Search function is dorked


Gold Member
Sep 4, 2012
New England
Can't do an effective search for a user's posts. I tried...and according to the results, I have 12 posts in this place. (I have 6000+.)
The entire site is "dorked" -give them a few days to debug it - see what happens - other than that ... See Ya
Can't do any kind of search...

... keyword or title...

... keep getting a 'Results not found' error message.
Keep getting' this error message...

US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - Error
Security error occurred. Please press back, refresh the page, and try again.
Keep getting' this error message...

US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - Error
Security error occurred. Please press back, refresh the page, and try again.

What page are you trying to access? Because you were able to post here.. Obviously that thread could be removed or SOMEHOW you lost permission for that particular thread.

I'm here for about another 1/2 hour -- or contact any mod showing as online on the Homepage.
Keep getting' this error message...

US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - Error
Security error occurred. Please press back, refresh the page, and try again.

I just went to the Search Function and it's working okay for me, so I'm not sure why you are getting that error :confused-84:
Am trying to use the keyword search feature on the forum menu page

Waltky I don't know what the problem might be, but I just went to the keyword search feature and it was working okay for me.
Am still getting the same error message on both...

... either a keyword or title search...

... have there been any updates to board software?
Hi Waltky. The search is working, but when doing the search, one must be careful of where one is at when initiating the search.
What I mean is, if one is in a certain subsection of the MB, and one initiates a search, you will only receive results only for that subsection. When doing a general search, go to the main menu, THEN do the search. You should receive results for the entire board.
I just did a search while in the announcements section and the results were only those posts I made in this section. When I went out to the main menu and repeated the search, I got everything.

AND, as I mentioned a few months ago, if you access your personal menu for ratings given or received, you can find posts if they have ratings associated with them.

Hope this helps...

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