Second amendment sanctury led to Colorado massacre

Stop demonizing BLM.
Why should violent criminals/terrorists not be demonized?
Who's a violent criminal or terrorist? And who's defending that criminal or terrorist? Are you referring to people who defend Trump?

Stop demonizing BLM. It shows you are out of touch. Cops do need to stop abusing young black men. Usually that's who've they've historically abused.
Earth to sealybobo, this is 2020, not the historical 1960s.

Ninety-nine point nine percent of cops abuse no one.

Black Lives Matter should be demonized and you know that for a fact. Why do you deny that they are a fraud and helped no one but a few of their top leaders? How does defending a group that stole millions from well-meaning people and companies help you?

Sealybobo, please share with us specifically how this helped any deserving black person or anyone else or that matter. Other than the few thiefs at the head of the organization.
Absolutists are idiots. It's like trying to use the Ideal Gas Law to design a fractioning distillation column.
Give an inch and anti rights fascists will take all you have. So fuck yeah I'm an absolutists. No more repeal the NFA gut the ATF and just make it the AT. Put firearms training back in school, arm teachers, end gun free zones, keep felons in prison, if the government says you paid your debt to society you get all your rights back. And no more gun laws.
Red flag laws using a judicial process with time limits and actually allowing the person in question to within days challenge the citation using a government appointed counsel would work for me.

But what we get are left wing de facto grab attempts.
Why don't red flag laws allow for incarceration?
I wonder how it would have gone down if the Jews in 1939 had guns. I suspect they would have handed them over just like you would if your government passed a law saying you can no longer have them.

If not, then abortion doctors should just keep on giving abortions and ignore any bullshit laws you pass. Right?
Good luck trying
As if an ignorant one-legged British faggot, citing an equally ignorant British source, has any standing to lecture us Americans regarding our Constitutional rights.

The people's right to keep and bear arms, along with most of the other rights explicitly affirmed in our Bill of Rights, are thee specifically because the British filth denied us these rights when they tried to rule over us. That's why we drove them out of our country, almost two and a half centuries ago.

The only thing you accomplish by attacking our rights now, is to remind us why our ancestors kicked your ancestors out of our country, and killed those that wouldn't leave peacefully.
Tammy is irrelevant
As if an ignorant one-legged British faggot, citing an equally ignorant British source, has any standing to lecture us Americans regarding our Constitutional rights.
The concept of Freedom! is hard to get one's head around for non US Citizens. But I'm learning to appreciate its special beauty.


Really, when one gets down to it, there's nothing finer.
The concept of Freedom! is hard to get one's head around for non US Citizens. But I'm learning to appreciate its special beauty.


Really, when one gets down to it, there's nothing finer.

Here…let me help…..

In Europe, in the 1930s, the Europeans didn’t have the same Right to freedoms that we have.

The Europeans at the time stated that Europeans had to register and later give their privately owned guns to the government because they would be safer if only he government had the guns……..the Europeans were told that the government would keep them safe so they didn’t have to worry.

Americans and the Swiss had freedom to own guns.

In the 1930s, the German socialists use the gun registration lists created in the 1930s to ban and confiscate all the guns not already handed over…..

Then, by 1939, the German socialists and the governments they controllled across Europe began a 6 year murder spree….and murdered 15 million, now unarmed, men, women and children.

In 6 years they murdered 15 million Europeans.

Those murdered were not criminals…..they were innocent men, women and children.

That is what “Not free“ looks like.

At the same time, in Switzerland, the innocent men and women of the country had military rifles…..and they had so many of them the German socialists decided not to invade their country…since taking on that “free” people with all of their guns, would have cost the German Socialists too many German socialist dead soldiers.

On the other side of the world…..the American people….a free people who had a Right to own guns………also didn’t experience the mass murder of the German socialists….

In fact, if you average out gun murder in the entire 246 year history of the United States……

You get about 2,460,000 gun murders…..

The victims of these murders are also not a majority of innocent people.

The vast majority of those murdered in the U.S. are criminals…..and the friends and family of criminals.

To recap…..

Not Free,” Europe…….

15 million innocent men, women and children murdered in 6 years.

Free Switzerland…..

0 people murdered by the German socialist because the Swiss had lots and lots of guns.

Free Untied States….

2,469,000 murdered over the entire 246 year history ……with the majority of gun murder victims not innocent people…..but criminals.

Also… Free America….

According to the Centers For Disease Control, Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives……to stop rapes, robberies, murders, beatings, stabbings, mass public shootings……

And Americans armed with their freedom and guns keep our government from murdering 15 million of us in 6 years.

So…..can you see the numbers that show the difference between “Free,” and “Not Free?”

And the , please tell us how the governments of Europe are currently prevented from murdering another 15 million…or more…..of their own citizens…since they didn’t learn the lesson from first 15 million they butchered…..and still won’t let their people keep and carry guns.

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