Searching for America's starving children

One out of five live beneath the poverty line is what is the fact.

Hungry children? Go to Rivercrest in Angelina County or Ragtown in Shelby County, both in Texas, for starters, muffinhead.
Hungry children? Look on your freaking couch, idiot. There ain't a (male) adolescent kid in this Country who isn't hungry all the time. Hunger is a political issue and the leftie commercials like to use the phrase "go to bed hungry" when it's just about meaningless. Now can we talk about the real issue? Does any useful idiot on the left allege that a single American kid suffers from malnutrition?
If anyone alleges that American kids do not suffer from malnutrition, that person is woefully ignorant, mentally feeble, or malignantly motivate, or a combination of any or all three.
Where are they? I really want to know.
And the shitty one, continue to prove why they are shitty, like kg and the others. Read, follow the foot notes, and then call your local food bank. Child Hunger Poverty Fact Sheet Feeding America
Child Hunger Poverty Fact Sheet Feeding America

San Diego Hunger Coalition

States where the most children go hungry

For Republicans it's not enough to see studies. They want to see children suffering. They want the kids crying from hunger. Then they will tell the mother it's her fault for having a kids she can't take care of.

How many hungry, suffering children have you fed?
I haven't even seen any.
Really? I got 4 of them and they're hungry all the time....especially the 12 year old. Damn food budget is nearly $1000 a month!
No child is starving in America.....Period!
You are a very foolish person if you believe that emphatically. We read about children being starved in America, either being forgotten by the system or abused by the parents.

Show us!... you have the web at your fingertips
You said they weren't. I said some were. Prove it, since it is your assertive obligation.
Actually, it's the onus of the person who claimed children were starving to prove it. You can't prove a negative. Now shut up, fake. Nobody gives a shit what you have to say. But as usual, what you have said is a lie.
You who do not follow the rules of discussion are merely laughable. No one cares, kg, about your opinions. You will be here only until you are gone again. :lol:
One out of five live beneath the poverty line is what is the fact.

Hungry children? Go to Rivercrest in Angelina County or Ragtown in Shelby County, both in Texas, for starters, muffinhead.
Hungry children? Look on your freaking couch, idiot. There ain't a (male) adolescent kid in this Country who isn't hungry all the time. Hunger is a political issue and the leftie commercials like to use the phrase "go to bed hungry" when it's just about meaningless. Now can we talk about the real issue? Does any useful idiot on the left allege that a single American kid suffers from malnutrition?
If anyone alleges that American kids do not suffer from malnutrition, that person is woefully ignorant, mentally feeble, or malignantly motivate, or a combination of any or all three.
Where are they? I really want to know.
Read, follow the foot notes, and then call your local food bank. Child Hunger Poverty Fact Sheet Feeding America
Is that another link insisting that 6 kids in every classroom is starving but can't show them to me?
Still waiting us the starving American Children...
Child Hunger Poverty Fact Sheet Feeding America

San Diego Hunger Coalition

States where the most children go hungry

For Republicans it's not enough to see studies. They want to see children suffering. They want the kids crying from hunger. Then they will tell the mother it's her fault for having a kids she can't take care of.

How many hungry, suffering children have you fed?
I haven't even seen any.
Really? I got 4 of them and they're hungry all the time....especially the 12 year old. Damn food budget is nearly $1000 a month!
Mine got to love beans and brown rice.

The more different dried beans in the mix, the better.

Got 24 different kinds one time.

Beans, brown rice, and cornbread.

Lots of mustard greens.

We ate well, and cheap.
If you won't learn when given the information above as you requested, saintmike, you will continue sound the fool like shitty and kg and rambunctious. :)
At the age of 18 I survived on Top Ramin for dinner and a #1 at McD's for breakfast while I put myself through school...
Child Hunger Poverty Fact Sheet Feeding America

San Diego Hunger Coalition

States where the most children go hungry

For Republicans it's not enough to see studies. They want to see children suffering. They want the kids crying from hunger. Then they will tell the mother it's her fault for having a kids she can't take care of.

How many hungry, suffering children have you fed?
I haven't even seen any.
Really? I got 4 of them and they're hungry all the time....especially the 12 year old. Damn food budget is nearly $1000 a month!
Mine got to love beans and brown rice.

The more different dried beans in the mix, the better.

Got 24 different kinds one time.

Beans, brown rice, and cornbread.

Lots of mustard greens.

We ate well, and cheap.
Sounds like my family's food when I made $25k. Now I make twice as much and the food budget tripled. How the hell does that shit work?
If you won't learn when given the information above as you requested, saintmike, you will continue sound the fool like shitty and kg and rambunctious. :)
I know a liberal idiot that lives down the street from me...I will show him your post in the hope that he can translate it for me. :bye1:
Child Hunger Poverty Fact Sheet Feeding America

San Diego Hunger Coalition

States where the most children go hungry

For Republicans it's not enough to see studies. They want to see children suffering. They want the kids crying from hunger. Then they will tell the mother it's her fault for having a kids she can't take care of.

How many hungry, suffering children have you fed?
I haven't even seen any.
Really? I got 4 of them and they're hungry all the time....especially the 12 year old. Damn food budget is nearly $1000 a month!
Mine got to love beans and brown rice.

The more different dried beans in the mix, the better.

Got 24 different kinds one time.

Beans, brown rice, and cornbread.

Lots of mustard greens.

We ate well, and cheap.
Sounds like my family's food when I made $25k. Now I make twice as much and the food budget tripled. How the hell does that shit work?
We always hunted, fished and had gardens too.

Poverty does not have to mean malnourishment.

Of course, we did not have cell phones, tattoos, etc.
How many hungry, suffering children have you fed?
I haven't even seen any.
Really? I got 4 of them and they're hungry all the time....especially the 12 year old. Damn food budget is nearly $1000 a month!
Mine got to love beans and brown rice.

The more different dried beans in the mix, the better.

Got 24 different kinds one time.

Beans, brown rice, and cornbread.

Lots of mustard greens.

We ate well, and cheap.
Sounds like my family's food when I made $25k. Now I make twice as much and the food budget tripled. How the hell does that shit work?
We always hunted, fished and had gardens too.

Poverty does not have to mean malnourishment.

Of course, we did not have cell phones, tattoos, etc.
Well, my wife makes those decisions not me. We have a garden but she still shops at those trendy health food stores.
I haven't even seen any.
Really? I got 4 of them and they're hungry all the time....especially the 12 year old. Damn food budget is nearly $1000 a month!
Mine got to love beans and brown rice.

The more different dried beans in the mix, the better.

Got 24 different kinds one time.

Beans, brown rice, and cornbread.

Lots of mustard greens.

We ate well, and cheap.
Sounds like my family's food when I made $25k. Now I make twice as much and the food budget tripled. How the hell does that shit work?
We always hunted, fished and had gardens too.

Poverty does not have to mean malnourishment.

Of course, we did not have cell phones, tattoos, etc.
Well, my wife makes those decisions not me. We have a garden but she still shops at those trendy health food stores.
Some people have more money than sense.

Same stoop labor pissing and shitting in the organic veggie fields as in the non-organic fields.
You see the signs everywhere, promoted by lying organizations like (taxpayer funded). Apparently 1 in 5 children in this country are starving. Millions of them!


Now I'm looking everywhere for the emaciated skeletons like I grew up watching on TV shows on Ethiopian famines, but I keep seeing all these well fed youngsters inhaling Doritos and Coke while outdoing their last high score on Xbox.

I'm perplexed because if 20% of kids are suffering the cruel pangs of starvation, should they be this hard to find?
They are not hard to find. Many areas of the country have poor neighborhoods, unemployed parents, disabled parents, and very little to eat. Have you ever heard of the people that live in the Appalachian Mountains? A little research will reveal poor and depressed areas all across this nation. You may not see them with your own eyes, but that doesn't mean that they don't exist.

Also, entire families are homeless, living in tent cities, and some even eating out of trash cans. It wasn't that long ago that many food pantries had empty shelves. Have you even seen the crowds that gather when churches hand out donated food? Have you even seen little kids panhandling outside grocery stores? Have you ever heard of community food drives that gather can goods for needy families? Have you ever heard of kids getting their only meals during the day while at school?

Believe me, the poor do exist, and their numbers are growing as we speak. A little research may open your eyes to the poverty in this country.
Sonny "Fuckin'" Clark, most poverty is the result of poor personal choices, like drugs, dropping out of school, getting pregnant, and so on.

Today's poor suffer from obesity, not starvation.
The ones that put out the report would probably appreciate it if you would contact them and correct them on their mistake. I'm sure they would listen to you and edit their findings to reflect your knowledge of the situation..... just saying ....
You see the signs everywhere, promoted by lying organizations like (taxpayer funded). Apparently 1 in 5 children in this country are starving. Millions of them!


Now I'm looking everywhere for the emaciated skeletons like I grew up watching on TV shows on Ethiopian famines, but I keep seeing all these well fed youngsters inhaling Doritos and Coke while outdoing their last high score on Xbox.

I'm perplexed because if 20% of kids are suffering the cruel pangs of starvation, should they be this hard to find?
They are not hard to find. Many areas of the country have poor neighborhoods, unemployed parents, disabled parents, and very little to eat. Have you ever heard of the people that live in the Appalachian Mountains? A little research will reveal poor and depressed areas all across this nation. You may not see them with your own eyes, but that doesn't mean that they don't exist.

Also, entire families are homeless, living in tent cities, and some even eating out of trash cans. It wasn't that long ago that many food pantries had empty shelves. Have you even seen the crowds that gather when churches hand out donated food? Have you even seen little kids panhandling outside grocery stores? Have you ever heard of community food drives that gather can goods for needy families? Have you ever heard of kids getting their only meals during the day while at school?

Believe me, the poor do exist, and their numbers are growing as we speak. A little research may open your eyes to the poverty in this country.
Sonny "Fuckin'" Clark, most poverty is the result of poor personal choices, like drugs, dropping out of school, getting pregnant, and so on.

Today's poor suffer from obesity, not starvation.
The ones that put out the report would probably appreciate it if you would contact them and correct them on their mistake. I'm sure they would listen to you and edit their findings to reflect your knowledge of the situation..... just saying ....
Why would they? It's just like global warming. What advocacy group do you know that hates money? And I posted an article that exposed how they came up with that bullshit 1 in 5 figure which you didn't seem to care about so why would anyone care about your sources?
You see the signs everywhere, promoted by lying organizations like (taxpayer funded). Apparently 1 in 5 children in this country are starving. Millions of them!


Now I'm looking everywhere for the emaciated skeletons like I grew up watching on TV shows on Ethiopian famines, but I keep seeing all these well fed youngsters inhaling Doritos and Coke while outdoing their last high score on Xbox.

I'm perplexed because if 20% of kids are suffering the cruel pangs of starvation, should they be this hard to find?
They are not hard to find. Many areas of the country have poor neighborhoods, unemployed parents, disabled parents, and very little to eat. Have you ever heard of the people that live in the Appalachian Mountains? A little research will reveal poor and depressed areas all across this nation. You may not see them with your own eyes, but that doesn't mean that they don't exist.

Also, entire families are homeless, living in tent cities, and some even eating out of trash cans. It wasn't that long ago that many food pantries had empty shelves. Have you even seen the crowds that gather when churches hand out donated food? Have you even seen little kids panhandling outside grocery stores? Have you ever heard of community food drives that gather can goods for needy families? Have you ever heard of kids getting their only meals during the day while at school?

Believe me, the poor do exist, and their numbers are growing as we speak. A little research may open your eyes to the poverty in this country.
Sonny "Fuckin'" Clark, most poverty is the result of poor personal choices, like drugs, dropping out of school, getting pregnant, and so on.

Today's poor suffer from obesity, not starvation.
The ones that put out the report would probably appreciate it if you would contact them and correct them on their mistake. I'm sure they would listen to you and edit their findings to reflect your knowledge of the situation..... just saying ....
Why would they? It's just like global warming. What advocacy group do you know that hates money? And I posted an article that exposed how they came up with that bullshit 1 in 5 figure which you didn't seem to care about so why would anyone care about your sources?
FYI - I haven't posted any sources on the subject.
You see the signs everywhere, promoted by lying organizations like (taxpayer funded). Apparently 1 in 5 children in this country are starving. Millions of them!


Now I'm looking everywhere for the emaciated skeletons like I grew up watching on TV shows on Ethiopian famines, but I keep seeing all these well fed youngsters inhaling Doritos and Coke while outdoing their last high score on Xbox.

I'm perplexed because if 20% of kids are suffering the cruel pangs of starvation, should they be this hard to find?
They are not hard to find. Many areas of the country have poor neighborhoods, unemployed parents, disabled parents, and very little to eat. Have you ever heard of the people that live in the Appalachian Mountains? A little research will reveal poor and depressed areas all across this nation. You may not see them with your own eyes, but that doesn't mean that they don't exist.

Also, entire families are homeless, living in tent cities, and some even eating out of trash cans. It wasn't that long ago that many food pantries had empty shelves. Have you even seen the crowds that gather when churches hand out donated food? Have you even seen little kids panhandling outside grocery stores? Have you ever heard of community food drives that gather can goods for needy families? Have you ever heard of kids getting their only meals during the day while at school?

Believe me, the poor do exist, and their numbers are growing as we speak. A little research may open your eyes to the poverty in this country.
Sonny "Fuckin'" Clark, most poverty is the result of poor personal choices, like drugs, dropping out of school, getting pregnant, and so on.

Today's poor suffer from obesity, not starvation.
The ones that put out the report would probably appreciate it if you would contact them and correct them on their mistake. I'm sure they would listen to you and edit their findings to reflect your knowledge of the situation..... just saying ....
Why would they? It's just like global warming. What advocacy group do you know that hates money? And I posted an article that exposed how they came up with that bullshit 1 in 5 figure which you didn't seem to care about so why would anyone care about your sources?
FYI - I haven't posted any sources on the subject.
Sorry. Got you mixed up with rdean

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