Second Amendment based on Slavery?

oh boloney. More leftist revisionist history. The reason for the 2nd was that those early colonists faced such persecution for their religious beliefs and were harassed and attacked, tortured and killed by the government of those european countries that they did not want that to happen again. The 2nd was so that THE PEOPLE could protect themselves from an out of control gov't such as we have now. SO. i can see why the left is lying about this. They think they'll get more sympathy/empathy for revoking the second if they can get the mob to believe their bullshit. It ain't all about you, lefties.
No. The reason Virginia (a colony that depended on slave labor for their tobacco crops) ratified the 2nd Amendment on December 15, 1791 was because the Africans started a slave revolt in Haiti on August 22, 1791.
That slave revolt scared the slave holders in the US. Their livelihoods depended on the slaves. They absolutely needed that 2nd Amendment to keep the slaves from rising up and killing their masters. Without this reassurance of a militia, the southern colonies (Virginia in particular)weren't going to sign on to the Constitution.
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Guns were certainly not used against slaves. How ridiculous. Misbehaving slaves weren't shot. They were whipped with a sturdy leather whip. To really teach the cretins a lesson, they got the cat or cat o nine, a multi strap whip.
If a group of slaves were intent on revolting against their master, a whip might not be enough. If things got serious for the master, yes, he would need a gun. He would also need a militia to help him out.
Hence, the 2nd Amendment.
The enslaved Africans in Haiti did something that had never been done before. They rose up and went to war against their slavemasters, the French.
Haiti was a very rich island. The slaves created great wealth with sugar cane and other crops. The French treated them very cruelly though. So they decided to revolt in 1791 under the direction of General Toussaint L'Overture.
Napoleon Bonaparte couldn't believe an Army of uneducated slaves defeated his Army.
Haiti has been despised in the Western hemisphere ever since. It is the ONLY country in the world to gain it's independence from their slavemasters.
If a group of slaves were intent on revolting against their master, a whip might not be enough. If things got serious for the master, yes, he would need a gun. He would also need a militia to help him out.
Hence, the 2nd Amendment.
Not at all. You may as well say that the James gang was escaped slaves. Why did people who never owned a slave have guns? Slave owners never wanted to kill or even maim slaves. That's some valuable livestock. You do realize that slaves were considered livestock like cattle or horses or pigs. The cows are not shot when they wander out of the pasture.
Not at all. You may as well say that the James gang was escaped slaves. Why did people who never owned a slave have guns? Slave owners never wanted to kill or even maim slaves. That's some valuable livestock. You do realize that slaves were considered livestock like cattle or horses or pigs. The cows are not shot when they wander out of the pasture.
Even the White people who didn't own slaves were expected to help keep them under control and dominated. That's why they needed militias for when the slaves looked like they wanted to be free and ready to revolt.
Ever hear of Denmark Vesey? Gabriel Prosser? Nat Turner? The first 2 planned revolts, but couldn't carry them out. Nat Turner did carry out an uprising and killed several Whites. He and his helpers were all caught and put to death.
Yes, I know slaves were considered to be livestock. Those slave masters sure did enjoy bedding down with the livestock didn't they? ;-)
Even the White people who didn't own slaves were expected to help keep them under control and dominated. That's why they needed militias for when the slaves looked like they wanted to be free and ready to revolt.
Ever hear of Denmark Vesey? Gabriel Prosser? Nat Turner? The first 2 planned revolts, but couldn't carry them out. Nat Turner did carry out an uprising and killed several Whites. He and his helpers were all caught and put to death.
Yes, I know slaves were considered to be livestock. Those slave masters sure did enjoy bedding down with the livestock didn't they? ;-)
Nevertheless, slavery had nothing to do with the Second Amendment. That is what protects every other constitutional provision. I do have something to say about bedding down with slaves. Piffle.
Nevertheless, slavery had nothing to do with the Second Amendment. That is what protects every other constitutional provision. I do have something to say about bedding down with slaves. Piffle.
Slavery had a lot to do with the 2nd Amendment---read up on it. Google: Carol Anderson/The Second.
So, if those enslaved African women were livestock and those White slavemasters were getting it on with them, does that mean the slavemasters were practicing beastility? Or did they know the slaves were human beings and they were just lying about them being livestock?
Just curious.
2A / RTKBA allowed freed Blacks the right to weapons right after the civil war and during the Democrat Kluxer Zeitgeist from 1870s til 1986 ( Year the Knights of the Ku klux Klan was litigated outta existence )
Right after the Civil War all people of African descent both freed and slaves were considered not to be citizens of the United States and were so ruled by the U.S. Supreme court in the infamous Dred Scott v Sanford case. Therefore black people were not afforded the protection of the the Bill of Rights which are the rights enumerated in Amendments 1 through 10.

That means that no, there was no right to keep & bear arms for black people at the end of the civil war. By the time the 14th Amendment was ratified giving black people the same rights legislatively that whites possessed, a myriad of gun control laws had already been passed for the specific purpose of denying black people, including any newly freed slaves, the right to defend themselves. This was in direct response to aggression carried out by the Klan who went on the offensive worried that black people would engage in behaviors that were not desirable for whites and they wanted to ensure that black people could not lawfully defend themselves, even to the point of prohibiting the ownership of dogs, who could be used for defense.

So yes, the first gun control laws in the U.S. had a racist origin and motivation:
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There is a book written by historian, Carol Anderson, entitled "The Second". In this book Ms. Anderson argues that the chief reason the 2nd Amendment was created was to help the slave masters keep the enslaved people under control. The southern colonists wanted this amendment more than the northern colonists, she says. She also said if the northern colonists hadn't agreed with this amendment, the southern colonists wouldn't have agreed to sign the Constitution.

It was actually because of martians.

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