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Sean Hannity: "I Want To See Obamas School Records. Something Is Hidden, Something Doesn't Add Up

Well, since he wasn't running for president 30 years ago who had and agenda back then?

Who was quoted as saying that he "bragged about being a foreign student" 30 years ago?

Someone with an agenda now might remember him saying something about family in Kenya, and decide to phrase it as "bragged about being a foreign student." The "brag" part gives it away.
Speculation on your part.

A woman who claims to have been a classmate delivered some bizarre claims about President Barack Obama in an interview.

As Right Wing Watch first reported, Mia Marie Pope told right-wing preacher James David Manning that she believes that Obama was not only active within the gay community, but also a heavy cocaine user during his years in Hawaii.

"He always portrayed himself as a foreign student," Pope said. "Girls were never anything that he ever was interested in ... He would get with these older white gay men, and this is how we just pretty much had the impression that that's how he was procuring his cocaine." Obama Was A Cocaine-Using Gay Hustler Says Woman Who Claims To Have Been Hawaiian Classmate

Or we could listen to what actual classmates and teachers of his say- you know ones who are in the yearbook with him- instead of some woman who has no proof she ever even met Barack Obama


His Basketball coach
"He was what I would call a ‘Basketball Jones,'" says Chris McLachlin '64 who coached the lanky teen during his senior year on the Varsity team. "That's a person who lives, eats, and sleeps with their basketball: they dribble it to school, they dribble it between classes, they shoot baskets on Middle Field during lunch. And Barry had that real love and passion for the game."

"Played forward, he was a smasher, driver, post-up, rebounder kind of guy. Also very good at one-on-one moves, very creative. He just loved the game, would play it 24/7 if he could. One of only a handful of kids I’ve ever coached in 38 years of coaching who would dribble his basketball around with him during school. First to arrive at practice, last one to leave."

Tony Peterson, Basketball Friend

There were only five black kids out of 1,600. I used to get to school early; I'd see Barry and he'd say: 'Let's go shoot some hoops' and we'd play pick-up basketball together. He was a bit chubby but far better than me. Rik, Barry and myself jockeyed around and talked casually, and realised that here we are, intelligent black men, and we could have some good conversations.

Barry was 14, younger than the other two. He was bright, Tony recalls, but not especially charismatic, so Tony was amazed later to see how magnetic his friend had become, watching him on TV. They talked about girls and about race. Would the white and Asian girls date them, those black boys? (They would.) Why was a young black man with a book perceived to be "acting white"? Would there ever be a black president of the United States? Not in their lifetime, they concluded. They couldn't imagine it.

Burt Heilbron, Classmate

"The Barry you saw back then, he was a little bit different ... not out in the limelight," said Burt Heilbron, another classmate, who is vice president of Hawaiian Agents Inc., a product warehousing and distribution company. "He was not outspoken, but always a very well-liked person at Punahou."

Bobby Titcomb, Classmate

His pals say he hasn't changed. "He's honest, he's truthful and he's always encouraged the better things in you," says Bobby Titcomb. "And you always go back to those people who water your plant, who water your garden."

Titcomb recalls when the two friends would take off by themselves into the Hawaiian forest. "We'd go hike up Peacock Flats and camp, just the two of us," he says. "We'd try to get away from everything. We'd basically live on nuts and whatever we could eat on the trail for two or three days. And we'd talk about how the world could be. We didn't say, Wouldn't it be great if we could drive this car or if I could own this house. It was, Don't you think the world should be more like this?"

I remember these puff pieces they put out when he was running. BTW, Frank Marshall Davis was considered to be Obama's father-figure. He was also gay and a communist. He was under investigation by a congressional house committee for UN-American activities..

Nice type of person for young Barry to be hanging around with, and his Grandparents didn't seem to mind it a bit.


Birthers have nothing but lies, speculation and innuendo

Even assuming that everything that you say about Davis is true- so what?

If you're from another country then it's easy to say so what. But if you're from this country it matters.

Part of the process of selecting a leader of this magnitude in this important position was thrown out of the window in Obama's case. His background was hidden and rumors about him ran rampant. Turns out our worst fears are true, that he's the type to break or ignore our laws, and make deals with outside entities that not only usurp our constitution but sells out our sovereignty. Yes, character matters, and the kind of folks you choose to hang with very much matters. It matters with Republicans, why doesn't it matter with Obama?
Gosh some of you people will do acrobats to protect this president from any criticism, even though this criticism is kind of inconsequential, it doesn't even matter. You will still pull a muscle stretching to defend this guy. What's up with that? It MUST be partisanship, otherwise you would care so much.

It doesn't feel like much of a stretch compared to the gymnastics of some who are determined to find, not just fault, but criminality, moral decrepitude, and mental defect in our President.
He stated that “under certain circumstances I am bisexual” and that he was “ a voyeur and an exhibitionist” who was “occasionally mildly interested in sado-masochism”, adding: “I have often wished I had two penises to enjoy simultaneously the double – but different – sensations of oral and genital copulation.”

The book, which closely tracks Mr Davis’s life in Chicago and Hawaii and the fact that his first wife was black and his second white, describes in lurid detail a series of shockingly sordid sexual encounters, often involving group sex.

One chapter concerns the seduction by Mr Davis and his first wife of a 13-year-old girl called Anne. Mr Davis wrote that it was the girl who had suggested he had sex with her. “I’m not one to go in for Lolitas. Usually I’d rather not bed a babe under 20.

“But there are exceptions. I didn’t want to disappoint the trusting child. At her still-impressionistic age, a rejection might be traumatic, could even cripple her sexually for life.”

He then described how he and his wife would have sex with the girl. “Anne came up many times the next several weeks, her aunt thinking she was in good hands. Actually she was.

“She obtained a course in practical sex from experienced and considerate practitioners rather than from ignorant insensitive neophytes….I think we did her a favour, although the pleasure was mutual.”

On other occasions, Mr Davis would cruise in Hawaii parks looking for couples or female tourists to have sex with. He derived sexual gratification from bondage, simulated rape and being flogged and urinated on.

He boasted that “the number of white babes interested in at least one meeting with a Negro male has been far more than I can handle” and wished “America were as civilised as, say, Scandinavia”. He concluded: “I regret none of my experiences or unusual appetites; for me they are normal.”

According to Mrs Weatherly-Williams, Mr Davis lost touch with Mr Dunham some time in the 1980s. John Edgar Tidwell, who wrote the introduction to Davis's memoir and edited a collection of his work, said that there was no mention of Mr Dunham or Mr Obama in any of Mr Davis’s papers.

This is the type of people that Obama was exposed to during his developing years.

--- You're actually suggesting with a straight face that somebody shouldn't be president because a third party whose character you have already assassinated claims to have maybe had sex with a girl who had one of the most common first names which was the same name as O'bama's future mother...

Think about that. Desperation strikes deep.
Are you claiming with a straight face that hanging around with perverts doesn't have any effect on a child when he's growing up?

I seem to remember another troubled boy who turned out really screwed up under similar circumstances.


I have no idea who that is. :dunno:

But the question stands -- do you think people should have only "approved" associates (and by extension, should only read "approved" books, visit "approved" websites, peruse "approved" media and ultimately end up with "approved" worldviews?

More basically, are humans incapable of discerning and analyzing one idea from a competing idea and therefore doomed to put blind faith in whichever idea-sperm wins the race to be the first to fertilize their vulnerable egg-mind?

Have you never known a criminal? A drug addict or alcoholic? A wife-beater? A forger? An old man who grumbles "get off my lawn"?

If you have --- so what? Does that make you a grumpy old wife-beating alcoholic forger? How does it work -- some kind of mental virus infection?
Sorry, but if you expose your children to crime or perversion they're going to learn it and very possibly think it's okay to indulge in it. Children are extremely impressionable. If you hang around with Communists, pedophiles, drug addicts, I think it's a pretty good bet you're going to incorporate that into your lifestyle. On the other hand, if you grew up with your parents and they showed you love and support instead of pushing you off on your commie grandparents that think nothing of letting some perv fondle you, I figure you'd grow up well-adjusted and willing to be a productive member of society.

But you knew all of this.

Like I said- Birthers have nothing but lies, speculation and innuendo......and that post is full of all of those.
Bringing up Birthers isn't a proper response to everything when talking about Obama's past. I don't think he was born outside of the U.S., but to me it doesn't matter. His mother is a citizen, so he should be a citizen regardless where he was born.
Gosh some of you people will do acrobats to protect this president from any criticism, even though this criticism is kind of inconsequential, it doesn't even matter. You will still pull a muscle stretching to defend this guy. What's up with that? It MUST be partisanship, otherwise you would care so much.

It doesn't feel like much of a stretch compared to the gymnastics of some who are determined to find, not just fault, but criminality, moral decrepitude, and mental defect in our President.
Dude, you do know just how easy it is to break a law, right?
You do know that if you're hanging around with people who use illegals drugs, you do know that it's very easy to try them, right? He has admitted that he used them excessively. Illegal drug use is the root cause of much of the crime in America. I'm not surprised to hear that his Secret Service Agents are taking drugs and screwing around with hookers because Obama has admitted to doing this sort of thing himself. I'm not surprised to hear that Obama hung around with homosexuals when he was younger because his public statements since his re-election show that he leans towards that kind of thing in private. He didn't evolve into being the first Gay President, he always was. He was just hiding it from voters. He doesn't trust us to accept his homosexuality, and you Democrats keep proving him right by arguing against the possibility.

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Gosh some of you people will do acrobats to protect this president from any criticism, even though this criticism is kind of inconsequential, it doesn't even matter. You will still pull a muscle stretching to defend this guy. What's up with that? It MUST be partisanship, otherwise you would care so much.

It doesn't feel like much of a stretch compared to the gymnastics of some who are determined to find, not just fault, but criminality, moral decrepitude, and mental defect in our President.

Well, I don't necessarily disagree with that. I think the allegations that he is gay are a bit outrageous. I've seen absolutely no evidence that he is gay, nor have I seen any evidence that he is not an American citizen, however, that does not mean that he should keep things from the people if they want to see it!!! HE works for us. I don't care if he or you thinks it's "stupid."
Yes, and it worked when he released his Birth Certificate. Don't you have anything important to worry about?


Well, thankfully, I have the ability to "worry about" more than one thing at a time. :D

Maybe if he had just released all of his documents when it was requested, suspicions would have never been raised, and this wouldn't even being talked about now.

What exactly is it that you would like to learn from his school records?

If he wants to quiet the theories out there, he would just release them, all of them. What's the big deal?

Really- why would he?

The only ones who want to see these documents are people who are hoping to find dirt.

No one else cares.

And the ones that want to find dirt, will never be satisfied if Obama releases additional documents- they will claim that they are forged, or that there is a cover up or whatever.

We have seen this with the birth certificate- even with the STate of Hawaii saying that he was born in Hawaii, they make up elaborate fictions on how we can't trust the State of Hawaii......

So once again- why should President Obama act any differently than every previous President- and provide documents that no previous President has provided.

What is all the fuss? He could release his papers and then whenever someone says something, he can tell them to eff off.
Why should he have to comply with the demands of conspiracy nuts?
To prove he wasn't born in Kenya? Their demands never end you know
If he wants to quiet the theories out there, he would just release them, all of them. What's the big deal?

Really- why would he?

The only ones who want to see these documents are people who are hoping to find dirt.

No one else cares.

And the ones that want to find dirt, will never be satisfied if Obama releases additional documents- they will claim that they are forged, or that there is a cover up or whatever.

We have seen this with the birth certificate- even with the STate of Hawaii saying that he was born in Hawaii, they make up elaborate fictions on how we can't trust the State of Hawaii......

So once again- why should President Obama act any differently than every previous President- and provide documents that no previous President has provided.

What is all the fuss? He could release his papers and then whenever someone says something, he can tell them to eff off.

So once again- why should President Obama act any differently than every previous President- and provide documents that no previous President has provided

Because people are requesting documentation. Why shouldn't all presidents be required to release requested information? They work for US, and not the other way around.

They don't work for you or me. Sorry- that is just not true- they work for the United States.

We the people get to decide every 4 years who gets to be President- if we don't believe that they have provided us enough information, then we can choose not to vote for them.

In 2012- neither Obama or romney released their school records.

The voters choose Obama.

And he has no obligation to provide you anything.

And he shouldn't waste his time.

I feel that he most certainly DOES have an obligation to me as the POTUS. If I was an employer and I wanted to see a particular employees qualifications, then YES, I am entitled to see that! Same thing here. He has no right to refuse or delay releasing such information, as he is OUR employee.
Well, thankfully, I have the ability to "worry about" more than one thing at a time. :D

Maybe if he had just released all of his documents when it was requested, suspicions would have never been raised, and this wouldn't even being talked about now.

What exactly is it that you would like to learn from his school records?

If he wants to quiet the theories out there, he would just release them, all of them. What's the big deal?

Really- why would he?

The only ones who want to see these documents are people who are hoping to find dirt.

No one else cares.

And the ones that want to find dirt, will never be satisfied if Obama releases additional documents- they will claim that they are forged, or that there is a cover up or whatever.

We have seen this with the birth certificate- even with the STate of Hawaii saying that he was born in Hawaii, they make up elaborate fictions on how we can't trust the State of Hawaii......

So once again- why should President Obama act any differently than every previous President- and provide documents that no previous President has provided.

What is all the fuss? He could release his papers and then whenever someone says something, he can tell them to eff off.
Why should he have to comply with the demands of conspiracy nuts?
To prove he wasn't born in Kenya? Their demands never end you know

Too bad. He can release the paperwork he has, and if that isn't good enough, then oh well, but he should release any requested paperwork that is reasonable to request (not his grades in kindergarten or anything ridiculous like that). His arrogance is NOT a good enough reason to refuse.
Really- why would he?

The only ones who want to see these documents are people who are hoping to find dirt.

No one else cares.

And the ones that want to find dirt, will never be satisfied if Obama releases additional documents- they will claim that they are forged, or that there is a cover up or whatever.

We have seen this with the birth certificate- even with the STate of Hawaii saying that he was born in Hawaii, they make up elaborate fictions on how we can't trust the State of Hawaii......

So once again- why should President Obama act any differently than every previous President- and provide documents that no previous President has provided.

What is all the fuss? He could release his papers and then whenever someone says something, he can tell them to eff off.

So once again- why should President Obama act any differently than every previous President- and provide documents that no previous President has provided

Because people are requesting documentation. Why shouldn't all presidents be required to release requested information? They work for US, and not the other way around.

They don't work for you or me. Sorry- that is just not true- they work for the United States.

We the people get to decide every 4 years who gets to be President- if we don't believe that they have provided us enough information, then we can choose not to vote for them.

In 2012- neither Obama or romney released their school records.

The voters choose Obama.

And he has no obligation to provide you anything.

And he shouldn't waste his time.

I feel that he most certainly DOES have an obligation to me as the POTUS. If I was an employer and I wanted to see a particular employees qualifications, then YES, I am entitled to see that! Same thing here. He has no right to refuse or delay releasing such information, as he is OUR employee.
As an employer you do.....within the bounds of the job

You have no right to demand proof of any bizarre conspiracy theory that may pop into your head
What exactly is it that you would like to learn from his school records?

If he wants to quiet the theories out there, he would just release them, all of them. What's the big deal?

Really- why would he?

The only ones who want to see these documents are people who are hoping to find dirt.

No one else cares.

And the ones that want to find dirt, will never be satisfied if Obama releases additional documents- they will claim that they are forged, or that there is a cover up or whatever.

We have seen this with the birth certificate- even with the STate of Hawaii saying that he was born in Hawaii, they make up elaborate fictions on how we can't trust the State of Hawaii......

So once again- why should President Obama act any differently than every previous President- and provide documents that no previous President has provided.

What is all the fuss? He could release his papers and then whenever someone says something, he can tell them to eff off.
Why should he have to comply with the demands of conspiracy nuts?
To prove he wasn't born in Kenya? Their demands never end you know

Too bad. He can release the paperwork he has, and if that isn't good enough, then oh well, but he should release any requested paperwork that is reasonable to request (not his grades in kindergarten or anything ridiculous like that). His arrogance is NOT a good enough reason to refuse.
What paperwork do you think he has?
Do you think he has college applications from 35 years ago? Do you think any college would keep records that long?
What is all the fuss? He could release his papers and then whenever someone says something, he can tell them to eff off.

So once again- why should President Obama act any differently than every previous President- and provide documents that no previous President has provided

Because people are requesting documentation. Why shouldn't all presidents be required to release requested information? They work for US, and not the other way around.

They don't work for you or me. Sorry- that is just not true- they work for the United States.

We the people get to decide every 4 years who gets to be President- if we don't believe that they have provided us enough information, then we can choose not to vote for them.

In 2012- neither Obama or romney released their school records.

The voters choose Obama.

And he has no obligation to provide you anything.

And he shouldn't waste his time.

I feel that he most certainly DOES have an obligation to me as the POTUS. If I was an employer and I wanted to see a particular employees qualifications, then YES, I am entitled to see that! Same thing here. He has no right to refuse or delay releasing such information, as he is OUR employee.
As an employer you do.....within the bounds of the job

You have no right to demand proof of any bizarre conspiracy theory that may pop into your head

Sorry, but asking for college transcripts and the like is NOT an unreasonable request to make of anyone. This is information that we ALL have to provide to our employers if requested.
If he wants to quiet the theories out there, he would just release them, all of them. What's the big deal?

Really- why would he?

The only ones who want to see these documents are people who are hoping to find dirt.

No one else cares.

And the ones that want to find dirt, will never be satisfied if Obama releases additional documents- they will claim that they are forged, or that there is a cover up or whatever.

We have seen this with the birth certificate- even with the STate of Hawaii saying that he was born in Hawaii, they make up elaborate fictions on how we can't trust the State of Hawaii......

So once again- why should President Obama act any differently than every previous President- and provide documents that no previous President has provided.

What is all the fuss? He could release his papers and then whenever someone says something, he can tell them to eff off.
Why should he have to comply with the demands of conspiracy nuts?
To prove he wasn't born in Kenya? Their demands never end you know

Too bad. He can release the paperwork he has, and if that isn't good enough, then oh well, but he should release any requested paperwork that is reasonable to request (not his grades in kindergarten or anything ridiculous like that). His arrogance is NOT a good enough reason to refuse.
What paperwork do you think he has?
Do you think he has college applications from 35 years ago? Do you think any college would keep records that long?

The colleges have copies of his transcripts, that includes all such information, Einstein. All he has to do is make a request.
Really- why would he?

The only ones who want to see these documents are people who are hoping to find dirt.

No one else cares.

And the ones that want to find dirt, will never be satisfied if Obama releases additional documents- they will claim that they are forged, or that there is a cover up or whatever.

We have seen this with the birth certificate- even with the STate of Hawaii saying that he was born in Hawaii, they make up elaborate fictions on how we can't trust the State of Hawaii......

So once again- why should President Obama act any differently than every previous President- and provide documents that no previous President has provided.

What is all the fuss? He could release his papers and then whenever someone says something, he can tell them to eff off.
Why should he have to comply with the demands of conspiracy nuts?
To prove he wasn't born in Kenya? Their demands never end you know

Too bad. He can release the paperwork he has, and if that isn't good enough, then oh well, but he should release any requested paperwork that is reasonable to request (not his grades in kindergarten or anything ridiculous like that). His arrogance is NOT a good enough reason to refuse.
What paperwork do you think he has?
Do you think he has college applications from 35 years ago? Do you think any college would keep records that long?

The colleges have copies of his transcripts, that includes all such information, Einstein. All he has to do is make a request.
Have you ever requested college transcripts?
Colleges keep records of what classes you took and what grades you received and whether or not you graduated. What would make you think that colleges keep records of the thousands of college applications they receive for over 35 years?
What is all the fuss? He could release his papers and then whenever someone says something, he can tell them to eff off.
Why should he have to comply with the demands of conspiracy nuts?
To prove he wasn't born in Kenya? Their demands never end you know

Too bad. He can release the paperwork he has, and if that isn't good enough, then oh well, but he should release any requested paperwork that is reasonable to request (not his grades in kindergarten or anything ridiculous like that). His arrogance is NOT a good enough reason to refuse.
What paperwork do you think he has?
Do you think he has college applications from 35 years ago? Do you think any college would keep records that long?

The colleges have copies of his transcripts, that includes all such information, Einstein. All he has to do is make a request.
Have you ever requested college transcripts?
Colleges keep records of what classes you took and what grades you received and whether or not you graduated. What would make you think that colleges keep records of the thousands of college applications they receive for over 35 years?

Of course there are records of applications and applicants.
Why should he have to comply with the demands of conspiracy nuts?
To prove he wasn't born in Kenya? Their demands never end you know

Too bad. He can release the paperwork he has, and if that isn't good enough, then oh well, but he should release any requested paperwork that is reasonable to request (not his grades in kindergarten or anything ridiculous like that). His arrogance is NOT a good enough reason to refuse.
What paperwork do you think he has?
Do you think he has college applications from 35 years ago? Do you think any college would keep records that long?

The colleges have copies of his transcripts, that includes all such information, Einstein. All he has to do is make a request.
Have you ever requested college transcripts?
Colleges keep records of what classes you took and what grades you received and whether or not you graduated. What would make you think that colleges keep records of the thousands of college applications they receive for over 35 years?

Of course there are records of applications and applicants.
Thousands and thousands apply every year. For what reason would colleges keep those records for decades?
So once again- why should President Obama act any differently than every previous President- and provide documents that no previous President has provided

Because people are requesting documentation. Why shouldn't all presidents be required to release requested information? They work for US, and not the other way around.

They don't work for you or me. Sorry- that is just not true- they work for the United States.

We the people get to decide every 4 years who gets to be President- if we don't believe that they have provided us enough information, then we can choose not to vote for them.

In 2012- neither Obama or romney released their school records.

The voters choose Obama.

And he has no obligation to provide you anything.

And he shouldn't waste his time.

I feel that he most certainly DOES have an obligation to me as the POTUS. If I was an employer and I wanted to see a particular employees qualifications, then YES, I am entitled to see that! Same thing here. He has no right to refuse or delay releasing such information, as he is OUR employee.
As an employer you do.....within the bounds of the job

You have no right to demand proof of any bizarre conspiracy theory that may pop into your head

Sorry, but asking for college transcripts and the like is NOT an unreasonable request to make of anyone. This is information that we ALL have to provide to our employers if requested.
G.W. Bush refused to release his...
Too bad. He can release the paperwork he has, and if that isn't good enough, then oh well, but he should release any requested paperwork that is reasonable to request (not his grades in kindergarten or anything ridiculous like that). His arrogance is NOT a good enough reason to refuse.
What paperwork do you think he has?
Do you think he has college applications from 35 years ago? Do you think any college would keep records that long?

The colleges have copies of his transcripts, that includes all such information, Einstein. All he has to do is make a request.
Have you ever requested college transcripts?
Colleges keep records of what classes you took and what grades you received and whether or not you graduated. What would make you think that colleges keep records of the thousands of college applications they receive for over 35 years?

Of course there are records of applications and applicants.
Thousands and thousands apply every year. For what reason would colleges keep those records for decades?

Um, thankfully because of the computer age, it is possible to keep college records of all kinds for decades and decades, and especially if you had ATTENDED that college, they probably keep ALL of your records for a very long time.
Because people are requesting documentation. Why shouldn't all presidents be required to release requested information? They work for US, and not the other way around.

They don't work for you or me. Sorry- that is just not true- they work for the United States.

We the people get to decide every 4 years who gets to be President- if we don't believe that they have provided us enough information, then we can choose not to vote for them.

In 2012- neither Obama or romney released their school records.

The voters choose Obama.

And he has no obligation to provide you anything.

And he shouldn't waste his time.

I feel that he most certainly DOES have an obligation to me as the POTUS. If I was an employer and I wanted to see a particular employees qualifications, then YES, I am entitled to see that! Same thing here. He has no right to refuse or delay releasing such information, as he is OUR employee.
As an employer you do.....within the bounds of the job

You have no right to demand proof of any bizarre conspiracy theory that may pop into your head

Sorry, but asking for college transcripts and the like is NOT an unreasonable request to make of anyone. This is information that we ALL have to provide to our employers if requested.
G.W. Bush refused to release his...

Well, he should have too. That shouldn't be the norm. If the people want to see a politician's qualifications, then that politician should have to supply the documentation. ALL of them.
So once again- why should President Obama act any differently than every previous President- and provide documents that no previous President has provided

Because people are requesting documentation. Why shouldn't all presidents be required to release requested information? They work for US, and not the other way around.

They don't work for you or me. Sorry- that is just not true- they work for the United States.

We the people get to decide every 4 years who gets to be President- if we don't believe that they have provided us enough information, then we can choose not to vote for them.

In 2012- neither Obama or romney released their school records.

The voters choose Obama.

And he has no obligation to provide you anything.

And he shouldn't waste his time.

I feel that he most certainly DOES have an obligation to me as the POTUS. If I was an employer and I wanted to see a particular employees qualifications, then YES, I am entitled to see that! Same thing here. He has no right to refuse or delay releasing such information, as he is OUR employee.
As an employer you do.....within the bounds of the job

You have no right to demand proof of any bizarre conspiracy theory that may pop into your head

Sorry, but asking for college transcripts and the like is NOT an unreasonable request to make of anyone. This is information that we ALL have to provide to our employers if requested.
what relevance are his college transcripts now that he's finishing-up his 2nd-term? :eusa_eh:

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