Season 5, Game of Thrones

Cersei got plain fucking stupid in Book5.

Yep she is full stupid. She is letting her pride get in her way and it will destroy her family. First, Tywin stated last season the gold mines have run dry and the Lanisters are broke. They have really 1 powerful ally - Tyrells - and she is alienating them. The Martells seek war, the Boltons, who are the current Warden of the North, just bretrayed them (and are now the Lanister's enemy), the Stannis will once again seek the throne, the North will not bow down to the Lanisters and Tyrion stated the North won't forget, the Knights of the Vale won't fight for her or the king (she wants Sansa dead and Littlefinger wants her as his wife), House Tully is still lurking and seeking revenge and not to mention Dany is building quite an army across the sea, yet the Queen alienates her only ally. Not very smart.

Second, she has made her gentle, naive and non-violent son look utterly weak and ineffective. His knights see this. Who will fight for him if there is a rebellion? No one. She is inviting a coup. If Stannis takes the North and marches South, no one will stand in his way and no one will help the King. It would be an easy victory.

Third, she is empowering religious freaks to punish people who have sin'ed. Does she not think they will come from her? I don't know their religion, but I would think that adultery and incest are sins. That would be ironic if she ends up next to Queen Margery!

Fourth, she trust Littlefinger and couldn't get intel on the fact he delivered Sansa to the Boltons and turned the Boltons against her and the King!

Excellent and spot on!

The most amazing thing is that Queen Olenna was Emma Peel


I almost licked the TV Screen when The Avengers were on
Cersei got plain fucking stupid in Book5.

Yep she is full stupid. She is letting her pride get in her way and it will destroy her family. First, Tywin stated last season the gold mines have run dry and the Lanisters are broke. They have really 1 powerful ally - Tyrells - and she is alienating them. The Martells seek war, the Boltons, who are the current Warden of the North, just bretrayed them (and are now the Lanister's enemy), the Stannis will once again seek the throne, the North will not bow down to the Lanisters and Tyrion stated the North won't forget, the Knights of the Vale won't fight for her or the king (she wants Sansa dead and Littlefinger wants her as his wife), House Tully is still lurking and seeking revenge and not to mention Dany is building quite an army across the sea, yet the Queen alienates her only ally. Not very smart.

Second, she has made her gentle, naive and non-violent son look utterly weak and ineffective. His knights see this. Who will fight for him if there is a rebellion? No one. She is inviting a coup. If Stannis takes the North and marches South, no one will stand in his way and no one will help the King. It would be an easy victory.

Third, she is empowering religious freaks to punish people who have sin'ed. Does she not think they will come from her? I don't know their religion, but I would think that adultery and incest are sins. That would be ironic if she ends up next to Queen Margery!

Fourth, she trust Littlefinger and couldn't get intel on the fact he delivered Sansa to the Boltons and turned the Boltons against her and the King!

Excellent and spot on!

The most amazing thing is that Queen Olenna was Emma Peel


I almost licked the TV Screen when The Avengers were on

Books vs. TV show. The confrontation between Queen Olenna and Cersei does not happen in the books, but the old bag's great persona demanded it, and I'm glad they inserted it into the TV series. Can you imagine the elderly Katherine Hepburn in that role? I swear the actress was channeling her.

I'm not sure how the screenwriters are going to move forward with Cersei, but when she fucked with Queen Margaery in the book, she pissed off the wrong people.
Cersei and Arya are my favorite characters ^_^​
I like Arya but Cersei is really getting on my nerves. Several reasons other than she slept with her brother.

Its her incompleteness that probably bothers you the most. She is a strong woman, devious, cunning, forceful, but she lacks an ability to see the consequences of her actions, as well has her father's aloofness. She takes things too personally, and that clouds her judgement.
Cersei and Arya are my favorite characters ^_^​
I like Arya but Cersei is really getting on my nerves. Several reasons other than she slept with her brother.

Its her incompleteness that probably bothers you the most. She is a strong woman, devious, cunning, forceful, but she lacks an ability to see the consequences of her actions, as well has her father's aloofness. She takes things too personally, and that clouds her judgement.
Well the words mean, ugly and bitch come to mind..
Cersei and Arya are my favorite characters ^_^​
I like Arya but Cersei is really getting on my nerves. Several reasons other than she slept with her brother.

Its her incompleteness that probably bothers you the most. She is a strong woman, devious, cunning, forceful, but she lacks an ability to see the consequences of her actions, as well has her father's aloofness. She takes things too personally, and that clouds her judgement.
Well the words mean, ugly and bitch come to mind..

Well, that too.
Cersei and Arya are my favorite characters ^_^​
I like Arya but Cersei is really getting on my nerves. Several reasons other than she slept with her brother.

Its her incompleteness that probably bothers you the most. She is a strong woman, devious, cunning, forceful, but she lacks an ability to see the consequences of her actions, as well has her father's aloofness. She takes things too personally, and that clouds her judgement.
Well the words mean, ugly and bitch come to mind..

Well, that too.
All the same reasons I hated her son Geoffrey too. I believe they're all insane. There's just no real feeling coming from her even as an actress playing the part.
Cersei and Arya are my favorite characters ^_^​
I like Arya but Cersei is really getting on my nerves. Several reasons other than she slept with her brother.

Its her incompleteness that probably bothers you the most. She is a strong woman, devious, cunning, forceful, but she lacks an ability to see the consequences of her actions, as well has her father's aloofness. She takes things too personally, and that clouds her judgement.
Well the words mean, ugly and bitch come to mind..

Actually I find Cersei rather attractive. She'd have made a great dominatrix

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Cersei and Arya are my favorite characters ^_^​
I like Arya but Cersei is really getting on my nerves. Several reasons other than she slept with her brother.

Its her incompleteness that probably bothers you the most. She is a strong woman, devious, cunning, forceful, but she lacks an ability to see the consequences of her actions, as well has her father's aloofness. She takes things too personally, and that clouds her judgement.
Well the words mean, ugly and bitch come to mind..

Well, that too.
All the same reasons I hated her son Geoffrey too. I believe they're all insane. There's just no real feeling coming from her even as an actress playing the part.

Inbreeding is what made some of the Targaryen's go all nutters, I guess its a lannister thing as well.
How funny would it be it Martin got bored and stopped writing about game of thrones

"Yeah. I just didn't see the point anymore. The only character I like was the dwarf. I planned on killing off everyone else, but I just said 'ah, fuck it. I'm done with these idiots. I'm going to post in Usmb under the name Jake Stalin or Jake Starkey,'"
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How funny would it be it Martin got bored and stopped writing about game of thrones

"Yeah. I just didn't see the point anymore. The only character I like it the dwarf. I planned on killing off everyone else, but I just said 'ah, fuck it. I'm done with these idiots. I'm going to post in Usmb under the name Jake Stalin or Jake Starkey,'"
Tbh, I don't think I'd like to be obligated to write a book. Maybe he just doesn't have that part of the process in him. I'd write because I'm feeling it not because I have to for some TV show.
In the series, Theon is beyond recovery, and I wouldn't look for him to suddenly pull out a dagger and slay his tormentor. Buy it or not, he is so psychologically debased by Ramsey that he will never do anything heroic. By the way, the removal of his reproductive organs is not part of the books, only the TV series.

Heroic? No, but Theon in the books is not what quite what I would call "beyond recovery".

A whole board devoted to GoT is on the warpath over this season...the poor acting...the weak storylines. Some schmucks are writing it for the tv show now...since Martin seems to have taken a break and is working on other books that have nothing to do with GoT.
From what I have been told from people who have read the books, this is where the story goes in busch league status and goes downhill. It appears that way to me.

Yes and no. Books 4 and 5 are certainly much slower than book 3 was, and some of the storylines are plodding, but there are also certain storylines that are, unfortunately, being damaged by the show. Dorne, for instance, is much more compelling in the books, in my opinion. Stannis is also largely considered to be more of a badass ("Stannis the Mannis" is a common nickname). They've struggled to get those two plots fully realized onscreen. Doran Martell is much more cunning than anything we've seen yet.

On the other hand, I feel like the show is finally beginning to do Jon Snow justice, when his character has been lacking in the past (by comparison to the books). The books are written with each chapter in the first person for a different character, and I think there's often a lot to be gained from that insight into each character's mind.

Cersei and Arya are my favorite characters ^_^​
I like Arya but Cersei is really getting on my nerves. Several reasons other than she slept with her brother.

Its her incompleteness that probably bothers you the most. She is a strong woman, devious, cunning, forceful, but she lacks an ability to see the consequences of her actions, as well has her father's aloofness. She takes things too personally, and that clouds her judgement.

She's also massively paranoid, largely due to Maggy the Frog's prophecy when she was a child. She is certain, at all times, that there is an unseen force working to murder her children and destroy her life. There's one extra line in the book prophecy that feeds into her paranoia, but which wasn't used on the show.
Cersei got plain fucking stupid in Book5.

Yep she is full stupid. She is letting her pride get in her way and it will destroy her family. First, Tywin stated last season the gold mines have run dry and the Lanisters are broke. They have really 1 powerful ally - Tyrells - and she is alienating them. The Martells seek war, the Boltons, who are the current Warden of the North, just bretrayed them (and are now the Lanister's enemy), the Stannis will once again seek the throne, the North will not bow down to the Lanisters and Tyrion stated the North won't forget, the Knights of the Vale won't fight for her or the king (she wants Sansa dead and Littlefinger wants her as his wife), House Tully is still lurking and seeking revenge and not to mention Dany is building quite an army across the sea, yet the Queen alienates her only ally. Not very smart.

Second, she has made her gentle, naive and non-violent son look utterly weak and ineffective. His knights see this. Who will fight for him if there is a rebellion? No one. She is inviting a coup. If Stannis takes the North and marches South, no one will stand in his way and no one will help the King. It would be an easy victory.

Third, she is empowering religious freaks to punish people who have sin'ed. Does she not think they will come from her? I don't know their religion, but I would think that adultery and incest are sins. That would be ironic if she ends up next to Queen Margery!

Fourth, she trust Littlefinger and couldn't get intel on the fact he delivered Sansa to the Boltons and turned the Boltons against her and the King!

Excellent and spot on!

The most amazing thing is that Queen Olenna was Emma Peel


I almost licked the TV Screen when The Avengers were on
Diana Rigg is still alive.


She's 76.
Cersei got plain fucking stupid in Book5.

Yep she is full stupid. She is letting her pride get in her way and it will destroy her family. First, Tywin stated last season the gold mines have run dry and the Lanisters are broke. They have really 1 powerful ally - Tyrells - and she is alienating them. The Martells seek war, the Boltons, who are the current Warden of the North, just bretrayed them (and are now the Lanister's enemy), the Stannis will once again seek the throne, the North will not bow down to the Lanisters and Tyrion stated the North won't forget, the Knights of the Vale won't fight for her or the king (she wants Sansa dead and Littlefinger wants her as his wife), House Tully is still lurking and seeking revenge and not to mention Dany is building quite an army across the sea, yet the Queen alienates her only ally. Not very smart.

Second, she has made her gentle, naive and non-violent son look utterly weak and ineffective. His knights see this. Who will fight for him if there is a rebellion? No one. She is inviting a coup. If Stannis takes the North and marches South, no one will stand in his way and no one will help the King. It would be an easy victory.

Third, she is empowering religious freaks to punish people who have sin'ed. Does she not think they will come from her? I don't know their religion, but I would think that adultery and incest are sins. That would be ironic if she ends up next to Queen Margery!

Fourth, she trust Littlefinger and couldn't get intel on the fact he delivered Sansa to the Boltons and turned the Boltons against her and the King!

Excellent and spot on!

The most amazing thing is that Queen Olenna was Emma Peel


I almost licked the TV Screen when The Avengers were on
Diana Rigg is still alive.


She's 76.
My dream of a threesome with Diana Rigg and Melanie Safka slips further off into the horizon
George R.R. Martin has confided to the scriptwriters where he is going with the story lines, so in case he expires before the "last" book is finished, the HBO series can still be written to a conclusion.

I finished the last existing book yesterday, and few of the story lines are played out. If I cared I would be pissed. It is like a never-ending soap opera. Martin claims he is busily completing the final volume, and it will also be a thousand-page tome. I have no doubt it could be done in 250 without all the extraneous, irrelevant, boring details about people who have nothing to do with the actual stories.

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