and political propaganda sites.

You're getting tiresome...I'll check later to see if you managed to work up some sort of rebuttal. Simply saying "I'm a scientist" isn't going to work. Now get at it and good luck, I suspect you're going to need it

You have no idea what a scientist is or what a fools errand proving a negative is. There will be nothing here for you. You're a waste, bye.
I believe this is the third time you have rage quitted this thread.

It is not impossible to disprove that a fraud was not perpetrated on the public, if that is not what happened. You are in the position of a defense attorney at trial, a position I've been in several times. My clients were actually guilty of what they were accused of, which is why I didn't win either time, BUT AT LEAST I TRIED MY BEST. But Fenton Lum, there is no excuse for not even trying to defend what you believe. Pretend you are an advocate for an obviously guilty client, at least TRY.
Globull warming aka climate change is just a grand scheme for wealth redistribution. One of the biggest frauds ever perpetuated.

Refute it, I am on point, unless you know what staying on point is don't be telling someone else to do it. You're going to struggle on here you keep this garbage up. You sound like your typical left loon, you want to be taken at face value...doesn't work with me

You don't want to know anything, you don't want to discuss, you can't pick apart the data for science yourself coming to your own conclusion, you're not going near the primary research you just hate "liberals". You can't even make your own argument. All yuo can do is throw up Reich wing batshit crazy garbage and go "oh yeah, well prove that ain't true". There's no other way to more firmly state "I have no fucking clue how the scientific method even works".

You "win", have a lovely evening.

Fuck me for ever trying to converse with the likes of you.

If you knew so fucking much, you would know about the geo-engineering program that has been killing life on this planet the last twenty years. Spare us your "woe is me" only have one side of the story and we are headed towards an extinction level event that is being concocted by a group of global elites that believe that there are too many of us.

Uh, like because science is a vary large topic and I'm not a geologist focused upon geo-engineering? Maybe? Another village idiot.

I know a helluva lot more than you. You couldn't walk 100 feet in my footsteps without your frail shoulders falling underneath the weight of what actually is. You are a "lightweight".......
On one hand, we have thousands of participants in these climate change conferences from all over the world. On the other hand, we have Sassy.

-- United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) - Error page --


You'd think a scientist could do

Climate scientist finds mathematical error in the climate models used to predict global warming

We can do this all day
Lassie, you just keep going further and further out on a limb. Evens? LOL

The man has plenty of credentials, but no publications on any aspect of climate in any scientific journal.
David Evans

According to his resume, Evans has not published any peer-reviewed research papers on the subject of climate change.

Evans published one paper in 1987, but it was unrelated to climate change.
On one hand, we have thousands of participants in these climate change conferences from all over the world. On the other hand, we have Sassy.

-- United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) - Error page --


You'd think a scientist could do

Climate scientist finds mathematical error in the climate models used to predict global warming

We can do this all day
Lassie, you just keep going further and further out on a limb. Evens? LOL

The man has plenty of credentials, but no publications on any aspect of climate in any scientific journal.
David Evans

According to his resume, Evans has not published any peer-reviewed research papers on the subject of climate change.

Evans published one paper in 1987, but it was unrelated to climate change.

So refute what he said and found...should be easy for a genius like you, no? If not stop bothering me with your lame attacks on source. Like I said, it never works
I don't have much faith in scientists who take money from the government in the form of research grants to find conclusions that are predetermined by the desire of the government to find excuses to clamp down on private enterprise and increase government control on everything.

Scientists are human just like the rest of us, and are prone to human failings like greed, corruption, ambition, and some will manipulate data dishonestly to please their government masters.

And they get caught committing fraud, and yet somehow, they get away with it anyway.
God, what a total dumbass you are. You have no idea of how grants are obtained or what they cover. You just repeat the fucking lies of the right wing nut jubs doing the energy corporations bidding. Yes, there is scientific fraud. And when it is discovered, the scientist loses all standing in the scientific community, and best accept the first janitors job that he can.

You'll never get through to this bunch man, this shit is a religion to them. No new info can penetrate. Take care. Hope ta bump into you again.

Lmao ..... Who is defending it like a religion ?

That would be you.

Fenton Lum, Sassy and I have given you multiple opportunities to provide evidence that the Global Warming theory is NOT a fraud, and should be believed.

Instead of providing that evidence, you have acted like an overgrown child.

You claim to be a scientist, but if you are, you lack the scientific notion that no facts can be taken at face value, but must be supported as evidence. As a lawyer, that is what I believe, and that is why I almost always provide a link whenever I make statements of fact on this forum.

So Fentum Lum, dry your tears, put on your big boy pants, and go fetch us some link to evidence to back up what you say. Sassy has provided multiple links to back up her statements, so the ball is firmly in your court.

Sure hon, sure. And you girls put up links. Fucking Breitbart and shit. Stay in the bubble where you won't be challenged.

This is why nothing ever gets resolved in america. You all gave no facts. No one ever claimed NO ONE EVER FUDGED DATA. The scientific community is pretty united on this - which is pretty rare in science.

You girls could not answer whether you'd ever looked into the question for yourselves. So you had another argument, one you could "win" in your minds.

Prove a negative. Most of us learned about that shit it grade school.

Can't refute it can you? Just admit, lick your wounds and try another topic, you suck at this one

I can't evem figure out what the fuck you're going on about hon.

The links dumbass, the links, save the meager attempt at trying to be condescending. you'll get hurt

I've seen nothing bit condescending shit from you in your eery post Hon. It's what you're here for.

Get at the rebuttal and get past thinking I think you're anything but a loudmouth troll. I provided the links, now refute them. No more trying to convince me you're something you're not. I'll check back later, until then have a good time coming up with something besides blather and drivel

Fuck off ****, peace out.

On one hand, we have thousands of participants in these climate change conferences from all over the world. On the other hand, we have Sassy.

-- United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) - Error page --


You'd think a scientist could do

Climate scientist finds mathematical error in the climate models used to predict global warming

We can do this all day
Lassie, you just keep going further and further out on a limb. Evens? LOL

The man has plenty of credentials, but no publications on any aspect of climate in any scientific journal.
David Evans

According to his resume, Evans has not published any peer-reviewed research papers on the subject of climate change.

Evans published one paper in 1987, but it was unrelated to climate change.

So refute what he said and found...should be easy for a genius like you, no? If not stop bothering me with your lame attacks on source. Like I said, it never works

You want me to debate Breitbart because you can't hang? Bwa ha ha ha ha ha. So long shoog
I can't evem figure out what the fuck you're going on about hon.

The links dumbass, the links, save the meager attempt at trying to be condescending. you'll get hurt

I've seen nothing bit condescending shit from you in your eery post Hon. It's what you're here for.

Get at the rebuttal and get past thinking I think you're anything but a loudmouth troll. I provided the links, now refute them. No more trying to convince me you're something you're not. I'll check back later, until then have a good time coming up with something besides blather and drivel

Fuck off ****, peace out.


There never was one.
On one hand, we have thousands of participants in these climate change conferences from all over the world. On the other hand, we have Sassy.

-- United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) - Error page --


You'd think a scientist could do

Climate scientist finds mathematical error in the climate models used to predict global warming

We can do this all day
Lassie, you just keep going further and further out on a limb. Evens? LOL

The man has plenty of credentials, but no publications on any aspect of climate in any scientific journal.
David Evans

According to his resume, Evans has not published any peer-reviewed research papers on the subject of climate change.

Evans published one paper in 1987, but it was unrelated to climate change.

So refute what he said and found...should be easy for a genius like you, no? If not stop bothering me with your lame attacks on source. Like I said, it never works

You want me to debate Breitbart because you can't hang? Bwa ha ha ha ha ha. So long shoog
On one hand, we have thousands of participants in these climate change conferences from all over the world. On the other hand, we have Sassy.

-- United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) - Error page --


You'd think a scientist could do

Climate scientist finds mathematical error in the climate models used to predict global warming

We can do this all day
Lassie, you just keep going further and further out on a limb. Evens? LOL

The man has plenty of credentials, but no publications on any aspect of climate in any scientific journal.
David Evans

According to his resume, Evans has not published any peer-reviewed research papers on the subject of climate change.

Evans published one paper in 1987, but it was unrelated to climate change.

Back in the 70's, we were told that we were on the verge of a mini-Ice Age by the "experts"...twenty years later they claim that the planet is overheating and that we need to give up our sovereignty to the United Nations because this is a global problem thus must be handled "global;ly"'s all fucking bullshit and this is the Hegelian Dialectic being played out right in front of us....cause, affect, solution...been there, done that. The fact of the matter is that there can be no benchmark on the temperature of the climate if it is being purposefully manipulated in order to give data that supports a bogus claim....get it now? You can't win this argument.....because this is being done for a bigger agenda....guaran-fucking-tee you on that.
I don't have much faith in scientists who take money from the government in the form of research grants to find conclusions that are predetermined by the desire of the government to find excuses to clamp down on private enterprise and increase government control on everything.

Scientists are human just like the rest of us, and are prone to human failings like greed, corruption, ambition, and some will manipulate data dishonestly to please their government masters.

And they get caught committing fraud, and yet somehow, they get away with it anyway.
God, what a total dumbass you are. You have no idea of how grants are obtained or what they cover. You just repeat the fucking lies of the right wing nut jubs doing the energy corporations bidding. Yes, there is scientific fraud. And when it is discovered, the scientist loses all standing in the scientific community, and best accept the first janitors job that he can.

You'll never get through to this bunch man, this shit is a religion to them. No new info can penetrate. Take care. Hope ta bump into you again.

Lmao ..... Who is defending it like a religion ?

That would be you.


Ya'll bub. Ya'll. I asked if they'd ever dug into it for themselves. That's what brought this on. And they think they never answered. But they kinda did.

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