Sean Hannity to Jon Stewart: You're right, we faked footage

When I compare the Hannity propagandizing to the MSNBC propagandizing mal posted, there are a couple of interesting differences.

The Hannity stunt was clearly misinformation (it was the wrong footage). But done so in a manner that preserves plausible deniability. They claim it was inadvertant, I don't believe them. But I nor anyone else can prove it was intentional.

The MSNBC stunt was not as clear cut a case of misinformation, since they were at least showing the correct footage, they simply chose to film it in a way that concealed a man's skin color. But there is no friggin way they can claim it was inadvertant.

So Hannity pulls a stunt where he can later apologize and say it wasn't on purpose. And MSNBC pulls a stunt for which they'll never have to apologize since there was nothing technically incorrect included in their broadcast.

I don't really have a point here, just thought it was kind of interesting to see two very different approaches to biased media douchebaggery.
I'll bet they check the sky and the trees the next time they give the usual Faux spin on things.
When I compare the Hannity propagandizing to the MSNBC propagandizing mal posted, there are a couple of interesting differences.

The Hannity stunt was clearly misinformation (it was the wrong footage). But done so in a manner that preserves plausible deniability. They claim it was inadvertant, I don't believe them. But I nor anyone else can prove it was intentional.

The MSNBC stunt was not as clear cut a case of misinformation, since they were at least showing the correct footage, they simply chose to film it in a way that concealed a man's skin color. But there is no friggin way they can claim it was inadvertant.

So Hannity pulls a stunt where he can later apologize and say it wasn't on purpose. And MSNBC pulls a stunt for which they'll never have to apologize since there was nothing technically incorrect included in their broadcast.

I don't really have a point here, just thought it was kind of interesting to see two very different approaches to biased media douchebaggery.

Hilarious... So the best ya have is that someone dumped in some file footage of another gathering?

Oh that's heavy man... There oughta be a LAW!
I wish I had logged all the references that the others, along with FOX NEWS that pulled this kinda Krap. From the little insignificant stories like that shot on NBC of the female reporter in the canoe giving the appearance of 'deep water', and :lol:, some guy walks in front of the camera showing her in about 6 " of water. Is it really all about deception?, it does increase ratings.


In my opinion, they ALL do it, they get caught once in a while. But when those like Hannity, O'Reilly and others on the network are caught trying to distort, no LIE, to their viewers, it doesn't surprise me.

Remember the old adage, "Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see"?
Today I am sure it's None of what you see or hear. Words can be dubbed into a speech and the lips appear as if they are actually forming them. Video can be edited, well, look at any movie today, everything looks 'authentic'. Trust them not, pause, until the real truth surfaces.

My definition of the media as a whole______:eusa_liar: MEDIA :eusa_liar:
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