Second amendment, should felons be allowed to own guns?

You would certainly use it against minorities while claiming self defense when it was you that started the fight.
I’m a minority where I am.. and what’s wrong with confronting things in my community that see as bad?

Because what you consider bad is just the fact that you do not want anyone that is non-white in your neighborhood...

Fact is if you have a felony based on a violent crime then no you should not own a gun...
Not true I see kids walking around with there pants hanging down why can’t I confront them with a equalizer .

You want to confront them with a gun?

Because their pants are hanging down?

Dude, you're certifiable...
Nooo I would like
Protection if I’m going to Exercise my free speech

What are you referring to when you say "equalizer"?

Your freedom of speech?

Knock yourself out. Nobody's out to stop you...
It’s what ever the law finds equal

Oh, okay.

So if there are kids walking around your neighborhood with their pants hanging down, you would be perfectly within you rights to adjust your pants so you're wearing them the same way. People might laugh at you, but they're not going to try to stop you...
You would certainly use it against minorities while claiming self defense when it was you that started the fight.
I’m a minority where I am.. and what’s wrong with confronting things in my community that see as bad?

Because what you consider bad is just the fact that you do not want anyone that is non-white in your neighborhood...

Fact is if you have a felony based on a violent crime then no you should not own a gun...
Not true I see kids walking around with there pants hanging down why can’t I confront them with a equalizer .

What business is it of yours if they wear their pants hanging down? You don't like it? Look away. You should not be able to confront them with a gun just because you don't like the way their wear their clothes?
It’s offensive to my daughter it’s offensive to my grandmother is offensive to my mother and I have a right to say what I want

The most alarming thing to come out of this entire conversation is that Jitsie has a daughter. Bless her heart.
You want me to moon your daughter?

Well, if she calls you on it or laughs at you, don't start any shit. She has a CCP, and is an excellent shot.
Don’t make me laugh,, Do you know my line to her will be make me a fucking sandwich

Oh, and she does make a delicious sandwich. I figured I would tell you, since I know she will never make one for you.

Not even if you use your drill sgt voice that makes people fall to the ground in fear. LMAO!!
Yes she will heheh

My daughter doesn't suffer fools. Give her a hard time and you will be making her a sandwich. Not that she would eat it.

But feel free to order your daughter to make you a sandwich.
Are you saying that America needs more independent women then we need more strong women engineering a strong family? Asking for a friend

I believe we should encourage women to be strong and independent. I never let my daughter think she needed a man. She chose the man she is with.
So what happens to this country if we don’t carry on our traditions?

People live their lives as they choose and are free?

A lot of it depends on the tradition.
That doesn’t answer my question

Sure it does. You want an answer that says we follow ALL traditions or we abandon them all.

There is no need for such nonsense.

If the person in question wants to follow a tradition, more power to them. If they don't, they are not required.
You still are dodging the question

No, I am not. I have given you my answer.

People have a choice to follow traditions or not.
So the result of America having a new tradition of not having families will do watch this country?

Who said we will not have families? Men & women will still fall in love, still raise children and still spoil grandchildren.
Why! In your world
Woman are encouraged to break traditions
1. Sometimes traditions should be broken because they are outdated, archaic and just downright abusive.

2. No, you should never be allow to own a firearm no matter how much you beg and plea because you would kill someone innocent...
Well if I’m being attacked they weren’t Innocent

Until you panic and just unload your gun in the vague direction of what you perceive as a threat. Then you put a round through some kids window and kill him.
I don’t miss

LMAO! Riiiight.
I don’t , So the only person getting taken down is a troublemaker

Just be aware of those with a knife. See the 21 Foot Rule.
I live in a democratic run city which is over oppressive I have many felonies and I have more to come because of how they treat the citizens.. I want a gun to protect my self but can’t.

No one is stopping you from owning a gun but what is stopping you is that you would never own it legally.

If what you write is true and you have many felonies then no you should never be allow to own a firearm and why?

You are a prime example of a mass shooter in the making and why would I write that?

Simple, your thread calling for acts of violence in Boston, so no you shouldn't be allow to own one legally...

Name a mass shooter who had many felonies? You list other reasons why you don't think he should have a firearm but the protections of the Constitution, luckily, are not dependent on your opinion of people - or mine, or Jitss617's.

A better question for Jitss617 is would he support Massachusetts, the state he claims to love so much that he won't leave, having a three-strikes law so people convicted of 3 felonies get a life sentence as a habitual criminal? Because people who shouldn't own guns belong in prison.

Gun laws forbidding felons from having guns are not even intended to protect the community, they're just intended to ostracize the criminals. Ostracizing criminals is only intended to make sure that enough criminals remain criminals to support growth in police and prisons.

Recently I learned (who else didn't know?) that felons can't get SBA loans. It's just crazy. When the debt is paid, it's paid.. or should be. Just because you can't see the branded F on their foreheads doesn't mean it's not there. Carrying any punishment beyond the incarceration plus parole/probation is definitely cruel and unusual punishment.
I agree that the measures taken by government are almost invariably to strengthen it. However, with regard to a felon. You know the line. We are all endowed with certain inalienable rights...
If you accost me, you are robbing me of those precious rights which I cannot sell away. Therefore, society (government) has determined that you must forgo some of yours permanently.
I don't disagree with it completely.

Rights that government can take away are not rights. The fundamental principle of our Constitution and that the Founders worked for was a government that could NOT take away rights. Rights that the government can take are not rights at all; they're privileges.
You would certainly use it against minorities while claiming self defense when it was you that started the fight.
I’m a minority where I am.. and what’s wrong with confronting things in my community that see as bad?

Because what you consider bad is just the fact that you do not want anyone that is non-white in your neighborhood...

Fact is if you have a felony based on a violent crime then no you should not own a gun...
Not true I see kids walking around with there pants hanging down why can’t I confront them with a equalizer .

What business is it of yours if they wear their pants hanging down? You don't like it? Look away. You should not be able to confront them with a gun just because you don't like the way their wear their clothes?
It’s offensive to my daughter it’s offensive to my grandmother is offensive to my mother and I have a right to say what I want

The most alarming thing to come out of this entire conversation is that Jitsie has a daughter. Bless her heart.
You want me to moon your daughter?

Well, if she calls you on it or laughs at you, don't start any shit. She has a CCP, and is an excellent shot.
Don’t make me laugh,, Do you know my line to her will be make me a fucking sandwich

Oh, and she does make a delicious sandwich. I figured I would tell you, since I know she will never make one for you.

Not even if you use your drill sgt voice that makes people fall to the ground in fear. LMAO!!
Yes she will heheh

My daughter doesn't suffer fools. Give her a hard time and you will be making her a sandwich. Not that she would eat it.

But feel free to order your daughter to make you a sandwich.
Are you saying that America needs more independent women then we need more strong women engineering a strong family? Asking for a friend

I believe we should encourage women to be strong and independent. I never let my daughter think she needed a man. She chose the man she is with.
So what happens to this country if we don’t carry on our traditions?

People live their lives as they choose and are free?

A lot of it depends on the tradition.
That doesn’t answer my question

Sure it does. You want an answer that says we follow ALL traditions or we abandon them all.

There is no need for such nonsense.

If the person in question wants to follow a tradition, more power to them. If they don't, they are not required.
You still are dodging the question

No, I am not. I have given you my answer.

People have a choice to follow traditions or not.
So the result of America having a new tradition of not having families will do watch this country?

Who said we will not have families? Men & women will still fall in love, still raise children and still spoil grandchildren.
Why! In your world
Woman are encouraged to break traditions
1. Sometimes traditions should be broken because they are outdated, archaic and just downright abusive.

2. No, you should never be allow to own a firearm no matter how much you beg and plea because you would kill someone innocent...
Well if I’m being attacked they weren’t Innocent

Until you panic and just unload your gun in the vague direction of what you perceive as a threat. Then you put a round through some kids window and kill him.
I don’t miss

LMAO! Riiiight.
I don’t , So the only person getting taken down is a troublemaker
You put the P in patriots,, keep fighting for your rights sir!
I agree that the measures taken by government are almost invariably to strengthen it. However, with regard to a felon. You know the line. We are all endowed with certain inalienable rights...
If you accost me, you are robbing me of those precious rights which I cannot sell away. Therefore, society (government) has determined that you must forgo some of yours permanently.
I don't disagree with it completely.

Rights that government can take away are not rights. The fundamental principle of our Constitution and that the Founders worked for was a government that could NOT take away rights. Rights that the government can take are not rights at all; they're privileges.
My previous statement stands.
I agree that the measures taken by government are almost invariably to strengthen it. However, with regard to a felon. You know the line. We are all endowed with certain inalienable rights...
If you accost me, you are robbing me of those precious rights which I cannot sell away. Therefore, society (government) has determined that you must forgo some of yours permanently.
I don't disagree with it completely.

Rights that government can take away are not rights. The fundamental principle of our Constitution and that the Founders worked for was a government that could NOT take away rights. Rights that the government can take are not rights at all; they're privileges.
My previous statement stands.

Standing by your statement doesn't make it right.
I agree that the measures taken by government are almost invariably to strengthen it. However, with regard to a felon. You know the line. We are all endowed with certain inalienable rights...
If you accost me, you are robbing me of those precious rights which I cannot sell away. Therefore, society (government) has determined that you must forgo some of yours permanently.
I don't disagree with it completely.

Rights that government can take away are not rights. The fundamental principle of our Constitution and that the Founders worked for was a government that could NOT take away rights. Rights that the government can take are not rights at all; they're privileges.
My previous statement stands.

Standing by your statement doesn't make it right.
Meh...being correct is not required. Being content in your viewpoint is.
I live in a democratic run city which is over oppressive I have many felonies and I have more to come because of how they treat the citizens.. I want a gun to protect my self but can’t.

No one is stopping you from owning a gun but what is stopping you is that you would never own it legally.

If what you write is true and you have many felonies then no you should never be allow to own a firearm and why?

You are a prime example of a mass shooter in the making and why would I write that?

Simple, your thread calling for acts of violence in Boston, so no you shouldn't be allow to own one legally...
Where have a called for acts of violence in Boston?

Try not to pretend you never made asinine threats!
Where do you see violence? I never mention violence moron

Dude you lie all the time and have said you would use violence against Democrats, so just shut up for once!

You shouldn't even be allow in society but as long as you have no broken any law society will let you walk freely...

In the end you have a violent side and should not ever own a firearm legally...

Use a baseball bat for protection if you can lift one...
Where does it say that in the constitution?

Last I checked it doesn't say that you should be permitted to have internet access...

Actually, it does. Check the 9th and 10th Amendments.
You would certainly use it against minorities while claiming self defense when it was you that started the fight.
I’m a minority where I am.. and what’s wrong with confronting things in my community that see as bad?

Because what you consider bad is just the fact that you do not want anyone that is non-white in your neighborhood...

Fact is if you have a felony based on a violent crime then no you should not own a gun...
Not true I see kids walking around with there pants hanging down why can’t I confront them with a equalizer .

What business is it of yours if they wear their pants hanging down? You don't like it? Look away. You should not be able to confront them with a gun just because you don't like the way their wear their clothes?
It’s offensive to my daughter it’s offensive to my grandmother is offensive to my mother and I have a right to say what I want

Actually, you don't have that right. What you have the right to is to get your ass kicked if you start telling strangers you don't like how they're dressed.

The right that you do have is for Congress to not make any law restricting your freedom of speech, but no one else has that constitutional restriction - just like the owners of this forum; you say something they don't like - even if it's not in the rules, - and they can drop you like a hot potato. There are those who claim Congress, as used in the First Amendment, means States, and even that doesn't mean "guy on the street". Guy-on-the-street can restrict your freedom of speech - in fact, your physical ability to speak.
You would certainly use it against minorities while claiming self defense when it was you that started the fight.
I’m a minority where I am.. and what’s wrong with confronting things in my community that see as bad?

Because what you consider bad is just the fact that you do not want anyone that is non-white in your neighborhood...

Fact is if you have a felony based on a violent crime then no you should not own a gun...
Not true I see kids walking around with there pants hanging down why can’t I confront them with a equalizer .

What business is it of yours if they wear their pants hanging down? You don't like it? Look away. You should not be able to confront them with a gun just because you don't like the way their wear their clothes?
It’s offensive to my daughter it’s offensive to my grandmother is offensive to my mother and I have a right to say what I want

The way you talk to women (and about women) on this forum should be offensive to your daughter.

And I hate that you and your daughter are offended. But there is nothing in the US Constitution or the US legal code that says you have to be free from being offended.

Maybe if you were less of a snowflake, you wouldn't be offended.
All I’m doing is asking them to pull their pants up they might become violent usually people that have their pants hanging down are most likely going to be violent and now they’re going to meet their maker

I started out on your side in this topic. Although I certainly do support the right of released felons to possess a gun, you're an argument against it. A lot of gun banners will look to you and people like you to counter my arguments - as we've already seen on this thread.

If you ever do shoot someone in self-defense, these posts here will, hopefully, be reviewed and your intent to look for trouble and to shoot someone when that trouble comes will be part of the case against you. When you are looking for trouble, there's no self defense case to make. Maybe then, Massachusetts will lock you away forever... but, unfortunately for Massachusets, those liberals you hate so much keep letting people like you out of prison.
In my intro thread, someone posted about "rules, there are rules here?"

Over 3 pages of not a single on-topic mention in a thread.... This one's toast and I'm unsubscribing.
I agree that the measures taken by government are almost invariably to strengthen it. However, with regard to a felon. You know the line. We are all endowed with certain inalienable rights...
If you accost me, you are robbing me of those precious rights which I cannot sell away. Therefore, society (government) has determined that you must forgo some of yours permanently.
I don't disagree with it completely.

Rights that government can take away are not rights. The fundamental principle of our Constitution and that the Founders worked for was a government that could NOT take away rights. Rights that the government can take are not rights at all; they're privileges.

I do not disagree with this. But I think there are limits.

I also think Jitsie, as evidenced by his fantasies, should not be armed. For the safety of anyone who disagrees with him.
I live in a democratic run city which is over oppressive I have many felonies and I have more to come because of how they treat the citizens.. I want a gun to protect my self but can’t.

No one is stopping you from owning a gun but what is stopping you is that you would never own it legally.

If what you write is true and you have many felonies then no you should never be allow to own a firearm and why?

You are a prime example of a mass shooter in the making and why would I write that?

Simple, your thread calling for acts of violence in Boston, so no you shouldn't be allow to own one legally...
Where have a called for acts of violence in Boston?

Try not to pretend you never made asinine threats!
Where do you see violence? I never mention violence moron

Dude you lie all the time and have said you would use violence against Democrats, so just shut up for once!

You shouldn't even be allow in society but as long as you have no broken any law society will let you walk freely...

In the end you have a violent side and should not ever own a firearm legally...

Use a baseball bat for protection if you can lift one...
Where does it say that in the constitution?

Last I checked it doesn't say that you should be permitted to have internet access...

Actually, it does. Check the 9th and 10th Amendments.

If you could point out the words "internet access", that'd be just swell...
I live in a democratic run city which is over oppressive I have many felonies and I have more to come because of how they treat the citizens.. I want a gun to protect my self but can’t.

No one is stopping you from owning a gun but what is stopping you is that you would never own it legally.

If what you write is true and you have many felonies then no you should never be allow to own a firearm and why?

You are a prime example of a mass shooter in the making and why would I write that?

Simple, your thread calling for acts of violence in Boston, so no you shouldn't be allow to own one legally...
Where have a called for acts of violence in Boston?

Try not to pretend you never made asinine threats!
Where do you see violence? I never mention violence moron

Dude you lie all the time and have said you would use violence against Democrats, so just shut up for once!

You shouldn't even be allow in society but as long as you have no broken any law society will let you walk freely...

In the end you have a violent side and should not ever own a firearm legally...

Use a baseball bat for protection if you can lift one...
Where does it say that in the constitution?

Last I checked it doesn't say that you should be permitted to have internet access...

Actually, it does. Check the 9th and 10th Amendments.

If you could point out the words "internet access", that'd be just swell...

Internet access is not a constitutional right. But it is considered part of the public utilities
I agree that the measures taken by government are almost invariably to strengthen it. However, with regard to a felon. You know the line. We are all endowed with certain inalienable rights...
If you accost me, you are robbing me of those precious rights which I cannot sell away. Therefore, society (government) has determined that you must forgo some of yours permanently.
I don't disagree with it completely.

Rights that government can take away are not rights. The fundamental principle of our Constitution and that the Founders worked for was a government that could NOT take away rights. Rights that the government can take are not rights at all; they're privileges.

I do not disagree with this. But I think there are limits.

I also think Jitsie, as evidenced by his fantasies, should not be armed. For the safety of anyone who disagrees with him.

In the United States, at least how it is supposed to be, we punish for crimes committed rather than for the psychological inclination to commit a crime. There are limits, though, you're correct. They're defined in the Constitution as limits on government, not limits on people's rights.

Think of it this way. You are, or at least I am, by nature free and no man has any natural authority over us. By consent of our forefathers, government was created to provide for those things we cannot reasonably accomplish as individuals and that government was created by our Constitution. Similar to covenants on a home or property, their agreement on the Constitution binds their descendants. Others, who came later, voluntarily accepted the same covenants that now binds their own descendants. So now we have a government that has some authority - as created and limited by the Constitution.

If you think government has some authority to restrict a person's liberty then you should be able to define from where in the Constitution that authority comes. Otherwise, you must accept that they have some power simply by being "government"; that they have some natural power, by birth perhaps, over you.

I accept the role of government, as defined and limited by the Constitution, and accept the authority that grants to the Government. I do not accept any other authority, not traceable to the Constitution, or any natural right of any man to rule over me. No doubt, there are those who, unjustly, exercise authority over me by the power of their guns and prisons, and I succumb to it while I must, but I do not accept it as their right or just authority.

All those who exercise power by threat or by any means other than the authority of the United States Constitution, or State Constitutions where they are compliant with the United States Constitution, do so only through tyranny and are, themselves, tyrants.

So, if you think the Federal Government has the authority to strip convicted felons from any of the rights, privileges, or immunities of the United States, please provide the constitutional authority to back it up.
I agree that the measures taken by government are almost invariably to strengthen it. However, with regard to a felon. You know the line. We are all endowed with certain inalienable rights...
If you accost me, you are robbing me of those precious rights which I cannot sell away. Therefore, society (government) has determined that you must forgo some of yours permanently.
I don't disagree with it completely.

Rights that government can take away are not rights. The fundamental principle of our Constitution and that the Founders worked for was a government that could NOT take away rights. Rights that the government can take are not rights at all; they're privileges.

I do not disagree with this. But I think there are limits.

I also think Jitsie, as evidenced by his fantasies, should not be armed. For the safety of anyone who disagrees with him.

In the United States, at least how it is supposed to be, we punish for crimes committed rather than for the psychological inclination to commit a crime. There are limits, though, you're correct. They're defined in the Constitution as limits on government, not limits on people's rights.

Think of it this way. You are, or at least I am, by nature free and no man has any natural authority over us. By consent of our forefathers, government was created to provide for those things we cannot reasonably accomplish as individuals and that government was created by our Constitution. Similar to covenants on a home or property, their agreement on the Constitution binds their descendants. Others, who came later, voluntarily accepted the same covenants that now binds their own descendants. So now we have a government that has some authority - as created and limited by the Constitution.

If you think government has some authority to restrict a person's liberty then you should be able to define from where in the Constitution that authority comes. Otherwise, you must accept that they have some power simply by being "government"; that they have some natural power, by birth perhaps, over you.

I accept the role of government, as defined and limited by the Constitution, and accept the authority that grants to the Government. I do not accept any other authority, not traceable to the Constitution, or any natural right of any man to rule over me. No doubt, there are those who, unjustly, exercise authority over me by the power of their guns and prisons, and I succumb to it while I must, but I do not accept it as their right or just authority.

All those who exercise power by threat or by any means other than the authority of the United States Constitution, or State Constitutions where they are compliant with the United States Constitution, do so only through tyranny and are, themselves, tyrants.

So, if you think the Federal Government has the authority to strip convicted felons from any of the rights, privileges, or immunities of the United States, please provide the constitutional authority to back it up.

I did not say his constitutional rights should be stripped or abridged. The Gun Control Act of 1968 has made his purchase or possession of a modern firearm illegal.

What I did say is that Jitsie should not be armed because of his violent fantasies and tendency to threaten those who disagree with him. That is a personal opinion of his nature, nothing more.

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