Season 5, Game of Thrones

Peter won't either because he has a major part in a new show, from what I heard.
RR Martin likes killing off or favorite characters so Charbroiled Dany in our future.

Other predictions:

Tyrion meets Dany and during a drunken binge, tells her to try anal sex. Dany sticks an apple in his mouth and has the dragons roast him

Jamie marries Brielle, they live happily ever after on the Sapphire Isles

Podrick becomes a famous porn star and is in demand from Dorne up to the Wall and back.

Arya becomes a faceless man visits an aged and decrepit Walder Frey. When introduced she tells him her name is Antonio Andolini. He says, what's your real name. She leans and and whispers in his ear "my name is Vito Cor, er, I mean Arya Stark and this is for you" and guts him like a Salmon

Bran, nobody gives a fuck

Hodor. See Bran above

Ricon. Who?
You're just trying to depress me, Frank. Some of them have contracts through season 7.

'Game of Thrones' cast renegotiates contracts for big raises, option for seventh season: report

It's a good investment for HBO, who according to report, will lock up stars like Emilia Clarke, Peter Dinklage, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Lena Headey and Kit Harington for a potential seventh and final season.

Game of Thrones cast lands big raises report - NY Daily News

Very optimistic on their part considering Book 6 isn't out it?
They're gonna hurry. Strike while the iron is hot and all that... :)

Cersei might not make it to 7, just saying
:lol: A LOT of people hope not.
Peter won't either because he has a major part in a new show, from what I heard.

They could have Val Jarrett play Tyrion in Season 7

All the interesting and loved to be hated and love to be loved are dead or not around. The excitement is lost. This season is extremely boring and RR Martin is a dick.

Totally disagree. How can you not love what's happening at the wall? Stannis and Jon Snow together? Jon is my absolute favorite character.

Also, if you're mad about this season, you might have bigger issues with Benioff and Weiss, since quite a few things are not story lines from Martin's books.
Well, this epi was pretty good. But I almost gave myself a heart attack yelling at the tv to Sansa "GROW A PAIR AND STAB THAT SOAB THEN TOSS HIM IN THE FIREPLACE!" but no..Sansa is still Sansa. Naive, trusting the wrong people, being a sheep.
This was a good episode albeit an upsetting one. They've strayed so far from the books with the Sansa plot I don't even know what to expect anymore.
I never read the books so it's all new with me. I thought MAYBE sansa would finally grow a pair, but as usual...she mewled herself again. Hell, I'd be like Arya.....die while fighting. Not be bent over and raped while another No Balls coward watched on orders.

What a bunch of pansies.
I was reading somewhere else and from what was being said...these new episodes are being wrote by someone else because whatshisface is taking too long. Maybe that is why the storylines are not following the books. Another person is filling in on what was not in the book.
Well, this epi was pretty good. But I almost gave myself a heart attack yelling at the tv to Sansa "GROW A PAIR AND STAB THAT SOAB THEN TOSS HIM IN THE FIREPLACE!" but no..Sansa is still Sansa. Naive, trusting the wrong people, being a sheep.

Ramsay is one sick puppy! He consummates his wedding night while making Theon watch. Then he sounds pretty rough with her. Sansa goes back to being the victim waiting for a savior! The only good part of a rather poor;y written and acted episode was the Arya scene. She has become sociopath, but I love her character.

The sand snake part was so horrible. The scene flowed like shit, the acting was horrible and the scenes were horrendous. I hope the snakes are killed off quickly, these characters suck.

Tommen, seriously grow some balls. Your queen is taken by religious freaks and you do nothing? How does infuriatiing the Tyrells help Cersi, Tommen or the Lanisters? First, the Tyrells add much needed muscle to a weak king and weakened Lanister house. Second, by allowing a sparsely populated religious freak force take Queen's brother and the Queen makes King Tommen appear to be the pussy he is. Who the fuck is going to listen to him. Cersi is not a bright one.

Littlefinger is an interesting game. I wonder what he does next.
Well, this epi was pretty good. But I almost gave myself a heart attack yelling at the tv to Sansa "GROW A PAIR AND STAB THAT SOAB THEN TOSS HIM IN THE FIREPLACE!" but no..Sansa is still Sansa. Naive, trusting the wrong people, being a sheep.

Ramsay is one sick puppy! He consummates his wedding night while making Theon watch. Then he sounds pretty rough with her. Sansa goes back to being the victim waiting for a savior! The only good part of a rather poor;y written and acted episode was the Arya scene. She has become sociopath, but I love her character.

The sand snake part was so horrible. The scene flowed like shit, the acting was horrible and the scenes were horrendous. I hope the snakes are killed off quickly, these characters suck.

Tommen, seriously grow some balls. Your queen is taken by religious freaks and you do nothing? How does infuriatiing the Tyrells help Cersi, Tommen or the Lanisters? First, the Tyrells add much needed muscle to a weak king and weakened Lanister house. Second, by allowing a sparsely populated religious freak force take Queen's brother and the Queen makes King Tommen appear to be the pussy he is. Who the fuck is going to listen to him. Cersi is not a bright one.

Littlefinger is an interesting game. I wonder what he does next.

Littlefinger told Jon aryas to look into How Robert Baretheon could possibly give birth to blonde haired children; he started the whole ball rolling.

Well, this epi was pretty good. But I almost gave myself a heart attack yelling at the tv to Sansa "GROW A PAIR AND STAB THAT SOAB THEN TOSS HIM IN THE FIREPLACE!" but no..Sansa is still Sansa. Naive, trusting the wrong people, being a sheep.

Ramsay is one sick puppy! He consummates his wedding night while making Theon watch. Then he sounds pretty rough with her. Sansa goes back to being the victim waiting for a savior! The only good part of a rather poor;y written and acted episode was the Arya scene. She has become sociopath, but I love her character.

The sand snake part was so horrible. The scene flowed like shit, the acting was horrible and the scenes were horrendous. I hope the snakes are killed off quickly, these characters suck.

Tommen, seriously grow some balls. Your queen is taken by religious freaks and you do nothing? How does infuriatiing the Tyrells help Cersi, Tommen or the Lanisters? First, the Tyrells add much needed muscle to a weak king and weakened Lanister house. Second, by allowing a sparsely populated religious freak force take Queen's brother and the Queen makes King Tommen appear to be the pussy he is. Who the fuck is going to listen to him. Cersi is not a bright one.

Littlefinger is an interesting game. I wonder what he does next.

Littlefinger told Jon aryas to look into How Robert Baretheon could possibly give birth to blonde haired children; he started the whole ball rolling.

Yep, because the man has plans for a hostile take over without having the army.
Praise Allah they left out Theorn Greyjoy's uncles. Martin just writes shit to waste paper, the books have so many dead ends it's ridiculous

I wonder who Arya is going to have to kill when she becomes a Faceless Man
Praise Allah they left out Theorn Greyjoy's uncles. Martin just writes shit to waste paper, the books have so many dead ends it's ridiculous

I wonder who Arya is going to have to kill when she becomes a Faceless Man
Probably somebody I love. :)
Arya is insane now. Sansa is a coward. The only one left I am really rooting for is Jon Snow.

The kid...forgot his name, and the big guy he rides...and the weird wildling gal....the "traveling" thru the sights of a crow/raven, the walker king dude that takes babies. Interesting stuff put on the wayside. This season is a soap opera. Boring.
Arya is insane now. Sansa is a coward. The only one left I am really rooting for is Jon Snow.

The kid...forgot his name, and the big guy he rides...and the weird wildling gal....the "traveling" thru the sights of a crow/raven, the walker king dude that takes babies. Interesting stuff put on the wayside. This season is a soap opera. Boring.
Why even watch if you hate everything and everyone?

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