Sea-level rise claims five islands in Solomons: study

On one hand, we have thousands of participants in these climate change conferences from all over the world. On the other hand, we have Sassy.

-- United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) - Error page --


You'd think a scientist could do

Climate scientist finds mathematical error in the climate models used to predict global warming

We can do this all day
Lassie, you just keep going further and further out on a limb. Evens? LOL

The man has plenty of credentials, but no publications on any aspect of climate in any scientific journal.
David Evans

According to his resume, Evans has not published any peer-reviewed research papers on the subject of climate change.

Evans published one paper in 1987, but it was unrelated to climate change.

Back in the 70's, we were told that we were on the verge of a mini-Ice Age by the "experts"...twenty years later they claim that the planet is overheating and that we need to give up our sovereignty to the United Nations because this is a global problem thus must be handled "global;ly"'s all fucking bullshit and this is the Hegelian Dialectic being played out right in front of us....cause, affect, solution...been there, done that. The fact of the matter is that there can be no benchmark on the temperature of the climate if it is being purposefully manipulated in order to give data that supports a bogus claim....get it now? You can't win this argument.....because this is being done for a bigger agenda....guaran-fucking-tee you on that.

Al Gore told us NYC would be underwater by now...didn't happen LOL
On one hand, we have thousands of participants in these climate change conferences from all over the world. On the other hand, we have Sassy.

-- United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) - Error page --


You'd think a scientist could do

Climate scientist finds mathematical error in the climate models used to predict global warming

We can do this all day
Lassie, you just keep going further and further out on a limb. Evens? LOL

The man has plenty of credentials, but no publications on any aspect of climate in any scientific journal.
David Evans

According to his resume, Evans has not published any peer-reviewed research papers on the subject of climate change.

Evans published one paper in 1987, but it was unrelated to climate change.

Back in the 70's, we were told that we were on the verge of a mini-Ice Age by the "experts"...twenty years later they claim that the planet is overheating and that we need to give up our sovereignty to the United Nations because this is a global problem thus must be handled "global;ly"'s all fucking bullshit and this is the Hegelian Dialectic being played out right in front of us....cause, affect, solution...been there, done that. The fact of the matter is that there can be no benchmark on the temperature of the climate if it is being purposefully manipulated in order to give data that supports a bogus claim....get it now? You can't win this argument.....because this is being done for a bigger agenda....guaran-fucking-tee you on that.
God, are you ever uninformed and stupid. No, the scientists of that time were stating, by 6 to 1 that the most likely direction the climate was moving in was to the warmer. It was journalists for Time and Newsweek that made the statements about an immanent ice age.
Can't refute it can you? Just admit, lick your wounds and try another topic, you suck at this one

I can't evem figure out what the fuck you're going on about hon.

The links dumbass, the links, save the meager attempt at trying to be condescending. you'll get hurt

I've seen nothing bit condescending shit from you in your eery post Hon. It's what you're here for.

Get at the rebuttal and get past thinking I think you're anything but a loudmouth troll. I provided the links, now refute them. No more trying to convince me you're something you're not. I'll check back later, until then have a good time coming up with something besides blather and drivel

Fuck off ****, peace out.

Yup runaway....

Now where was I? Oh yea checking on a vacation in the Maldives ...

This place looks kind of cool

Deluxe Villa - (24 rooms / units)


A standalone thatched bungalow cocooned in the lush island greenery. Facing the beach, each villa features a shaded veranda and open-air bathroom set in a private garden.
Set in flower glades by the beach, the Deluxe Villas have been created with flawless style exuding sheer sophistication. With veranda, each spacious, teak-floored bedroom features a large sofa and a kingsize bed. The bathroom with stand-alone tub extends into a sandstone-walled flower garden refreshed by a waterfall shower.

- Available facilities and amenities:

Air-Conditioned Ceiling fan Internet WiFi Bath tub Hair Dryer King size bed available Beach Front Hot & Cold fresh water Safe CD Player IDD Telephone Tea / Coffee Cable / Satellite TV Internet LAN (laptop)
On one hand, we have thousands of participants in these climate change conferences from all over the world. On the other hand, we have Sassy.

-- United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) - Error page --


You'd think a scientist could do

Climate scientist finds mathematical error in the climate models used to predict global warming

We can do this all day
Lassie, you just keep going further and further out on a limb. Evens? LOL

The man has plenty of credentials, but no publications on any aspect of climate in any scientific journal.
David Evans

According to his resume, Evans has not published any peer-reviewed research papers on the subject of climate change.

Evans published one paper in 1987, but it was unrelated to climate change.

Back in the 70's, we were told that we were on the verge of a mini-Ice Age by the "experts"...twenty years later they claim that the planet is overheating and that we need to give up our sovereignty to the United Nations because this is a global problem thus must be handled "global;ly"'s all fucking bullshit and this is the Hegelian Dialectic being played out right in front of us....cause, affect, solution...been there, done that. The fact of the matter is that there can be no benchmark on the temperature of the climate if it is being purposefully manipulated in order to give data that supports a bogus claim....get it now? You can't win this argument.....because this is being done for a bigger agenda....guaran-fucking-tee you on that.
God, are you ever uninformed and stupid. No, the scientists of that time were stating, by 6 to 1 that the most likely direction the climate was moving in was to the warmer. It was journalists for Time and Newsweek that made the statements about an immanent ice age.

Well then there was this...scientist...LOL


The 1970s Ice Age Scare
Kinematic Constraints on Glacier Contributions to 21st-Century Sea-Level Rise | Science


On the basis of climate modeling and analogies with past conditions, the potential for multimeter increases in sea level by the end of the 21st century has been proposed. We consider glaciological conditions required for large sea-level rise to occur by 2100 and conclude that increases in excess of 2 meters are physically untenable. We find that a total sea-level rise of about 2 meters by 2100 could occur under physically possible glaciological conditions but only if all variables are quickly accelerated to extremely high limits. More plausible but still accelerated conditions lead to total sea-level rise by 2100 of about 0.8 meter. These roughly constrained scenarios provide a “most likely” starting point for refinements in sea-level forecasts that include ice flow dynamics.

A sea level rise of only 0.8 meters is of itself a major problem.
Fenton Lum, Sassy and I have given you multiple opportunities to provide evidence that the Global Warming theory is NOT a fraud, and should be believed.

Instead of providing that evidence, you have acted like an overgrown child.

You claim to be a scientist, but if you are, you lack the scientific notion that no facts can be taken at face value, but must be supported as evidence. As a lawyer, that is what I believe, and that is why I almost always provide a link whenever I make statements of fact on this forum.

So Fentum Lum, dry your tears, put on your big boy pants, and go fetch us some link to evidence to back up what you say. Sassy has provided multiple links to back up her statements, so the ball is firmly in your court.

Sure hon, sure. And you girls put up links. Fucking Breitbart and shit. Stay in the bubble where you won't be challenged.

This is why nothing ever gets resolved in america. You all gave no facts. No one ever claimed NO ONE EVER FUDGED DATA. The scientific community is pretty united on this - which is pretty rare in science.

You girls could not answer whether you'd ever looked into the question for yourselves. So you had another argument, one you could "win" in your minds.

Prove a negative. Most of us learned about that shit it grade school.

Ok, this is your fourth rage quit, and you still haven't even attempted to provide links to back up what you believe, that global warming theories have NOT been tainted by allegations of fraud.

I'm beginning to believe that you are not actually a scientist, but maybe a graduate student who will never finish his thesis because he's too busy surfing the internet, smoking pot, and/or playing poker.
I don't have much faith in scientists who take money from the government in the form of research grants to find conclusions that are predetermined by the desire of the government to find excuses to clamp down on private enterprise and increase government control on everything.

Scientists are human just like the rest of us, and are prone to human failings like greed, corruption, ambition, and some will manipulate data dishonestly to please their government masters.

And they get caught committing fraud, and yet somehow, they get away with it anyway.
God, what a total dumbass you are. You have no idea of how grants are obtained or what they cover. You just repeat the fucking lies of the right wing nut jubs doing the energy corporations bidding. Yes, there is scientific fraud. And when it is discovered, the scientist loses all standing in the scientific community, and best accept the first janitors job that he can.

You'll never get through to this bunch man, this shit is a religion to them. No new info can penetrate. Take care. Hope ta bump into you again.

The loserterians are the christian version of the Taliban. No, there is no possible way to make them see the light. They hate civilization and investing in science.
On one hand, we have thousands of participants in these climate change conferences from all over the world. On the other hand, we have Sassy.

-- United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) - Error page --


You'd think a scientist could do

Climate scientist finds mathematical error in the climate models used to predict global warming

We can do this all day
Lassie, you just keep going further and further out on a limb. Evens? LOL

The man has plenty of credentials, but no publications on any aspect of climate in any scientific journal.
David Evans

According to his resume, Evans has not published any peer-reviewed research papers on the subject of climate change.

Evans published one paper in 1987, but it was unrelated to climate change.

Back in the 70's, we were told that we were on the verge of a mini-Ice Age by the "experts"...twenty years later they claim that the planet is overheating and that we need to give up our sovereignty to the United Nations because this is a global problem thus must be handled "global;ly"'s all fucking bullshit and this is the Hegelian Dialectic being played out right in front of us....cause, affect, solution...been there, done that. The fact of the matter is that there can be no benchmark on the temperature of the climate if it is being purposefully manipulated in order to give data that supports a bogus claim....get it now? You can't win this argument.....because this is being done for a bigger agenda....guaran-fucking-tee you on that.
God, are you ever uninformed and stupid. No, the scientists of that time were stating, by 6 to 1 that the most likely direction the climate was moving in was to the warmer. It was journalists for Time and Newsweek that made the statements about an immanent ice age.

Well then there was this...scientist...LOL


The 1970s Ice Age Scare
And it would take about 20,000 years to reach the start of the ice age by the Milankovic Cycles. However, the increase in retained heat that is the result of a 43% increase in CO2 and a 250% increased in CH4 easily overwhelms the effect of the Milankovic Cycles for at least the next thousand years.
I don't have much faith in scientists who take money from the government in the form of research grants to find conclusions that are predetermined by the desire of the government to find excuses to clamp down on private enterprise and increase government control on everything.

Scientists are human just like the rest of us, and are prone to human failings like greed, corruption, ambition, and some will manipulate data dishonestly to please their government masters.

And they get caught committing fraud, and yet somehow, they get away with it anyway.
God, what a total dumbass you are. You have no idea of how grants are obtained or what they cover. You just repeat the fucking lies of the right wing nut jubs doing the energy corporations bidding. Yes, there is scientific fraud. And when it is discovered, the scientist loses all standing in the scientific community, and best accept the first janitors job that he can.

You'll never get through to this bunch man, this shit is a religion to them. No new info can penetrate. Take care. Hope ta bump into you again.

The loserterians are the christian version of the Taliban. No, there is no possible way to make them see the light. They hate civilization and investing in science.

Oh go cry about rising oceans and the Maldives underwater to someone else.

I think I am going here in November:)

Water Villa - (30 rooms / units)


Set on stilts over the lagoon and offering spectacular panoramic sea views. The Water Villas are built entirely of wood and feature coconut-thatch roofs. Spacious over water deck allows you to lounge in total privacy. Wooden stairs from the deck step directly into the crystal clear water allowing you to swim or snorkel straight from your villa.

- Available facilities and amenities:

Air-Conditioned Ceiling fan Mini bar Bath tub Complementary toiletries Plasma TV Bathrobes Hair Dryer Safe Built over-water IDD Telephone Suites CD + DVD Player Internet LAN (laptop) Tea / Coffee Cable / Satellite TV Internet WiFi
On one hand, we have thousands of participants in these climate change conferences from all over the world. On the other hand, we have Sassy.

-- United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) - Error page --


You'd think a scientist could do

Climate scientist finds mathematical error in the climate models used to predict global warming

We can do this all day
Lassie, you just keep going further and further out on a limb. Evens? LOL

The man has plenty of credentials, but no publications on any aspect of climate in any scientific journal.
David Evans

According to his resume, Evans has not published any peer-reviewed research papers on the subject of climate change.

Evans published one paper in 1987, but it was unrelated to climate change.

Back in the 70's, we were told that we were on the verge of a mini-Ice Age by the "experts"...twenty years later they claim that the planet is overheating and that we need to give up our sovereignty to the United Nations because this is a global problem thus must be handled "global;ly"'s all fucking bullshit and this is the Hegelian Dialectic being played out right in front of us....cause, affect, solution...been there, done that. The fact of the matter is that there can be no benchmark on the temperature of the climate if it is being purposefully manipulated in order to give data that supports a bogus claim....get it now? You can't win this argument.....because this is being done for a bigger agenda....guaran-fucking-tee you on that.
God, are you ever uninformed and stupid. No, the scientists of that time were stating, by 6 to 1 that the most likely direction the climate was moving in was to the warmer. It was journalists for Time and Newsweek that made the statements about an immanent ice age.

Do you have a credible link? Oh, and why do you fail to acknowledge the soil and water samples that shows unsafe levels of barium, strontium and aluminum particulates in heavily sprayed areas?????? It's proof and you claim to be all about that.......what's the matter?
Lassie, you just keep going further and further out on a limb. Evens? LOL

The man has plenty of credentials, but no publications on any aspect of climate in any scientific journal.
David Evans

According to his resume, Evans has not published any peer-reviewed research papers on the subject of climate change.

Evans published one paper in 1987, but it was unrelated to climate change.

Back in the 70's, we were told that we were on the verge of a mini-Ice Age by the "experts"...twenty years later they claim that the planet is overheating and that we need to give up our sovereignty to the United Nations because this is a global problem thus must be handled "global;ly"'s all fucking bullshit and this is the Hegelian Dialectic being played out right in front of us....cause, affect, solution...been there, done that. The fact of the matter is that there can be no benchmark on the temperature of the climate if it is being purposefully manipulated in order to give data that supports a bogus claim....get it now? You can't win this argument.....because this is being done for a bigger agenda....guaran-fucking-tee you on that.
God, are you ever uninformed and stupid. No, the scientists of that time were stating, by 6 to 1 that the most likely direction the climate was moving in was to the warmer. It was journalists for Time and Newsweek that made the statements about an immanent ice age.

Well then there was this...scientist...LOL


The 1970s Ice Age Scare
And it would take about 20,000 years to reach the start of the ice age by the Milankovic Cycles. However, the increase in retained heat that is the result of a 43% increase in CO2 and a 250% increased in CH4 easily overwhelms the effect of the Milankovic Cycles for at least the next thousand years.

BBbuuut you said it was only media publications saying there would be an ice thinks you're deflecting from your obvious error
I don't have much faith in scientists who take money from the government in the form of research grants to find conclusions that are predetermined by the desire of the government to find excuses to clamp down on private enterprise and increase government control on everything.

Scientists are human just like the rest of us, and are prone to human failings like greed, corruption, ambition, and some will manipulate data dishonestly to please their government masters.

And they get caught committing fraud, and yet somehow, they get away with it anyway.
God, what a total dumbass you are. You have no idea of how grants are obtained or what they cover. You just repeat the fucking lies of the right wing nut jubs doing the energy corporations bidding. Yes, there is scientific fraud. And when it is discovered, the scientist loses all standing in the scientific community, and best accept the first janitors job that he can.

You'll never get through to this bunch man, this shit is a religion to them. No new info can penetrate. Take care. Hope ta bump into you again.

The loserterians are the christian version of the Taliban. No, there is no possible way to make them see the light. They hate civilization and investing in science.
The idiots like those above, will gladly condemn any scientist working for industry and anti-AGW. These same dunces won't condemn scientists who are paid by government to promote AGW.

Are they just dumb or misguided?
I don't have much faith in scientists who take money from the government in the form of research grants to find conclusions that are predetermined by the desire of the government to find excuses to clamp down on private enterprise and increase government control on everything.

Scientists are human just like the rest of us, and are prone to human failings like greed, corruption, ambition, and some will manipulate data dishonestly to please their government masters.

And they get caught committing fraud, and yet somehow, they get away with it anyway.
God, what a total dumbass you are. You have no idea of how grants are obtained or what they cover. You just repeat the fucking lies of the right wing nut jubs doing the energy corporations bidding. Yes, there is scientific fraud. And when it is discovered, the scientist loses all standing in the scientific community, and best accept the first janitors job that he can.

You'll never get through to this bunch man, this shit is a religion to them. No new info can penetrate. Take care. Hope ta bump into you again.

The loserterians are the christian version of the Taliban. No, there is no possible way to make them see the light. They hate civilization and investing in science.
OK, Matthew. Since Fenton Lum has refused to back up the validity of the Global Warming Theory, I will ask you to do it. To catch you up, SassyIrishLass has posted multiple links to stories stating that data was manipulated to achieve fraudulent results. Do you have any stories you can link to to counter these accusations? I hope you will do better than Fenton, because he didn't even attempt to get these links.

If you need help, here's a clue: Go to Google and type in: "Global warming theory is not a fraud."

See what that pulls up. Sassy and I will be waiting patiently.
Recent contributions of glaciers and ice caps to sea level rise : Nature : Nature Publishing Group

Glaciers and ice caps (GICs) are important contributors to present-day global mean sea level rise1,2, 3, 4. Most previous global mass balance estimates for GICs rely on extrapolation of sparse mass balance measurements1, 2, 4 representing only a small fraction of the GIC area, leaving their overall contribution to sea level rise unclear. Here we show that GICs, excluding the Greenland and Antarctic peripheral GICs, lost mass at a rate of 148±30Gtyr−1 from January 2003 to December 2010, contributing 0.41±0.08mmyr−1 to sea level rise. Our results are based on a global, simultaneous inversion of monthly GRACE-derived satellite gravity fields, from which we calculate the mass change over all ice-covered regions greater in area than 100km2. The GIC rate for 2003–2010 is about 30 per cent smaller than the previous mass balance estimate that most closely matches our study period2. The high mountains of Asia, in particular, show a mass loss of only 4±20Gtyr−1 for 2003–2010, compared with 47–55Gtyr−1 in previously published estimates2, 5. For completeness, we also estimate that the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, including their peripheral GICs, contributed 1.06±0.19mmyr−1 to sea level rise over the same time period. The total contribution to sea level rise from all ice-covered regions is thus 1.48±0.26mm−1, which agrees well with independent estimates of sea level rise originating from land ice loss and other terrestrial sources6.

More real scientists on sea level rise.
Lassie, you just keep going further and further out on a limb. Evens? LOL

The man has plenty of credentials, but no publications on any aspect of climate in any scientific journal.
David Evans

According to his resume, Evans has not published any peer-reviewed research papers on the subject of climate change.

Evans published one paper in 1987, but it was unrelated to climate change.

Back in the 70's, we were told that we were on the verge of a mini-Ice Age by the "experts"...twenty years later they claim that the planet is overheating and that we need to give up our sovereignty to the United Nations because this is a global problem thus must be handled "global;ly"'s all fucking bullshit and this is the Hegelian Dialectic being played out right in front of us....cause, affect, solution...been there, done that. The fact of the matter is that there can be no benchmark on the temperature of the climate if it is being purposefully manipulated in order to give data that supports a bogus claim....get it now? You can't win this argument.....because this is being done for a bigger agenda....guaran-fucking-tee you on that.
God, are you ever uninformed and stupid. No, the scientists of that time were stating, by 6 to 1 that the most likely direction the climate was moving in was to the warmer. It was journalists for Time and Newsweek that made the statements about an immanent ice age.

Well then there was this...scientist...LOL


The 1970s Ice Age Scare
And it would take about 20,000 years to reach the start of the ice age by the Milankovic Cycles. However, the increase in retained heat that is the result of a 43% increase in CO2 and a 250% increased in CH4 easily overwhelms the effect of the Milankovic Cycles for at least the next thousand years.

With that much CO2 allegedly being released, we should have a vegetation crisis being that they thrive off of CO2 but yet I see dying trees and dying birds and dead sea life ending up on the shores by the millions because of the have nothing. I know this shit. I spend LOTS of time studying spew talking points and that is it.
Bad news for the global warming crowd:


I typed in "Global Warming is not a fraud," and in the entire first page all I got were stories saying that it is.

Apparently, this is something that comes close to established fact.
Bad news for the global warming crowd:


I typed in "Global Warming is not a fraud," and I got only stories saying that it is.

Apparently, this is something that comes close to established fact.

It won't matter, the cultists will keep right on believing the sky is falling, we're all going to burn..or maybe drown
Challenging Global Warming as a Social Problem: An Analysis of the Conservative Movement's Counter-Claims on JSTOR


The sociological literature on global environmental change emphasizes the processes by which the problem of global warming is socially constructed. However, the opposing efforts to construct the "non-problematicity" of global warming advanced by the conservative movement are largely ignored. Utilizing recent work on framing processes in the social movements literature and claims-making from the social problems literature, this paper analyzes the counter-claims promoted by the conservative movement between 1990 and 1997 as it mobilized to challenge the legitimacy of global warming as a social problem. A thematic content analysis of publications circulated on the web sites of prominent conservative think tanks reveals three major counter-claims. First, the movement criticized the evidentiary basis of global warming as weak, if not entirely wrong. Second, the movement argued that global warming will have substantial benefits if it occurs. Third, the movement warned that proposed action to ameliorate global warming would do more harm than good. In short, the conservative movement asserted that, while the science of global warming appears to be growing more and more uncertain, the harmful effects of global warming policy are becoming increasingly certain. In order to better understand the controversy over global warming, future research should pay attention to the influence of the conservative movement by identifying the crucial roles of conservative foundations, conservative think tanks, and sympathetic "skeptic" scientists in undermining the growing scientific consensus over the reality of global warming.

An analysis of the conservative politics used against scientific facts.
Well, SassyIrishLass, I think our work here is done. If we lived in the same town, I would invite you to an Irish pub and buy you an Irish beer. Being Irish does have an advantage in debates like this, don't you think? We don't run away from a fight, like our friend Fenton Lum did.
Bad news for the global warming crowd:


I typed in "Global Warming is not a fraud," and I got only stories saying that it is.

Apparently, this is something that comes close to established fact.

It won't matter, the cultists will keep right on believing the sky is falling, we're all going to burn..or maybe drown
Why don't you ask the citizens of Fort MacMurray about the chances of burning. Or, closer to home, town in Oregon and Washington, like Wenatchee.

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