Sean Alumni Table

Hi! Hope ya'll had a Merry Christmas! Mine was loving and joyful and today i'm packing Christmas away. Another year flying away to my memories...

I would do anything just to be able to stop the time.
I have come to embracing the changes that each moment brings, but i know what you mean.
BTW..speaking of time, i watched the new movie Jupiter Ascending yesterday and have to say they packed a lot of philosophy into an action packed movie.

I went last Sunday to the theater to see this movie. It was action packed and visually pleasing. It wasn't great but it wasn't terrible either.
Hi MDK :smile:..have you seen 7th Son? Might go see it this weekend.
Hi! Hope ya'll had a Merry Christmas! Mine was loving and joyful and today i'm packing Christmas away. Another year flying away to my memories...

I would do anything just to be able to stop the time.
I have come to embracing the changes that each moment brings, but i know what you mean.
BTW..speaking of time, i watched the new movie Jupiter Ascending yesterday and have to say they packed a lot of philosophy into an action packed movie.

I went last Sunday to the theater to see this movie. It was action packed and visually pleasing. It wasn't great but it wasn't terrible either.
Hi MDK :smile:..have you seen 7th Son? Might go see it this weekend.

Hi Bontita! I hope all is well. I really want to see 7th Son and I may go to a matinee this Saturday to do so. I love Julianne Moore so I am pretty excited.
I got another email today about the SkimWords fiasco.

Sorry folks, but the same people telling you they didn't force spamware on your browsing experience are the same ones who insist they didn't breech my personal correspondence before telling you how some mysterious unknown force in the Northeast are the one's who did me in.

I don't know whether to laugh at, or shake my head at the sheer naivety, but please stop asking for my opinion/knowledge/solution to things that no longer have anything to do with me. If you personally need help with things on your machine, contact me any time.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a disappearing act to complete. God bless.
I got another email today about the SkimWords fiasco.

Sorry folks, but the same people telling you they didn't force spamware on your browsing experience are the same ones who insist they didn't breech my personal correspondence before telling you how some mysterious unknown force in the Northeast are the one's who did me in.

I don't know whether to laugh at, or shake my head at the sheer naivety, but please stop asking for my opinion/knowledge/solution to things that no longer have anything to do with me. If you personally need help with things on your machine, contact me any time.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a disappearing act to complete. God bless.
Miss you and wish you and yours all the best..Hugs and Blessings
A heartfelt welcome to all of HanNITWITty's nitwits.
Is this really necessary?
Probably one of those deep thinkers from over yonder..trolls gotta troll. :coffee:

Apparently. I am all for a good word play or joke but that was just weak sauce. Just b/c we post on the other forum doesn't mean we don't all have differing views. In many ways the level of debate there is far superior. Far less trolling, personal insults, and vulgarity. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy this place very much but having a debate here can be quite difficult.
A heartfelt welcome to all of HanNITWITty's nitwits.
Is this really necessary?
Probably one of those deep thinkers from over yonder..trolls gotta troll. :coffee:

Apparently. I am all for a good word play or joke but that was just weak sauce. Just b/c we post on the other forum doesn't mean we don't all have differing views. In many ways the level of debate there is far superior. Far less trolling, personal insults, and vulgarity. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy this place very much but having a debate here can be quite difficult.
Yeah, that must be it, it couldn't possibly be that opposing posters get banned.
A heartfelt welcome to all of HanNITWITty's nitwits.
Is this really necessary?
Probably one of those deep thinkers from over yonder..trolls gotta troll. :coffee:

Apparently. I am all for a good word play or joke but that was just weak sauce. Just b/c we post on the other forum doesn't mean we don't all have differing views. In many ways the level of debate there is far superior. Far less trolling, personal insults, and vulgarity. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy this place very much but having a debate here can be quite difficult.
Yeah, that must be it, it couldn't possibly be that opposing posters get banned.

Opposing posters of what?
A heartfelt welcome to all of HanNITWITty's nitwits.
Is this really necessary?
Probably one of those deep thinkers from over yonder..trolls gotta troll. :coffee:

Apparently. I am all for a good word play or joke but that was just weak sauce. Just b/c we post on the other forum doesn't mean we don't all have differing views. In many ways the level of debate there is far superior. Far less trolling, personal insults, and vulgarity. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy this place very much but having a debate here can be quite difficult.
Yeah, that must be it, it couldn't possibly be that opposing posters get banned.

That is entirely inaccurate. The forum has a wide range of views/political leanings and all are accepted so long as they do not violate the terms of service. You are making unfounded assumptions.
A heartfelt welcome to all of HanNITWITty's nitwits.
Is this really necessary?
Probably one of those deep thinkers from over yonder..trolls gotta troll. :coffee:

Apparently. I am all for a good word play or joke but that was just weak sauce. Just b/c we post on the other forum doesn't mean we don't all have differing views. In many ways the level of debate there is far superior. Far less trolling, personal insults, and vulgarity. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy this place very much but having a debate here can be quite difficult.
Yeah, that must be it, it couldn't possibly be that opposing posters get banned.

That is entirely inaccurate. The forum has a wide range of views/political leanings and all are accepted so long as they do not violate the terms of service. You are making unfounded assumptions.
No I'm not, all you have to do is call out a HanNITWITty lie and you are gone.
Is this really necessary?
Probably one of those deep thinkers from over yonder..trolls gotta troll. :coffee:

Apparently. I am all for a good word play or joke but that was just weak sauce. Just b/c we post on the other forum doesn't mean we don't all have differing views. In many ways the level of debate there is far superior. Far less trolling, personal insults, and vulgarity. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy this place very much but having a debate here can be quite difficult.
Yeah, that must be it, it couldn't possibly be that opposing posters get banned.

That is entirely inaccurate. The forum has a wide range of views/political leanings and all are accepted so long as they do not violate the terms of service. You are making unfounded assumptions.
No I'm not, all you have to do is call out a HanNITWITty lie and you are gone.

You must've been banned for contempt of host. At least you broke a rule. ;)
Is this really necessary?
Probably one of those deep thinkers from over yonder..trolls gotta troll. :coffee:

Apparently. I am all for a good word play or joke but that was just weak sauce. Just b/c we post on the other forum doesn't mean we don't all have differing views. In many ways the level of debate there is far superior. Far less trolling, personal insults, and vulgarity. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy this place very much but having a debate here can be quite difficult.
Yeah, that must be it, it couldn't possibly be that opposing posters get banned.

That is entirely inaccurate. The forum has a wide range of views/political leanings and all are accepted so long as they do not violate the terms of service. You are making unfounded assumptions.
No I'm not, all you have to do is call out a HanNITWITty lie and you are gone.

I can count on one hand the amount of times I've agreed with Hannity. You are free to disagree with Hannity all you wish but you have to do so in respectful manner.
Probably one of those deep thinkers from over yonder..trolls gotta troll. :coffee:

Apparently. I am all for a good word play or joke but that was just weak sauce. Just b/c we post on the other forum doesn't mean we don't all have differing views. In many ways the level of debate there is far superior. Far less trolling, personal insults, and vulgarity. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy this place very much but having a debate here can be quite difficult.
Yeah, that must be it, it couldn't possibly be that opposing posters get banned.

That is entirely inaccurate. The forum has a wide range of views/political leanings and all are accepted so long as they do not violate the terms of service. You are making unfounded assumptions.
No I'm not, all you have to do is call out a HanNITWITty lie and you are gone.

You must've been banned for contempt of host. At least you broke a rule. ;)
I got banned for proving a long standing GOP lie told many times by HanNITWITty, MessiahRushie, MRC and just about every other hate radio shock jock and CON$ervative print source, namely the Gore at Monticello "gaffe" lie where the Right claims Gore could not name the bust of Franklin. It also got me banned on the St Ronnie site, free republic and a bunch of others. The Right cannot tolerate any long standing lie exposed. I only started calling him HanNITWITty after I was banned.

Gore named the bust of Franklin himself with no help from the curator.

February 11, 2014
RUSH: Gore didn't even know where he was when he went to Monticello. Remember that? Algore is in there, some foreign dignitary, Algore and Clinton are in there and they're taking a tour of Monticello, and Gore's trying to act smart and everything, and he points to a bust, a figurine bust up on a shelf, and asks the curator very intelligently (imitating Gore), "And who is that?" "Oh, that's Benjamin Franklin."
"Oh, yes, yes, I recognize the long hippie hair. Yeah, Benjamin Franklin." Or was it Thomas Jefferson? He didn't know Thomas Jefferson at Monticello.
Last edited:
Probably one of those deep thinkers from over yonder..trolls gotta troll. :coffee:

Apparently. I am all for a good word play or joke but that was just weak sauce. Just b/c we post on the other forum doesn't mean we don't all have differing views. In many ways the level of debate there is far superior. Far less trolling, personal insults, and vulgarity. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy this place very much but having a debate here can be quite difficult.
Yeah, that must be it, it couldn't possibly be that opposing posters get banned.

That is entirely inaccurate. The forum has a wide range of views/political leanings and all are accepted so long as they do not violate the terms of service. You are making unfounded assumptions.
No I'm not, all you have to do is call out a HanNITWITty lie and you are gone.

I can count on one hand the amount of times I've agreed with Hannity. You are free to disagree with Hannity all you wish but you have to do so in respectful manner.
Yeah, but did you ever thoroughly demolish a long standing Right-wing lie?
A disgruntled former poster..that club is getting pretty large and from varied perceptions. Pretty much a micro cossum of America.
I can count on one hand the amount of times I've agreed with Hannity. You are free to disagree with Hannity all you wish but you have to do so in respectful manner.

Holy crap, look at those ratings! Aren't we the popular one? lol
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