Sean Hanity sums it up

I know because the Feds already went thru the boxes of documents, duh. The raid was bullshit, looking for J6 evidence, not archive records.
Bobb said she and Trump lawyer Evan Corcoran met later with a senior Justice Department official whose name she could not recall. Trump appeared at the beginning of the meeting, in June, and greeted investigators, Bobb said, adding that the former president was not interviewed. Federal officials then looked through boxes of material, Bobb added.

You are 100% correct on how the moderates are going to view this. Even some Democrats are not going to be happy.

What if I told everyone in this thread and on this forum, that tearing a mattress tag off of a mattress it was attached to was a crime? Well guess what, IT IS, lol!

What if I told you that Bush Jr, Obama, and Carter all did the same thing that Trump is accused of, and it is in public records? They have been in control of this stuff far longer than Trump, since obviously they left office long before Trump did. In fact, Obama took his records classified and all, and have them set to be released under some sort of timeline set by the government, AFTER he spirited them away I might add.. As far as GW, who knows with him, but Carter has never introduced them to his library, or a timeline for their release.

Point of the last paragraph was to show that yes...........the DOJ and FBI have been politically weaponized, and moderates will have nothing to do with it! The only question I have is on the Lefts thought process that got us here->

Is it....
A. Are they trying everything in their power to stop him from running in 24..........or rather, is it----->

B. They are trying to clear the field for him in the primaries by making him a martyr to the deep state, because they fear everyone else but him!

In either case, it is devious, and despicable! Personally, I choose A. because what their actions have done, is cement the idea even more that regular Americans need to vote in November to stop us ASAP from turning into a banana Republic run by a guy, who can't even put his own suit jacket on.
Why does authorizing the investigation of the illegal removal of classified documents from the WH make Garland Der Fuhrer?
You say that so innocently I am almost tempted to believe you really believe it

My comments:

Biden and the Deep State are out of control

Lol, mean while Trump pleads the fifth today. Hilarious. Remember when Trump told us pleading the fifth means you are guilty! Ya, good times good to know Trump knows he is guilty. Lol, now the loud mouth retarded Republicans cry deep state, deep state. Hilarious. More spouting of horseshit like normal. Wonder how they feel about the hundreds upon hundreds of retards sitting in jail convicted for January 6th. We democrats are sure warm and fuzzy about it.
Lol, mean while Trump pleads the fifth today. Hilarious. Remember when Trump told us pleading the fifth means you are guilty! Ya, good times good to know Trump knows he is guilty. Lol, now the loud mouth retarded Republicans cry deep state, deep state. Hilarious. More spouting of horseshit like normal. Wonder how they feel about the hundreds upon hundreds of retards sitting in jail convicted for January 6th. We democrats are sure warm and fuzzy about it.
Trump should take the 5th and the Deep State can take a hike

There is ZERO reason to cooperate with a witchhunt
Lol, mean while Trump pleads the fifth today. Hilarious. Remember when Trump told us pleading the fifth means you are guilty! Ya, good times good to know Trump knows he is guilty. Lol, now the loud mouth retarded Republicans cry deep state, deep state. Hilarious. More spouting of horseshit like normal. Wonder how they feel about the hundreds upon hundreds of retards sitting in jail convicted for January 6th. We democrats are sure warm and fuzzy about it.
Yeah it’s fun holding political prisoners right?
Trump should take the 5th and the Deep State can take a hike

There is ZERO reason to cooperate with a witchhunt
Lol, especially when you are guilty as sin, like Trump. Trumps own words people who take fifth are guilty. Guilty as those Jan 6th retards sitting in jail right now. Gosh that makes me happy begs the question, Why did he remove those documents?

EVERY president takes documents, Jackass! They are gathered and boxed up by another agency, its not like Trump himself actually boxes that stuff up. Hillary Clinton took actual furnishings from the WH, some of them put there by Jackie O, and was finally made to return what didn't belong to her but the Clintons were never raided.
Hitler thought the same of the Jews…
Lol, what hoot typical retard repug comment today. Yet it is your kind that attack race. Hilarious. Yep, Dems will kinda frown on people seeking to overturn free and fair elections. They don't like it much when people are trying to hang a vice president even when he is a retard repug. We are how ever fine with putting a noose around the neck of your fat fucking hitter after a fair trial of course. What a right wing retard you are.
He wont be barred from holding office. He wont even be charged with a crime. Im sure you will strongly disagree, but you would be wrong. Trump wont be charged , EVEN if he is found with an entire room full of classified documents, and anyone who thinks otherwise isnt very well read on this subject.

Well, like I said, I think there is something MUCH bigger going on here. Either the documents contained information he was self-dealing on, or they prove his complicity in the January 6th Insurrection.

What do you think the punishment for such a crime would be? Take a guess. What do you think think the worst punishment he could possibly get for this crime? 10 years in prison? 20 years in prison?

If you want to know the truth, even if they found him with a metric ton of classified documents, he would never spend a day in jail. Its actually just misdemeanor. Seriously, no bullshit. Im as shocked by that fact as you probably are.
So you are admitting he took the documents illegal... Good. baby steps. Baby steps.
You Moon Bat shitheads weren't concerned when Crooked Hillary was violating security laws right and Left and The Worthless Negro didn't prosecute her because she "had no intent", which was despicable.

Well, intent is the key point here. Hillary had no intent. She returned the documents still in her possession when asked.

Trump intentionally kept the documents and was in a 18 month fight with the National Archives, and it STILL took an FBI Raid to get them all back.

If Hillary didnt get charged, what do you think would happen if Trump DID get charged? Do you think the double standard would have serious political consequences for the left?

No, not really. The only people who are outraged that Trump's Mansion got searched like a crackhead's flophouse are the kinds of people who were going to vote a certain way no matter what.

Let's turn that around. Is there ANY offense that Trump could commit that would have you say, "Okay, I'm out!" and vote for DeSantis?
/------/ "The same people who spent 70 million dollars proving Bill Clinton lied about getting a blow job"
WOW, are you that misinformed, or just trying to pass off another lie? Bill Clinton was impeached for committing perjury – not for immoral sexual conduct.
In case you are just misinformed, read this:


And Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars proving that he GOT the blow job.

Most sensible people didn't care if he got the blowjob or not.
Hey, you finally figured out the motive. They need to find something. They get a flimsy warrant which opens the door for them to look around a bit. Sound familiar? Russia and fake dossier ring any bells?

Democrats are evil crooks through and through.

Doesn't sound like a flimsy warrant to me. Frankly, I don't want a President who acts like a Mafia don, where you need warrants to get him to comply with the law. I'm not sure why you do?
Oh, that's right, because he appointed judges who put those abortion having bitches in their place.

Of course

Repubs who spend a lifetime in washington DC have no more in common with trump than they do with the repub voters who elect all of them to office

Trump is for the people

They are not

Yup, Trump is for the people. Unless they are black. Poor. Gay. Hispanic. Asian. Women.
Well, like I said, I think there is something MUCH bigger going on here. Either the documents contained information he was self-dealing on, or they prove his complicity in the January 6th Insurrection.

So you are admitting he took the documents illegal... Good. baby steps. Baby steps.
How can i admit to something i dont know? Im sure you run around making statements without the facts all the time, but dont expect me to.

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