Sea-level rise claims five islands in Solomons: study

Anyone can find a link to support anything they want to support. Nope, you can chase your own. No google off for me thanks. Never changed anyone's mind on anything at all, not once. Reach your own conclusions anyway you like.
sure, but you are a scientists so your links will be better than the simple people,

No, that's your anti-science programming shining through. You want to know what you know and nothing further; total waste of time. If you wanted to see any thing from the other side for consideration, you would have done that for yourself.
technically speaking, I am just flaming your comment, "I'm a scientist, I don't get my information from a television or radio". Beings a scientist I thought you might figure me for trolling, and not responding to anything of a "scientific" nature.

On an anonymous message board, people can proclaim all kinds of stuff, and people of all persuasions can display differing levels of intelligence.

I went through all 146 of your posts, you present yourself as a troll, not as a scientist. But that is just my qualified analysis of your posts.

You are a Scientist? If so my guess based on your posts is you were at the bottom of your class. Should I not be so harsh on someone here, who is new? Had any of your posts been anything other than non-relevant I would be responding differently.

Your qualifications are self proclaimed as well, and no, you'd still be what you are and responding how you do. There's no real discussion to be had here. It's nothing but flaming, carry on.
Hey, I was just calling you out, beings how you qualified yourself as a Scientist, you are here as a troll, in the other threads, the language you use, is juvenile at best. Even the worst of those that post in environment have offered more than you have posted, with less "qualifications".

Just saying, you are a poser, a troller.

"I'm a scientist, I don't get my information from a television or radio".

Great, show us something, "scientific".

They don't do science, they have consensus
Because of abortion, yes, that is true. People hundreds of years from now will condemn us as barbarians for allowing 3000 babies to be murdered in the womb every day, and doing absolutely nothing to stop it.

I'm a scientist, I don't get my information from a television or radio.
Then link

Anyone can find a link to support anything they want to support. Nope, you can chase your own. No google off for me thanks. Never changed anyone's mind on anything at all, not once. Reach your own conclusions anyway you like.
sure, but you are a scientists so your links will be better than the simple people,

No, that's your anti-science programming shining through. You want to know what you know and nothing further; total waste of time. If you wanted to see any thing from the other side for consideration, you would have done that for yourself.

Excuse us? No that is your ilk you came to the conclusion in the 70s people , technology and capitalism is bad and been trying for the past 40 years to convert people to your cult

Cut the fucking bullshit.

Ok, I turned on an AM talk show, and it has all been revealed to me. The Illuminati is behind the myth. They have secretly bought up all the land in the world that is over 20 feet higher than the coast lines, and they are intentionally trying to start panic buying of higher ground so that they can inflate the sales prices. The bastards!!!!!!!!
Sea-level rise claims five islands in Solomons: study
May 7, 2016

At least 11 islands across the northern Solomon Islands have either totally disappeared over recent decades or are currently experiencing severe erosion, an Australian study shows
Five islands have disappeared in the Pacific's Solomon Islands due to rising sea levels and coastal erosion, according to an Australian study that could provide valuable insights for future research.

A further six reef islands have been severely eroded in the remote area of the Solomons, the study said, with one experiencing some 10 houses being swept into the sea between 2011 and 2014.

"At least 11 islands across the northern Solomon Islands have either totally disappeared over recent decades or are currently experiencing severe erosion," the study published in Environmental Research Letters said.

"Shoreline recession at two sites has destroyed villages that have existed since at least 1935, leading to community relocations."

Read more at:

Read more at the link....

Anyways, this is strong evidence that our oceans are in fact raising...Another piece of evidence is that a tidal gauge near New york has seen sea level raise of nearly 1 foot in the past 100 years and LA has lost a shit tone of land...So is it all a hoax? I don't think so.

Just curious, do you know the definition of EROSION? Yeah, I didn't think so.
A rising sea level erodes land, you dumb fuck.
Sea-level rise claims five islands in Solomons: study
May 7, 2016

At least 11 islands across the northern Solomon Islands have either totally disappeared over recent decades or are currently experiencing severe erosion, an Australian study shows
Five islands have disappeared in the Pacific's Solomon Islands due to rising sea levels and coastal erosion, according to an Australian study that could provide valuable insights for future research.

A further six reef islands have been severely eroded in the remote area of the Solomons, the study said, with one experiencing some 10 houses being swept into the sea between 2011 and 2014.

"At least 11 islands across the northern Solomon Islands have either totally disappeared over recent decades or are currently experiencing severe erosion," the study published in Environmental Research Letters said.

"Shoreline recession at two sites has destroyed villages that have existed since at least 1935, leading to community relocations."

Read more at:

Read more at the link....

Anyways, this is strong evidence that our oceans are in fact raising...Another piece of evidence is that a tidal gauge near New york has seen sea level raise of nearly 1 foot in the past 100 years and LA has lost a shit tone of land...So is it all a hoax? I don't think so.

So what?
So, we have to tear down every factory, pull the engine out of every automobile, and revert back to stone age technology to save our precious planet Earth from whatever horrible disaster happens if the temperature goes up 1 degree Fahrenheit in the next 100 years.
You fucking stupid ass, it has gone up far more than that in the last 100 years. And may go up by as much as 4 C in the next century.

How difficult is it to recover from dangerous levels of global warming?
J A Lowe1, C Huntingford2, S C B Raper3, C D Jones4, S K Liddicoat4 and L K Gohar1

Published 11 March 2009 • IOP Publishing Ltd
Environmental Research Letters, Volume 4, Number 1

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Cited by 46 articles

Article information
Climate models provide compelling evidence that if greenhouse gas emissions continue at present rates, then key global temperature thresholds (such as the European Union limit of two degrees of warming since pre-industrial times) are very likely to be crossed in the next few decades. However, there is relatively little attention paid to whether, should a dangerous temperature level be exceeded, it is feasible for the global temperature to then return to safer levels in a usefully short time. We focus on the timescales needed to reduce atmospheric greenhouse gases and associated temperatures back below potentially dangerous thresholds, using a state-of-the-art general circulation model. This analysis is extended with a simple climate model to provide uncertainty bounds. We find that even for very large reductions in emissions, temperature reduction is likely to occur at a low rate. Policy-makers need to consider such very long recovery timescales implicit in the Earth system when formulating future emission pathways that have the potential to 'overshoot' particular atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases and, more importantly, related temperature levels that might be considered dangerous.
A rising sea level erodes land, you dumb fuck.
No, tides and waves and rain and wind, erode land, rising water simply covers something in water.
Damn, you are truly an idiot.

Sea level rise shown to drive coastal erosion - Leatherman - 2000 - Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union - Wiley Online Library


Our research has shown that an important relationship exists between sea level rise and sandy beach erosion. The link is highly multiplicative, with the long-term shoreline retreat rate averaging about 150 times that of sea level rise. For example, a sustained rise of 10 cm in sea level could result in 15 m of shoreline erosion. Such an amount is more than an order of magnitude greater than would be expected from a simple response to sea level rise through inundation of the shoreline.

Sea level is certainly only one of many factors causing long-term beach change. Shoreline revisions from inlet dynamics and coastal engineering projects are more pronounced in most areas of the US. east coast and tend to mask the effect of a rise in sea level even over extended intervals. The implication is that sea level rise is a secondary but inexorable cause of beach erosion in such areas.

There are many studies on the erosive effect of sea level rise. That you deny such is an indication of the vastness of your ignorance.
Liberals demand all sorts of social changes, from same-sex marriage to men in the women's room, but they act like minor changes in the climate will bring about catastrophe and the end of the world. It's ironic what cowards they are.
Look, halfwit, I don't give a damn about what consenting adults do in private. Does not affect me at all. But the loss of our coastal cities is going to affect all of us.
A rising sea level erodes land, you dumb fuck.
No, tides and waves and rain and wind, erode land, rising water simply covers something in water.
Damn, you are truly an idiot.

Sea level rise shown to drive coastal erosion - Leatherman - 2000 - Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union - Wiley Online Library


Our research has shown that an important relationship exists between sea level rise and sandy beach erosion. The link is highly multiplicative, with the long-term shoreline retreat rate averaging about 150 times that of sea level rise. For example, a sustained rise of 10 cm in sea level could result in 15 m of shoreline erosion. Such an amount is more than an order of magnitude greater than would be expected from a simple response to sea level rise through inundation of the shoreline.

Sea level is certainly only one of many factors causing long-term beach change. Shoreline revisions from inlet dynamics and coastal engineering projects are more pronounced in most areas of the US. east coast and tend to mask the effect of a rise in sea level even over extended intervals. The implication is that sea level rise is a secondary but inexorable cause of beach erosion in such areas.

There are many studies on the erosive effect of sea level rise. That you deny such is an indication of the vastness of your ignorance.
How about the whole study Old Crock, it is proven that posting simply abstracts is propaganda.

In this case, the abstract states there is a relationship exists between sea level rise and sandy beach erosion, the abstract does not establish what that relationship is and the abstract clearly does not state that Sea Level rise causes erosion. At best your abstract makes my point, that a rising level of water covers stuff that is in the water. That is very different than erosion.

But, like I said, a link to an abstract is propaganda at best.
Fenton, you're dealing with a pack of fanatical conspiracy cultists. You can't reason people out of a position they weren't reasoned into. Appealing to their reason is pointless, as they run entirely on emotion. Appealing to their better nature is pointless, because they no longer have one. They've replaced their positive emotions with hate.

Think of them like fanatical Islamicists screaming "Allahu Ahkbar!". Would you try to reason with them? Of course not. The kook-right-fringe political cultists here (global warming denialism is a required belief of the cult, not the cult itself) have the same mindset. They're not chanting with the purpose of converting any of the infidels. They chant their versions of "Allahu Ahkbar!" for the same reasons fanatical Islamicists do.

1. As a way to get their hate-fix, which gives them a rush and cements their loyalty to the cult.

2. As an attempt to intimidate opponents with displays of near-violence by a mob.

3. To demonstrate to their cult leaders, and to the other cultists, how loyal to the cult they are themselves. That's important, because the other denier cultists are often dangerous and violent people, who would turn on other cultists for showing insufficient loyalty.

Hey, stupid's a couple of questions for you.

#1 How would giving carbon taxes to the same bankers that own the big oil companies "cure" Gorebal Warming'?

#2 Free energy has been around since the 1920's and those patents have been suppressed along with another 5,000 patents that have been kept from us under the guise of "National Security....why aren't you petitioning your corporate "gubermint" to release them? We know that they do not use electrical grids to power the 139 deep underground military bases so why shouldn't we get that technology?

#3 Why would I or anyone else trust the U.N or this corporate "gubermint" when they have been complicit in manipulating the climate we do have thus preventing the ability to get a real benchmark on the temperature?

It seems to piss you off that you are having trouble attracting people that have the ability to think for themselves and don't follow the herd for you.
Oh, where is my little tin hat, little tin hat, little tin hat............................................................. LOL
Look, halfwit, I don't give a damn about what consenting adults do in private. Does not affect me at all. But the loss of our coastal cities is going to affect all of us.
Old Crock, the loss of our coastal cities are going to affect you? That is a lie, simply because you will never see a loss of a single coastal city.

Crock, if you think differently, how about telling us which coastal city we will be losing tomorrow, or next week, or even this year, if you can not state which city will disappear and affect you personally, than your post was simply another filthy lie (to use Old Crock's words).
The loserterian probably thinks that god'omighty is sinking these islands and probably has to throw holy water over themselves everytime they glance at real science!

These people are a sad sight to behold!
But even sadder, is this post, by the author of the OP, is this the best you can do to support your own OP?
A rising sea level erodes land, you dumb fuck.
No, tides and waves and rain and wind, erode land, rising water simply covers something in water.
Damn, you are truly an idiot.

Sea level rise shown to drive coastal erosion - Leatherman - 2000 - Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union - Wiley Online Library


Our research has shown that an important relationship exists between sea level rise and sandy beach erosion. The link is highly multiplicative, with the long-term shoreline retreat rate averaging about 150 times that of sea level rise. For example, a sustained rise of 10 cm in sea level could result in 15 m of shoreline erosion. Such an amount is more than an order of magnitude greater than would be expected from a simple response to sea level rise through inundation of the shoreline.

Sea level is certainly only one of many factors causing long-term beach change. Shoreline revisions from inlet dynamics and coastal engineering projects are more pronounced in most areas of the US. east coast and tend to mask the effect of a rise in sea level even over extended intervals. The implication is that sea level rise is a secondary but inexorable cause of beach erosion in such areas.

There are many studies on the erosive effect of sea level rise. That you deny such is an indication of the vastness of your ignorance.
How about the whole study Old Crock, it is proven that posting simply abstracts is propaganda.

In this case, the abstract states there is a relationship exists between sea level rise and sandy beach erosion, the abstract does not establish what that relationship is and the abstract clearly does not state that Sea Level rise causes erosion. At best your abstract makes my point, that a rising level of water covers stuff that is in the water. That is very different than erosion.

But, like I said, a link to an abstract is propaganda at best.
No, you fucking idiot, posting abstracts, some of which link to the whole article, from real scientists, is how you show that the science is on your side. Now, how about you posting links to real scientists publications in peer reviewed journals that support your opinions on this issue? Obese junkies on the AM radio, and fake British Lords are not acceptable.
No, you fucking idiot, posting abstracts, some of which link to the whole article, from real scientists, is how you show that the science is on your side. Now, how about you posting links to real scientists publications in peer reviewed journals that support your opinions on this issue? Obese junkies on the AM radio, and fake British Lords are not acceptable.
You did not post a link to a study, Old Crock until you can do what you demand of others, you are simply a crock.
Look, halfwit, I don't give a damn about what consenting adults do in private. Does not affect me at all. But the loss of our coastal cities is going to affect all of us.
Old Crock, the loss of our coastal cities are going to affect you? That is a lie, simply because you will never see a loss of a single coastal city.

Crock, if you think differently, how about telling us which coastal city we will be losing tomorrow, or next week, or even this year, if you can not state which city will disappear and affect you personally, than your post was simply another filthy lie (to use Old Crock's words).
A foot of sea level rise was enough to swamp the subways in New York during Sandy. The combination of sea level rise and land subsidance will eventually swamp New Orleans. Miami is already feeling the effects of sea level rise with every King Tide.

Water, Water, Everywhere: Sea Level Rise in Miami

Like many low-lying coastal cities around the world, Miami is threatened by rising seas. Whether the majority of the cause is anthropogenic or natural, the end result is indisputable: sea level is rising. It is not a political issue, nor does it matter if someonebelieves in it or not.

Tidal flooding on the corner of Dade Blvd and Purdy Ave in Miami Beach in 2010. (Steve Rothaus, Miami Herald)

The mean sea level has risen noticeably in the Miami and Miami Beach areas just in the past decade. Flooding events are getting more frequent, and some areas flood during particularly high tides now: no rain or storm surge necessary. Perhaps most alarming is that the rate of sea level rise is accelerating.

Diving Into Data

Certified measurements of sea level have been taken at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School on Virginia Key since 1996 (Virginia Key is a small island just south of Miami Beach and east of downtown Miami)[1]. Simple linear trends drawn through annual averages of all high tides, low tides, and the mean sea level are shown below, and all three lines are about 4.2 inches (11cm) higher in 2015 than they were in 1996.

Annual averages of high tide, low tide, and mean sea level, with linear trend lines drawn through them. The trend line slopes for each time series are labeled. [This chart was updated in Jan 2016 to include verified data through the end of 2015.]
Look, halfwit, I don't give a damn about what consenting adults do in private. Does not affect me at all. But the loss of our coastal cities is going to affect all of us.
Old Crock, the loss of our coastal cities are going to affect you? That is a lie, simply because you will never see a loss of a single coastal city.

Crock, if you think differently, how about telling us which coastal city we will be losing tomorrow, or next week, or even this year, if you can not state which city will disappear and affect you personally, than your post was simply another filthy lie (to use Old Crock's words).
A foot of sea level rise was enough to swamp the subways in New York during Sandy. The combination of sea level rise and land subsidance will eventually swamp New Orleans. Miami is already feeling the effects of sea level rise with every King Tide.

Water, Water, Everywhere: Sea Level Rise in Miami

Like many low-lying coastal cities around the world, Miami is threatened by rising seas. Whether the majority of the cause is anthropogenic or natural, the end result is indisputable: sea level is rising. It is not a political issue, nor does it matter if someonebelieves in it or not.

Tidal flooding on the corner of Dade Blvd and Purdy Ave in Miami Beach in 2010. (Steve Rothaus, Miami Herald)

The mean sea level has risen noticeably in the Miami and Miami Beach areas just in the past decade. Flooding events are getting more frequent, and some areas flood during particularly high tides now: no rain or storm surge necessary. Perhaps most alarming is that the rate of sea level rise is accelerating.

Diving Into Data

Certified measurements of sea level have been taken at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School on Virginia Key since 1996 (Virginia Key is a small island just south of Miami Beach and east of downtown Miami)[1]. Simple linear trends drawn through annual averages of all high tides, low tides, and the mean sea level are shown below, and all three lines are about 4.2 inches (11cm) higher in 2015 than they were in 1996.

Annual averages of high tide, low tide, and mean sea level, with linear trend lines drawn through them. The trend line slopes for each time series are labeled. [This chart was updated in Jan 2016 to include verified data through the end of 2015.]
Old Crock, you really are an idiot, you believe Miami is going to disappear this year!
Bear, please stop picture-spamming.

That is, unless you're trying to demonstrate that brainless picture-spamming, being a staple tactic of brainless cultists, is therefore your staple tactic. That is, it's your way of screaming "Allahu Ahkbar!".

In any case, you've shown everyone how devoted you are to the cult, so you can stop now.

And back on to the topic deniers are trying so mightily to deflect from ... the recently launched JASON-3 satellite is doing well, and will enable us to keep monitoring sea levels closely, which will allow deniers to keep claiming all the data is faked.

Jason-3 Satellite

Stop your whining, pussy...I, for one, enjoy Bear's have proven that you don't know shit about anything.
Of course, idiots enjoy idiocy. In the meantime, the sea level rise continues to accelerate even as the amount of GHGs in the atmospheres increases.

Is sea level rising?

There is strong evidence that global sea level is now rising at an increased rate and will continue to rise during this century.

While studies show that sea levels changed little from AD 0 until 1900, sea levels began to climb in the 20th century.

The two major causes of global sea-level rise are thermal expansion caused by the warming of the oceans (since water expands as it warms) and the loss of land-based ice (such as glaciers) due to increased melting.

Records and research show that sea level has been steadily rising at a rate of 0.04 to 0.1 inches per year since 1900. Since 1992, new methods of satellite altimetry (the measurement of elevation or altitude) indicate a rate of rise of 0.12 inches per year. This is a significantly larger rate than the sea-level rise averaged over the last several thousand years.
Look, halfwit, I don't give a damn about what consenting adults do in private. Does not affect me at all. But the loss of our coastal cities is going to affect all of us.
Old Crock, the loss of our coastal cities are going to affect you? That is a lie, simply because you will never see a loss of a single coastal city.

Crock, if you think differently, how about telling us which coastal city we will be losing tomorrow, or next week, or even this year, if you can not state which city will disappear and affect you personally, than your post was simply another filthy lie (to use Old Crock's words).
A foot of sea level rise was enough to swamp the subways in New York during Sandy. The combination of sea level rise and land subsidance will eventually swamp New Orleans. Miami is already feeling the effects of sea level rise with every King Tide.

Water, Water, Everywhere: Sea Level Rise in Miami

Like many low-lying coastal cities around the world, Miami is threatened by rising seas. Whether the majority of the cause is anthropogenic or natural, the end result is indisputable: sea level is rising. It is not a political issue, nor does it matter if someonebelieves in it or not.

Tidal flooding on the corner of Dade Blvd and Purdy Ave in Miami Beach in 2010. (Steve Rothaus, Miami Herald)

The mean sea level has risen noticeably in the Miami and Miami Beach areas just in the past decade. Flooding events are getting more frequent, and some areas flood during particularly high tides now: no rain or storm surge necessary. Perhaps most alarming is that the rate of sea level rise is accelerating.

Diving Into Data

Certified measurements of sea level have been taken at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School on Virginia Key since 1996 (Virginia Key is a small island just south of Miami Beach and east of downtown Miami)[1]. Simple linear trends drawn through annual averages of all high tides, low tides, and the mean sea level are shown below, and all three lines are about 4.2 inches (11cm) higher in 2015 than they were in 1996.

Annual averages of high tide, low tide, and mean sea level, with linear trend lines drawn through them. The trend line slopes for each time series are labeled. [This chart was updated in Jan 2016 to include verified data through the end of 2015.]
Old Crock, you really are an idiot, you believe Miami is going to disappear this year!
Now you are really doing the strawman act. No, that was not what was said. What was said is that an accelerating rise will eventually create a situation where many of our coastal cities become uninhabitable.
Bear, please stop picture-spamming.

That is, unless you're trying to demonstrate that brainless picture-spamming, being a staple tactic of brainless cultists, is therefore your staple tactic. That is, it's your way of screaming "Allahu Ahkbar!".

In any case, you've shown everyone how devoted you are to the cult, so you can stop now.

And back on to the topic deniers are trying so mightily to deflect from ... the recently launched JASON-3 satellite is doing well, and will enable us to keep monitoring sea levels closely, which will allow deniers to keep claiming all the data is faked.

Jason-3 Satellite

Stop your whining, pussy...I, for one, enjoy Bear's have proven that you don't know shit about anything.

Birds of a feather I reckon.

I know more than you....infinitely with it and learn from it.
Now Dale, just take the pretty pills the nice nurse has for you, and go quietly back to your nice room with the soft walls.

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