Sebelius: I can’t suspend the lung-transplant rules for a dying 10-year-old

My husband's transplant didn't go through insurance at all. It was a charitable foundatiin of Steven Spielberg and the Max Factor company at the Cedars Sinai Transplant Center. Most insurance policies exclude transplants. Those who need transplants go through a transplant center most of the time.
thx for missing my point.

your point, as best i can see it, centered around an insurance company or the hhs secretary making the decision on who gets an organ.

that doesn't happen.

no, not exactly, the point was she is telling us exactly what any insurance co. would say if petitioned to pay for such etc..... so all that crap about obamacare taking the evil ins. co's and their denial of care, influence on care etc. out of the picture was a distinction with no difference...shes in no better position to enact or deliver care than any ins co. is or will be.....the end result being she getting hammered fort things outside her control and purview.
Sarah Murnaghan lung transplant case: Sebelius ordered to make exception on transplant - Brett Norman -

See, you can make government react much easier than big business.
Not surprising that rw's are whining about death panels when the answer to this is very easy.

Become a donor.

But, don't even consider being part of the solution when blaming Dems is so much easier for you idiots.

More like the right is lying about ‘death panels.’

Right...No death panel...Just a Death Czarina.

Hope that makes you feel better, tovarich.
Sarah Murnaghan lung transplant case: Sebelius ordered to make exception on transplant - Brett Norman -

See, you can make government react much easier than big business.

so the judge could not have ordered them ( a private entity) to give it to her?

well thats another knock on obamacare, not everything will make it to a judge nor be amendable to judicial oversight, absent a circuit or supreme court case, and when the gov. says no, its no, there is NO court of last resort, while an insurance co. that breaks its contracted coverage policy scope is......
Because the cost would go up substantially - a person could choose to buy an organ directly from another person - it would go to the highest bidder don't you think?

If that were true, the Soviet Union would have been the most cost effective economy the world has ever known.

Central planning NEVER results in lower prices.

Costs would in fact decrease because COMPETITION and CHOICE would enter into the picture, something you can't get with top down control.

Stop thinking like a Marxist.

it's your belief that somehow the market for hearts, lungs, and livers would somehow become flush with product if there weren't government rules on selling said organs?

where would those organs come from?

Where do you think?

There are plenty of places already involved in trafficking organs.

It's not pretty.
If that were true, the Soviet Union would have been the most cost effective economy the world has ever known.

Central planning NEVER results in lower prices.

Costs would in fact decrease because COMPETITION and CHOICE would enter into the picture, something you can't get with top down control.

Stop thinking like a Marxist.

it's your belief that somehow the market for hearts, lungs, and livers would somehow become flush with product if there weren't government rules on selling said organs?

where would those organs come from?

Where do you think?

There are plenty of places already involved in trafficking organs.

It's not pretty.
Black marketeering in communist and (allegedly) former communist countries isn't the legitimate marketplace.
If we stopped the idiotic flow of money into embryonic stem cell research and put it into adult stem cell research we'd be closer to growing what we need in laboratories. There has already been proven success in adult stem cell research.
it's your belief that somehow the market for hearts, lungs, and livers would somehow become flush with product if there weren't government rules on selling said organs?

where would those organs come from?

Where do you think?

There are plenty of places already involved in trafficking organs.

It's not pretty.
Black marketeering in communist and (allegedly) former communist countries isn't the legitimate marketplace.

Maybe what he means by competition and choice is to treat human organs like any other commodity. Have breeding farms. The farms would compete with one another as to product and allow the consumer a real choice. That would legalize organ trade and eliminate the black market. Families burdened by too many children like some in India could sell their unwanted children to a farm and lift that family out of poverty. At least for awhile.
What Sebelius is saying is that she CAN'T change the rules put into place by medical decision makers.

This article, which is in a related topic, explains why Sebelius shouldn't interfere.

Little Sarah Murnaghan's Needed Lung Transplant: Why Gov't Should Not Intervene - The Brenner Brief | The Brenner Brief

BS-She is the HHS top dog.

Murnaghan Family to OPTN/UNOS: Stop Age Discrimination! ?

This IS discrimination, period!!

Statistics that I've come across irl : 66% of adult organ donations survive, while only 23% of pediatric donations survive.
Why is that? Pediatric donations are rare.

In this specific case, Sarah only needs part of a lobe.

If the organ does not conform ( fit) only then should 'we' acquit.

UPDATE: Judge backs parents in battle over lung transplant rules -
thx for missing my point.

your point, as best i can see it, centered around an insurance company or the hhs secretary making the decision on who gets an organ.

that doesn't happen.

no, not exactly, the point was she is telling us exactly what any insurance co. would say if petitioned to pay for such etc..... so all that crap about obamacare taking the evil ins. co's and their denial of care, influence on care etc. out of the picture was a distinction with no difference...shes in no better position to enact or deliver care than any ins co. is or will be.....the end result being she getting hammered fort things outside her control and purview.

I'd agree with you except for the fact that Sebelius has issued tons-o-Obamacare Waivers for Obama Cronies. She apparently has wide discretion to make and break rules, so her sanctimonious adherence to the transplant reg is just self-serving avoidance of responsibility.
your point, as best i can see it, centered around an insurance company or the hhs secretary making the decision on who gets an organ.

that doesn't happen.

no, not exactly, the point was she is telling us exactly what any insurance co. would say if petitioned to pay for such etc..... so all that crap about obamacare taking the evil ins. co's and their denial of care, influence on care etc. out of the picture was a distinction with no difference...shes in no better position to enact or deliver care than any ins co. is or will be.....the end result being she getting hammered fort things outside her control and purview.

I'd agree with you except for the fact that Sebelius has issued tons-o-Obamacare Waivers for Obama Cronies. She apparently has wide discretion to make and break rules, so her sanctimonious adherence to the transplant reg is just self-serving avoidance of responsibility.

I agree to an extent but, thats my larger point, when dems find it necessary to trot out say, Obamas mom who was supposedly denied care/coverage etc. , its cool, now the shoe is on the other foot, the gop is trotting out an emotional paradigm none of which is good and just points to what a mess we are going to be in.

How is this kind of thing going to work once the IPAB gets rolling? Judges are going to jump in since congress cannot overrule the IPAB?

It's a TRAIN WRECK!!!!!!
Survival for purposes of transplants is 5 years. Cystic fibrosis is incurable and will reoccur even if this transplant is a success. At best Sarah will die in a few years. Someone with a better chance of surviving a lifetime will now not survive at all. I would hate to be the parent's of some 18 year old on the wait list.

These are such hard decisions. Made worse because they must be made without the least bit of sympathy or compassion. I can't fault the parents. I would do the same thing. That's why these decisions are divorced from emotion.
Where do you think?

There are plenty of places already involved in trafficking organs.

It's not pretty.
Black marketeering in communist and (allegedly) former communist countries isn't the legitimate marketplace.

Maybe what he means by competition and choice is to treat human organs like any other commodity. Have breeding farms. The farms would compete with one another as to product and allow the consumer a real choice. That would legalize organ trade and eliminate the black market. Families burdened by too many children like some in India could sell their unwanted children to a farm and lift that family out of poverty. At least for awhile.
Wouldn't even need breeding farms.

If heirs could sell the organs of the recently deceased or the living could sell extras (i.e. a kidney) there would be far more organs available for transplant.

More organs available = costs coming down = more people can be saved....Real simple math.

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