Seat Belts and Air Bags

Both seat belts and air bags as well as helments required for motorcycle riders and passengers were decried as big government interference.

Does anyone doubt they save lifes and the cost for medical care?

Did anyone claim these examples were a panacea for all fatal vehicle accidents?

Do all state governments require a driver's license? Do all states require the owner of a vehicle carry insurance on each vehicle owned?

So, what's the big deal for each state to choose whether a person who wishes to own, possess, or have in their custody and control a firearm be licensed and insured?

The USSC has ruled that the Second Amendment has limits, correct?

Gun owners will still retain the freedom to move to a state which decides not to regulate gun owners, correct?

Discuss rationally; remember there are new and IMO appropraite rules for posting on the Politics Forum.

A well regulated Carpool, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Chrevrolets, shall not be infringed.
I am already required to carry insurance.

Tell me, should the Government inventory what food you have in your house and what you eat on a daily basis because it knows what is good for you?

Do you want the Government to come and weigh you every month and if you, according to them, weigh too much or too little, punish you for it?

When does my right to live my life as I want become your business?

Good questions.
I agree with you about the helmet and seat belt laws. I find seat belts a PITA and would prefer not to bother. If that's irresponsible, it should be my right to be irresponsible, since it affects only me. I can't buy the argument that it makes others pay for my injuries since I don't know a convincing argument that that's true.

I don't think the gummint has a role telling people what foods to not eat, though I definitely think it has a role telling the purveyors of those foods what they can sell as a matter of public health, i.e. the ingredients therein. On the same basis, tobacco should be illegal and cannabis should not.

I don't believe not wearing a seat belt only impacts you. Consider the cost to local government when a head injury is suspected in even a minor auto accident and the risk to first responsers who hurry to aid the afflicted; consider the emotional impact on family and even friends and consider how the other driver might feel - no matter who was responsible when they see someone killed or injured in an accident.

That's exactly how I feel ,and why I've never taken issue with seatbelt or helmet laws. Not wearing a seat belt doesn't just effect you, it can become an extra cost to the state and an emotional toll on others.
Both seat belts and air bags as well as helments required for motorcycle riders and passengers were decried as big government interference.

Does anyone doubt they save lifes and the cost for medical care?

Did anyone claim these examples were a panacea for all fatal vehicle accidents?

Do all state governments require a driver's license? Do all states require the owner of a vehicle carry insurance on each vehicle owned?

So, what's the big deal for each state to choose whether a person who wishes to own, possess, or have in their custody and control a firearm be licensed and insured?

The USSC has ruled that the Second Amendment has limits, correct?

Gun owners will still retain the freedom to move to a state which decides not to regulate gun owners, correct?

Discuss rationally; remember there are new and IMO appropraite rules for posting on the Politics Forum.

Owning guns is a right. Only criminals or idiots pose a threat to society. There are laws saying you have to be responsible and not hurt people, unless it's self defense. When a law abiding citizen has a gun, no one is in danger except for the criminal that threatens them.

Driving on our highways is not a right, it is a privilege. There are rules that say you are responsible for the damage you cause others, both property damage and physical damage. Because people have no choice but to drive to work, it is crucial that they be considerate and safe drivers. And it's only fair that the driver at fault pays for any damage incurred. Sadly, some states opted for the no fault rule, so you're just screwed when someone without a license or insurance runs into you.

Whether something is a right or privilege, people should be trained and be responsible.

If someone is hurt due to your negligence, on or off your property, you're on the hook. Having insurance is smart.
I have no doubt about seat belts and airbags saving lives.

However, requiring everyone to have insurance for having a gun is simply absurd.

i was hit head on by a drunk driver. I wasn't wearing a seat belt and was thrown through the windshield. It was a good thing, because had i been wearing a seatbelt I would have had a steering column through my chest instead of it just going through the seat. i'll never wear a seatbelt.

That's kind of my point -- these things can work either way. It can save your life or cost it, so the wearing of the belt is not a black-and-white argument. Yet at the same time there's no possibility that cigarettes could "either" give you cancer or improve your health, yet they're still sold with a warning label while we get ticketed for not wearing a SB.

That's an unjust discrepancy.

Years back, I was hit in the driver's side door. The force of the impact caused my head to break the passenger side window with my head. The interior of my car ended up about 3 feet wide and the driver side seat was under the front bumper of the other car. Seat belts terrify me. I only wear mine when I see a police car.
Both seat belts and air bags as well as helments required for motorcycle riders and passengers were decried as big government interference.

Does anyone doubt they save lifes and the cost for medical care?

Did anyone claim these examples were a panacea for all fatal vehicle accidents?

Do all state governments require a driver's license? Do all states require the owner of a vehicle carry insurance on each vehicle owned?

So, what's the big deal for each state to choose whether a person who wishes to own, possess, or have in their custody and control a firearm be licensed and insured?

The USSC has ruled that the Second Amendment has limits, correct?

Gun owners will still retain the freedom to move to a state which decides not to regulate gun owners, correct?

Discuss rationally; remember there are new and IMO appropraite rules for posting on the Politics Forum.

Remember when we were told how seat belt infractions were going to be secondary offenses, and that they would only ticket you when you were being pulled over for a more significant offense? I do. Guess what... Now you get pulled over for not wearing your seat belt as the sole offense. Do you honestly believe that people with the slightest bit of common sense are going to believe gun grabbers are going to be content with merely eliminating scary looking AR-15's??? You must be smoking CRACK if you do.

Slippery slope argument.

There's nothing slippery about people who tell you one thing, and then do another. Shady maybe, but not slippery.
Good questions.
I agree with you about the helmet and seat belt laws. I find seat belts a PITA and would prefer not to bother. If that's irresponsible, it should be my right to be irresponsible, since it affects only me. I can't buy the argument that it makes others pay for my injuries since I don't know a convincing argument that that's true.

I don't think the gummint has a role telling people what foods to not eat, though I definitely think it has a role telling the purveyors of those foods what they can sell as a matter of public health, i.e. the ingredients therein. On the same basis, tobacco should be illegal and cannabis should not.

I don't believe not wearing a seat belt only impacts you. Consider the cost to local government when a head injury is suspected in even a minor auto accident and the risk to first responsers who hurry to aid the afflicted; consider the emotional impact on family and even friends and consider how the other driver might feel - no matter who was responsible when they see someone killed or injured in an accident.

That's exactly how I feel ,and why I've never taken issue with seatbelt or helmet laws. Not wearing a seat belt doesn't just effect you, it can become an extra cost to the state and an emotional toll on others.

My freedoms and rights are not dependent upon how someone else Feels" or is "Impacted Emotionally"
Both seat belts and air bags as well as helments(sic) required for motorcycle riders and passengers were decried as big government interference.

Which they were and are. Also note: air bags have KILLED people.

From a strict public-safety perspective, I could make a fair case that motorcycle riders should be PROHIBITED from wearing helmets!

Does anyone doubt they save lives and the cost for medical care?

Did anyone claim these examples were a panacea for all fatal vehicle accidents?

Do all state governments require a driver's license? Do all states require the owner of a vehicle carry insurance on each vehicle owned?

No state requires insurance to own a vehicle. At least one state does not require insurance to register & operate a vehicle.
Both seat belts and air bags as well as helments(sic) required for motorcycle riders and passengers were decried as big government interference.

Which they were and are. Also note: air bags have KILLED people.

From a strict public-safety perspective, I could make a fair case that motorcycle riders should be PROHIBITED from wearing helmets!

Does anyone doubt they save lives and the cost for medical care?

Did anyone claim these examples were a panacea for all fatal vehicle accidents?

Do all state governments require a driver's license? Do all states require the owner of a vehicle carry insurance on each vehicle owned?

No state requires insurance to own a vehicle. At least one state does not require insurance to register & operate a vehicle.

Which state is that?

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