Second Dead Body Found in Home of Prominent Democrat Donor Ed Buck

I've seen your posts. You are semi-literate and decidely inarticulate and obvioulsy the product of a combination of poor genetics and education; another child left behind, whether it's your fault or not. :(
Just another leftist drone apologist doing the work of Nan Pelosi and the Great Socialist Left.
I don't know if Penny is doing the work of the socialist left, but she is certainly the product.
A man’s body was found early Monday in the West Hollywood home of prominent Democratic donor Ed Buck, authorities said.


Paramedics pronounced a man dead at the scene. The cause of death was not yet known.

The dead man's name has not been released, but Nicole Nishida, a spokeswoman for the Sheriff's Department, said he was black.

Buck previously was investigated for the death of another black man in his apartment -- the 2017 overdose of Gemmel Moore, 26.

Buck was present for the deaths of both men, the Sheriff’s Department said Monday.

Buck's attorney, Seymour Amster, said Buck was not arrested and is cooperating with investigators.

The Free Beacon offers this nugget:

The Democratic donor "allegedly has a fetish for drugging sex workers," and was previously investigated after a man named Genmel Moore died of a methamphetamine overdose in Buck's home in 2017. The death was deemed an accidental overdose; however, several young gay black men have claimed Buck "has a fetish for shooting drugs into black men he picks up off the street or on hookup sites."
"I’ve become addicted to drugs and the worst one at that," Moore wrote in his journal before he died. "Ed Buck is the one to thank. He gave me my first injection of crystal meth."

Not weird. Not a cult.

Dear Peons,

This populist fantasy that there is a Deep State rich elite in this country immune even to laws about negligent homicide? Total fiction pushed on you by demagogues.
Clearly this reflects on all democrats. And,when we catch a squawking, homophobic gay republican diddling little boys, that reflects on democrats, too. Because, trump cult.
Maybe Adam Schiff should investigate his donors before he goes after Trump
The Democrats, who won power in the House based on record campaign spending, sure have a lot of creepy big-dollar donors.... There's Harvey Weinstein, who demanded sex and massages from the starlets in exchange for movie roles, and then sicced the private detectives on anyone who wanted to talk.
There's Jeffrey Epstein, who recruited little girls to sex-slave rings on his private island, reached through private jet travels to the Dominican Republic. You wonder why President Bill Clinton would get in the plane with this sort of person.... Now there's Ed Buck, reportedly a pervert with a 'thing' for getting young black male prostitutes high through date-rape drugs and involuntary meth injections, with a second dead body turning up in one of his apartments yesterday. The first death a year and a half ago resulted in the cops letting it be called an 'accidental' overdose, as gay and lesbian activists argued something worse seemed to be happening. There certainly were cries that Buck was let off easy because of his $53,000 in political donations to Democrats.... Now there's this second death. What a coincidence. Doesn't everyone have black male prostitutes turn up dead at their apartments every once in awhile? Buck claims the man was his 'old friend' and arrived at his house already intoxicated, apparently saying that was what happened with the first one, too. But let's see what the cops find on that one, two deaths amid reports of a weird drug fetish is quite a coincidence.... And guess who takes a lot of money from Ed Buck? Gavin Newsom. Kyrsten Sinema. Jacky Rosen, lots of Democrat big names. And sure enough, wannabe Vishinsky for Trump, Adam Schiff, who took at least $2,600.

The Democrat Party is proud To be the party of perverts. Perversion is “progress” In the Democrat Party. An in depth investigation into donations to politicians would probably turn up drug cartel money. They are all bought and paid for. That is the aversion to The Wall by the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat Leftists. And that's before we get to the human trafficking benefits that likely also include more than a few politicians.
Clearly this reflects on all democrats. And,when we catch a squawking, homophobic gay republican diddling little boys, that reflects on democrats, too. Because, trump cult.
It certainly reflects on all democrats who look to rationalize and make excuses for these crimes (
Democrat donors can be put into what somebody recently referred to as "a basket of deplorables". Kooks, oddballs, weirdos, perverts, and rapists. You name it.
Maybe Adam Schiff should investigate his donors before he goes after Trump
The Democrats, who won power in the House based on record campaign spending, sure have a lot of creepy big-dollar donors.... There's Harvey Weinstein, who demanded sex and massages from the starlets in exchange for movie roles, and then sicced the private detectives on anyone who wanted to talk.
There's Jeffrey Epstein, who recruited little girls to sex-slave rings on his private island, reached through private jet travels to the Dominican Republic. You wonder why President Bill Clinton would get in the plane with this sort of person.... Now there's Ed Buck, reportedly a pervert with a 'thing' for getting young black male prostitutes high through date-rape drugs and involuntary meth injections, with a second dead body turning up in one of his apartments yesterday. The first death a year and a half ago resulted in the cops letting it be called an 'accidental' overdose, as gay and lesbian activists argued something worse seemed to be happening. There certainly were cries that Buck was let off easy because of his $53,000 in political donations to Democrats.... Now there's this second death. What a coincidence. Doesn't everyone have black male prostitutes turn up dead at their apartments every once in awhile? Buck claims the man was his 'old friend' and arrived at his house already intoxicated, apparently saying that was what happened with the first one, too. But let's see what the cops find on that one, two deaths amid reports of a weird drug fetish is quite a coincidence.... And guess who takes a lot of money from Ed Buck? Gavin Newsom. Kyrsten Sinema. Jacky Rosen, lots of Democrat big names. And sure enough, wannabe Vishinsky for Trump, Adam Schiff, who took at least $2,600.

The Democrat Party is proud To be the party of perverts. Perversion is “progress” In the Democrat Party. An in depth investigation into donations to politicians would probably turn up drug cartel money. They are all bought and paid for. That is the aversion to The Wall by the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat Leftists. And that's before we get to the human trafficking benefits that likely also include more than a few politicians.
Going after traitor Donald is far more impirtant
A man’s body was found early Monday in the West Hollywood home of prominent Democratic donor Ed Buck, authorities said.


Paramedics pronounced a man dead at the scene. The cause of death was not yet known.

The dead man's name has not been released, but Nicole Nishida, a spokeswoman for the Sheriff's Department, said he was black.

Buck previously was investigated for the death of another black man in his apartment -- the 2017 overdose of Gemmel Moore, 26.

Buck was present for the deaths of both men, the Sheriff’s Department said Monday.

Buck's attorney, Seymour Amster, said Buck was not arrested and is cooperating with investigators.

The Free Beacon offers this nugget:

The Democratic donor "allegedly has a fetish for drugging sex workers," and was previously investigated after a man named Genmel Moore died of a methamphetamine overdose in Buck's home in 2017. The death was deemed an accidental overdose; however, several young gay black men have claimed Buck "has a fetish for shooting drugs into black men he picks up off the street or on hookup sites."
"I’ve become addicted to drugs and the worst one at that," Moore wrote in his journal before he died. "Ed Buck is the one to thank. He gave me my first injection of crystal meth."

Not weird. Not a cult.

Dear Peons,

This populist fantasy that there is a Deep State rich elite in this country immune even to laws about negligent homicide? Total fiction pushed on you by demagogues.
Schiff is not the FBI.
Dude sounds like a major creep and possibly a murderer.

Yup. Creeper plus and according to Moore he got Moore hooked on meth. Two dead men in his house from drug overdoses.

He must have illegal drugs in his house guy should be in jail.

Apparently his apartment was a den of drugs and paraphernalia. He should be in jail for that alone, but the wealthy and connected are afforded more legal luxuries than us common folk.
The mega democrat donor harvey weinstein will also be skating, and the left won't say shit. They will giggle and celebrate.

Harvey Weinstein Will Likely Skate in LAPD Criminal Investigations

The left sacrificial lamb, in order for them to attack Trump on the "metoo" bullshit, along with any prominent conservative threat......"Kavanaugh."

Make it look like the "metoo" shit is going after both sides. In the meantime, weinstein will skate.

Funny too, how the left are. More corroborating evidence, even tape recordings of this gigantic disgraceful typical jewish predator. Yet the left will laugh like they laughed when clinton skated while the same types of metoo scumbags (feminists and NOW) attacked the clinton victims.

They, attack Kavanaugh relentlessly, without one single piece of evidence. Not a recording, one photo, no witnesses, no corroboration of any kind and people that support get death threats from the same groups that defending this perverted faggot mega democrat donating scumbag.

Idk why, Kavanaugh is going to vote their way, anyways. He's another John Roberts.
Maybe Adam Schiff should investigate his donors before he goes after Trump?

You do know about the enemies of America that helped the Trump campaign and helped fund the events after the Swearing-in?

Oh yeah. How stupid a Trump apologist can be is highlighted with most every post you send out
A man’s body was found early Monday in the West Hollywood home of prominent Democratic donor Ed Buck, authorities said.


Paramedics pronounced a man dead at the scene. The cause of death was not yet known.

The dead man's name has not been released, but Nicole Nishida, a spokeswoman for the Sheriff's Department, said he was black.

Buck previously was investigated for the death of another black man in his apartment -- the 2017 overdose of Gemmel Moore, 26.

Buck was present for the deaths of both men, the Sheriff’s Department said Monday.
Sounds lie a wealthy JeffreyBuck's attorney, Seymour Amster, said Buck was not arrested and is cooperating with investigators.

The Free Beacon offers this nugget:

The Democratic donor "allegedly has a fetish for drugging sex workers," and was previously investigated after a man named Genmel Moore died of a methamphetamine overdose in Buck's home in 2017. The death was deemed an accidental overdose; however, several young gay black men have claimed Buck "has a fetish for shooting drugs into black men he picks up off the street or on hookup sites."
"I’ve become addicted to drugs and the worst one at that," Moore wrote in his journal before he died. "Ed Buck is the one to thank. He gave me my first injection of crystal meth."

Not weird. Not a cult.

Dear Peons,

This populist fantasy that there is a Deep State rich elite in this country immune even to laws about negligent homicide? Total fiction pushed on you by demagogues.
Sounds like a wealthy Jeffrey Dahmer.

You guys are in outer space. If one had a brain cell between all of the Republicans on this forum, it would amount to 1/8 of a brain.
Says someone who voted for hope and change...
Sounds like a wealthy Jeffrey Dahmer.

You guys are in outer space. If one had a brain cell between all of the Republicans on this forum, it would amount to 1/8 of a brain.
I think you are once again confused. The 8-celled brain is typical of the Democrat base.

Nope the 8 celled brain is very typical of the republican base.
I've seen your posts. You are semi-literate and decidely inarticulate and obvioulsy the product of a combination of poor genetics and education; another child left behind, whether it's your fault or not. :(

your avatar name gives you away, and your avatar picture of a dumb man.

Your posts are those of an unintelligent, ugly, ignorant woman.

Maybe Adam Schiff should investigate his donors before he goes after Trump
The Democrats, who won power in the House based on record campaign spending, sure have a lot of creepy big-dollar donors.... There's Harvey Weinstein, who demanded sex and massages from the starlets in exchange for movie roles, and then sicced the private detectives on anyone who wanted to talk.
There's Jeffrey Epstein, who recruited little girls to sex-slave rings on his private island, reached through private jet travels to the Dominican Republic. You wonder why President Bill Clinton would get in the plane with this sort of person.... Now there's Ed Buck, reportedly a pervert with a 'thing' for getting young black male prostitutes high through date-rape drugs and involuntary meth injections, with a second dead body turning up in one of his apartments yesterday. The first death a year and a half ago resulted in the cops letting it be called an 'accidental' overdose, as gay and lesbian activists argued something worse seemed to be happening. There certainly were cries that Buck was let off easy because of his $53,000 in political donations to Democrats.... Now there's this second death. What a coincidence. Doesn't everyone have black male prostitutes turn up dead at their apartments every once in awhile? Buck claims the man was his 'old friend' and arrived at his house already intoxicated, apparently saying that was what happened with the first one, too. But let's see what the cops find on that one, two deaths amid reports of a weird drug fetish is quite a coincidence.... And guess who takes a lot of money from Ed Buck? Gavin Newsom. Kyrsten Sinema. Jacky Rosen, lots of Democrat big names. And sure enough, wannabe Vishinsky for Trump, Adam Schiff, who took at least $2,600.

The Democrat Party is proud To be the party of perverts. Perversion is “progress” In the Democrat Party. An in depth investigation into donations to politicians would probably turn up drug cartel money. They are all bought and paid for. That is the aversion to The Wall by the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat Leftists. And that's before we get to the human trafficking benefits that likely also include more than a few politicians.
Going after traitor Donald is far more impirtant

Than stopping child sex rings and perversion in America when he's not a traitor at all? :cuckoo:

Let's be real here: What's the real reason it's so very important to "Go after" Donald Trump? I don't get it.
And here we have the Deplorable trumpanzees scraping the bottom of the tabloid barrel for their orange messiah.....:71:

Maybe Adam Schiff should investigate his donors before he goes after Trump
The Democrats, who won power in the House based on record campaign spending, sure have a lot of creepy big-dollar donors.... There's Harvey Weinstein, who demanded sex and massages from the starlets in exchange for movie roles, and then sicced the private detectives on anyone who wanted to talk.
There's Jeffrey Epstein, who recruited little girls to sex-slave rings on his private island, reached through private jet travels to the Dominican Republic. You wonder why President Bill Clinton would get in the plane with this sort of person.... Now there's Ed Buck, reportedly a pervert with a 'thing' for getting young black male prostitutes high through date-rape drugs and involuntary meth injections, with a second dead body turning up in one of his apartments yesterday. The first death a year and a half ago resulted in the cops letting it be called an 'accidental' overdose, as gay and lesbian activists argued something worse seemed to be happening. There certainly were cries that Buck was let off easy because of his $53,000 in political donations to Democrats.... Now there's this second death. What a coincidence. Doesn't everyone have black male prostitutes turn up dead at their apartments every once in awhile? Buck claims the man was his 'old friend' and arrived at his house already intoxicated, apparently saying that was what happened with the first one, too. But let's see what the cops find on that one, two deaths amid reports of a weird drug fetish is quite a coincidence.... And guess who takes a lot of money from Ed Buck? Gavin Newsom. Kyrsten Sinema. Jacky Rosen, lots of Democrat big names. And sure enough, wannabe Vishinsky for Trump, Adam Schiff, who took at least $2,600.

The Democrat Party is proud To be the party of perverts. Perversion is “progress” In the Democrat Party. An in depth investigation into donations to politicians would probably turn up drug cartel money. They are all bought and paid for. That is the aversion to The Wall by the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat Leftists. And that's before we get to the human trafficking benefits that likely also include more than a few politicians.

I heard Adam paid a 19 year old male $400,000 to keep his mouth shut -- this time

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