Sean Hanity sums it up

They never had an asteroid coming for them. Dems have owned Congress for years. Im just guessing here, but i assume that things will be handled fairly differently once the GOP owns Congress. I suspect that all the powers of that institution will be guided in a different direction than it is now. What do you think? :laugh:
Dems only held the house for two years under Trump. They never held the Senate under Trump. The very people wailing and moaning about this search warrant were the same people predicting dire consequences for the FBI a few years ago.

You’re rewriting history.

It’ll be different this time. Sure. For reasons.
Another proven fact.....The phony Steele dossier was presented to FISA as factual by people who knew better.

Pound for pound, you are easily the most blindingly stupid poster on the board.

Everything except the pee tape was vetted. FISA was triggered by repeated calls to the Russian embassy from Trump Tower. We have been monitoring communication in and out of Russian embassies world wide for 70 years. Trump was too dumb to know that.
Everything except the pee tape was vetted. FISA was triggered by repeated calls to the Russian embassy from Trump Tower. We have been monitoring communication in and out of Russian embassies world wide for 70 years. Trump was too dumb to know that.
Nothing was verified....It was a pack of lies and has been proven so.

Dumber than a fucking bag of hammers.
Nothing was verified....It was a pack of lies and has been proven so.

Dumber than a fucking bag of hammers.

Everything in the Steele dossier was previously known by US intelligence except the pee tape. Paul Sanger didn't want Trump elected.

You get your information from Hannity ? Really?
2. Those 15 boxes of documents were negotiated and are legitimately Trump's. The government already looked thru them in June.
Horseshit, Archives clearly has been fighting to get documents Trump took for a long time. To now assert that nothing was taken inapropriately is just silly nonsense.

I have to admit, watching Hannity last night bought a smile to my face. I love the whining. But the love for a corrupt, incompetent grifter who made all of this own problems is just mind boggling.
You'd think they'd just cut ties with him and be done with it...but....they know that the guy still commands 90% plus popularity in the Republican party. Which makes it all the better. They're stuck with
each other.

If Trump does not take those boxes of documents, the raid doesn't happen. begs the question, Why did he remove those documents?
The original copy of the pee tape was in there?
They had to have sufficient facts to justify a warrant. Are you an anarchist or something? Maybe the constitution and Bill of Rights is not to your liking.

Trump also took an oath to uphold the constitution and rule of law.

Yiou are confused Moon Bat. No they didn't.

All they had to do was get Jeffery Epstein's former lawyer, who was appointed a Federal judge by Potatohead, to sign off on a stupid warrant that had no merit.

In this case we had five levels of government that violated their oath to the Constitution

1. President Potatohead

2. Attorney General

3. Federal Judge

4. Head of FBI

5. FBI field agents

It is despicable and all Americans should condemn it. Even you dumbasses with afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome because if a filthy ass Leftest government can turn this country into a banana republic then so can a Conservative government. That is why we have a Constitution and we all should get rid of those assholes that violate their oath to uphold the Constitution. Like when the Democrats steal an election.
Yiou are confused Moon Bat. No they didn't.

All they had to do was get Jeffery Epstein's former lawyer, who was appointed a Federal judge by Potatohead, to sign off on a stupid warrant that had no merit.

In this case we had five levels of government that violated their oath to the Constitution

1. President Potatohead

2. Attorney General

3. Federal Judge

4. Head of FBI

5. FBI field agents

It is despicable and all Americans should condemn it. Even you dumbasses with afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome because if a filthy ass Leftest government can turn this country into a banana republic then so can a Conservative government. That is why we have a Constitution and we all should get rid of those assholes that violate their oath to uphold the Constitution. Like when the Democrats steal an election.

Trump pled the fifth this morning in NYC.

Another proven fact.....The phony Steele dossier was presented to FISA as factual by people who knew better.
Liar. It was presented as supplemental information. The FISA court was told it was unverified research.

Due to Evans's persistent inquiries, the FISA application also included a footnote, developed by OI based on information provided by the Crossfire Hurricane team, to address Evans's concern about the potential political bias of Steele's research. The footnote stated that Steele was hired by an identified U.S. person (Glenn Simpson) to conduct research regarding "Candidate #l's" (Donald Trump) ties to Russia and that the FBI "speculates" that this U.S. person was likely looking for information that could be used to discredit the Trump campaign.
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