Sean Penn: The "Malvinas"

Just to point out that some people are misinformed..

Waiting times for Cancer.. .

BBC News - NHS cancer diagnosis waiting times down, figures show

Oh, wait, they got it down to three months...

You said "treatment," not diagnosis.

Frankly, if I were someone waiting six months for cancer treatment,


The British were not negotiating to hand over the Falklands to Argentina. It has been the policy of the British government for decades to allow self-determination for its colonies. If the Falklanders wanted to remain in Britain, then they would be allowed to do so, but if they wanted to leave, then they would leave. But they weren't negotiating the transfer of the Falklands to Argentina.

Perhaps you should have quoted the entire passage, since you left out the relevant parts.

It's good to know that you think we should sell out Americans to incompetent, undemocratic tyrants because that's what you are saying the British should do.


The parts I left out aren't "relevent" at all. Point was. There were negotiations to transfer soverignty.. That they became politically impossible doesn't mean that there weren't negotiations.

And, uh, yeah, the point is that the distance between diagnosis and treatment was long, I wasn't even counting in the time between "Hey, I think I might have a problem" and getting in.

So what you are saying is you now support the President's plan, since you think socialized medicine is wonderful and all? I mean, it's hard to keep up here, guy...

I know you're favourite tactic is to deflect when you've been exposed, but this has nothing to do with the US Presidential election. You're other favourite tactic is to backpedal. Under no circumstances were the British willing to cede sovereignty against the wishes of the Falklanders, especially to a brutal dictatorship. Only if the Falklanders were willing to join Argentina would they have agreed like the British did with Newfoundland. They were not willing to just give the islands away against the inhabitants' will. That is why they fought.

Here is a timeline maybe you can understand.

UN: You guys negotiate.

UK: If the Falklanders want to join Argentina, they can, but only through democratic will.

Argentina: No. We will invade instead.

Your argument fails. Again.
Colin - You know, guy, you can go along with all the legal niceties, but the fact remains, there were diplomats in a room ready to sell the sheepherders out.

Not without self-determination.

Fail. Again.

Self-Determination- a fig leaf.

Doesn't really cover all that much.

Now, if hyou want to argue London was negotiating in bad faith, that's another issue.

Still not seeing why they needed to kill a thousand people so some inbred sheepherders could keep living large.

I know you're favourite tactic is to deflect when you've been exposed, but this has nothing to do with the US Presidential election. You're other favourite tactic is to backpedal.

I was asking an honest question. Do you think socialized medicine is a good thing or not, since you are defending it here? It was an honest question, but I know that your boy Romney was for it before he was against it.... so you have to check with the etch-a-sketch first...

Under no circumstances were the British willing to cede sovereignty against the wishes of the Falklanders, especially to a brutal dictatorship. Only if the Falklanders were willing to join Argentina would they have agreed like the British did with Newfoundland. They were not willing to just give the islands away against the inhabitants' will. That is why they fought.

Here is a timeline maybe you can understand.

UN: You guys negotiate.

UK: If the Falklanders want to join Argentina, they can, but only through democratic will.

Argentina: No. We will invade instead.

Your argument fails. Again.

Point was, there were negotiations... and they were largely for show. If the OAS sided with Argentina on the question, (where the UK Has a lot of trade), that would have been an issue.

Now, if you want to say that they threw poisoned pills into the negotiations because they weren't negotating in good faith, that's one thing.

But they were negotiating.
Not without self-determination.

Fail. Again.

Fail or flail? Joey appears to be flailing around trying to pretend that history didn't happen.

Or adapting history to suit his own needs.

History is largely a point of view.

You guys claim there were no negotiations, when there were. So this whole notion of Britian "defending its territory" was silly, as they were willing to call it Argentinian territory as long as they got the fig leaf of "self-determination".
Colin - You know, guy, you can go along with all the legal niceties, but the fact remains, there were diplomats in a room ready to sell the sheepherders out.

Not without self-determination.

Fail. Again.

Self-Determination- a fig leaf.

Doesn't really cover all that much.

Now, if hyou want to argue London was negotiating in bad faith, that's another issue.

Still not seeing why they needed to kill a thousand people so some inbred sheepherders could keep living large.

Good to see that you hate democracy.

London was negotiating? :lol::lol:

Those 'inbred sheepherders' have a right to determine their own future. But some of us know how you react when the vote doesn't go your way.... you decided to become a left wing moron because the GOP wouldn't nominate your lying assclown, Gingrich. Pathetic boy.
Not without self-determination.

Fail. Again.

Self-Determination- a fig leaf.

Doesn't really cover all that much.

Now, if hyou want to argue London was negotiating in bad faith, that's another issue.

Still not seeing why they needed to kill a thousand people so some inbred sheepherders could keep living large.

Good to see that you hate democracy.

London was negotiating? :lol::lol:

Those 'inbred sheepherders' have a right to determine their own future. But some of us know how you react when the vote doesn't go your way.... you decided to become a left wing moron because the GOP wouldn't nominate your lying assclown, Gingrich. Pathetic boy.

I was a Republican before this election, I'll be one after Romney is defeated.

Incidently, I voted for Santorum in the IL primary. Do try to keep up.

I'm actually indifferent to Democracy. As Churchill said, it's the worst form of government, except all the others.

Democracy would be 1000 inbred sheepherders against a few million Argentinians... I don't think that would have been much of a vote.
Fail or flail? Joey appears to be flailing around trying to pretend that history didn't happen.

Or adapting history to suit his own needs.

History is largely a point of view.

Yes, when people like you want it to be, but in reality it's fact.

You guys claim there were no negotiations, when there were. So this whole notion of Britian "defending its territory" was silly, as they were willing to call it Argentinian territory as long as they got the fig leaf of "self-determination".

Already proved to be not so in post no.178, but you're quite welcome to attempt to show where I have stated this. I look forward to seeing what stupidity you will now resort to in answer.
Sean Penn: "Britain must negotiate with Argentina over Falklands."

Penn Trials His New Face Fluff in Buenos Aires - Telegraph

Really? First Hillary, now Penn. Perhaps they can join forces and finance another attempt at retaking those islands that are clearly dear to the hearts, yet have absolutely no business in whatsoever.
The left did Penn no favors when they paid attention to his views on geopolitics.

He's an actor. That's all. He's paid to play pretend for a living.
Sean Penn: "Britain must negotiate with Argentina over Falklands."

Penn Trials His New Face Fluff in Buenos Aires - Telegraph

Really? First Hillary, now Penn. Perhaps they can join forces and finance another attempt at retaking those islands that are clearly dear to the hearts, yet have absolutely no business in whatsoever.

Why dont people tell him to Foff. Really Cameron should say, stick to the drugs you moron. Better yet go on one of our warships that's sinking and pail the water out of it for us.
Sean Penn: "Britain must negotiate with Argentina over Falklands."

Penn Trials His New Face Fluff in Buenos Aires - Telegraph

Really? First Hillary, now Penn. Perhaps they can join forces and finance another attempt at retaking those islands that are clearly dear to the hearts, yet have absolutely no business in whatsoever.

Why dont people tell him to Foff. Really Cameron should say, stick to the drugs you moron. Better yet go on one of our warships that's sinking and pail the water out of it for us.

I'm quietly confident that Cameron doesn't give a rat's ass what some second rate actor and leftist asshole American says about their business.
Sean Penn: "Britain must negotiate with Argentina over Falklands."

Penn Trials His New Face Fluff in Buenos Aires - Telegraph

Really? First Hillary, now Penn. Perhaps they can join forces and finance another attempt at retaking those islands that are clearly dear to the hearts, yet have absolutely no business in whatsoever.

Why dont people tell him to Foff. Really Cameron should say, stick to the drugs you moron. Better yet go on one of our warships that's sinking and pail the water out of it for us.

I'm quietly confident that Cameron doesn't give a rat's ass what some second rate actor and leftist asshole American says about their business.

Yeah I agree, but it would be nice if that happend, because these guys run around and noone publicly slams them. Even if another minister said it, I'm ok with that, just do it on tv.
Why dont people tell him to Foff. Really Cameron should say, stick to the drugs you moron. Better yet go on one of our warships that's sinking and pail the water out of it for us.

I'm quietly confident that Cameron doesn't give a rat's ass what some second rate actor and leftist asshole American says about their business.

Yeah I agree, but it would be nice if that happend, because these guys run around and noone publicly slams them. Even if another minister said it, I'm ok with that, just do it on tv.

That would just encourage them... ignoring their ignorant bullshit is by far the better way to deal with them. Frankly, since Penn's comment has gone mostly unnoticed in the UK, I doubt that Cameron even knows.
Self-Determination- a fig leaf.

Doesn't really cover all that much.

Now, if hyou want to argue London was negotiating in bad faith, that's another issue.

Still not seeing why they needed to kill a thousand people so some inbred sheepherders could keep living large.

Good to see that you hate democracy.

London was negotiating? :lol::lol:

Those 'inbred sheepherders' have a right to determine their own future. But some of us know how you react when the vote doesn't go your way.... you decided to become a left wing moron because the GOP wouldn't nominate your lying assclown, Gingrich. Pathetic boy.

I was a Republican before this election, I'll be one after Romney is defeated.

Incidently, I voted for Santorum in the IL primary. Do try to keep up.

I'm actually indifferent to Democracy. As Churchill said, it's the worst form of government, except all the others.

Democracy would be 1000 inbred sheepherders against a few million Argentinians... I don't think that would have been much of a vote.

Nothing like using a quote out of context, eh. Perhaps you don't know what the quote meant, but I suspect it is yet another example of your ignorance and deviousness.

The full quote is..."No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."

Already taking on a different meaning to that intended by you, eh Joe!

What Churchill meant by this was that there is no such thing as a perfect form of government, but any other form of government produces even less desirable results than democracy.

You, chum, are a fraud, a poser and a liar!
Sean Penn: "Britain must negotiate with Argentina over Falklands."

Penn Trials His New Face Fluff in Buenos Aires - Telegraph

Really? First Hillary, now Penn. Perhaps they can join forces and finance another attempt at retaking those islands that are clearly dear to the hearts, yet have absolutely no business in whatsoever.

Why dont people tell him to Foff. Really Cameron should say, stick to the drugs you moron. Better yet go on one of our warships that's sinking and pail the water out of it for us.

I'm quietly confident that Cameron doesn't give a rat's ass what some second rate actor and leftist asshole American says about their business.

I doubt he would know who he is unless one referred to him as the ex Mr Madonna.
Good to see that you hate democracy.

London was negotiating? :lol::lol:

Those 'inbred sheepherders' have a right to determine their own future. But some of us know how you react when the vote doesn't go your way.... you decided to become a left wing moron because the GOP wouldn't nominate your lying assclown, Gingrich. Pathetic boy.

I was a Republican before this election, I'll be one after Romney is defeated.

Incidently, I voted for Santorum in the IL primary. Do try to keep up.

I'm actually indifferent to Democracy. As Churchill said, it's the worst form of government, except all the others.

Democracy would be 1000 inbred sheepherders against a few million Argentinians... I don't think that would have been much of a vote.

Nothing like using a quote out of context, eh. Perhaps you don't know what the quote meant, but I suspect it is yet another example of your ignorance and deviousness.

The full quote is..."No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."

Already taking on a different meaning to that intended by you, eh Joe!

What Churchill meant by this was that there is no such thing as a perfect form of government, but any other form of government produces even less desirable results than democracy.

You, chum, are a fraud, a poser and a liar!

Not only does Joey re-write history, he also has a habit of re-writing quotes to suit his idiocy... he's done that more than once. He has no credibility.
Good to see that you hate democracy.

London was negotiating? :lol::lol:

Those 'inbred sheepherders' have a right to determine their own future. But some of us know how you react when the vote doesn't go your way.... you decided to become a left wing moron because the GOP wouldn't nominate your lying assclown, Gingrich. Pathetic boy.

I was a Republican before this election, I'll be one after Romney is defeated.

Incidently, I voted for Santorum in the IL primary. Do try to keep up.

I'm actually indifferent to Democracy. As Churchill said, it's the worst form of government, except all the others.

Democracy would be 1000 inbred sheepherders against a few million Argentinians... I don't think that would have been much of a vote.

Nothing like using a quote out of context, eh. Perhaps you don't know what the quote meant, but I suspect it is yet another example of your ignorance and deviousness.

The full quote is..."No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."

Already taking on a different meaning to that intended by you, eh Joe!

What Churchill meant by this was that there is no such thing as a perfect form of government, but any other form of government produces even less desirable results than democracy.

You, chum, are a fraud, a poser and a liar!

YOu chum, need to learn to take achill pill..

I don't get all misty eyed over democracy. I've seen too many charming idiots fuck things up because they convinced stupid people to vote for them.

The point is, you want to paint it as a good old democracy against a mean old dictatorship (even though Argentina has pressed its claims to the Malvinas when it was a democracy before and after the Junta of Galtiari).

I see it as a wealthy country beating up on a poor one, for resources it doesn't need.
I was a Republican before this election, I'll be one after Romney is defeated.

Incidently, I voted for Santorum in the IL primary. Do try to keep up.

I'm actually indifferent to Democracy. As Churchill said, it's the worst form of government, except all the others.

Democracy would be 1000 inbred sheepherders against a few million Argentinians... I don't think that would have been much of a vote.

Nothing like using a quote out of context, eh. Perhaps you don't know what the quote meant, but I suspect it is yet another example of your ignorance and deviousness.

The full quote is..."No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."

Already taking on a different meaning to that intended by you, eh Joe!

What Churchill meant by this was that there is no such thing as a perfect form of government, but any other form of government produces even less desirable results than democracy.

You, chum, are a fraud, a poser and a liar!

Not only does Joey re-write history, he also has a habit of re-writing quotes to suit his idiocy... he's done that more than once. He has no credibility.

The longer quote doesn't change the meaning, no matter how much you want it to.

In fact, any form of government can be really good or really awful. It just kind of depends on the people in charge.

Which is why I'm not voting for your weird Mormon Robot.

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