Sean Penn calls for billionaire to step up and buy aircraft for Ukraine

the Hague, ivan

Private funding of a war is a very interesting idea.

I suppose it normally happens in a different way in the US, where defense contractors and foreign countries donate to politicians in exchange for lucrative contracts.

Ukraine should start a GiveSendGo (GoFundMe) for weapons purchases:
Help us buy 1000 Javelin Missiles.................................Fundraising Goal: $80,000,000.00


Thanks for letting us know Amerikansky, we will happily destroy or take those weapons from you.
Like Sean Penn or not, he has a history of getting his hands dirty when he gets involved.

To the poster who replied "Is he fighting?" Fuck off.
Private citizens purchasing weapons or war? Certainly no American liberal could support that. Oh right, just more liberal hypocrisy.
How is it hypocrisy exactly?

I'm a liberal, I'm also a gun owner but what does that have to do with supplying the Ukrainian military with weapons you won't find on any street in America?

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