Sean Hanity sums it up

Wow, it's fun to watch the Doomsday Cult drink the koolaid.

The same people who spent 70 million dollars proving Bill Clinton lied about getting a blow job are the ones whining that Trump is getting a bad deal for walking off with FIFTEEN BOXES of sensitive documents.


if it was meaningless why did the state of NY disbar him
If they found nothing it’ll be forgotten in 6 months and we will move on to the next outrage. Your accusations of democrats weaponizing the government will exist only in your echo chamber without substantiation in reality. But that was already true so nothing changes.

Trump already tried to use the government as his political weapon, and not only was it excused it was also applauded by his devout supporters. It has nothing to do with governance with you guys.
Lol, "it will be forgotten". You mean like how democrats forgot about January 6th? You arent this naïve, are you? Nah man, buckle up. Your party is about to get their shit pushed in for the next 6-10 years, starting in November. Given how your party has treated us and our president the past 5 or 6 years, the GOP will rule Congress with an iron fist and go for the jugular. Heads are going to roll for this.
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Lol, "it will be forgotten". You mean like how democrats forgot about January 6th? You arent this naïve, are you? Nah man, buckle up. Your party is about to get their shit pushed in for the next 6-10 years, starting in November. Given how your party has treated us and our president the past several years, the GOP will rule Congress with an iron fist and go for the jugular. Heads are going to roll for this.
It’ll be forgotten because there won’t be any substantiation about these allegations. Just like the unsubstantiated allegations against the FBI 5 years ago.

Which is quite unlike Jan 6th.

When will you realize that Trump makes his own messes? No one is doing this to you. Trump is doing it to himself.
It’ll be forgotten because there won’t be any substantiation about these allegations. Just like the unsubstantiated allegations against the FBI 5 years ago.

Which is quite unlike Jan 6th.

When will you realize that Trump makes his own messes? No one is doing this to you. Trump is doing it to himself.
Man, it must be nice not knowing the asteroid is coming. Its easier on your fragile mind that way. On the other hand, its going to sting much more when everything goes off the rails for your party. If you dont see the impending doom coming, you are blind.
If you install democrat partisans in the DOJ and FBI they will act like democrats
The FBI agents take an oath to defend the Constitution but you don't see any of them refusing to be thugs for the filthy Democrat Party. Instead you see the assholes doing whatever their bosses tell them to do. Arrest 1/6 protesters, attacking school board protesters, inflitrating Rignt Wing opposition and now they are going after Trump and Congressmen that are the political opponents of the Democrat filth. All the while letting Left Wing crime and destruction go on.
Man, it must be nice not knowing the asteroid is coming. Its easier on your fragile mind that way. On the other hand, its going to sting much more when everything goes off the rails for your party. If you dont see the impending doom coming, you are blind.
No, it’s just that I have a memory that lasts longer than the 15 minute news cycle that Republican media exists in.

I still remember when Comey, Page, Strzok and a dozen other FBI and DoJ staff had an asteroid heading towards them too, supposedly.

I’m not blind. You’re delusional.
No, it’s just that I have a memory that lasts longer than the 15 minute news cycle that Republican media exists in.

I still remember when Comey, Page, Strzok and a dozen other FBI and DoJ staff had an asteroid heading towards them too, supposedly.

I’m not blind. You’re delusional.
They never had an asteroid coming for them. Dems have owned Congress for years. Im just guessing here, but i assume that things will be handled fairly differently once the GOP owns Congress. I suspect that all the powers of that institution will be guided in a different direction than it is now. What do you think? :laugh:
The FBI agents take an oath to defend the Constitution but you don't see any of them refusing to be thugs for the filthy Democrat Party. Instead you see the assholes doing whatever their bosses tell them to do. Arrest 1/6 protesters, attacking school board protesters, inflitrating Rignt Wing opposition and now they are going after Trump and Congressmen that are the political opponents of the Democrat filth. All the while letting Left Wing crime and destruction go on.

They had to have sufficient facts to justify a warrant. Are you an anarchist or something? Maybe the constitution and Bill of Rights is not to your liking.

Trump also took an oath to uphold the constitution and rule of law.
I have to admit, watching Hannity last night bought a smile to my face. I love the whining. But the love for a corrupt, incompetent grifter who made all of this own problems is just mind boggling.

Is there a political bulletin board out there where there is at least one liberal minded voice with an ounce of integrity?
IOW, how does one go through life covering up the truth and letting his ego boss him around, instead of his conscience? - - - Aren't you worried?
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Like they've never ever lied to a judge before **coughcoughFISAcoughcough** to get at people.

Got-dammit are you a fucking rube! :auiqs.jpg:

Another crackpot conspiracy? This is what you get with populism and demagogues
Wow, it's fun to watch the Doomsday Cult drink the koolaid.

The same people who spent 70 million dollars proving Bill Clinton lied about getting a blow job are the ones whining that Trump is getting a bad deal for walking off with FIFTEEN BOXES of sensitive documents.
Heil Shitler! Your dirty diaper god EmperorShitzHizPantz screwed up again!

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