Season 5, Game of Thrones

Arya is insane now. Sansa is a coward. The only one left I am really rooting for is Jon Snow.

The kid...forgot his name, and the big guy he rides...and the weird wildling gal....the "traveling" thru the sights of a crow/raven, the walker king dude that takes babies. Interesting stuff put on the wayside. This season is a soap opera. Boring.
Why even watch if you hate everything and everyone?
Hope that it will turn back into what it was. Same reason I watch Survivor. Hope they will go back to what it was like the first few seasons.
Ramsay is another Jeffry. I would like Ramsay to die slowly. And painfully. And I hope Reek does it.
Praise Allah they left out Theorn Greyjoy's uncles. Martin just writes shit to waste paper, the books have so many dead ends it's ridiculous

I wonder who Arya is going to have to kill when she becomes a Faceless Man
Probably somebody I love. :)

I hope she does a Vito Corleone to Walder Frey like he was Don Ciccio.
What do you think is going to happen to that bastard Ramsay?

Martin's characters never grow, whatever they were when you first met them is how they end up. So, though my hope was for Sansa to take her time and conspire to find a way to take out Ramsey and Ross Bolton, I fear that she has a short unhappy future as a temporary distraction for the guy with the Clockwork Orange smile
Seems that they are tired of waiting for Martin to get his ass in gear, so they are filling in whatever they can which is why it seems "different". Not only is it kind of weak in story, the sand snake chicks were HORRIBLE actors. Awful. And it ain't just me that thought it, either. A whole board devoted to GoT is on the warpath over this season...the poor acting...the weak storylines. Some schmucks are writing it for the tv show now...since Martin seems to have taken a break and is working on other books that have nothing to do with GoT.
Praise Allah they left out Theorn Greyjoy's uncles. Martin just writes shit to waste paper, the books have so many dead ends it's ridiculous

I wonder who Arya is going to have to kill when she becomes a Faceless Man
Probably somebody I love. :)

I hope she does a Vito Corleone to Walder Frey like he was Don Ciccio.
What do you think is going to happen to that bastard Ramsay?

I think Theon is going to gut him.
Praise Allah they left out Theorn Greyjoy's uncles. Martin just writes shit to waste paper, the books have so many dead ends it's ridiculous

I wonder who Arya is going to have to kill when she becomes a Faceless Man
Probably somebody I love. :)

I hope she does a Vito Corleone to Walder Frey like he was Don Ciccio.
What do you think is going to happen to that bastard Ramsay?

I think Theon is going to gut him.
I hope it's soon. :) That guy needs killin.
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Praise Allah they left out Theorn Greyjoy's uncles. Martin just writes shit to waste paper, the books have so many dead ends it's ridiculous

I wonder who Arya is going to have to kill when she becomes a Faceless Man
Probably somebody I love. :)

I hope she does a Vito Corleone to Walder Frey like he was Don Ciccio.
What do you think is going to happen to that bastard Ramsay?

I think Theon is going to gut him.
That would be awesome. I hope he does.
It will because deep down Theon had the hots for Sansa and he will despise the way Ramsey treats her. That will make him take action.
Theon has no more balls or penis so I doubt if he has the hots for her in a sexual way. I'm hoping he grows a pair since Sansa won't, and kills Ramsay.
Theon has had so much happen to him, I'm not sure I even want him to live anymore. I actually felt tortured watching that pathetic story line play out.
Theon needs to go out in a blaze of glory. Like what westwall said..gutting Ramsay and them both dying but not until Ramsay suffers a bit and Theon gets to watch.
In the series, Theon is beyond recovery, and I wouldn't look for him to suddenly pull out a dagger and slay his tormentor. Buy it or not, he is so psychologically debased by Ramsey that he will never do anything heroic. By the way, the removal of his reproductive organs is not part of the books, only the TV series.

George RR was questioned this week about the rape of Sansa stark on her wedding night. It not only doesn't happen in the books, she is not even part of that particular story line. In the books, Bolton/Snow marries (then of course, brutalizes) an imposter of Arya Stark, while Stansa remains in the sky-castle, babysitting Littlefinger's frail and spoiled step-son. It is SOOOO different from the books.

George RR reminds the viewers that television and novels are two different media, and as long as the major themes of the story are consistent, differences in details should not be a problem for the viewers. As I've written here before, Martin fills his books with neurotic levels of irrelevant details about characters that are only mentioned once and about whom the reader could not care less. In my opinion the TV series is much better than the books.

And again, the actress portraying Sansa Stark is badly mis-cast. In the novel she is strikingly beautiful, but the actress is something of a dog.
Seems that they are tired of waiting for Martin to get his ass in gear, so they are filling in whatever they can which is why it seems "different".
Books and the TV series/Movie are always different and many times for good reason. Changing things are usually necessary and should be welcomed. Ramsay's story for example, what I have read from wiki, is a ton different from the book. However, I still think his story works.

Not only is it kind of weak in story, the sand snake chicks were HORRIBLE actors. Awful. And it ain't just me that thought it, either.
I 100% agree the Sand Snakes are horrible. The fight scene with them last weak and just look awkward. It wasn't just the Sand Snakes, but the choreography of the entire scene was bad. Even the normally great acting Bronn actor looked out of place. I think it was the worst scene in the series to date. I hope the Snakes get knocked off soon.

A whole board devoted to GoT is on the warpath over this season...the poor acting...the weak storylines. Some schmucks are writing it for the tv show now...since Martin seems to have taken a break and is working on other books that have nothing to do with GoT.
From what I have been told from people who have read the books, this is where the story goes in busch league status and goes downhill. It appears that way to me.
Theon has had so much happen to him, I'm not sure I even want him to live anymore. I actually felt tortured watching that pathetic story line play out.

The writers have done it right with Theon. Theon went from being the most hated person on GoT to a sympathetic character that you actually hope gets out of his situation.
Theon has had so much happen to him, I'm not sure I even want him to live anymore. I actually felt tortured watching that pathetic story line play out.

The writers have done it right with Theon. Theon went from being the most hated person on GoT to a sympathetic character that you actually hope gets out of his situation.
My favorite character is the Dwarf. Second favorite is the Dragon Mother.

I'm not into the series enough to memorize the names.

Not yet.....
Cersei got plain fucking stupid in Book5.

Yep she is full stupid. She is letting her pride get in her way and it will destroy her family. First, Tywin stated last season the gold mines have run dry and the Lanisters are broke. They have really 1 powerful ally - Tyrells - and she is alienating them. The Martells seek war, the Boltons, who are the current Warden of the North, just bretrayed them (and are now the Lanister's enemy), the Stannis will once again seek the throne, the North will not bow down to the Lanisters and Tyrion stated the North won't forget, the Knights of the Vale won't fight for her or the king (she wants Sansa dead and Littlefinger wants her as his wife), House Tully is still lurking and seeking revenge and not to mention Dany is building quite an army across the sea, yet the Queen alienates her only ally. Not very smart.

Second, she has made her gentle, naive and non-violent son look utterly weak and ineffective. His knights see this. Who will fight for him if there is a rebellion? No one. She is inviting a coup. If Stannis takes the North and marches South, no one will stand in his way and no one will help the King. It would be an easy victory.

Third, she is empowering religious freaks to punish people who have sin'ed. Does she not think they will come from her? I don't know their religion, but I would think that adultery and incest are sins. That would be ironic if she ends up next to Queen Margery!

Fourth, she trust Littlefinger and couldn't get intel on the fact he delivered Sansa to the Boltons and turned the Boltons against her and the King!
Cersei got plain fucking stupid in Book5.

Yep she is full stupid. She is letting her pride get in her way and it will destroy her family. First, Tywin stated last season the gold mines have run dry and the Lanisters are broke. They have really 1 powerful ally - Tyrells - and she is alienating them. The Martells seek war, the Boltons, who are the current Warden of the North, just bretrayed them (and are now the Lanister's enemy), the Stannis will once again seek the throne, the North will not bow down to the Lanisters and Tyrion stated the North won't forget, the Knights of the Vale won't fight for her or the king (she wants Sansa dead and Littlefinger wants her as his wife), House Tully is still lurking and seeking revenge and not to mention Dany is building quite an army across the sea, yet the Queen alienates her only ally. Not very smart.

Second, she has made her gentle, naive and non-violent son look utterly weak and ineffective. His knights see this. Who will fight for him if there is a rebellion? No one. She is inviting a coup. If Stannis takes the North and marches South, no one will stand in his way and no one will help the King. It would be an easy victory.

Third, she is empowering religious freaks to punish people who have sin'ed. Does she not think they will come from her? I don't know their religion, but I would think that adultery and incest are sins. That would be ironic if she ends up next to Queen Margery!

Fourth, she trust Littlefinger and couldn't get intel on the fact he delivered Sansa to the Boltons and turned the Boltons against her and the King!

In both the books and the show, Cersei shows cunning, ambition, and ruthlessness. She also shows a lack of foresight and understanding of consequences. She has been portrayed as someone who wants to rule, but really isn't very good at it. All of RR Martin's characters usually have a really big flaw. Ned's was his sense of Honor, Danerys was her trusting nature (in the beginning). tyrion is physical, i.e his dwarfism.
Theon has had so much happen to him, I'm not sure I even want him to live anymore. I actually felt tortured watching that pathetic story line play out.

The writers have done it right with Theon. Theon went from being the most hated person on GoT to a sympathetic character that you actually hope gets out of his situation.
My favorite character is the Dwarf. Second favorite is the Dragon Mother.

I'm not into the series enough to memorize the names.

Not yet.....

Favs in this order (only including living characters):
1. Tyrion (awesome actor and awesome character)
2. Arya (I look forward to seeing her become a great assassin)
3. Bronn (I like his fighting skills and wit, I have blacked out the fight scene with the Sand Snakes)
4. Jon Snowe (I like his character and the actor is pretty good)
5t. Daario (Very interesting character, he needs more screen time)
5t. Varys (Seems like the only person with a vision and morality in Westros)

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