Seattle raises minimum wage to $15 an hour

You are math clueless. Deficit spending under Bush tax cut took gas price up 600%, Food up 400%, Housing up 400%, Gold up 600%, Land up 400%, Oil up 1000%, Utilities up 400%, etc.

That's awful (and really bad math), but Obama's deficit spending has been much higher than Bush's deficit spending.

Both Bushs were Big Deficit Spending disasters. Massive price increases during their terms. Dick Cheney "Reagan proved that deficits don't matter. We won the mid-term elections, this is our due."

Clinton & Obama slash deficit spending & inflation. Government spending will plummet further once the minimum wage gets raised above government tit sucking poverty levels.


Both Bushs were Big Deficit Spending disasters.

I agree. I mean GWB added $5 trillion to the deficit in 8 years. The worst!!!

I forget, how much has Obama added in the last 5 1/2 years?
I was listening to the radio this morning and this girl was on there from seattle. She is not happy with the raise because now she lost her 401K, vacation pay, her medical , and overtime... I bet more and more companies will follow suit or just move out of Seattle
I was listening to the radio this morning and this girl was on there from seattle. She is not happy with the raise because now she lost her 401K, vacation pay, her medical , and overtime... I bet more and more companies will follow suit or just move out of Seattle

It's never going to happen. They made sure of that when the set the time limit for franchises at 3 years and for everybody else at 7 years. It will be challenged in court and it will lose.

Anybody getting excited or upset about this now is putting the cart before the horse.
Theres some serious economic retardation going on in this thread, specifically supply and demand in reference to wages. Good Lord. Ultimately, the small businesses will suffer the most and larger companies will simply pass the increase on to the consumers.
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Theres some serious economic retardation going on in this thread, specifically supply and demand in reference to wages. Good Lord. Ultimately, the small businesses will suffer the most and larger companies will simply pass the increase on to the consumers.

Price will fall. Businesses can't just pass along price increases. This is why con's fail at economics & government.
Theres some serious economic retardation going on in this thread, specifically supply and demand in reference to wages. Good Lord. Ultimately, the small businesses will suffer the most and larger companies will simply pass the increase on to the consumers.

Price will fall. Businesses can't just pass along price increases. This is why con's fail at economics & government.

So labor goes up, and to offset the added expense, the businesses will lower prices?

How do they keep profit margin?
Theres some serious economic retardation going on in this thread, specifically supply and demand in reference to wages. Good Lord. Ultimately, the small businesses will suffer the most and larger companies will simply pass the increase on to the consumers.

Price will fall. Businesses can't just pass along price increases. This is why con's fail at economics & government.

So labor goes up, and to offset the added expense, the businesses will lower prices?

How do they keep profit margin?

Price is a function of inflation, dollar strength, supply & demand. I can't raise prices because people will stop buying from my store.

When the minimum wage is increased enough to get workers off the government dole, deficit spending decrease, dollar gains strength, prices fall, unemployment falls, government shrinks.

Wage increases have never in US history caused price inflation. Only increasing debt causes inflation, not increasing wages.
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oh DARN say it ain't so


SeaTac workers “not happy” with $15 min. wage

Published May 28, 2014
sea tac

Last January, SeaTac implemented a $15 per hour minimum wage for hospitality and transportation workers. The consequences to the drastic hike in wages are just beginning to be realized—and it’s not pretty.

A writer for NW Asian Weekly recently blogged about her experience attending an event at a SeaTac hotel. She asked employees if they were “happy with the $15 wage.” The ensuing conversations,

“It sounds good, but it’s not good,” the woman said.

“Why?” I asked.

“I lost my 401k, health insurance, paid holiday, and vacation,” she responded. “No more free food,” she added.

“The hotel used to feed her. Now, she has to bring her own food. Also, no overtime, she said. She used to work extra hours and received overtime pay.

“What else? I asked.

“I have to pay for parking,” she said.

“I then asked the part-time waitress, who was part of the catering staff.

“Yes, I’ve got $15 an hour, but all my tips are now much less,” she said. Before the new wage law was implemented, her hourly wage was $7. But her tips added to more than $15 an hour. Yes, she used to receive free food and parking. Now, she has to bring her own food and pay for parking.”

SeaTac workers ?not happy? with $15 min. wage

looks like the only ones who made out on all this is the BIG CORPORATIONS...can't be Democrats are for them huh?

I truly feel for her. However, what the hell does she expect? If I have to pay the increased prices (which the customer will) why the HELL would I tip the waitress who I know is making $15 per hour?

Tips would necessarily be a thing of the past.
Theres some serious economic retardation going on in this thread, specifically supply and demand in reference to wages. Good Lord. Ultimately, the small businesses will suffer the most and larger companies will simply pass the increase on to the consumers.

Price will fall. Businesses can't just pass along price increases. This is why con's fail at economics & government.

So labor goes up, and to offset the added expense, the businesses will lower prices?

How do they keep profit margin?

Don't listen to this clown. Price increases are passed along to the customer - regardless of the price increase. Otherwise, that McDonald hamburger that you pay $3.39 for would still be $.35

Companies that don't raise prices to offset increases in labor, or goods and services go bankrupt. That is Business 101.
Because conservatives understand economics and incentives.

yet, over the past 30 years, with taxes being at their lowest point in decades and decades, wages for the the middle class have stagnated while the wealth of the top 1% has increased exponentially.

See above.

yet the average CEO earns a median wage of $10 million a year and we can repeat over and over that somehow that is ok while workers should be unable to pay for a place to live and put food on their plate and clothe and care for and educate their kids for some illusory reason.

the fact is that in places like Australia where the minimum wage is $15 an hour, the economy does better? why? because the middle class can afford to buy goods. if you divest people of the ability to purchase goods, you divest the market of the need to manufacture and sell... therefore there are no jobs, (which is what we are seeing now), etc.

so perhaps what conservatives "know" (though how they "know" it is beyond me) should be modified by changing statistics and economic circumstances.

A "market economy" only works as long as people can afford to buy what is in the market. Driving down middle class wages while overpaying the 1% is bad for the market economy. It is counterproductive to underpay hardworking Americans but that doesn't seem to register with those that vote against their own best interests.
Price will fall. Businesses can't just pass along price increases. This is why con's fail at economics & government.

So labor goes up, and to offset the added expense, the businesses will lower prices?

How do they keep profit margin?

Don't listen to this clown. Price increases are passed along to the customer - regardless of the price increase. Otherwise, that McDonald hamburger that you pay $3.39 for would still be $.35

Companies that don't raise prices to offset increases in labor, or goods and services go bankrupt. That is Business 101.

You know nothing about economics. The reason that $.35 burger cost ten times more is because the US dollar fell 96% due to money printing. Wages are always trying to play catch up with inflation but never do keep up.
Theres some serious economic retardation going on in this thread, specifically supply and demand in reference to wages. Good Lord. Ultimately, the small businesses will suffer the most and larger companies will simply pass the increase on to the consumers.

Price will fall. Businesses can't just pass along price increases. This is why con's fail at economics & government.

Price will fall.

Forced higher wages will cause prices to fall?

Businesses can't just pass along price increases.

Businesses which cannot will fail.

This will reduce employment and reduce supply.

Every liberals dream!
You are having the government artificially increase the cost of labor. What happens when you raise prices? People stop purchasing that product or service.

It's basic economics.

while corporations artificially reduce the wages paid to labor.

if awl-mart can force manufacturers to practically meet the cost of labor in mexico by forcing the price of goods down, then it's only fair that workers have some recourse.

most people used to understand this.
So labor goes up, and to offset the added expense, the businesses will lower prices?

How do they keep profit margin?

Don't listen to this clown. Price increases are passed along to the customer - regardless of the price increase. Otherwise, that McDonald hamburger that you pay $3.39 for would still be $.35

Companies that don't raise prices to offset increases in labor, or goods and services go bankrupt. That is Business 101.

You know nothing about economics. The reason that $.35 burger cost ten times more is because the US dollar fell 96% due to money printing. Wages are always trying to play catch up with inflation but never do keep up.

So let me get this straight skippy. According to you, you say that rather than pass the cost of doing business along to customers, businesses will "lower their prices" and attempt to make the deficit up in sale quanity.

You, sir, no nothing about economics. Not only are you NOT savvy in business, you are :cuckoo:
oh DARN say it ain't so


SeaTac workers “not happy” with $15 min. wage

Published May 28, 2014
sea tac

Last January, SeaTac implemented a $15 per hour minimum wage for hospitality and transportation workers. The consequences to the drastic hike in wages are just beginning to be realized—and it’s not pretty.

A writer for NW Asian Weekly recently blogged about her experience attending an event at a SeaTac hotel. She asked employees if they were “happy with the $15 wage.” The ensuing conversations,

“It sounds good, but it’s not good,” the woman said.

“Why?” I asked.

“I lost my 401k, health insurance, paid holiday, and vacation,” she responded. “No more free food,” she added.

“The hotel used to feed her. Now, she has to bring her own food. Also, no overtime, she said. She used to work extra hours and received overtime pay.

“What else? I asked.

“I have to pay for parking,” she said.

“I then asked the part-time waitress, who was part of the catering staff.

“Yes, I’ve got $15 an hour, but all my tips are now much less,” she said. Before the new wage law was implemented, her hourly wage was $7. But her tips added to more than $15 an hour. Yes, she used to receive free food and parking. Now, she has to bring her own food and pay for parking.”

SeaTac workers ?not happy? with $15 min. wage

looks like the only ones who made out on all this is the BIG CORPORATIONS...can't be Democrats are for them huh?

I truly feel for her. However, what the hell does she expect? If I have to pay the increased prices (which the customer will) why the HELL would I tip the waitress who I know is making $15 per hour?

Tips would necessarily be a thing of the past.

Absolutely. I'm all in favor of getting rid of tips. BTW, not everybody in SeaTac is paying the $15.00 an hour. My friend works as a maid and she's not getting the $15.00 an hour, but the hotel across the street is paying it and my friend's hotel doesn't seem to understand why they are losing workers.
oh DARN say it ain't so


SeaTac workers “not happy” with $15 min. wage

Published May 28, 2014
sea tac

Last January, SeaTac implemented a $15 per hour minimum wage for hospitality and transportation workers. The consequences to the drastic hike in wages are just beginning to be realized—and it’s not pretty.

A writer for NW Asian Weekly recently blogged about her experience attending an event at a SeaTac hotel. She asked employees if they were “happy with the $15 wage.” The ensuing conversations,

“It sounds good, but it’s not good,” the woman said.

“Why?” I asked.

“I lost my 401k, health insurance, paid holiday, and vacation,” she responded. “No more free food,” she added.

“The hotel used to feed her. Now, she has to bring her own food. Also, no overtime, she said. She used to work extra hours and received overtime pay.

“What else? I asked.

“I have to pay for parking,” she said.

“I then asked the part-time waitress, who was part of the catering staff.

“Yes, I’ve got $15 an hour, but all my tips are now much less,” she said. Before the new wage law was implemented, her hourly wage was $7. But her tips added to more than $15 an hour. Yes, she used to receive free food and parking. Now, she has to bring her own food and pay for parking.”

SeaTac workers ?not happy? with $15 min. wage

looks like the only ones who made out on all this is the BIG CORPORATIONS...can't be Democrats are for them huh?

I truly feel for her. However, what the hell does she expect? If I have to pay the increased prices (which the customer will) why the HELL would I tip the waitress who I know is making $15 per hour?

Tips would necessarily be a thing of the past.

Sounds to me like you-----you personally are just looking for an excuse to rip-off low wage workers - me, I'll continue to tip where tipping is called for but-----but back to the subject of the thread... You are aware, are you not that Washington State is creating jobs (#1) faster than any other state and-----and Washington State has the highest minimum wage in country. Dems da empirical facts dude/dudette - what yer blowin' is just rightwing BS.

Washington state defies minimum wage logic - May. 14, 2014

By Katie Lobosco

Raising the minimum wage could lift hundreds of thousands of low-wage workers out of poverty, but it's also a job killer. Right?

Not so fast. In Washington state, small businesses are adding jobs faster than any other state in the country, according to a report from Paychex and IHS. It's also the state where minimum wage, at $9.32 per hour, is the highest.


But the report from Paychex and IHS, whichmeasured job additions and layoffs at 350,000 small businesses, could dispute that claim. Not only was Washington the strongest state, San Francisco -- with a minimum wage of $10.74, the country's highest -- had the greatest job gains in the past year among cities measured.


Don't listen to this clown. Price increases are passed along to the customer - regardless of the price increase. Otherwise, that McDonald hamburger that you pay $3.39 for would still be $.35

Companies that don't raise prices to offset increases in labor, or goods and services go bankrupt. That is Business 101.

You know nothing about economics. The reason that $.35 burger cost ten times more is because the US dollar fell 96% due to money printing. Wages are always trying to play catch up with inflation but never do keep up.

So let me get this straight skippy. According to you, you say that rather than pass the cost of doing business along to customers, businesses will "lower their prices" and attempt to make the deficit up in sale quanity.

You, sir, no nothing about economics. Not only are you NOT savvy in business, you are :cuckoo:

The problem with you voodo inflationomic retards is you can't even comprehend plain English, much less economics.

Deflation forces prices down. Business will never willingly lower prices & are always trying to charge as much possible. Customers will not allow you to hike price in a deflationary environment created by lower deficits.

Prices usually just stagnate with those opposing forces & history proves the declining dollar dramatically slows it's fall when minimum wage is raised above government support levels.

Interesting you mentioned Business 101 earlier. Because college business 101 doctrine was created & inserted into schools by Wallstreet Bankers to brainwash idiots like you into keeping your money going to them. They teach fantasy wage/price spiral & Philips-curve inflation creates jobs nonsense. They turn out voodo inflationomic retards like yourself by the millions. :cuckoo: Someday you might grow a brain & a pair & demand your money back for those classes. Because you will never get anywhere in life with your head up your ass.

Even during the peak of unions in this country, wages did not drive inflation, wages have never caused prices to rise. Unions strikes did disrupt the economy & cost jobs, but minimum wage has never, never, never, never caused a wage/price-spiral that your business 101 class hammered into your head.

I will leave you with this. A couple years back McDonald's raised prices. Their McDouble went from $1 to $1.29 because their input commodity prices rose. Their workers did not get a raise or any extra healthcare benefits. The farm field hands picking the food did not get raises or more benefits. But McDonalds prices rise 29% even if you lower wages or hold them the same. It's called inflation & it is 100% created by Bankers & Governments. So keep worshiping the Bankers that created that Business 101 course that indoctrinated your stupid ass.:cuckoo: But in the real world, workers never create inflation, they are deflationary because they create goods, services & wealth to pay down the inflationary debts created by Bankers & Governments.

It is extremely inefficient to hire government employees to tax people to redistribute & pay to someone else underpaid worker. It is unproductive, inflationary & destroys the economy & jobs. Keeping the minimum wage above government support levels keeps workers off the government dole, shrinks government, increases efficiency.
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oh DARN say it ain't so


SeaTac workers “not happy” with $15 min. wage

Published May 28, 2014
sea tac

Last January, SeaTac implemented a $15 per hour minimum wage for hospitality and transportation workers. The consequences to the drastic hike in wages are just beginning to be realized—and it’s not pretty.

A writer for NW Asian Weekly recently blogged about her experience attending an event at a SeaTac hotel. She asked employees if they were “happy with the $15 wage.” The ensuing conversations,

“It sounds good, but it’s not good,” the woman said.

“Why?” I asked.

“I lost my 401k, health insurance, paid holiday, and vacation,” she responded. “No more free food,” she added.

“The hotel used to feed her. Now, she has to bring her own food. Also, no overtime, she said. She used to work extra hours and received overtime pay.

“What else? I asked.

“I have to pay for parking,” she said.

“I then asked the part-time waitress, who was part of the catering staff.

“Yes, I’ve got $15 an hour, but all my tips are now much less,” she said. Before the new wage law was implemented, her hourly wage was $7. But her tips added to more than $15 an hour. Yes, she used to receive free food and parking. Now, she has to bring her own food and pay for parking.”

SeaTac workers ?not happy? with $15 min. wage

looks like the only ones who made out on all this is the BIG CORPORATIONS...can't be Democrats are for them huh?

I truly feel for her. However, what the hell does she expect? If I have to pay the increased prices (which the customer will) why the HELL would I tip the waitress who I know is making $15 per hour?

Tips would necessarily be a thing of the past.

Sounds to me like you-----you personally are just looking for an excuse to rip-off low wage workers - me, I'll continue to tip where tipping is called for but-----but back to the subject of the thread... You are aware, are you not that Washington State is creating jobs (#1) faster than any other state and-----and Washington State has the highest minimum wage in country. Dems da empirical facts dude/dudette - what yer blowin' is just rightwing BS.

Washington state defies minimum wage logic - May. 14, 2014

By Katie Lobosco

Raising the minimum wage could lift hundreds of thousands of low-wage workers out of poverty, but it's also a job killer. Right?

Not so fast. In Washington state, small businesses are adding jobs faster than any other state in the country, according to a report from Paychex and IHS. It's also the state where minimum wage, at $9.32 per hour, is the highest.


But the report from Paychex and IHS, whichmeasured job additions and layoffs at 350,000 small businesses, could dispute that claim. Not only was Washington the strongest state, San Francisco -- with a minimum wage of $10.74, the country's highest -- had the greatest job gains in the past year among cities measured.


And you can kiss my black ass. I ALWAYS tip well. But I I will be damned if I tip a waitress who is making $15 per hour. Ain't gonna happen. Again, start kissing.
Oh! I love people who know nothing about Seattle. Too bad more cities, especially in red states were like Seattle. Then the people who live in the Seattle wouldn't have to send their tax dollars to red states.

If fricken retard Progressive Liberals in Seattle didn't vote for Nanny State Liberals in Congress they wouldn't be sending their tax dollars to Red States.
Just like a stupid Liberal ... Vote for politicians who support the programs you don't want to pay for.

If you folks in Seattle would quit screwing the rest of us and mind your own business ... You would soon see where we aren't complaining about the stupid decisions you make.


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