Seattle Gets "Chopped" by Law Suit

Eric Arthur Blair

Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2015
In what may be the first of many law suits taking on Mayor Durkan and the ultra leftist city council more
than a dozen Capital Hill businesses are suing Seattle for the way the mayor sat idly by and allowed six square blocks of businesses and homes to be taken over by anarchist criminals.

Damages will be determined at trial. Damages to the city and it's reputation may never be recovered.
We hope Durkan and Seattle pay dearly. Durkan is not only responsible for damages to community business's
but she is the reason why police were held back and three black men were shot in the lawless "occupation zone".

She has much to answer for and so do the people that backed Durkan with their silent compliant approval.
Maybe we will even find out where Raz Simone will wind up now.
They lost a lot of cred with me, when they felt a need to express support for BLM.

It makes no sense to support the idea that cops are just hunting and killing random black yoots, at the same time you are whining about a lack of police protection.
In what may be the first of many law suits taking on Mayor Durkan and the ultra leftist city council more
than a dozen Capital Hill businesses are suing Seattle for the way the mayor sat idly by and allowed six square blocks of businesses and homes to be taken over by anarchist criminals.

Damages will be determined at trial. Damages to the city and it's reputation may never be recovered.
We hope Durkan and Seattle pay dearly. Durkan is not only responsible for damages to community business's
but she is the reason why police were held back and three black men were shot in the lawless "occupation zone".

She has much to answer for and so do the people that backed Durkan with their silent compliant approval.
Maybe we will even find out where Raz Simone will wind up now.
/----/ Sadly, it's the taxpayers who will pay the lawsuits and defense attorney's bloated bills. The libatrds who made the decisions will get off scot-free and keep their bloated salary and perks.
Sadly, it's the taxpayers who will pay the lawsuits and defense attorney's bloated bills. The libatrds who made the decisions will get off scot-free and keep their bloated salary and perks.
True but perhaps citizens of Seattle will think about what a dim empty suit Durkan is and
throw her out of office.
In what may be the first of many law suits taking on Mayor Durkan and the ultra leftist city council more
than a dozen Capital Hill businesses are suing Seattle for the way the mayor sat idly by and allowed six square blocks of businesses and homes to be taken over by anarchist criminals.

Damages will be determined at trial. Damages to the city and it's reputation may never be recovered.
We hope Durkan and Seattle pay dearly. Durkan is not only responsible for damages to community business's
but she is the reason why police were held back and three black men were shot in the lawless "occupation zone".

She has much to answer for and so do the people that backed Durkan with their silent compliant approval.
Maybe we will even find out where Raz Simone will wind up now.

Chop Suey.
According to the mayor the businesses were happy with chop. It was an ongoing street fair. The summer of love. Was she wrong?
According to the mayor the businesses were happy with chop. It was an ongoing street fair. The summer of love. Was she wrong?
Yeah...there was a certain poster (Flopper...ahem) who claimed the whole autonomous zone was just one giant love in with no conflict and lots of joy and brotherhood.
Once you chase the police away all troubles magic (he claimed)!

I'm hoping he will come back and give an autopsy on his favorite dead movement. But like the truth from most lying leftists I won't be waiting for his honest reaction and it almost certainly won't be forthcoming.

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